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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. (ooc) Thanks for the invite, Boss!



    At the inn, checking in at the front desk was a light blue unicorn mare with purple mane and a stethoscope around her neck. Using her unicorn levitation powers, she writes her name in the inn's registar book.

    "Starflower. There! All done!" she said as the quill dropped to the front desk. "I'll take my own luggage up to my room."

    She floated three pieces of luggage around her as she walked towards the stairs and into her room.

    "This will do nicely while I stay in Ponyville," she said, breathing a sigh of relief as she closed the door. Now standing in the hallway, Starflower was thinking about what she should do next.

  2. Basically, I've been a fanfic writer that started RP many years ago in the Super Furries, Fur Noir and Atom City Yahoo RP Groups. All three of those pretty much died out in recent years, so I was SO happy to be RPing here!

    Honestly, RPing with anthro superheroes isn't much different than RPing here in Canterlot, except for the limits of the Equestria World established by the cartoon's canon. And in Canterlot's Crossover section, those limits are lifted!

  3. (ooc): Ok, time to join the party!







    Destiny Star




    Entering the building are three pony friends: Mojo, a Paint breed Earth stallion with a peace sign cutie mark. Starflower, a taller light blue coated unicorn mare and Jubilee, a white coated blonde maned Pegasus.

    "Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! We're here at last!" Jubilee squealed. "This will be MY chance to SHINE!"

    "Chill out, Wings," Mojo said calmly. "A party is a place to unwind, relax, and enjoy."

    "Mojo's right, Jubilee," Starflower interrupted. "Settle yourself."

    "But you don't understand, guys! Big Time is one of the most famous talent agents in all of Equestria! If I can get him to notice me, I can finally get my career in entertainment launched!"

    "Fat chance, shorty!" a taller white furred unicorn mare with reddish poofy mane snorted as she walked up and looked down on her

    "Half a mo', I know you!"

    "Of course you do, hippie colt! I'm Destiny Star, THE greatest entertainer in all of Equestria! If anyone's going to get noticed by Big Time tonight, it's going to be ME!"

    "No need to be rude, Miss Star. After all, we're big fans of yours."

    "Look Nurse Cratchet, EVERYPONY is a big fan of Destiny Star!"

    "Quit insulting my friends!" Jubilee protested.

    "Oh? And what are YOU going to do about it, pipsqueak?"

    "Why you arrogant mare! Sapphire Shores is a way bigger star that you'll ever be!"

    Hearing this filled Destiny with rage. She used her unicorn magic to pin Jubilee up against the wall.

    "Don't you EVER mention that poser's name in front of me ever again! Do you know who I AM?"

    "Actually, I don't! Never heard of you!" Jubilee laughed. "Are you the caterer?"

    "Look over there!" Mojo shouted.

    "That's Big Time himself!" added Starflower.

    "BIG TIME!" Destiny shouted, dropping Jubilee to the floor before trotting over to a blue pony with darker blue mane. In her excitement, she didn't notice the blue stallion's burr cutie mark.

    "Sir, it is such a pleasure to meet such a brilliant, magnificent, important pony as yourself!" Destiny shouted as she bowed before him.

    "Who the hay are you?" the blue pony grumbled. "I'm just here for the free food!"

    "Wait! You're not Big Time!"

    "Big Time? My name is Saddlesore and if you don't mind, crazy hornhead, I'm going to chow down on the party snacks! They better be tasty! I galloped a long way to be here tonight so it BETTER be worth it!" he grunted, turning up his snout at the regal looking unicorn mare before walking away.

    "How DARE you talk that way to ME! I'm Destiny Star!"

    "Who cares?" Saddlesore shouted back as Mojo, Jubilee and Starflower began to laugh.

    "I'll get you three for this! Mark my words! This isn't over!"

  4. "I am doing vell, fraulien Shanna," the Professor said with a smile. "No vorry about dat dragon following me here to Ponyville. I have studied dragon for decades und day von't come to a town like dis. I tink..."

    The hungry green Pegasus devoured all the food sat before him with amazing speed.

    "Hoss, Shanna, dee two of you saved mein tail, literally! Allow me to repay your kindness by paying for dee rest of your meal! It's dee least I could do for you fine ponies! I vill even leave a handsome tip as vell. I vould offer you all a bottle of mein dragon repellent, but I tink dat vould not be a good idea."

  5. Copy/paste & cut/paste seems fine here.

    Yes, only 5 images & videos at a time.

    2 options. Stop being spammy or make another post. :grin:

    Maybe I wasn't very clear about the copy/paste problem. I just attempted to use copy/paste function with my mouse in the text of THIS post, and it doesn't work. You can copy/paste text FROM OUTSIDE a post to any post with no problem at all. Sometimes I liked having the ability to copy/paste text previously written in a current post within that SAME post. Not a biggie, I can work around it by using my WP program, but it is an annoyance.

    Wasn't attempting to 'spam bomb' the system, Artax. All I was attempting to do is recreated the illustrated Character Log I successfully set up in the previous MB, that's all. I'm not going to argue about it, if I can no longer have that, then that's fine. I can see where users could potentially 'abuse' the priviledge of posting walls of images in single posts.

    Not trying to be Mr. Complaint (or act like my OC Saddlesore) but just wanted to bring these things to your attention.

    Keep up the GREAT work on maintaining this wonderful world of Canterlot!


  6. One more thing. Is there an automatic 'time out' mechanism for this new MB?

    Noticed that this thing's been 'logging me out' from time to time as I post or surf here. Is that a quirk that can be fixed or a problem we're all just going to have to 'live with'?

  7. "Land sakes, Applejack! Ya better git on home befure.." Granny Smith said as her hat wearing granddaughter galloped off like a rocket. "Oh my! I better git movin' too!"

    The gray maned mare tried very hard to run, but her elderly legs could do nothing more than walk a tiny bit faster.

    "Reckon I can't run as fast as I used to. Too bad Applejack ran off so quick. Could've shown her the short cut I use to git to town. Faster than trottin' on the main road. C'mon Raindrop, I'll show it to ya!"

    Granny Smith moved a short distance to the end of a dead end street where a grove of trees stood.

    "It's jist down over this hill and then up that rise! We'll be at the barnyard before ya know it! I know these here hills like the back of my hoof! We won't beat Applejack to the house, but goin' this route she won't have to wait long for us to git there!"

    The lime green pony started down the short cut path, hoping Raindrop will follow her.

  8. Name: Reply/Posting/Editing post issue

    Section: All

    Operating System: Windows 7

    Description: Can no longer ‘cut and paste’ WITHIN edited posts (still accepts OUTSIDE ‘cut and paste’ operations just fine) and can no longer post more than 5 images in a post (we could before).

    Severity: Nothing to panic about, but annoying

    Reproduction steps: Open up ANY post with the regular editor. Attempt to do a simple ‘cut and paste’ with your mouse. It won’t do it. Try to post more than five images in a post. The system will give you a message telling you you’re posting too many images in a post.

    Expected result: Kind of expect these simple operations to work

    Actual result: Already stated above.

    Notes: Quirky things like these will happen in any massive upgrade. Not a big deal, just annoying, that’s all.

  9. Really? Both of those are weird.

    The image limit is probably a default by the new board, likely easy to fix.


    Of course, there are little 'fixes' that all of us as community members must perform for ourselves such as reloading our gallery pics and avatars, reset our links in our character logs and apps, things like that.

  10. This is a very interesting debate!

    Let me muddy the waters some more...

    IF there was a 'mixed' species couple involving one Pegasus, how could THAT family live on the clouds in the first place?

    If a Pegasus' spouse was either an Earth Pony or an Unicorn, by rule, they couldn't walk on clouds or for that matter, 'fly' from cloud to cloud (unless a unicorn spouse possessed powerful enough magic to both walk on clouds AND fly).

    So, if the couple was one Earth pony and one Unicorn, they'd almost have to live 'on the ground.'

    Thus, if a Pegasus/Earth or Pegasus/Unicorn had a foal, barring the use of powerful magic, they'd be living 'on the ground' anyway so the newborn pony would be safe, right?

  11. Sheriff Silverstar and Louise gasped at the boldness of Arrow Plain, leaping up on their table and getting into Maximillian's face. The mustached stallion immediately reached over with his hooved front legs and pulled her down off the table.

    "That is ENOUGH outta you, young lady! Now I was willin' to excuse your little run-in with me at the Train Station, but now you've gone TOO FAR! Hur-rassin' tourists ain't the way we do things here in Appleoosa! I have half a mind to lock you in the hoos-cow fer bein' a public nuisance, ya troublemakin' filly!"

    "How could you threaten to arrest this sweet little angel of a pony?" Louise neighed defensively. "What happened at the Train Station was an accident, and all she was trying to do here was express her opinion, that's all.

    (ooc: And now, imagine a halo appearing above Arrow Plain's head like with the Cutie Mark Crusaders in "The Stare Master" LOL)

    "Sweet littl' angel? More like a sour littl' demon! I don't tell YOU how to write books, so I'd appreciate it if'n ya didn't try to tell ME how to do MY job, ma'am!" the sheriff neighed before turning his head towards Arrow Plain. "Now you sit thar and finish your milkshake! If'n you tries disruptin' us adults oncest more, I'll do worst than puts ya in jail. I'll tell yur parents everything and they'll put old hickory to yur flanks, got it?"

    Then the Sheriff turns back towards Maximillian with a big, toothy grin.

    "Mr. Rockafilly, I am powerful surry bout all this. Normally our youngin's are a bit more well behaved than this. Please continue to enjoy all the hospitality of Appleoosa!"

    Looking a bit upset over the sheriff's words, Louise shakes it off as she turned to respond to Honey Thread.

    "Thank you, Honey Thread. We fillies need to stick together!" the brown Pegasus said, giving a wink to Arrow Plain.

    The sheriff then turned his head towards Honey.

    "Now don't git all riled up, ma'am. This town's growin'! More families are a-comin' here to settle down and raise foals everyday. Ain't nutin' wrong with more brave ponies startin' up more businesses here. Plenty of customers fer yur store, fer Madam Bistro's, fer everypony's businesses to make a profit!"

  12. "ACK! UN-NEE-MAL!" the stunned Professor shouted when he turned his head and realized his tail was on fire. The elderly green Pegasus breathed a sigh of relief when the twins quickly extinguished it.

    "Danka mein friends. I did need dat! I am fine now, fraulein, tanks to dees two young ponies!"

    The Professor then began to chuckle.

    "Dis is not dee first time I burned mein tail. Vhen I vas your age, as a student vone evening I vas mixing a new chemical creation in mein lab und.. BOOM!!!! Dee next ting I remember vas up a tree vith mein tail und mane burning! I vas sure in a barrel of trouble vith dee Dean dat day!"

  13. Cha0z didn't even give Canterlot a chance!

    Oh well.

    I came from a smaller MLP FiM RP site and to be perfectly honest, Canterlot is LIGHT YEARS ahead of that one!

    Sure, there's rules here, but if you DON'T have rules, all you have is CHAOS!

    I am LOVING my time here, even got a friend of mine to join too!

    Your loss, Cha0z.

    Canterlot.com is '20% Cooler' (actually, 200% Cooler) than anyother RP board I've ever been involved in!


  14. Before the elderly lime green mare could move a hoof, two of the Apple family foals took the key and carted Granny Smith's luggage to her room. They then returned to the table and placed the key near the Apple family matriarch.

    "Thank you, youngin's," she said as she turned towards the well dressed dapper stallion who shared her table. "And thank YOU sir, fer bein' such a gentlepony! Lots of folks kinda look down on me cause I'm old. Dang it, I can't help it that age is-a catchin' up to me! It's a pleasure to share a drink with ya. You've met all these relations of mine, but thar's one pony I wish was here. Braeburn! I hear tell Braeburn's a very important pony in Appleoosa! He's Sheriff Silverstar's deputy and he loves greetin' newcomers. Wonder where he is right now?"

    Granny Smith looked around and then turned her head back towards Hoity Toity.

    "I jist got me a jim dandy idear! How's about you and me take one of them thar fancy flyin' chariot rides together? The Sheriff sure looked like he was havin' fun in that contraption!"

    The gray maned mare then turned her head towards the front desk.

    "Hey thar Miss Bistro! Any idea when that thar flyin' chariot'll be back?"

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