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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. (ooc): Here comes one more ‘surprise’ visitor to Zecora’s hut, along with some cameo appearances by some of my other characters.


    Walking towards the White Tail Woods, Misty Magic was taking a leisurely stroll by herself. The petite yellow unicorn with short purple mane was a happy Post Office clerk by day, but with every waking hour, wanted to perfect her magical skills. Misty could do simple magical tasks such as levitation, but other spells she’d try often misfired. Today she was determined to practice teleportation. She walked a long distance away from her home so she could practice teleporting back to her living room.

    "This is far enough,” the determined unicorn said as she closed her eyes to concentrate. ”There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.”

    Misty’s horn glowed brightly and in a flash, she had vanished from the woods. Meanwhile, on the Fillydelphia Town Square, Mojo had just finished setting up his peddler’s wagon stage and began his sales speech to the gathering crowd of ponies.

    "Fillies and Gentlecolts! Welcome to Mojo’s Traveling Emporium! What have I got to sell? Lots of groovy stuff! Hoofmade crafts, shag rugs, lava lamps, fine homemade jewelry and art! I even sell fresh veggies, grown without the use of magic or any other artificial means! I’ve got everything a hip and happening pony would ever need!”

    As he finished speaking, Misty magically appeared on the stage with him, causing the gathered crowd to burst into laughter.

    "Hello miss!” the Paint stallion with the peace sign cutie mark neighed. "Ya must be eager to be me first customer!”

    "Oh no, no sir!” Misty shouted, looking very embarrassed. ”I was just trying to teleport to my house in Trottingham.”

    "Trottingham?” Mojo neighed in shock. ”You’re a bit off course, love. This is downtown Fillydelphia.”

    "Fillydelphia? Oh my! I’m really off target! Better try again! Goodbye!” Misty neighed before closing her eyes and vanishing from the stage. Meanwhile, at the main farm house at Sweet Apple Acres, Granny Smith had just placed two apple pies into the oven.

    ”By thunder, I did it! This old gal can still bake with the best of’m! I can’t wait to surprise my grandkids with my own recipe fresh apple pie to chaw down on!”

    As the elderly lime green mare turned to set the table, she screamed and jumped high in the air when Misty appeared on top of her table.

    "Land sakes! Youngin, you pertaneer scared the fur off my old hide!”

    "I’m very sorry, ma’am! I’m Misty Magic and I was trying to teleport back home.”

    "Misty Magic?” Granny Smith asked as she scratched her head with her left front hoof. ”Yur Mighty Magic and Abracadabra’s foal, ain’t ya?”

    "Yes! How do you know my parents?”

    "Youngin, when ya git to be MY age, you know EVERY filly and colt! Quite a magic act they had in their hayday! If’n ya run into Applejack or any of my other grandkids, tell’m to come straight home cause Granny Smith’s gotta sweet surprise fer’m.”

    "I’ll do that, Granny Smith, and thanks!” the yellow unicorn said as she closed her eyes and disappeared again.

    "Wait youngin’! Stay fer tea and cookies and .. she’s gone. These brash foals of today! Here one minute and gone the next like a flea on a hot brick! I sure hope Applebloom don’t grow up and act like that!”

    While she was teleporting, Misty was trying to focus on her living room, hoping that this time, she’d get it right. She felt herself materializing into a room. She opened her eyes, hoping she was back at her house. Instead, she saw Zecora and Pinkie Pie looking back at her in the middle of Zecora’s Hut.

    "Oh dear, I goofed again,” she muttered before looking up at them and smiling with a toothy grin. "Hello there! Hope you don’t mind me dropping in like this. Oh, excuse the pun, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to teleport into your home. I’m Misty Magic, could either of you kindly tell me where I am right now?”

  2. In all seriousness, a "fun" event just happened. Perhaps an event that proposes challenges for the ponies, along the lines of the Parasprite invasion.

    Ooh! A big mystery? Something shady happened (like an apparent theft, or proprty destruction), and nopony knows the whole story, just little bits and pieces. And everypony has to work together to figure it out.

    Like a forum wide game of Mafia? lol

    That might not be easy to do unless you had someone who 'god-mods' the thread so that all participants would be directed towards solving the actual mystery as opposed to just creating it 'on the fly'.

    This idea COULD work if either of the Princess sisters were DIRECTLY involved in 'guiding the traffic'.

    I don't know, I could be wrong.

  3. Grass is also acceptable to serve and I'd guess most veggies would work too, grilled or raw (Spike did ask for 'Hay Fries' once).

    Pinkie Pie, in "Fall Weather Friends" DID mention 'hot dogs' but my guess is that she meant the vegetarian variety (such as tofu hot dogs) and didn't mean the meat kind.

    It does seem odd that in "Show Stoppers" we saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders feeding pigs on a farm. If all ponies are non-meat eaters, why raise hogs? Cows and goats can give milk, sheep can produce wool and chickens (like the ones Fluttershy has) can produce eggs (which is technically meat, but Pinkie Pie did produce a queesh (sp) once in "Owls Well that Ends Well") but if you can't butcher a pig, what logical good does it make to raise them?

    Oops, I digress... hope this helps, Boss.


  4. As the group stood at the train station continuing in friendly conversation, Sheriff Silverstar was the first to spot the wayward flying yellow furred unicorn heading their way.

    "What in tarnation?" he neighed before pointing his left front hoof up in the air while screaming "INCOMING!!!"

    At this point, Louise LaMare screamed seconds before Arrow Plain collided into the mustached stallion, knocking him over and causing both herself and the Sheriff to come to a skidding stop in front of Maximilian Rockafilly.

    "Are you alright, young lady?" Louise asked."Do you need medical assistance?"

    "What about me?"

    "You're a rough and tumble lawpony. I'm sure this is all in a day's work for you," the brown Pegasus mare neighed as the Sheriff directed his attention to Arrow Plain, who was now lying on top of him.

    "Young filly, ya better have a powerful good explanation fer this!" Sheriff Silverstar neighed as he slowly got back up on all four feet. "A thousand pardons, Mr. Rockafilly. Normally, things here in Appleoosa ain't so strange."

  5. Please change your text to regular size and black instead of colored.

    Color is fine for RP, but extra flair is not necessary for applications.

    Done, but the last time I posted an application in regular size and black colour, I got a complaint from one of the help staff that my text was too hard to read.

    We'll see what happens this time.


  6. 5Rqq0l.jpg

    Name: Professor Clyde Krashkop, PhD.

    Sex: Male

    Age: Older Stallion

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: Green

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: White with short mane and tail

    Eye Color: Blue

    Cutie Mark: A lab beaker

    Physique: Average build

    Residence: Fillydelphia

    Occupation: Inventor/Lecturer/Professor Emeritus University of Manehattan

    Motivation: “To invent vonderful tings for duh good of all ponykind!”

    Likes: Inventing, research, exercising his mind, working in his lab

    Dislikes: Ponies who berate him, when his lab blows up, doubters

    Character Summary: Clyde was born in Cloudsdale, his parents worked as weather ponies, his father, Sirius Krashkop, worked his way up to Nightshift Supervisor by the time colt Clyde was ready to attend school. In school, the ambitious colt showed an amazing grasp for mechanical engineering. Though socially awkward because of his glasses and love for study, Clyde soon gained the reputation for being the smartest kid in the entire grade school. It was during a Grade School Science Fair when Clyde demonstrated his machine that could manufacture miniature rainbows that his cute mark appeared. To no one’s surprise, it was a lab beaker.

    By the time the green colt reached High School, he was making straight “A’s” and spending nearly all of his spare time in the school’s science lab until he blew it up in his sophomore year. It was then that the eager colt built his own science lab in a small building away from his house where he continued his numerous experiments. His grades were so outstanding, Clyde received a full scholarship to the University of Manehattan. In a matter of years, he had his Doctorate in Engineering and Physics. His Doctoral Dissertation was so impressive, the Board of Governors of the University offered him a teaching position on the spot. He taught there for many, many years before deciding to retire. With the money he made from all of his published science books, Professor Krashkop bought a small home in Fillydelphia but still continued his research. His once dark black mane all white now, the elderly Pegasus loves to travel, meet new ponies and try to instill in them a love and appreciation of science. He is in high demand as a guest lecturer all over Equestria.

    He's rather excentric and often appears to be confused but that's because he's a very deep thinker who is always plotting and planning some new invention.

  7. While on his usual patrol in the frontier city of Appleoosa, Sheriff Silverstar trotted down the street.

    "Looks like another typical day in our fair town! The sun is shining, the horses are drawin' horse drawin' carriages near the Town Square, the Wild West dances have started while the Mild West dancin' is still goin' on and.."

    "MORNING SHERIFF!" a cheery female voice echoed from above.

    "And Miss LaMare is taking her morning flight," the mustached stallion giggled as he looked above at the airborne brown furred Pegasus mare hovering above him. "Top of the mornin' to ya, Miss LaMare!"

    "Please Sheriff, call me Louise," she said as she landed beside him. "Out on your morning patrol I see."

    "Absoltively! It's my sworn duty as the Sheriff of this here town!"

    "Oh look! The train's arriving at the station! Bet we'll get a lot of happy tourists here!"

    "Now don't go throwin' a shoe, Louise. Better mozy on over thar and greet the newcomers."

    "I want to come too! After all, I am the newest resident of Appleoosa and I'd love to meet new ponies!"

    "You ain't gonna take NO fer an answer, are ya?"


    "Didn't think so, foller me," the Sheriff giggled as he and the winged mare trotted over to the train station. They arrived just in time to hear Max's greeting.

    "Hello Mr. Rockefilly! I'm Louise LaMare, welcome to Appleoosa!"

    "And I'm Sheriff Silverstar, we are all peached as punch that ya came to visit our fair town! If'n yur lookin' fer a place to stay while yur here or lookin' for a good home cooked meal, I recommend Madam Bistro's Bed and Breakfast right down the street from here. She makes THE finest coffee in all of Equestria!"

    "I'm staying there myself, until I can buy a farm with a sturdy house on it. Are you travelling alone? Is there a Mrs. Rockefilly?"

    "Louise! Don't git so nosy with yur questions!" the Sheriff scoulded before turning again at the newcomer. "Anywoo, sir, if'n thar's anythin' ya need, jist give me a holler, ok?"

  8. I don't know about that.

    So far on the show, the strongest thing there is to drink in Equestria is sassparilla (sp).

    In "Over a Barrel" we saw a 'bar' of sorts called "The Salt Block" but I don't think they were serving alcohol.

    About the strongest thing to drink in the series is the rainbow weather making liquid we saw in "Sonic Rainboom" and the 'hot sauce' Twilight Sparkle accidentally drank in the series premier.

    In fact, there wasn't even any evidence of alcohol (or anything close to it) served at the Grand Galloping Gala.

    You might want to consult with Manestream or Skye on this one before trying it.

  9. "Rockets?" Sheriff Silverstar asked. "You sure did pick a good place to test them thar things off in. We don't allow rockets like those to be launched in Appleoosa cause it'd be a fire hazard."

    "Homemade rockets! How exciting!" Louise LaMare neighed. "You have to tell me how they're made, Firecracker, if it's not a family secret."

    "Look miss, ya can't go round printin' up how to make rockets. Some of the foals back in town would read that and try to make'm themselves! Workin' with explodin' stuff is dangerous! If'n yur not careful, you could git yourself blowin' to Kingdom Come!"

    "Not to worry, Sheriff. I'm just curious about it. I have no plans to write a How To book about rocket creation."

  10. Granny Smith's face brightened after Hoity Toity spoke.

    "You're a talkin' about my granddaughter Applejack! That was a wonderful dress her friend Rarity made her. She even wore it to the Grand Galloping Gala. Too bad she didn't sell much apples there. I was lookin' forward to gittin' a new hip. Y'know, if'n you like my granddaughter, maybe you ain't such a snooty pony after all! Care to have a drink with me? I'm a havin' apple juice."

    The dozen Apple family kin decided to follow the lead of their matriarch, sitting down to have lunch while shaking hoofs with Hoity Toity and introducing themselves. They recognized that Granny Smith, in her own way, was trying to be neighborly to the sophisicated stallion.

    "Hey Miss Bistro! When ya git my room assigned, tell the two youngin's who got my luggage where it is. They wanna take my bags to my room for me."

  11. Hey bronies! Throw ideas for events at me please!

    We'd love to hear ideas from you guys on what kind of RP events, special events, or contests you'd like to see on the forum!

    ANYTHING you guys have, toss it here!


    Well, it'll be hard to top the Grand Galloping Gala, but how about a Ponyville County Fair? A fair complete with such things as rides, food and games (on the midway), pie eating contests, a parade and a grand barn dance too!

    How's that for starters?

  12. My town doesn't have a Target. :sniff:

    Same with me, but when I had to travel to Virginia on business a few days ago, I found a Target store there and they had a small "Canterlot" section with many toys and other MLP FiM stuff.

    The one thing that caught my eye was the storybook they have for sale.

    I quickly read through it (very short, lots of pictures) and although it was a sweet story about friendship, to me it wasn't worth the $9.99 price tag.

    I'd love to support buying MLP merchandise, but $9.99 for a short storybook? C'MON!

    All of us are currently RPing better stories than was in that book!

    But that's just my opinion, and opinions expressed on this MB do not necessarily reflect those of the owner, management and staff of Canterlot.com.

    (Just call that last like "My Little Disclaimer") :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  13. "Lands sakes! Applejack! What ur you doin' here in town?" Granny Smith asked her granddaughter as she listened to what she had to say, smiling. "Now Applejack, y'all know I don't need that thar walker thingie all the time. I was feelin' spry today, so I walked into town all by myself. Power surry I lost track of time, but I did make a new friend! Applejack, this is Raindrop. She helps her father in his moving business. Raindrop, this is my granddaughter Applejack. She and her brother harvest the apples on our farm back at Sweet Apple Acres! I used to help applebuck long ago, but I jist ain't got the hind leg strength fer it anymore. I was jist gonna take my friend out to lunch, wanna join us, Applejack?"

  14. "I knowed it!" Granny Smith neighed at Hoity Toity. "You do know the Oranges! They were a little bit too 'high and mighty' to come to the last Apple Family Reunion! Sometimes I think all that thar money they made in the stock market made'm all snooty!"

    Some of the Apple family relatives gasped in shock at what the matriarch of the group just said.

    "Well it's true! Ain't no sense in lyin' about it!" the lime green mare said before a smile came upon her face. "By gum! I'm gonna git me a ride on that thar flyin' cart thingie!"

    Granny Smith slowly walked up to the front desk. "Now then, young lady, how about a room and some grub? I don't want much to eat, jist a stack of pancakes, bowl of oatmeal with shedded hay on it, two apple fritters and a tall glass of apple juice, fer starters!"

    More looks of disbelief from the Apple family relatives.

    "Stop galkin' at me, youngins! I got my teeth in, and I'm as hungry as a picnic ant in the desert!"

  15. (ooc): Well, if no one else is going to take a turn here, I'll go again

    As Misty Magic pondered Big Time's offer, Saddlesore emerged from the restroom, his blue coat and mane now shining.

    "I had the weirdest daydream. I was a crab, then a mule, then a donut. Must be the odd surroundings in this city." the blue stallion said, noticing that most of the patrons of the donut shop were staring at him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!"

    Saddlesore noticed the line to the counter was now clear, so he galloped up to Pony Joe.

    "I want a pink donut and the strongest coffee you have! Do ponies often have hallucinations in your establishment?"

    Misty now looked up at Big Time, her donut now completely eaten.

    "Well, alright, but I'm not sure that you could make an entertaining show with a unicorn with unpredictable magic. My parents are in show biz, but the have their magic act down pat. Perhaps you've heard of them, Mighty Magic and Abracadabra?"

  16. "Jumpin' Jehosophat!" Sheriff Silverstar neighed as Louise unhitched herself and started helping him remove his restraints inside the cart. "You mean to tell me that all this here commotion was caused by a buncha firecrackers goin' off?"

    "Firecrackers! WOW!" Louise neighed, removing the last restraint from the Sheriff's body. "Sir, you have to tell me, are these fireworks of yours homemade? How easy or difficult were they to create? Do you plan to launch more of them today?"

    As the Sheriff climbed down and his hooves touch the ground, he bent his head down to kiss the soil of the desert.

    "Thank Equestria! I'm still alive!"

    Louise just rolled her eyes and laughed.

  17. (ooc): Good fortune is about to shine on the foals!


    Sheriff Silverstar walked back towards his office when he met Louise LaMare, one of the newest residents of Appleoosa. The famous pioner pony/Western novelist and author had just moved to town to live, wanting to fulfill her lifelong dream of truly living in a frontier pony town! The brown furred Pegasus was sort of 'sweet' on the Sheriff, though she hadn't really been brave enough to say it yet. Louise met the Sheriff in front of his office, dragging a rather large but surprisingly light burlap sack in her teeth.

    "Good morning, Sheriff!" Louise said after spitting out the sack from her mouth.

    "Good mornin' Miss LaMare! How's the moving going?"

    "Well, I haven't found a plot of land or house I want to purchase yet, but I shipped all of my things out here to put them in storage. The problem is, I shipped out so much stuff there isn't room to store it in the storage barn I'm renting.

    "I'm power sorry bout that, Miss LaMare. Anythin' I can do to help ya?"

    "There is one thing you can give me, some information. I managed to sell some of my excess furniture to a nice pony couple a half hour ago. I'm trying to get rid of some things I really don't need anymore. Does Appleoosa have a city dump or someplace to send garbage?"

    "Absoltively we do, Miss LaMare. But tell me, that thar sack you're draggin' around looks big but seems to be very light. If ya don't mind me askin', whatcha got in there?"

    "Well, this is part of the stuff I want to throw away. It's full of all the feathers I've ever molted since I was a foal. I know it's silly, but I kept them all. Every once in a while, a Pegasus molts it's feathers much like birds do.

    "And you saved ALL of them? If'n ya don't mind me askin', Miss LaMare, but why?"

    "Sedimental reasons, I suppose. I'm been a hoarder all my life. Guess that's why I have so much stuff, I just don't like throwing things away. But after much thought and the fact that I have no room to keep this sack in storage anymore, I just want to get rid of it."

    "SAY! I jist had a jim dandy idear! See them youngin's over there? They're gonna go out into the desert to make and fly kites! Bet they could put that thar sack of feathers to good use in buildin' them."

    "Perhaps they could! I would like to see them put to good use. I'll do it!"

    "Worse they could say is 'no thanks', right?"

    "Right! Thanks Sheriff! I knew you'd have the answer!" Louise said just before giving him a quick kiss on the right cheek. "See ya around!"

    As the Sheriff stood stunned at the mare's surprise gesture of affection, Louise tossed the sack of feathers on her back, steadying them with her extended wings before grabbing the top of her sack with her teeth. She then proceeded to trot over to the place where the foals were gathered.

    "Hello foals," the dark maned Pegasus said after spitting out the top of the sack from her mouth. "My name is Louise LaMare and I wonder if you could do me a big favor. I have this sack of old feathers I need to get rid of, and the Sheriff said you were all making kites! Could you use these feathers to build your kites with? After all, feathers are one of the most naturally light substances in nature and I'll bet if you sewed them together right, they would make kites that could stay airborne longer. I'm not trying to sell them to you, I just want to be rid of them. They're all yours if you want them. Otherwise, I'm going to toss them in the trash."

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