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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. "I'll let ya know when this here thing lands!" Sheriff Silverstar shouted, strapped securely in the wooden cart being flown through the air by the Pegasus team of Hoss Skybright and Louise LaMare, the famous author of pony pioneer-era Western novels. The brown furred Pegasus mare with dark mane had insisted on flying out into the desert with the stallions. She was a new arrival in Appleoosa and wants to experience real frontier pony life for herself.

    "Relax Sheriff, you're perfectly safe!" Louise shouted before turning her head to see Firecracker.

    "Hello there, sir! I'm Louise LaMare, the stallion hitched beside me is Hoss Skybright, and the quaking pony in the cowboy hat is Sheriff Silverstar. Pleased to meet you!"

  2. Louise kept up with Hoss, flying a steady course and allowing the Pegasus stallion to lead. In the back on the makeshift flying chariot, although Sheriff Silverstar was secured by straps, he was still uneasy about flying.

    "Just relax Sheriff," Louise urged as she continued flapping her wings in rythem with Hoss's. "Enjoy the ride!"

    "WWHHHOOOOOAAAAAAA NNNEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY!" the mustache lawpony cried out as the Pegasus driven wooden cart flew over the town.

    "What in tarnation's gonin' on?" Granny Smith asked, dropping everything when she heard the Sheriff's screaming. Galloping to a nearby window with surprising speed, the gray maned mare looked up in astonishment. "Land sakes! That thar's the Sheriff! Where's he git that contraption? I wanna ride in one of them thar things whilest I'm out here! Hey Miss Bistro, ya sell tickets fer a ride in that thar flyin' wagon?"

    Then Granny Smith turned and spotted Hoity Toity.

    "Hold on thar, mister! I think I know you. Ain't ya one of my kin from back East? You know any of the Oranges from Manehattan?"

    Meanwhile, in the air....

    "LET ME KNOW WHEN WE LAND!" the frightened sheriff shouted, closing his eyes.

    "Isn't he cute when he's terrified?" Louise laughed.

    (ooc): I wonder what Hoity Toity thinks of the Sheriff in his flying chariot? LOL

  3. "Why in the name of Equestria did I ever agree to this?" Sheriff Silverstar asked as Louise galloped up to the left side and hitched herself up.

    "Thanks for agreeing to do this, Hoss," Louise whispered. "Are you ready back there, Sheriff?"

    "Ready as I'll ever be!" the mustached stallion shouted forward after strapping himself in.

    "You lead, Hoss, since you know where we're going," the brown Pegasus said with a toothy grin. "I think the Sheriff looks cute when he's frightened."


    Meanwhile, at the Madam Bistro's place, the Apple family relatives gently sat Granny Smith down in front of the registration desk where Madam Bistro was standing.

    "What? Oh yeah, I'd like a room young lady, and somethin' to eat. It was a long train ride to git here!"

  4. "Absoltively!" Sherrif Silverstar neighed. "It's my sworn duty to investigate anythin' out of the ordinary here in Appleoosa!"

    "Out in the desert you say?" Louise asked with a broad grin. "I love a good mystery, could I please tag along with you two fine gentleponies?"

    "Better watch it," the sheriff whispered to Hoss. "That thar filly ain't gonna take no fer an answer."

    "I heard that, Sheriff!" the brown furred Pegasus neighed with a giggle. "But you happen to be right about that. Too bad you have no wings, Sheriff. Hoss and I could fly out to the desert rather quickly."

    "Well ma'am, I am what I am, so I'll jist has to follow y'all on hoof."

    "Maybe not, Louise said as she spotted a open ended cart one block away. "I see a nice wooden chariot that Hoss and I could be hitched to and then fly you out there with us!"

    "ME? In a chariot? What do I look like, Princess Celestia? If'n the good Lord had meant fer me to fly, he'd given me wings like the two of you gots!"

    "Oh come now, Sheriff, where's your sense of adventure?"

    "I does my adventurin' with all four hooves on the ground!"

    "Oh PLEASE Sheriff, do it for ME??"

    Louise once more breaks out the 'sad eyes' look on the mustached stallion. After staring at him for a few seconds, the hat wearing horse nods his head 'yes'.

    (ooc); Madam Bistro's approved! YAY!!!!

  5. (ooc): Time to redirect some of the attention back on Fox

    As Mojo, Starflower and Jubilee continued walking and talking with Vinyl Scratch, Tobias and Beauty Brass towards the record shop, another pony joined the crowd around Fox. She was a smaller looking yellow furred unicorn mare with a short cropped purple mane and tail. She was Misty Magic, a Postal worker in Trottingham who had just completed her shift and followed the lovely sound of Fox's music to the park. Usually Misty was a bit shy about making public appearances. Those who knew her understood that although she was a good natured pony, her magic was somewhat imperfect. Sure, Misty could do simple unicorn levitation without any problem, but any of her advanced magical spells seemed to have a way of backfiring.

    All that didn't matter now. Misty was enthralled by the wonderful music the filly was playing. Quickly, she levitated a few gold coins from her purse and floated them over at Fox's open instrument case, dropping them in.

    "Such wonderful music! I really want to meet that great musician after she's done playing!"

  6. "The orchard!" Lousie shouts. "Is this the same apple orchard that was once a point of contention between the Appleoosa ponies and the native buffalo herd?"

    "Ee yup! The very same one!" Sheriff Silverstar neighed as he led Louise and Hoss to the cliff overlooking the orchard. "Thar it is! Appleoosa's pride and joy! Our apple orchard! We feed our town with it and bake pies for the buffalo too, as per our agreement."

    "I've read about that! I simply MUST meet the buffalo! The stories and insights they can give me will help with my fiction writing! Sheriff, you have to arrange a meeting with them, PLEASE?"

    The brown furred Pegasus mare really turned on the charm, giving the mustached stallion her best 'sad eyes' look.

    "You win, ma'am! That look of yours could charm the rattle off a rattlesnake! I'll have to git a message to Chief Thunderhooves, but I'm sure that won't be a problem. Take a few days to arrange though."

    "I've got plenty of time to wait, Sheriff," Louise said with a beaming grin.

    "Er.. yeah," he said as he turned towards Hoss. "That's perty much it for the tour of town, unless your lookin' for somethin' in particular in town. Got lots of shops on Main Street to explore."

  7. (ooc): We can wait until Madam Bistro is OFFICIALLY in play before we continue with Granny Smith

    "Tour of the town? You betcha! Foller me!" the sheriff said as he led Louise and Hoss down the street. "Usually, Braeburn's the one who serves as Appleloosa's unofficial tour guide, but since he ain't here right how, it'll have to be me."

    "I'm sure you can handle it, Sheriff," Louise said with a smile.

    "Alrighty then. Over here's the Post Office. Mail comes here either by train or by Pegasus delivery. Usually the mail gits here on time, but not when they put that blonde crosseyed Pegasus on our route. Had to send out a rescue posse out to the desert many a time to retrieve her when she'd fly off course.

    "I think I've heard of her, Sheriff," Louise giggled.

    "And over here's our famous watering hole, the Salt Block! Over yonder's my office, and lookie over thar! We have horse drawin' carriages, and horses drawin' horse drawin' carriages too! We also have Wild West dances and mild west dances, but it's too durn hot out today to have them. Our famous apple orchard is just over that rise, if'n y'all wanna see it."

  8. Updated for goal and personality
    Lol I also have a character that lives in Hoofington AND is an Antique Hunter.

    Aw! They can all be buddies and gush over old trinkets. And friendly competitors. :D

    With Vintage maybe all the ponies could have their own little antique society!

    Who knows? Maybe Granny Smith could join because she IS an ANTIQUE!


  9. "That's her alright, Hoss, absotively!" Sheriff Silverstar neighed. "She's related to pertin' near half of the colts and fillies in Appleloosa! I was jist escortin' my new lady friend to Madam Bistro's and.."

    "And I'm Louise LaMare, newest resident of Appleloosa!" the brown Pegasus mare said as she offered her hoof to shake. "Are you and the Sheriff planning on going to the Mesa? I'd love to tag along, if that's alright. Or if you're wanting to tour the town first with the Sheriff, I'd like to come too! After all, since I'm moving here to stay, I need to know where all the facilities are."

    "It's all up to you, buckaroo! Where did ya want to start first?"

    As the Sheriff spoke, Louise glanced over at him. Rugged, tall and sturdy. This was the kind of stallion she's always dreamed of! A real Western lawpony! She knew Silverstar liked her, and now, she was starting to have similiar feelings for him.

  10. Misty smiles as she sees Big Time and Pony Joe near her. Suddenly, Saddlesore began to shake himself trying to get all the pink frosting out of his mane.

    "All of this is very odd. The last thing I can remember is waiting in line for a pink donut. Young unicorn, what are you doing on the floor? Oh well, I better go to the restroom to get all this stuff out of my mane!"

    As Saddlesore closed the bathroom door behind him, Misty breathed a sigh of relief.

    "Thank goodness! I think my magic made him forget all the things I did to him!"

    Now the nervous yellow unicorn looked up to see Pony Joe offering her the donut she'd been nibbling on.

    "Oh Pony Joe, I'm so sorry about everything that happened! I hope I didn't frighten away your customers. I didn't mean to do all that magic! Honest I didn't!"

    She then looked over at Big Time.

    "I'm sorry you had to see that, Big Time. I'm not a monster, it's just that sometimes my magic sort of, misfires. Please don't be afraid of me. I just lost control when that jerk of a stallion began insulting everyone."

    Misty then started nibbling on the donut again, she was still scared, but she was hungry too.

  11. (ooc): Just got a new character approved, and soon all of you will see why he's called "Saddlesore"

    As Misty Magic was about the answer Big Time's question, a new customer entered the donut shop. He was a light blue colored Earth Pony with dark blue mane and tail and wore a frown on his face. His name was Saddlesore and he was known far and wide as the grumpiest pony in all of Equestria. The cutie mark he wore on this flanks was a brown bur, the symbol that fit this abrasive, unhappy, angry pony well. He stood at the end of the line of customers waiting to be served.

    "This line is too long! This place is too bright! Why are half of all these ponies yawning? There's a cure for that fellow ponies, it's called SLEEP!"

    Misty saw the disruptive blue stallion and decided to try to cheer him up.

    "Good morning, sir. I'm Misty Magic and ..."

    "And I could care less, horn head. Mind your own business!"

    "But sir, if you put a smile on your face, I'm sure you will find happiness and ...."

    "You wanna make ME happy, little pony girl? SHUT UP!"

    "That was a rude thing to say, I was only trying to help ..."

    "Help? Unless you can give me a pink donut and a cup of coffee, BUTT OUT! I don't want to talk to YOU or any of the other losers that eat here! All I want is my food and I will kindly LEAVE this wretched place!"

    Hearing these words made Misty angry. She didn't mind being insulted, that's happened to her all her life, but now this arrogant blue pony was insulting all of her new friends and even Pony Joe's store! She didn't notice that her horn was glowing as a look of anger came on her face.

    "WHY ARE YOU ACTING LIKE SUCH A BIG CRAB?" Misty yelled, unwittingly triggering her magic. In a flash, Saddlesore was now transformed into a large, blue crab. The look on the young unicorn's face was now one of complete disbelief.

    "OH MY GOSH! I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THAT! But if you hadn't acted as stubborn as a mule, then.." she said before placing both of her front hooves over her mouth. Too late. Once more, Misty's magic struck Saddlesore, instantly changing him into a large blue mule.

    "EEEEE AWWWWWWW! What have you done to me, you stupid bratty filly? YOU CHANGE ME BACK THIS INSTANT OR I'LL CALL THE AUTHORITIES! All I wanted was a lousy pink donut!"

    Misty tried to think fast, to lighten the mood with some humor.

    "Well, they say you are what you eat... OH NO!!" MIsty joked before placing both of her front hooves over her mouth again. Now, positioned in the middle of the floor of Pony Joe's was a five foot high round donut with pink icing where the blue mule once stood. "I AM SO SORRY ABOUT ALL THIS, SIR! I'LL CHANGE YOU BACK NOW!"

    Closing her eyes to concentrate, Misty knew this was her last chance to fix what her miscast magic had done. Her horn glowing, the yellow unicorn's magic beam struck the huge donut, turning it back to a normal, blue pony.

    "What just happened to me and why is there pink frosting in my mane?"

    Now Misty was terrified! What would Pony Joe think of all this? What will all the patrons in the donut shop say? Will the handsome blue pony in the sunglasses think she was some kind of freak of nature? She cowered in a corner, wondering what was going to happen to her next.

  12. Nice character, but it does beg the question, what would Equestria currency look like?

    Would all denominations of bills have Princess Celestia's pic on it?

    I'd love to see Equestia money have the pics and symbols of the Mane 6 cast members!

    Applejack could be the one dollar bill

    Pinkie Pie could be the five,

    Fluttershy could the ten

    Twilight Sparkle could be on the twenty dollar bill

    Rainbow Dash on the fifty (so fifty's would be 20% cooler!)

    And finally, Rarity on the hundred! (fits her personality)

    If I were an artist, I'd draw these (front and back) for the whole Canterlot community to see!

  13. (ooc): This will bring out all the townsfolk!


    Back at the train station, there was one more passenger who was finally departing from the train. Suddenly, about a dozen ponies gathered around as a lime green mare with gray mane and tail (both tied up in buns) mozied onto the station deck. The gathered ponies then began to shout for joy, two of them unfurling a banner that read "WELCOME TO APPLOOSA, GRANNY SMITH" on it. Yes, it was her, the matriarch of the entire Apple clan arriving in the town populated by many of her distant kinfolk.

    "So, this here's Apploosa!" she spoke. "Fine lookin' town y'all got here. Downright perty! I sure am hungry, any of you youngin's know where I am git somethin' to eat?"

    The entire crowd cheered, hoisting Granny Smith gently on their backs as they galloped over to Madam Bistro's. As they lowered the elderly mare to the ground, both Sheriff Silverstar and Louise LaMare stood stunned in amazement.

    "Granny Smith?" the Pegasus mare asked.

    "What in tarnation are YOU doin' here?"

    "Things are slow at Sweet Apple Acres now, so I took my kinfolk's invite to visit Apploosa! Applejack told me how great this place was, and she's right! Traveled all by myself I did! Big Mac said I couldn't do it, but I showed him! I showed'm all! Wait, where's my luggage?"

    Two young foals with apple related cutie marks arched their backs to show that they were carrying Granny's luggage.

    "You youngin's are very mannerly, thanks a heap! I can smell fresh hay in that Bistro and I'ma wantin' some!"

    The crowd of Apple kinfolk led Granny inside to get a room and some breakfast.

    "Goes to show ya, never know who'll show up in Apploosa!"

  14. Misty Magic took notice of the new blue Pegasus stallion that walked up to the counter. In her young eyes, the sunglass wearing male looked like a knight in shining armor. Noticing the counter stool on the other side of him was empty, Misty quickly jumped into it and then looked at Big Time with a huge, toothy grin.

    "Hello there!" she said in a very mature voice. "I'm Misty Magic, are you a newcomer to Canterlot? I haven't see you around here before."

  15. "And over here is Madam Bistro's!" Sheriff Silverstar happily announced to Louise LaMare.

    "Oh how rustic! How lovely!" the Western attired Pegasus neighed. "I'll register for a room and then join you for a tour of the town!"

    "Yeah but Miss Lamare," the mustached stallion managed to say before Louise disappeared inside the building. "I can't give her a tour of the town cause I promised to escort Sky and Shanna to the mesa. I sure am in a pickle now."

    "Oh, there you are, Sheriff! Got a room and paid in full for the week! Now, if you'll be so kind as to show me around."

    "Miss LaMare, I'd love to give ya a tour, but I promised two visitors that I'd escort them to the mesa and.."

    "The MESA!" Louise shouted as she jumped up and down. "I'd LOVE to see the beautiful scenary of Apploosa! I'd LOVE to join all of you in that journey, if you're friends would allow me to!"

    "Ya means it? Ya wanna come with us?"

    "Of course! What an opportunity to see real frontier wildlife and travel like our early pony ancestors did! COUNT ME IN!"

  16. "Apples? Apples?" Granny Smith said in confusion before shaking her head back and forth. "Oh, apples on my farm! Well, I reckon we grow all kinds of apples! Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, Macintosh, Yellow Delicious, Gravenstein and Red Astrachan! We pick'm and sell'm to all kinds of pony folk. I like bakin'm into pies though. I may be old, but I can still bake with the best of'm!"

    Granny Smith could sense that her conversation about apples was making the younger mare hungry.

    "Say Raindrop, if'n you're lunch break is here, how about we chow down together, my treat!"

  17. "I thought everything was exciting in Canterlot!" Misty added before taking another sip of her coffee. "I remember when I used to live here, the royal city always seemed to have something thrilling going on in it. Princess Celestia raising the sun, the Grand Galloping Gala, stuff like that."

    Misty wanted to keep pleasant conversation going, but couldn't help noticing many of the patrons of Pony Joe's seemed very tired. Had things changed so much in the city of her birth? Why had she never noticed it before? The unicorn then turned towards Pony Joe.

    "Pony Joe, have things changed THAT much while I was away? Has anything new happened with the Princess sisters or the royal family? Has Prince Blueblood chosen a mate yet?"

  18. (ooc: Louise LaMare was just approved too!)


    Another train was on approach to the Apploosa station. When Sheriff Silverstar heard the rumbling in the distance and looked up at the town clock, he panicked.

    "Jumpin' Jehosaphat! I plumb fergot! Today's the day! That's her train!"

    Trotting past confused bystanders, the mustached stallion rushed towards the train station. He arrived just as passengers were departing. When a light brown furred Pegasus mare wearing a cowboy hat and boots walked onto the platform, Sheriff Silverstar shook with excitement.

    "It's HER! It's really HER!" the smiling stallion said to himself. "Louise Lamare! THE most famous author in all of Equestria! Her books on Pioneer times inspired me to dream of living in a Western type town! I've read all twelve of her novels from cover to cover! And she's HERE! In Apploosa!"

    Louise noticed the sheriff and walked over to him.

    "Howdy!" she shouted in a sweet, soft voice. "Can you help me find a place to bed down? I'm new in town and I'm.."

    "LOUISE LAMARE!" the sheriff pony shouted as he offered his hoof to shake. "It is a pleasure and an honor to meet ya! I've read all your books and LOVE your work! I knew it was you from your photos in the paper! Anything you need, you jist say so, Miss LaMare!"

    "Well Sheriff, I do need my hoof back," she said politely as he had been continually shaking it all the time they were talking.

    "Oops! Powerful sorry bout that, Miss LaMare!" he said, releasing her right hoof.

    "Please Sheriff, just call me Louise. And you are?"

    "Havin' the absotively greatest day of my life!" he said dreamily before shaking his head to come back to reality. "I'm Sheriff Silverstar, and THE best place to stay in Apploosa is Madam Bistro's Bed and Breakfast! Foller me and I'll take ya there!"

    "Wonderful, Sheriff Silverstar! Just give me a moment to instruct the station ponies to where to put my things."

    "Put your things?"

    "Yes Sheriff. I've decided to move to Apploosa, lock stock and barrel! How could I resist living the lifestyle of the early settler ponies here in this wonderful town? I've already arranged to have all my things put in storage while I shop around for property to purchase. Sheriff? SHERIFF?"

    There was a blank look of sheer joy on the mustached stallion's face. Louise waved her front hoof in front of him several times to get his attention back.

    "YEEEE HAW!!! The purdiest filly in the whole wide world's gonna be livin' here!" the happy stallion shouted before a look of fear and embarrassment overtook him. "Er... that was outloud, weren't it?"

    Louise chuckled and then gave a warm smile.

    "Why thank you, Sheriff. I'm beginning to like this town already! Now, if you don't mind, would you escort me to Madam Bistro's?"

    "I'll do better than that! I'll lead ya there myself!" the starstruck sheriff neighed as the two walked towards the center of town together.

  19. As Sheriff Silverstar departed, he had a big grin on his face.

    "Them youngin's and their kite!" he said to himself. "Fine buncha foals. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll git to see their kite over the horizon once it gits in the air."

    The mustached stallion walked down the street.

    "Not a whole heckova lotta wind today. Sure hope them foals can handle that kite. They'll be powerful disappointed if'n they can't fly it today. Maybe I should go help'm. Nope! Somethings a foal's gotta learn on their own."

    Sheriff Silverstar continued on his way.

  20. Misty was glad to see more customers coming into the donut shop. It was just like old times. She remembered how older ponies would flock to Pony Joe's for breakfast, and how the younger ones would come in droves in the afternoon and evening, just to grab a quick bite and hang out. She pondered this when she heard Blade's reply.

    "Night patrol? Sounds interesting, Blade. Did everything go well tonight?"

    Misty then turned her attention to the newest customer.

    "Good morning, ma'am! I'm Misty Magic, so good to see you!"

  21. "Absoltively, Hoss!" the mustached stallion neighed as he finished up the last of his coffee. "That'll be about the time my street patrol ends. I'll gladly meetcha outside then! One last thing I gotta do before I go, like I told y'all before, breakfast is on me!"

    Sheriff Silverstar walked over to Madam Bistro, paid the bill and then waved to Hoss and Shanna before galloping outside. Apploosa was unusually quiet today. Few ponies were out and those that were, stayed in the shade. The Sheriff was glad to help his new friends, but also was a bit curious about all this talk of comets. He also began to wonder if other tourists would descend upon the town for a chance to watch the skies for this special comet.

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