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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. "A kite ya say?" Sheriff Silverstar asked, giving the entire group a look over. He gave a close look at their gear. Seemed odd that all of that was equipment used in kite flying, but the mustached stallion decided to give them the benefit of the doubt. "Must be one humdinger of a kite! I can remember when I was your age, youngins, I tried to fly a box kite. Never thought I'd git that durn thing off duh ground! Took several tries till I got it up in the wild blue yonder! Yes-sir-ee! Flyin' a kite can be a real barrel of fun! Y'all be careful out there and stay close to town. I hear tell thar's some nasty characters out in the desert. Not talkin' bout our buffalo friends, talkin' bout real, fierce lookin' critters that'll chase right after ya! And if'n y'all do stay outside too long, best bring plenty of water! Fun's no fun if'n ya gits your brain all sunburnt! If'n ya need any help, give a good loud yell and I'll come-a runnin'! Ok?"

  2. "Groovy, Miss Scratch!” Mojo shouted. "Mojo’s always down with some solid tunes!”

    "YAY! MUSIC!” added Jubilee, looking more excited than ever as she hovers. ”I LIVE for a power ballad!”

    "Count me in as well,” Starflower added, "Just because I’m a little older than the rest of you doesn’t mean my taste in music has grown old also.”

    "By the way, Star, just how old are you?”

    "WINGS!” Mojo neighed. ”It’s never cool to ask a mare her age.”

    "That was a rude question, young lady.”

    "Oops, sorry there, didn’t mean to upset you. Wanna whisper it in my ear later?”

    Now visibly upset, Starflower used her unicorn magic to levitate a bucket of water above the hovering Pegasus as it dumps upon her, instantly sending Jubilee crashing to the ground.

    "My guess is Wings, that means NO.” Mojo giggled as the soaking wet blonde maned Pegasus joined in the laughter.

  3. fScvsl.jpg

    (ooc): The inspiration for this character comes from Bewitched's Aunt Clara and CD's canine ladydog superhero "Magic Mutt"

    [Pony Related Character]

    Name: Misty Magic

    Sex: Female

    Age: Young Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Yellow

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Purple, short mane and tail

    Eye Color: Hazel

    Cutie Mark: Cloud with a green question mark

    Physique: Petite

    Origin: Canterlot

    Roleplay Type: OC for the Mane RP

    Occupation: Mail System Sorter in Trottingham

    Motivation: "To be the best magical unicorn ever (or at least have magic that consistently works)"

    Likes: Nature, reading, practicing magic, baking, stamp collecting.

    Dislikes: Ponies who treat her like a child. Failure.

    Character Summary: Misty Magic was born in Canterlot of a prominent magical couple, Mighty Magic and his wife Abracadabra. They had high hopes for their only daughter, going to great lengths to teach the foal about the fine art of magic. They hoped someday to incorporate Misty into their travelling magic act. Try as she might, poor Misty Magic could just never get her magic quite right. She could do simple unicorn magical levitation, but when it came to complex magical spells, often they were major fail.

    At the entrance exam for Canterlot's famous School of Magic, instead of hatching the dragon egg, Misty's miscast spell multiplied the egg repeatedly until the exam room was filled from ceiling to floor with unhatched dragon eggs. Furious, the examiners immediately failed her and told her parents not to bring her back until she could perform magic correctly.

    When her classmates back at public school heard of Misty flunking her entrance exam, they teased her mercilessly. She tried to prove them wrong, but even her simple magical spells always seemed to go wrong. One day, a wayward and very confused dragon flew up to Canterlot while Princess Celestia was away on royal business. When the dragon began breathing fire at the gates of town, unicorns from the School of Magic rushed out to try to stop him. As the rest of the citizens of Canterlot looked on, every instructor and student of the school failed in their attempts to shew the dragon away. This only further angered the dragon, who took aim at Misty's huddled classmates hiding beneath a tree. Acting quickly and with little forethought, Misty galloped to the rescue, horn glowing and casting a spell. She screamed in terror when her magic produced a large tornado that frightened the townfolks more than the dragon. Suddenly, the tornado turned away from the town and swept the furious dragon up within it and then spun far, far away. Even though that wasn't the spell she was attempting to cast, it got rid of the dragon! As her classmates hoisted her up on their shoulders, Misty's strange cutie mark appeared on her flanks. Few adult ponies in Canterlot could believe that the bumbling unicorn filly had succeeded where their finest wielders of magic failed. Over her classmates' protests, a few of the students at the Magic Academy claimed the credit for creating the tornado. The shy Misty Magic didn't argue, she calmly walked away from the scene. The young filly knew she got lucky, and didn't want to bring anymore attention to herself, even though she had finally won respect from her classmates.

    As Misty grew up, she realized she couldn't depend on her magic to earn a living, so she took the Equestria Civil Service Exam so she could work in the Postal Service. Although Misty is happy sorting mail, she still occasionally practices her magic. She still believes there is magic in her future, her unique cutie mark is the proof. So the 'search for her destiny' still goes on. Misty is a very kind hearted unicorn, but anything can happen when she tries to use her magic.

  4. "Where do I live? Hay, where do I live... Oh, YEAH! I live at Sweet Apple Acres, THE very best apple farm in all the land! Granny Smith shouted as she took a proud stance. "Farm's been in the family fer many generations. I was born there and my daddy was born there and... what was I talkin' about? Oh yeah. Who's moving in that thar house? Wonder if it's somepony I know."

    Granny Smith smiled at Raindrop, happy that some young pony thought enough of her to hold a conversation. She liked talking to other ponies, she really had the chance to do that at Swwet Apple Acres aside from Big MacIntosh, Applejack and Applebloom. The gray maned mare looked up and saw Raindrop's dad working with some boxes.

    "Do you know that pony?"

  5. "What have we got?" the Sheriff said with a big toothy grin. "Follow me and I'll show you all the wonders and pleasures of Appleloosa! Well, Braeburn's usually the town's greeter, but since he ain't here, it's up to me! Look all around here! We have horse drawn carriages and horses drawin' horse drawn carriages! Over there's our salon called the Salt Block! Just take it easy if ya go in thar, the barkeep boots patrons who can't handle their salt. And see, down the street from here's where we have Wild West dances! If that's not your style, then check our the Mild West dancing one block over! But the best part of Appleloosa is our grand apple orchard just outside of town! It is a wonder to behold, yes sir-ee! We did have a dust up with the native buffalo herd over the orchard, but we worked out a compromise so we could keep the orchard on their land. For the weary traveler, the town hotel will set ya up with a room! Nice restaurant too! And don't fergit the General Store! Got jist about anything you'd ever need! Whatcha lookin' fer? Anything in particular?"

  6. "How Marvy!' Mojo shouted. "Always cool to meet a fellow traveler! I'm Mojo, the tall unicorn with the stethoscope is Nurse Starflower, and hovering above us is our pal Wings!'

    "The name's Jubilee Flyer!' the blonde maned Pegasus shouted proudly. Soon to be a famous star in Equestria! And this of course is the legendary Vinyl Scratch, and I'M going to be in her next show! YES! It will be SO AWESOME!'

    "Settle down, Jubilee,' Starflower scolded, "We're in public, remember?'

    "Yeah Wings, don't wanna scare off our new chum here.'

    "I dance, I sing, I play piano, classical as well as modern and I.. '

    "Need to stop boasting, Jubilee. Remember what happened to the Great and Powerful Trixie in Ponyville several months ago?'

    "But I wasn't.. I mean.. I would never act like THAT silly pony! I'm the REAL DEAL!'

    "We know, Wings. Hay Tobias, where do you call home?'

  7. "What?" Granny Smith said as she slowly moved closer to Raindrop. "Oh, you work for a moving service? Good to see a young buckeroo like you holding down a job! Back in my day, when I was a foal, I used to make extra money by selling homemade pies door to door. Took a lot of sales till I actually MADE money, but I enjoyed the challenge."

    The elderly lime green mare walked over and extended her front leg to shake. "Pleased to meetcha! I'm Granny Smith! Wait, did I say that already?"

    Granny Smith looked confused, but then shook her head and refocused her concentration.

    "Do you live here in Ponyville?"

  8. episodeone095.jpg

    In town for some shopping, the unusually spry Granny Smith decided to take a short stroll around Ponyville. The lime green elderly mare slowly moved past several nice houses, remembering how the street used to look when she was a younger filly.

    "They jist don't make houses like they used ta in MY day!" the gray maned mare muttered as she continued her slow journey. "Hay! Thar's somepony moving in up yonder! I wanna be neighborly, so I'll go greet'm!"

    It took several minutes for the slow moving elderly pony to reach the spot, and she was just it time to see poor Raindrop mishandle a box that hit the ground.

    "You alright, young lady?" she asked. "Now, what was I gonna say? Hmmmm. Oh yeah, welcome to Ponyville! I'm Granny Smith! Pleased to meetcha!

  9. SilverStar.PNG

    Sheriff Silverstar was on a routine trot around town. The badge wearing stallion considered himself both a symbol of law and order as well as an unofficial good will ambassador of Appleloosa. Looking up at the big town clock, he knew it was time for the train to arrive. The stallion politely greeted each of the passengers departing from the train, including a brown furred Pegasus and his owl companion. After a short time, Silverstar noticed Galliant Quill in the market area.

    "Howdy thar friend!" the mustached sheriff said in a friendly way. "Anything I can help ya with? You seem a might lost. I'm Sheriff Silverstar, we met earlier at the train. We here in Appleloosa treat any visitor like our own kinfolk! Bet y'all came a fur piece to git here! Make yurself at home here!"

  10. "You heard the superstar, Modge!' Jubilee shouted, giving the Paint stallion a playful smack on his rear,"Giddy up!'

    "Jubilee!' Starflower scolded, "No need to act so rude!'

    "Chill out, Nurse Star,' Mojo said with a laugh, "Wings is just playin' around. It's all cool.'

    "Yeah Starflower,' Jubilee said as the white Pegasus flapped her wings and hovered,"I didn't mean anything by it.'

    "I see. Sorry that I jumped to conclusions. I am looking forward to shopping with you, Miss Scratch. And after we're done, I do want to return to this spot to listen to more of that lovely music that talented filly is playing.'

    "Alrighty, come along then, the Groove Shack is down the street about a block.'

    "YES! I LOVE hanging out with you, Vinyl! This is going to be SO GREAT!!!'

    "Cool it, Wings. If you explode with excitement, Nurse Star here'll have to clean up the whole bloody mess!'


    "Just pullin' your leg, love!' Mojo giggled, causing Jubilee to laugh with him. Starflower hesitated a moment, but then laughed as the group began to leave the crowd gathered around the guitar playing young mare.

  11. "Ok Whirlwind,' Jubilee said. "Cloudsdale General Store, blue stallion, Winter Wind's his name, just tell him you're OK and you're staying with friends tonight, got it! Right?'

    "ALL SET OVER HERE!' Mojo shouted as he opened the main stage on this peddler's wagon. "Opened up the whole thing to make it easier for ya to place her in this open hammock! I'll hold it open too!'

    "Very good, Mojo!' Starflower shouted back as she looked towards Whirlwind. "Ok, I'm going to gently lift you and put you in Mojo's hammock. The hammock will allow you to rest and keep the weight off of your wings and legs. Here we go!'

    Starflower closed her eyes as her horn began to glow. Soon Whirlwind found herself levitated by Starflower's unicorn magic. Carefully, she floated the Pegasus filly through the air where Mojo held the hammock open with his teeth. Gently, Whirlwind was set into the comfortable hammock. Mojo had laid a fluffy, woolen blanket in it with a pillow at the head for added comfort. With precise movement, Starflower placed her into the hammock. The light blue unicorn mare opened her eyes and panted.

    "Whew! I'm not as young as I used to be.'

    "There you are, love, snug as a bug in a rug! Care for some more tea? Got plenty of it piping hot and ready!'

    "I'll have some! I'll have some!' Jubilee shouted. "That tea of yours will give me an extra boost for my trip to Cloudsdale! And it tastes good too!'

    "I thought I smelled herbal tea brewing. I could use some of that myself!'

    "Tea for everypony! Groovy!'

    Starflower didn't wait. As soon as Mojo poured the first cup, she used her unicorn powers to levitate it to her lips.

    "HAY! Me first! I have an important mission to complete for Whirlwind!'

    "Hold your horses, Wings, plenty of tea her to go around. Ya gotta learn to relax, chill out, settle your spirit down. Everypony needs to do more of that now and then.'

  12. I like this, Boss!

    Excellent credentials, and Weather Patrol IS a vital part of the MLP FiM universe!

    If I may suggest, you might want to be a little more detailed in your Character Summary. I like what you've written, but think the mods will want you to 'flesh it out' some more with his backstory.

    Otherwise, this is fantastic!


  13. "Half a mo' Miss Scratch,' Mojo said as he placed a hoof on his snout. "That place sounds like the Groove Shack, a record shop not far from here!'

    "How do you know, Modge?' Jubilee asked.

    "Saw their sign on me way here!'

    "I've heard this town has everything!' added Starflower. "Bet there's even a warehouse medical supply store here too!'

    "It's possible.'

    "All right!!!!' the white Pegasus neighed. "Imagine the four of us hanging out together at a record store! That would be SO AWESOME!!!'

  14. the gray maned pony panicked, leaping straight up into the air at a surprising height before landing facing the opposite direction. Trying to run away, the wobbly legged mare moved at a snail's pace, uanble to flee as fast as she wanted and not getting very far away from the cart or Sprite.

    ((I have to interrupt here but that was hilarious. That's all I see is Granny Smity trying to run away with her old self XD))

    (ooc): Well, this is very much 'in character' for her, pretty much how she reacted in "Griffin the Brush Off" when Gilda frightened her with her tail. If Granny's scared of a 'rattler' in an apple cart, she's bound to be frightened by Sprite leaping down and walking towards her too!

  15. "Pinkameena Diane Pie?" Granny Smith said, refocusing her tired eyes. "MY have you ever grown!"

    The elderly lime furred mare then turned to look up at Skink.

    "Young lady! Scaly critters ain't nuthin' to take fer granted! Why, the last time I came to Ponyville, I saw a rattler hidin' in an apple cart! One of them furry kinds too! Durn near scared me outta my skin! And furthermore.."

    Granny Smith was interrupted by the sudden landing and appearance of Sprite on the ground, moving towards her.

    "EEEEEEKKKKKKK! SCALY CRITTER ON THE LOOSE! HEAD FOR THE HILLS, EVERYPONY! RUN!" the gray maned pony panicked, leaping straight up into the air at a surprising height before landing facing the opposite direction. Trying to run away, the wobbly legged mare moved at a snail's pace, uanble to flee as fast as she wanted and not getting very far away from the cart or Sprite.

  16. (ooc): Yes, I did give Ancre permission to use Starflower and it was an EXCELLENT job!

    "You did good, Wings!' Mojo said as he turned towards the blonde maned Pegasus. "Brought this lovely angel of mercy to us. Well done!'

    "Thanks Modge,' Jubilee said with a smile as she walked over to the other side to get a better look at Whirlwind. "So glad you're getting the help you need, Whirlwind. Now we can finally get the chance to chat. What brings you to this part of Equestria? I'm trying to get my big break in the entertainment world. Someday, I want to be as famous as my idol, Sapphire Shores! Now THAT'S a pony superstar!'

    "Half a mo', Wings. Our new friend needs to rest. Shouldn't talk her ears off.'

    "You just don't understand because you're a GUY!'

    "Please stop quarreling you two!' Starflower interrupted, as the unicorn mare turned her head towards Whirlwind. "Don't worry, young lady, I'm sure between the three of us we can take care of you now. You there, Mojo is it? I take it that wagon over there is yours, correct?'

    "Sure is, babe!'

    "Knock off the flirting, I'm old enough to be your mother and I'm not your type. We need to get Whirlwind to shelter. That wagon of yours will do. Have you got a bed for her to lie down in?

    "Better than that, miss! I sleep in a hammock! I have some to spare because I sell them, each one hoofmade by me and.. '

    "Very good. I believe I can levitate her into one of your hammocks if you'll be kind enough to set one up.

    "Right-O!' the Paint stallion said as he galloped to his wagon.

    "And you, Jubilee, you need to fly over to Cloudsdale and alert Whirlwind's parents about the situation. We can keep her safe until they can fly down to bring her back home.

    "Roger Wilco!' the white Pegasus said as she saluted with her left hoof. "All I need to know is who they are and where they live and I'll get the word to them!'

  17. The three listened to Vinyl Scratch's suggestion with a mix of surprise and excitement.

    "That's a rad idea, Miss Scratch!' Mojo shouted. "Just look at this big crowd gathered around that lovely filly strummer over there! A capital suggestion indeed!'

    "Hay!' Jubilee shouted as she flew up to eye level with the Paint stallion. "I'm your best friend, remember? If you need somepony to play music for you, ask me!'

    "Half a mo', Wings. I meant no offense. But you and I both know that your musical specialty is piano, and I don't lug one around in me wagon. And you DO play guitar well, but to be honest, this filly is playing a wee bit better than you.'

    "IS NOT!'

    "Jubilee!' Starflower interrupted. "Please mind you manners. I've heard you play guitar before, and I do like your music. May I remind you of your commitment to Miss Scratch's show you just made?'

    "Oh my gosh! You're right!' the white Pegasus said as she quickly landed and then turned to Vinyl Scratch. "Sorry about that. I did accept your wonderful offer and I'm THRILLED to dance in your show. Guess I let my friendship with Mojo cloud my thinking. It's just that, back when I was still at the Academy, Modge here helped me make it through school with his great advice, mediation techniques and encouragement. If it wasn't for him, I probably would've failed. I'd fly through fire for Mojo because he's the best friend a pony ever had. And, I do have to admit that this filly playing now.. IS a TEENIE TINY LITTLE BIT better than me with the guitar. Didn't mean to get all defensive like that, sorry guys.'

    "It's cool, Wings. I know where you coming from.' added Mojo as he turned to Vinyl Scratch. "No worries about keeping me away from setting up me wagon. First, I gotta find a prime spot to set it, then find out if I need to buy a peddler's license before I begin selling. Some of these towns have laws like that, and getting busted by the local fuzz for unlicensed sales would be a real bad scene, ya dig, Miss Scratch?'

    "A very wise precaution, Mojo. One should always be forward thinking.'

  18. Seriously ponies?! Only 3 posts! What do you guys DO on here besides read my beautiful announcements?! I stay up so late writing them! :sleep:

    Where is the love? :wail:

    Well, from what I've read, the Grand Galloping Gala was a sensational RP event! I joined here too late to get in on it (although my adopted character Starflower was there).

    This was a brilliant idea, absolutely SMASHING!

    Thank you for staging it!

    By the way, for those ponies who want to keep some of the storylines of the Gala going, there is a new OPEN RP thread started in Canterlot titled "After the Gala at Pony Joe's" in case anypony's interested in continuing the 'fun': viewtopic.php?f=44&t=2113

    Again, kudos to you, Manestream! Though I've only been here a short time, I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!


  19. Getting back to the subject of Appleloosa, in the area of 'tourist traps', the town certainly has the potential of being a 'tourist haven' in Equestria. After all, there is a train station there for passengers to arrive at and Braeburn seems to be the de facto welcoming committee. I could see Appleloosa having thriving hotels (in the wild west tradition) as well as a souvernir stand or two.

    In West Virginia, we know all about 'tourist traps'. There's a small community in a county north of me who's claim to fame is having the 'World's Smallest Church". It's a functioning church, tourists visit it and from time to time, people get married there (usually as an outdoor wedding beside the church). Perhaps the town could serve as a Rodeo Center or have some other unique tourist attractions for ponies to come and see.

  20. "The ponyflu!' Starflower shouted before lowering her voice, not wanting to disturb the crowd listening to the lovely music that was still playing. "Are you fully recovered? Sometimes the ponyflu virus can linger or remain dormant in one's system and ...'

    "Who's rambling now?' Jubilee giggled, giving the taller mare a gentle nudge. "To answer your question, Vinyl, I was just out taking a leisurely flight in this direction when I heard the fine tunes that mare over there was playing and stopped. It was just sheer luck that Mojo and Starflower happened to be here too!'

    "And I just pulled into town to set up my wagon and make some sales,' added Mojo. "Until I heard this groovy music! Had to come over here and see who was makin' her guitar sing like an angel! I play a little guitar meself, but not as well as that filly, or Wings for that matter. I play folk music for fun and leisure, not fame and fortune.'

    "I'm here on vacation and was drawn to this beautiful music. I am quite a patron of the arts. I had no idea that Jubilee and Mojo were going to be here also, but I'm glad they are.'

    "Me too! Happy to see you guys again and even happier to meet you, Vinyl Scratch. If you don't mind me saying so, you're really humble and nice for a celebrity. I once read somewhere how rude Photo Finish was during her last visit to Ponyville.'

    "I read that too! She was so brutal to my favorite fashion designer Rarity Unicorn that her latest model discovery Fluttershy quit on her!'

    "Ladies, please. No more negativity. Chill out! I guess what my friends are tryin' to say is, you're really cool, Miss Scratch! Get my drift?'

  21. Lady Luck sounds like a very interesting character!

    Looks like she might come across Sheriff Silverstar from time to time.

    Better not be cheatin' at cards on HIS watch!


    Anyhow, overall this is strong bio though it is kind of sad about her dad.....

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