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Posts posted by Mojo

  1. (ooc): Just got approved to play Granny Smith, so here she comes!


    This was a very good day for Granny Smith. She woke up feeling very spry and since she had all her chores caught up at Sweet Apple Acres, decided she'd take a stroll into town to do some shopping. Not moving as fast as she used to, the trip took longer than she anticipated. After taking a rest on a bench in the park, the green furred older mare continued her trip. It was then that she spotted the reptile cart and the crowd that was beginning to gather around it.

    "Lands sakes! Wonder what all that commotion's about?" she said. "What in the name of apple cobbler is that thar contraption?"

    Slowly, the elderly mare ambled over to the cart and managed to work her way up to the front of the crowd.

    "Hay thar youngin'!" she called out to Skink, "Whatcha doin' with all them thar scaly critters? Don'tcha know them things is dangerous?"

  2. (ooc): Just got approved to RP the Sheriff, I'm up to speed and won't get in the way of the mane storyline


    "This is turnin' out ta be a very perdy day!" Sheriff Silverstar said outloud as he trotted out of his office and into the street. The brown furred mustached stallion prepared to begin his daily 'stroll around town.' He was living his dream here in Appleloosa. Since the settlement was founded, Silverstar had been actively involved in watching over the fine pony citizens of town. He took his job as sheriff very seriously, having earned the respect of the majority of the Appleloosians in the process. As he walked down the dusty street, he greeted everypony he met by name, giving all of them a respectful bow of the head as he went on this way. Soon he spotted a group of younger ponies gathered together.

    "Well now, thar's sumtun y'all don't see every day," he said to himself. "I wonder what them youngin's is up to. Sure hopin' they ain't fixin' to git into a peck of trouble. Better see what'a goin' on."

    Sheriff Silverstar walked casually up to the group, not wanting to spook or scare them away.

    "Hello thar youngin's!" he said with a polite smile. "Ain't this an absotively perdy day? What's y'all doin'?"

  3. The three friends hung on every word Vinyl Scratch spoke and then noticed her discomfort near the end when she spoke of Odyssey Beat.

    "Oh, Miss Scratch,' Starflower said with a sympathetic tone, "I'm so sorry. I can relate to what you must be feeling. At the last Grand Galloping Gala, I met a wonderful griffin named Alexander Blackwing. He was charming, dashing and we danced the night away. I haven't seen him again since that time and even now, I wonder how he is doing.'

    "Miss Scratch,' Jubilee said timidly. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories for you. I am very sorry.'

    "None of us meant to be a downer, Miss Scratch,' added Mojo. "We didn't want to bring you any negative vibes.'

    The trio now looked upon their new friend with great concern, not sure what to say next.

  4. This is a very intriguing character!

    I see many parallels between her childhood and that of Rapunzel in Disney's "Tangled", but in a good way!

    As a child, I used to take my toys apart to see how they functioned, including a big clock!

    Moondrop would be out 'discovering the world' for the first time, and this adds a quality of charm to her personality!

    Excellent work!

  5. "Well Miss Scratch, I do what I can to spread peace and love wherever I go,' Mojo said with a smile. "I'm always happy to teach ponies the ways of yoga and pony meditation. It can really help fight stress.'

    "Right, Miss Scratch!' Starflower said with a nod, "The most important thing we own in life is our own body. I will be glad to provide you with a physical examination anytime you wish'

    As she spoke, Jubilee began to settle down to the point where she could open her eyes and smile awkwardly.

    "Wings gets really excited when she thinks about Sapphire Shores. She was her idol and inspiration when she was a foal. Back at the Academy, ol' Wings had so many posters of her on the walls of her dormitory, her roomies ratted her out to the Dean! What a major bummer that was!'

    "Yeah!' shouted Jubilee. "Squealing on me was a rotten thing for them to do!'

    "Jubilee! Don't get yourself worked up again.

    "Oh yeah, sorry. Vinyl, I do love your taste in music! How did you get your start in show biz? Who gave you your big break?'

  6. A list of adoptables are right here if this is what you're asking.

    To quote Pinkie Pie: "OOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

    Didn't see this, glad it already exists!

    Now I will quote Twilight Sparkle from The Cutie Mark Chronicles when I say... "Sorry I wasted your time...."

    But I am still a strong advocate for adopting existing characters!

    I may be a mixed up newbie, but PLEASE fellow ponies, click those links, adopt a character!

    And now, I will return to the Field of Derpiness next to the Newbie Forest!


  7. I like the notion of not having to have a OC approved for Mane RP in order to post in the cross-over forum.

    The only thing that worries me is the content in the Crossovers as it relates to the other RP sections. Maybe this is just me, but I would hate to think that the lack of 'approval' for characters in the Crossover threads and the 'anything goes' mentality doesn't spin out of control and cause the Crossover forum to become a less professional forum. The crossover forum should be used to encourage RP newbies to the RP culture, since we value quality posts in the Mane RP. But it would be unfortunate if the Crossover threads became less of a great opportunity to let one's imagination run around and more of a connotation that a Crossover RP is 'not as good' as a Mane RP.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't want the Crossover forum to become a "trash forum" where all the rejected RP stories go.

    I'm probably alone on this thought, but I thought I share the comment.

    You are NOT alone, fellow Brony!

    I am THRILLED that Canterlot.com has a Crossover RP section! I do NOT consider this a 'throw away' forum. To me, it is a grand opportunity to bring in characters, ideas and plotlines that expand the 'bounds' of the set Equestria universe.

    There are two proposed Crossover threads I plan on joining when they are started!

    Thank you, Manestream, for establishing this fantastic opportunity for adventurous, creative MLP FiM fans!

  8. "I can certainly understand that,' Starflower said with a nod, "Being a great entertainer does take a lot of physical effort. Not meaning to pry, but do you receive regular medical examinations? Stamina and health are important for every pony to be concerned about.'

    "See Miss Scratch, what did I tell ya,' Mojo giggled. "She's on holiday but still can't resist talkin' 'shop'. Groovy!'

    "Yeah, we're real pals!' added Jubilee. "We have things in common! Mojo is trying to be Equestria's greatest salespony, Starflower's already the greatest nurse, and I want to be the greatest entertainer in the land! By the way, have you ever met Sapphire Shores? What's she like? What's her favorite food? What's her..'

    "You're rambling again, Jubilee. Calm yourself. Remember all those meditation lessons Mojo taught us. Breathe in slowly, breathe out slowly, clear your mind.

    "Righto, Nurse Star! Peace of mind leads to peace of spirit. That's what me mum and dad always taught me. Bet you have a need for relaxation too, Miss Scratch. Yoga's a good way to calm both mind and body. Be happy to give ya some quick pointers if you like.'

    As Mojo spoke, Jubilee began to follow Starflower's advice, closing her eyes, breathing in and out slowly, until she was calm once more.

    "That's what I like about Modge here! He has a way of spreading peace everywhere he goes. He don't think it's a gift, but I sure do!'

  9. If I may make a suggestion, could some pony create and maintain a list of approved ponies who their former owners/creators have put up for adoption here on Canterlot.com?

    As one who has recently adopted an AWESOME older unicorn mare (Starflower) I must say that it truly feels good to give great ponies a 'second chance' and a loving, caring 'home' on the RP boards!

    Starflower has been a welcome addition to my corral of RP ponies!

    Please anypony, consider adopting a pony today!

    You'll be glad you did!

    (Ok, NOW I sound like a commercial.... sorry about that....)


  10. We have plenty of wonderful things for you to do here at Canterlot such as meeting other bronies, discussing things about the show, the second season, skiing, mountain climbing, and yoga classes

    WOW! Mojo would be happy to help lead the yoga classes!

    As a 'hippie' pony, he's really into that sort of thing!


  11. "I can dig it, Vinyl!' Mojo smiled after shaking her hoof. "This pony gal's playing some groovy tunes!'

    "I argee,' added Starflower, "She plays like a pro!'

    "I play like a pro too!' Jubilee shouted defensively before looking a little embarrassed. "Ah, I meant to say, yes, I like the way she strums. Did I mention that I'm a recent graduate of the local Music Academy?'

    "Chill out, Wings. No need to send out negative vibes. Miss Scratch, Jubilee is a rad dancer. And she can tickle the ivories of a piano like an angel!'

    "Thanks, Mojo!'

    "If you feel tired, Miss Scratch, I might have some herbal remedies in bag that can help pep you up, if you like.'

    "And I've got some herbal tea that can give you an extra spring in your step. I'm a seller of all natural foods, hoofmade arts and crafts too! But for you, Miss Scratch, since you've been so cool with my pal Wings, I'll give you the tea for nothing! Poor kid's been trying so hard to break into show biz and..'

    "I'm NOT a kid!' Jubilee shouts, flapping her wings, lifting herself high enough to allow the Pegasus filly to give the Paint stallion a kick on his hip with her back legs. "I'm an adult, Mojo! Stop teasing me in front of Vinyl!'

    "Pardon me slip of the tongue, love. Wings here is an adult, though she's small for her age. We've been best friends for years, starting with her time at school. And Starflower's rather famous too! Best nurse in all of Equestria! Wings and I met her a month ago, and the three of us are like awesome pals. Where do you hail from, Miss Vinyl?'

  12. Forcing a smile on her worried face, Starflower's efforts to arouse Jubilee finally began to work as the young Pegasus filly opened her eyes.

    "Starflower? How did you get here? I had the most amazing dream! I met THE Vinyl Scratch and she asked me to perform with her in a show and ..'

    Jubilee's eyes bugged out when she saw the DJ unicorn standing in front of her. Before she could begin to scream for joy again, Starflower used her unicorn magic to hold her snout shut.

    "Sorry kid, but we've made enough of a scene here already. When you're calmed down, I'll unclamp your mouth, ok?

    Finally managing to calm the blonde maned Pegasus down, Starflower lowered her off her back until all four of her jeweled braceleted hooves were touching the ground.

    "Vinyl, I can't THANK you enough for this! I won't let you down, I promise!'

    "I thank you too, Miss Scratch. It'll be fun to attend your event. Just the thought of being in the audience makes me feels like a young foal again!"

    "I know who else would love to meet you, Vinyl, my friend Mojo. He's more into folk music though.'

    "Did some pony call me name?' asked a Paint stallion with a slight British accent and a peace sign cutie mark who had moved his way through the crowd and now stood next to Starflower. "Ok Wings, what kindda trouble did ya get into THIS time?'

    "MOJO!' Jubilee shouted as she rushed over to him. "So glad you're here! I want you to meet Vinyl Scratch, she asked ME to dance in her show in Canterlot!'

    "Groovy! Any friend of Wings is a friend of mine!' Mojo said, extending his front hoof to shake.

  13. Hearing Vinyl Scratch's amazing offer made young Jubilee tremble even more for joy. The blonde maned Pegasus looked so happy she was about to explode. She was nearly speechless, managing to utter a squeally sounding "Yes' before passing out, slumping her belly down upon Starflower's back.

    "Oh no, I need to wake her up!" Starflower muttered, using her unicorn horn magic to lift a bag of smelling salts from her black bag and wave the open bag under the nose of the passed out Pegasus. "I am SO sorry, Miss Scratch. Please forgive Jubilee's excitement and forgive me if I caused you any undo stress. It's just that, in my line of work, I don't get to meet many celebrities. I was at the Grand Galloping Gala and only got to see Princess Celestia for a brief moment."

    Starflower tried to hide her embarrassment as she repeatedly attempted to wake Jubilee with her bag of smelling salts.

  14. "CANTERLOT!!" Starflower shouted in almost schoolgirl glee. "Yes! I would LOVE to return to Canterlot! I attended the Grand Galloping Gala recently and had the time of my life! I was a little shy at first, I'm not really a dancer, but then Alexander Blackwing asked me to dance with him! That charming griffin! I hope I could meet up with him again someday!"

    As Starflower's mind continued to drift with visions of that wonderful night, a white furred Pegasus with blonde mane and tail hovered above.

    "Nice music, for a guitar. Of course, I could do better with a piano or a.. WOW! That's Vinyl Scratch down there! THE VINYL SCRATCH! She could give my singing career a huge boost! I gotta meet her!

    Flying down towards the crowd, Jubilee didn't spot a place to land near the famous unicorn D.J. Suddenly, she smiled when she spotted THE perfect place to land, on the back of her friend Starflower! Quickly, the smaller Pegasus flew down and made a soft four hoof landing on the larger unicorn's back. This instantly brought the daydreaming unicorn mare back to her senses.

    "OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! VINYL SCRATCH!!! YOU'RE VINYL SCRATCH!! WOW!! HUGE FAN! I'm Jubilee Flyer, soon to be the next big star in the entertainment world! I sing, I dance, I play classic piano or almost any other instrument and.."

    "Jubilee! Will you kindly get off my back?"

    "Oh sorry Star, but I just HAD to meet the fabulous Vinyl Scratch and ask if I could audition for her because right now I'm between gigs and this would be a great opportunity for me and .."

    "Would you PLEASE stop rambling! Everytime you get nervous, you ramble on without ceasing. Settle down, ok?"

    "Oh sorry again Star, but did you know you're talking to Vinyl Scratch? THE VINYL SCRATCH?"

    "Oh my. Vinyl Scratch, this is Jubilee, a friend of mine from Hoofington."

    Jubilee was now so excited, the young filly trembled with joy. As she flapped her wings to keep her balance, her metronome cutie mark became visible.

    Jubilee's bio: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2019

    Starflower's bio: viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2031

  15. (ooc): Since MyLittlePonyTales is currently on "RP hiatus for July", 'Fox' won't be responding for a while. Kamerad is moving so 'Dixie' cannot reply for a while either. So to continue the RP till they return, we can assume 'Fox' will keep playing while the rest of us 'in the crowd' can converse.


    As Starflower continued to sway to the lovely music, she glanced next to her and saw a familiar face.

    "Excuse me, aren't you Vinyl Scratch, the famous DJ pony? I've heard of you! Love your work! Oh my, where are my manners? I'm Starflower, a nurse by trade but here in Trottingham on vacation! It is an honor to meet you! Are you playing at a gig in town?

  16. I suppose you can have a regular RP at a place like Pony Joe's that of course references the gala event at Canterlot (or wherever you like), it just can't be in the gala threads themselves as they are closed to new RP threads.

    I understand this, I wasn't proposing having an 'After Party' thread in the Gala section.

    This line of thought does beg a question. How do we as RPs deal with situations that involve minor FiM Cast members if they haven't been 'cast' yet?

    For example, say someone wanted to start an After Party thread in Canterlot at Pony Joe's. Since Pony Joe hasn't been 'cast' officiailly yet, would it be proper to at least 'reference' him in the thread? I know this is a 'gray area' I'm wandering into, but I thought I'd ask the question so I know where the 'boundries' are, if that makes sense.

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