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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. Two Days Later

    Snowfall wore a downcast expression as she looked out the window of the train. Here she was, traveling north of Stalliongrad into the mysterious reaches of the North and yet none of it was how she had been dreaming it would go down for the past many years. The return of the Crystal Empire had thrown her for a loop as it had many ponies. She couldn't however deny the business potential. The Empire had proximity to Stalliongrad and was a complete blank slate when it came to modern tech companies. None of the rival companies had claimed a foothold yet; it was an untested market, so there was risk. There was the possibility that these ponies pulled from the past would reject what they had to offer and that profits would prove scarce. All the same, nopony got anywhere without trying and they had the money to invest. This could be an all too valuable opportunity.

    Which was why she was sitting in a train cart with her all too obnoxious mother. Before they committed to expanding business into the Empire, the entire NSI board wanted to see it with their own eyes and work out arrangements with the locals. All six members of the board were coming along for the weekend to get the Crystal Empire tour. Snowfall wasn't really sure what to think or feel, so she just glanced out the train window at the arctic landscape. She thought of the Stalliongrad she had left and she thought of Pathfinder, out there somewhere in the beyond. Mostly she thought of her father and how somewhere out beyond the snowcapped hills and mountains all around her he had vanished forever. As the train chugged along toward this mysterious empire, a juvenile part of her wondered if he wouldn't somehow be there waiting for her.

    [colour=#0000ff]"You're thinking about him, aren't you?"[/colour] Snow's mother spoke, shooting her a glance as icy as the landscape.

    [colour=#99ccff]"Of course I am, mother,"[/colour] Snow said through a sigh. [colour=#99ccff]"It's unavoidable, isn't it? This is where..."[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"No, you disgrace his name if that's what you believe,"[/colour] the older pegasus said with her muzzle turned upward. [colour=#0000ff]"That stallion would have gotten much further than just this."[/colour]

    [colour=#99ccff]"Ah, yes... of course,"[/colour] Snowfall said, shaking her head softly. [colour=#99ccff]"I didn't mean..."[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"It matters not. If you truly believe this Crystal Empire venture is worth our time, what is important is you keeping your wits about you, child. As much as it pains to admit it, you are the CEO. You are the one who must make the impression that lasts with the VIPs of the empire,"[/colour] Crystal Snowflake said through a huff.

    [colour=#99ccff]"I know, mother. I don't need encouragement from you of all ponies,"[/colour] Snow said, rolling her eyes.[colour=#99ccff] "I've been successfully running this company for many years now."[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"And yet you all too often continue to make ill-advised, childish decisions,"[/colour] Crystal said icily. [colour=#0000ff]"You've proven to not be the best at judging character. Someday it's going to land you in a dangerous spot."[/colour]

    [colour=#99ccff]"This is still about her, isn't it, mother?"[/colour] Snow started with a growl.[colour=#99ccff] "I've told you a thousand times that I'm happy now. As good as your last choice might have appeared, he wasn't what he seemed to be at all under the surface. That stallion was the sort who wasn't good for me, not her."[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"It's not thinking soundly, is what it is. Selfishness. NSI is about more than silly personal happiness,"[/colour] the older mare argued. Snowfall felt angry.

    [colour=#99ccff]"Sometimes I wonder if you didn't allow me father's chair just so you could scold me, mother,"[/colour] Snowfall tersely replied, glancing aside.

    Crystal glowered.[colour=#0000ff] "Is that how you talk to yo--"[/colour]

    A knock as the train car door interrupted the mare's words. Both ponies looked at the door as it opened. It was Sure Regard, the most able butler and servant employed by Northern Storm Manor, who had accompanied them to tend to their needs while they stayed in the Empire. Snowfall nodded at him.[colour=#99ccff] "Yes, Sure, what is it?"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]"I was told to convey to you and Mrs. Snowflake that we will be arriving in the Crystal Empire shortly, Miss Snowfall. The engineer informs me that the train will reach the station in roughly fifteen minutes time,"[/colour] the butler said with a nod.

    [colour=#0000ff]"Excellent,"[/colour] Crystal started. [colour=#0000ff]"I think it will do us both some good to stretch our wings after being cooped up in this blasted train for so long."[/colour]

    [colour=#99ccff]"indeed."[/colour] Snow nodded. [colour=#99ccff]"Thank you for keeping us informed, Sure."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]"My pleasure, Miss,"[/colour] the butler said as he turned to leave. He didn't get very far however. He fell forward into unconsciousness as a large bat was swung at his head. Two masked figures entered the cart, stepping over the motionless stallion.

    [colour=#0000ff]"What is the meaning of this outrage?"[/colour] Crystal shouted loudly as one of the stallions closed the door to the large, private train car. [colour=#0000ff]"Guards! Arrest these criminal miscreants!"[/colour]

    [colour=#8b4513]"No one will be coming for you," [/colour]the masked pony with the bat said before swinging it again, sending the older mare to the ground. Just then, the train screeched to a sudden halt. Snowfall backed up, fearful of what was happening.

    [colour=#99ccff]"If this is about money, I'll pay you what you ask now,"[/colour] Snowfall said cautiously. [colour=#99ccff]"Just don't do anything more to my mother or my servant."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffa07a]"I'd love to take you up on that offer, Miss CEO, but we have orders, you see,"[/colour] the second masked stallion said as the first lumbered toward her with his bat.

    Snowfall thought about what to do, and immediately thought of Pathfinder. She couldn't give in. She had to fight this. Someone evidently had it out for her, it seemed, but she couldn't just let them win. She needed to make her escape. As the bulky stallion swung his bat, she ducked and then slammed her hoof into his chest. As he staggered back she flew at the window, but the thick glass wouldn't give.

    [colour=#ffa07a]"There's no escape, Miss CEO," [/colour]the second stallion said, rushing at her. He was unarmed, but he was also quite large and could easily overpower her if he caught her. Snowfall had to act quick. She flew from the window right toward the door, having to adjust her path as the stallion with the bat recovered and swung at her again.

    [colour=#99ccff]"C'mon..." [/colour]she muttered as she fought the door open as both stallions started coming after her again.

    Just in the nick of time, she worked it open and found herself on the outside. She managed a few steps from the door, thinking she was in the clear, until another stallion jumped up from behind her and forced her into a hold. He forced something into her face and soon she felt her strength leaving her all at once.

    [colour=#99ccff]"Path... finder..."[/colour] she muttered as she collapsed into an unconscious heap.


    [colour=#006400]"Snowy, you're so naive it's funny! Most adventures start with you fighting cloud serpents miles above the ground, getting knockeed out, falling into a near bottomless pit and waking up before you go splat on the bottom! [/colour][colour=#006400]And then you find this little cavern and boulders are all like CRASH and arrows are all like FLIT FLIT FLIT and poison fumes make you dizzy and suddenly FIRE EVERYWHERE! [/colour][colour=#006400]BOOM! [/colour][colour=#006400]The ground explodes and you fall, swinging on vines because you can't see because of the poison you see, but you fall into a rapid current and in the current, CROCS! [/colour][colour=#006400]The crocs try to bite your head off and you're like, 'HECK NO CROCS, I'M NOT YOUR MEAL TODAY!' and you're like BANG BOOM ZOOM! [/colour][colour=#006400]and you relax when you suddenly land on the ground after a short drop in a waterfall. You think you're safe, but then a drop bear attacks! [/colour][colour=#006400]...well, sometimes they start like this too, so come and show me a good time!"[/colour]

    Snowfall couldn't help but giggle affectionately as her beloved let free all of her excited insanity. Pathfinder could be absolutely irresistable. Moreover, she was actually quite fascinating. Sometimes it was hard to tell where Daring Do, fanfiction and general imagination started and real life events began when she told stories, but Snowfall had learned to accept that most of it was more real than one might be tempted to believe. Everything about Pathfinder was incredible in every sense, which was part of why Snowfall loved her so much.

    [colour=#99ccff]"Drop bears, huh?"[/colour] she started, still chuckling. [colour=#99ccff]"I believe I remember reading about those once. Where have you encountered them?"[/colour]

    She flew toward Pathfinder, who was hovering in front of her and nuzzled her cheek. [colour=#99ccff]"You seriously know how to make your adventures sound fun, Pathfinder. It's utterly infectious,"[/colour] she said in a warm voice.

    [colour=#99ccff]"As for today, I doubt it will be quite so action-packed, but I hope to at least show you a good time," [/colour]she said with a smile. [colour=#99ccff]"For now, let's just start with a nice flight over the city. Maybe we'll see something that catches your eye."[/colour]

    She gave a soft giggle as she flew upwards a little and did her own little loop in the air.[colour=#99ccff] "I'd love to hear more about your recent adventures while you're at it," [/colour]she said.

    She could already tell this was going to be a good day. Pathfinder made everything so easy and so fun. A warm smile stayed on her face as she climbed even higher into the clouds as they continued to snow softly on her city.

    • Like 1
  2. Hmm, well, I'm no gallery moderator or anything, but what I would guess you need to do is just wait for your picture(s) to be approved. Users obviously won't be able to approve their own gallery images (though it looks like you maybe found a way to try, somehow); they need to be approved by one of the staff with the permissions to do so.

    I would expect that the pictures you uploaded will appear in the gallery in time, unless there is something more fundamentally wrong. If days pass and they do not appear, let the staff know.

  3. Applications get filed by staff after periods of inactivity by the applicant. To avoid this in the future, please make sure you inform the RP Helper working with you if you plan on taking an extended absence while you have an application active.

    For now, if you wish to have the application unarchived, I would suggest contacting a moderator and requesting it be moved back to the applications forum. :)

  4. Rarity was still unsure how to feel about Equestria Fashions. It truly was a mix of strange emotions, many of which she didn't quite know how to deal with just yet. She felt guilt for the burden her silence was putting upon young Valen. She felt anxiety about being away from her shop for it, and of course for how her fashions themselves would be received at the shows. It was still early in the tour, however, and as such she still had most of her confidence and optimism remaining.

    No, she wasn't going to let herself worry just yet. Valen had reason to worry. She was an adult. She needed to retain her strength and act as somepony that could offer the young ones involved support when they needed it. Speaking of which, sitting with her in the train cart along with Aloe and Lotus from the Ponyville Spa was another young pony who had gotten involved in this because of her. Flakey Shards was spirited if perhaps a little misguided, but she had talent. Rarity had encouraged the girl to become involved as she hated the thought of such a genuinely talented child continuing to feel as if she had no other option than to try and sell fake gems to passersby in the Crystal Empire. Flakey seemed eager to get to work, but looking at her face, Rarity could see signs that her nerves were acting up. It only followed, she supposed. This was a filly, out on her own, so very away from home and all those who knew and cared for her. Rarity wanted to comfort her.

    She wasn't sure, however, how exactly was best to do that. Flakey from her experience was a somewhat precocious and brash filly. She wanted to make her feel more comfortable without coddling the child. She noticed the filly was actively sketching in a notebook and decided this was probably her best window to strike up a conversation. Nodding subtly, she spoke, [colour=#663399]"What is that you're drawing, Flakey dear?"[/colour] she asked. [colour=#663399]"ideas for gem shapes, perhaps?"[/colour]
  5. [colour=#DDA0DD]"Well… The experiment overall was sort of important, but the truth was I was just real tired and mixed some basic chemicals at a quantity I shouldn't of, so really it was a foal like mistake, and nothing cool came of it, unless you wanted to make stink bombs. You wouldn't believe how much chemistry I was required to know just for the biology degree Cloudy."[/colour]

    [colour=#ffffff]"Heh, and you learned it all! You're so smart, Flit. I wouldn't even know where to begin with that kind of thing,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said with a smile as they moved back toward the bar. Flitter was struggling a lot, she could see. She moved toward the mare to help support her.[/colour]

    [colour=#DDA0DD]"Whoa.. I think I'll just lean on you sweetie. [/colour][colour=#DDA0DD]I'll take one of those ice waters… Umm, actually, make it two. It was a heck of a storm last night, didn't do nearly well as the natural weather ponies here."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Cloudchaser just grinned quietly and helped her mare move slowly back to the bar. She nodded when Flitter ordered the ice water. That was probably all they needed at this point. She nodded again when Flitter smiled back at her and then looked at the barmare.[/colour]

    [colour=#ffffff]"Yeah, just a water is probably enough for me too at this point,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said. After a pause she smiled at the mare.[/colour] [colour=#ffffff]"And... uh... thanks for before,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said, remembering how she had encouraged her earlier.[/colour]

    [colour=#DDA0DD]"Cloudy… Do you have to be home for weather work tomorrow?"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Chaser looked back at Flitter when she spoke. She shook her head and gave a laugh. [/colour]

    [colour=#ffffff]"Nah, I would doubt it," [/colour][colour=#000000]she said.[/colour] [colour=#ffffff]"The schedules all get cleared after these kind of things, and as you know, I'm usually on night shifts anyway. They probably won't want me in again until tomorrow night."[/colour]

  6. I believe you should be able to edit the tags by using the "full editor" option when you go to edit the opening post.

    That said, tags shouldn't really be used for status on apps, just for species. For application status you should really have it say [Ready] or [WIP] in the title line.

  7. [colour=#0000FF]“Well I wouldn’t quite say that this was a lesser work; no play can truly be bad if it has a marvelous character like Duke Tempest. It’s a pity though that I can’t say the same for his actor tonight. In fact, I’d wager that even I could have done a better job playing him tonight... and heh heh, I’m not even a classically-trained actor.....”[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Crystal gave a small laugh at her date's assessment. She didn't have a glowing opinion of the work as a whole, but she could see his point in saying the better characters of the piece gave it its place in the greater world of theatre. She was even more amused by his assessment that he could do better than the Tempest they had seen. She was quite honestly tempted to agree.[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]"Well, you certainly have the looks and charisma for the role, I'd say. You'd just need the acting chops,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she said, smirking.[/colour] [colour=#0000ff]"So, what of it, Dr. Merlot? Have you ever tried your hoof as an actor?"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Giving another giggle she shook her head. [/colour][colour=#0000ff]"Haven't been on the stage myself since my school days back in Cloudsdale, when I landed a starring role in the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant."[/colour][colour=#000000] She laughed some more as she recalled those distant days.[/colour] [colour=#0000ff]"An exciting experience for sure, though I never found myself particularly compelled to follow the path of an actress any further."[/colour]

  8. [colour=#FF0000]"Hmmm... wool. Well, I really haven't seen a wool dress, but maybe I wasn't looking hard enough. Wow, you really know your stuff about clothing Spirit! Ever think about becoming a dressmaker? I'm sure ponies would love your help."[/colour]

    [colour=#cccccc]Spirit shook her head softly. [/colour][colour=#ffffff]"No. I do not really know very much about the subject, nor do I have a special interest in it in particular. I merely read a book about it once. Furthermore, I am lacking in skill in the sorts of magics that would be useful at the task and the risk of igniting cloths would remain,"[/colour] [colour=#cccccc]she said in an even, low voice.[/colour]

    [colour=#cccccc]The filly found herself smiling just slightly then as Fire sneezed a burst of flame. Spirit had better control now and thus hadn't done anything like that in a while, but it used to be a bit of a risk sometimes. It made her feel more comfortable somehow as she started to follow Moondancer out and toward the university. Passing through clover park, the filly's eyes scanned rapidly, taking in the new sights until they came upon a large marble statue. Spirit focused intently on this, especially as Moondancer brought their attention to it.[/colour]

    [colour=#CC0033]“Oh! [/colour][colour=#CC0033]Do any of you know about the prank I pulled with this statue here one time?[/colour]

    [colour=#ffffff]"No," [/colour][colour=#cccccc]was all she said as she shook her head.[/colour]
  9. [colour=#0000CD]"Achoo! Achoo! D-DER-"[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Lyra had been preoccupied by her lyre for a while, playing a dulcet melody to try and lure passersby, to frustratingly little effect when suddenly she heard her Bonnie sneeze and start to speak. She turned around just to find an avalanche of construction supplies fall from above onto her fillyfriend, who was soon knocked out by a plank. Seeing this, Lyra immediately rushed to her mare's side to make sure she was fine.[/colour]

    [colour=#339999]"Bonnie!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]she shouted as she examined Bon Bon, looking over where the various odds and ends had hit her. There were lots of bumps and bruises but Lyra was quite relieved to see her mare was very much okay. She was just probably going to be kind of out of it for a while. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]All the same, Lyra felt her anger rise. Bonnie getting hurt was unacceptable. She would not let the mare responsible get away with this. This had gone on far enough. Rising to her back hooves and looking up into the sky her eyes narrowed into a glare as she found that mare. She shook her hoof at the mare and called out to her.[/colour]

    [colour=#339999]"This has gone on far enough! Wrecking her cart is one thing, but now you've gone and hurt her cute little head too!"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Lyra shouted upwards at the gray and yellow pegasus.[/colour] [colour=#339999]"Get down here and face me Derpy and we'll settle this mare to mare!"[/colour]

    • Like 1
  10. I seem to remember doing this before somewhere... but it's not a lot of trouble to fire them all off again. :D


    Radiant Steel - Loyalty

    Hopesong - Kindness

    Snowfall - Generosity

    Damask Luster - Kindness

    Serendipity - Honesty

    Crystal Snowflake - Loyalty

    Earth Ponies:

    Lady Luck - Generosity

    Midnight Brand - Loyalty

    Ardent Fate - Honesty

    Starless Shroud - Laughter

    Harlequin Salad - Laughter


    Spirit Flame - Loyalty

    Dazzle Dawn - Kindness

    Arcana - Magic

    Steel Dagger - Laughter

    Gray Lexis - Honesty

    Crystal Ponies:

    Alexandrite Tilt - Generosity

    Tourmaline Glass - Magic


    Verity Essence - Honesty

    Sierra - Loyalty

    Vivid Flair - Generosity

    Insara - Magic

    • Like 1
    • You're definitely free to and welcome to post in Equestria North. I know myself and some others would be quite happy to see more done there actually.
    • Yes. Stalliongrad is definitely still current and accepted WoE board lore. Reference it all you want. Dio's lore thread is still reliable.
    • For areas outside the Crystal Empire, you should be using the Crystal Empire section. It will become more clear once we have the updated map completed and out, but the distance between Stalliongrad and the empire is greater than you might expect.

  11. ((ooc: ah... I forgot entirely you had said to skip you... :P))

    [colour=#FF0000]"Yeah, I understand about the books. That's why I have that shelf high up, just in case. I kind of already destroyed one of my text books a few months ago. I was cramming for an exam and became so worried that I literally burnt a hole into the page. Yeah, I don't really have any clothes either[/colour] [colour=#FF0000]partly since I don't need many like you and also the fire thing again. Actually I'm looking to have a dress made that's fireproof. I'm not sure if anypony can actually do that, but it's worth a try. I like that you live with a pony that has many books though. You must be really lucky being able to study what Mr. Grey has." [/colour]


    [/colour][colour=#cccccc]Spirit nodded. It really did seem like Fire had some of the same problems she did. It was kind of nice to find another pony who did.[/colour]

    [colour=#ff0000][colour=#ffffff]"I am very glad that Mr. Gray is the one who found me. He has taught me so much,"[/colour][colour=#cccccc] Spirit said in a soft voice looking ahead distantly. [/colour][/colour]

    [colour=#ff0000][colour=#cccccc]She nodded some more as she considered some of the other things Fire had said.[/colour][colour=#FF0000] [/colour][colour=#ffffff]"I'm not sure it would be possible to make fabric entirely immune to fire or heat but from what I've read before, some fabrics are more resistant than others. Wool in particular has low flame spread rate and ignites at higher temperatures than most,"[/colour][colour=#FF0000] [/colour][colour=#cccccc]Spirit spoke rather steadily. She had once been very curious about clothing and why some ponies wore it. Mr. Gray had presented her with a number of texts on all aspects of the subject. A lot of it didn't make sense to her at the time and it still was mildly mystifying, but she could recall some details from a book about clothing and fabrics.[/colour][colour=#FF0000]


    [colour=#CC0033]“ACHOO! [/colour][colour=#CC0033]Are you two ladies ready to head on out now?”[/colour]

    [colour=#cccccc]It was then that Moondancer returned. Spirit looked at her and gave a faint nod. [/colour][colour=#ffffff]"Yes,"[/colour] [colour=#cccccc]she said.[/colour]
  12. "Hmmmmm. Well her name is Glemmer. She might have been in Aquilla Fashion Monthly once or twice, but I don't know about Equestria fashion magazines."

    Rarity nodded. She wasn't familiar with the name, but she'd remember it and try and research it later. This young griffoness had very keen tastes when it came to fashion, so she could only assume they were well honed. She wasn't sure where she would be able find issues of Aquelian Fashion Monthly in Equestria, but curiosity would have her look into it if she could.

    "Don't worry Miss Rarity. Razor only gets like that after a lot of stress. So long as he doesn't feel confined he will be fine."

    Rarity gave a small laugh at the young griffon's perceptive comment. She could see her worry, she supposed. She smiled and gave a small nod.

    [colour=#663399]"Excellent. We'll just have to make sure we give him his space then, won't we?"[/colour] she said.

    "It will do. It mixes enough but has the right contrast to not blend in too well. A good ensemble isn't worth if it can't be made out on the wearer."

    "Hey Glimmer what is it?"

    "We need to be able to see how everything fits on you from all sides. The mirrors will help in that, so just stand still. Just pretend your talking to a girl you like."


    "Sorry Razor."

    Rarity watched the siblings antics and continued to smile. She could tell these two really had a certain closeness even as they clashed with each other.

    [colour=#663399]"Oh? So you want us to use him as a live model? That certainly does sound like it could be amusing,"[/colour] she said chuckling again.[colour=#663399] "Provided of course we don't make him too stressed or confined, of course."[/colour]

    It was a novel idea to try and design the ensemble right onto the one it was being designed for. Rarity hadn't worked like that extensively before, but the idea did appeal to her and with these two it sounded like it could be a lot of fun. She was at the very least willing to give it a shot.

    "Alright. cloth. Coat and cloak. Now we need to pick a design for his feathers. Its got to speak Razor."

    "Hmm," Rarity started at this point. "Well, I don't know. He might look quite dashing with them slicked straight back. Although... pressing them downward might be good too."

    Rarity thought on it for a moment and tried to picture a number of different looks. "I'm not quite sure. Perhaps we'll find inspirations in the ensemble."

    "A prince huh? Lot of fairy tale nonsense. That's not really reality. Ouch! What was that for?"

    "Don't you laugh at Miss Rarity's dream. Its romantic and anything can happen. She is a famous and lovely mare and you don't have the right to say what can or can't happen. Is that clear mister!"

    "Yeah... yeah....I get it....sorry."

    "Good. I have a similar dream. I would love to have a prince sweep me off my claws one day. But I think Daddy or my brothers would eat them first."

    "Heh....that is true."

    "Eh..sorry again. Nice dream I guess. I think its very good that someone dedicates themselves fully to what they love. Passion for something that makes your life worth wild is something I relate to."

    Rarity smirked at this exchange. Both griffons seemed to overlook an imperative phrase in what she had said, that it was the young her that had dreamed of such things. She had since been very much cured of her fixation on handsome princes in perhaps the worst of possible ways. The gala would ever be singed across her memory and with it the knowledge she had gained that princes weren't what they were in storybooks and that there were things one could find that were much more rewarding. She nodded at the young griffon.

    [colour=#663399]"I've since given up on dreams of princes. I don't want to say your brother is right, since it's hardly nonsense to dream, but there definitely is a difference between reality and what you'll find in fairy tales. All it took was a single evening and any dreams of princes for me shattered like a particularly fragile glass slipper,"[/colour] Rarity started in a steady voice. [colour=#663399]"it's fine to dream of your prince. Dreams are just fine... but it's never prudent to cling to them excessively."[/colour]

    "So...you like the high life of the nobility? I never really cared much for some of the upper class ponies in Canterlot. Though that's probably because we griffons judge by deed and not birth parents. A noble in our society is just as likely to be left behind for the predators if he or she proves themselves a nuisance or a shame to the griffon race. It doesn't happen as much now a days but there is always the chance of being disowned by your family and cast out of the society if you dishonor your family or the species for foolish behavior."

    At these comments, Rarity laughed.

    [colour=#663399]"Is that how it works with you griffons? How fascinating,"[/colour] she said with a nod. [colour=#663399]"Though I won't deny I have a fondness for the sophistication and class associated with Canterlot's elite, I rather agree with the underlying sentiment you speak of. Birthright is certainly no substitute for ingenuity and enterprise. I am a businessmare after all; everything you see here at Carousel is here because I made it so; nothing was given to me, and any favour I've curried with the elite was done through effort, ability and of course a little help from my friends."[/colour]

  13. ((ooc: oh wow.... I was just looking through some old threads and I saw this. Somehow I completely missed that Sturmmann had posted to it again, I think because I wasn't expecting Makuzui to post again. I apologize for making everyone wait so very long. :blush: ))

    [colour=#000000]The journey had soon begun in earnest. The band passed the time with idle chatter and the songs of the bard. Neither really struck too much of a chord with Arcana. Apparently she was humorless--how very not true! She saw the humor in many things. Also, colour of a rock? Apparently this pony spent a lot of time amongst pink rocks. Those sticking points aside, the start of the trek was not so annoying as the mare might have anticipated. It was actually quite surprisingly how smoothly it all went. They were making quite excellent time when they came upon their first point of debate.[/colour]

    "We've got two choices--Well, a few more than that. Choice number one, we press on from here, up the trail. Or, we can find a way around the mountain. As for the other choices, we gotta decide if we're going over now, or set up camp here. There may be some better shelter up on the trail, but it's all up to you folks. So, what'll it be?"

    [colour=#000000]Curio presented the question at hoof. A steep and treacherous mountain trail or a safer, more convoluted route around? Additionally, should they rest now where they know the conditions are favorable for setting up camp or take their chances that another conducive site might present itself along whatever trail they take. Arcana nodded, these definitely were the kinds of questions that needed to be asked. For her time, the first question was the simpler to answer. They were a small group and had with them a dependable, strong bodied flier. Perhaps on the way back if they had much to carry with them, a path around the mountain would make more sense, but here and now the trail had more benefits. Arcana was less sure about the second question, however. Should they camp now or later? The group still seemed to have energy and could probably proceed several more lengths... but what if there were no suitable locations on the mountain? Finding themselves exhausted with no safe place to camp could be devastating. Was the risk worth the time? She looked toward the others.[/colour]

    [colour=#DDA0DD]"I think, for the sake of time, it would be best for us to press onward up the trail."[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]The bard was first to respond, suggesting the group press ahead down the trail. The boldest choice for sure, but the quickness she arrived at it spoke to a rash nature. This was a decision they'd have to consider thoroughly to make sure they chose the most prudent option.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]"I concur that we should follow the mountain trail. We're a small group with little to carry, and with the security afforded us by Zelda's wings, the risk should be slight--much too slight to warrant the time the path around the mountain would consume," [/colour][colour=#000000]Arcana rationalized, nodding her head.[/colour]

    [colour=#333333]"On the question of when to camp however, I'm less certain. We don't know what is on that mountain and how secure it will ultimately be, and yet all of us seem fit to venture further for the moment,"[/colour] [colour=#000000]Arcana continued to convey her thoughts on the matter. [/colour] [colour=#000000]"It's certainly a risk, but the question is, is it one worth taking?"[/colour]

  14. "[colour=#8B4513]Private Sterling Silver reporting for duty and ready for inspection, ma'am.[/colour]"

    Radiant nodded at the responses her words elicited. They were proper enough, though she could perceive from the cadet's expression that he wasn't very pleased to see her again. He was doing his best not to embarrass himself again, it seemed, which was good for a soldier. She just needed to make sure she did the same herself. She honestly wasn't very sure what was expected of her in this situation. She had never conducted an inspection before and wasn't entirely sure how to proceed. She supposed that was the point here though. This really was as much her "inspection" as it was his.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Good. Then let's begin,"[/colour] Radiant started.

    She thought for a long while about how she should do that. It followed that she should lead him outside somewhere, right? What exactly was she supposed to be inspecting anyway? Physical ability? Knowledge? Form? Ability to follow proper protocol? Why hadn't she been instructed on any of this? A blank look appeared on her face as she stared off into space for a while. She then shook her head free from her stupor and nodded again. No, she needed to keep it together and perform to the best of her ability. Even if she wasn't sure of procedure, she could do this. She just needed to be thorough and cover everything she possibly could.

    [colour=#ff0000]"Follow me, solider!" [/colour]she said with a sudden nod, as she began to march. [colour=#ff0000]"We'll begin once we're outside,"[/colour] she said, all the while hoping to Celestia she knew what she was doing.

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