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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. I like to think I'm pretty hardcore. I just don't have the attention span for that kind of viewing. I mean, I watched anime for like ten hours straight before, but I just couldn't watch all the same show.

    Haven't seen Tiger and Bunny 20 yet, but I would definitely agree about it being one of the best shows this year.

    And heh... I love High School of the Dead. :D

  2. I guess it just depends on what ponies you like. Pinkie Pie is good comic relief, she's just never been the most compelling to me as a character (in fact, she's probably my sixth favorite...).

    Rainbow Dash on the other hand is my second favorite character, and Rarity who also is featured strongly in Sonic Rainboom, is a close third. It's probably no surprise that episode stuck with me more.

  3. A very fun question.

    Radiant Steel - Radiant, even though she might not be able to see Lady Luck for what she is, would still fundamentally not trust her as she would probably find gambling itself shifty. She would probably have little patience for Spirit Flame's spacey persona, though she might find her cute. She would probably instinctively peg Midnight Brand for a bad pony, due to her coldness and keep her eyes on her. She'd definitely think Hopesong was adorable and get along with her great. With Gilda, she'd be completely on guard, watching her closely ready to jump at the slightest provocation.

    Lady Luck - Lady would loathe Radiant, as she's a symbol of authority; she'd probably do her best to avoid her entirely. Lady would really like Spirit Flame, and would really feel for her and get a sense of connection. Lady would probably really like Midnight Brand and find her fascinating and want to be around her. Lady would be really kind with Hopesong and treat her well; I can definitely see her being just the sort of filly that Lady would hand over some of her winnings to. Lady would be annoyed by Gilda, as Gilda is the type to never play by the rules and Lady doesn't like being cheated by others (it's her job to cheat them).

    Spirit Flame - Spirit would find Radiant odd and not really understand her. Spirit would find Lady odd and not really understand her. Spirit would find Midnight odd and not really understand her. Spirit would find Hopesong odd and not really understand her. Spirt would find Gilda odd and not really understand her.

    Midnight Brand - Midnight would sort of see some of her younger self in Radiant, which would be odd to her; she'd probably keep her distance. Midnight would find Lady kind of annoying, but would be able to put up with her if she needed to. Midnight would be kind but quiet with Spirit, seeing some of her daughter in her. Midnight of course lives for Hopesong, that goes without saying. Midnight would find Gilda really annoying, but like Lady would still be able to endure. Probably.

    Hopesong - Hopesong would probably find Radiant cool and interesting, especially since she's another pegasus. Hopesong would like Lady, finding her a really kind, giving mare and not seeing any of the deeper truth. Hopesong would try to be friends with Spirit, eager to interact with another filly. Hopesong of course loves her mother more than anything. Hopesong would probably find Gilda interesting and try and befriend her too, as she's definitely never seen a griffin before.

    GIlda - Gilda would have no use for Radiant; she'd probably mock her and just have generally no respect for her authority. Gilda would probably think Lady was cool enough, but if they ever played any game together, she wouldn't take losing well, which would strain things. Gilda would have zero patience for Spirit and might be prone to cruelness with her. Gilda would likewise have little patience for Midnight, and find her an unlikable stiff. Gilda would find Hopesong annoying, and probably be kind of mean to her too.

    So yeah, a lot of my characters just wouldn't get along so much.

  4. Yeah. I can have some pretty horrible anxiety sometimes. Most the time I'm cool, but it's easy for me to get stressed out on occasion. And sometimes that can throw off my focus entirely. I'm not on any medication for anything though.

  5. Sonic Rainboom is my favorite episode by far. It's a wonderfully well written episode, full of great visuals (seriously, Cloudsdale is beautiful) and memorable comic moments ( :eek: yay). I really love what it does for Rarity's character. I honestly think the lesson she learns here is as valuable to her growth as a character as any moment in any of the "Rarity episodes". It's also one of the few episodes to focus mostly on Rainbow Dash, and give her character some much needed depth. To me, it's just the perfect episode. :D

    And, yeah, as a Dash/Rarity shipper it's pretty much all I have to go on... :lol:

  6. I chose the from some people option.

    I'm completely open with it when it comes to all my online friends and try and push them toward it when I can. In real life, I'm more selective with who I mention it to. I wouldn't ever deny it to anyone though; I just don't go around telling people about how much I love ponies. :D

  7. Radiant listened to the unicorn's words. Her profession was opening locks. She had obvious frustration about her place in the world from how she spoke contemptuously of the princesses and how she could not gain acceptance into the university. It was easy to make assumptions given these points. When one is disgruntled and desperate, it's only natural to want to take what you think you deserve. This pony was here likely to try her lock picking skills on the princess vaults in attempt to find the bits she needed to push herself up in the world. It made sense. At the same time, part of her did want to believe the unicorn's story when she produced the work order. She wondered if it was just her naïvety. She couldn't let herself make a mistake.

    "You said not a word about being a locksmith or house calls to me," Radiant said, staring at the other pony. "Even so, I'm not sure why we should trust you. You've already proven yourself to be uncooperative, deceitful wouldn't be a far stretch from there. And your skill of picking locks is a very easy one to use for less than honest purposes."

    Her piece said, Radiant turned her head toward the pegasus, intent to follow Bonfire's order. "I'm faster than I look. I've trained for years to fly in this armor," she felt unnecessarily obligated to respond to the other pegasus' obvious taunt.

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