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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. [[This RP is intended for me and Shimmer Star. But if anyone else wants to join, PM one of us and maybe we can work you in somehow, I suppose.]]

    "This one might take a while..." she had said. "I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back."

    It had been two months now. It had been two months since Hopesong's mother had left her alone again. Hopesong was often alone. Her mother needed to venture well outside the Ridge to find work. Still, this was a long time for her to be gone. Hopesong couldn't help but start to worry.

    Hopesong was used to taking care of herself. She was used to boredom. She was used to solitude. She knew how to keep the bad thoughts away. She just needed to keep her mind occupied with something she enjoyed. It was in that spirit that she sat beside a single dead tree, playing with her pet cat Sable as she hummed a song softly and pleasantly to herself.

    "It'll be okay, Sable. Mother will be home soon," Hopesong stopped her humming to say with a nod. "I'm sure of it."

    With that, the young pegasus filly gently nuzzled the small cat and started humming her song peacefully again.

  2. Welcome to Canterlot! :D I hope you have fun here.

    As for getting started, I really just recommend reading over the topics in the "Getting Started" section of the forum. You should find everything you need to know about the forum rules, RP applications and everything else there.

  3. "So your name is Malediction, you attend the university and you have some sort of shop in the lower tier," said Radiant, listening closely. "This could have been so much easier if you just said as much when I asked."

    Radiant nodded, sure she was doing a good job. "But if you do indeed live in the lower levels, it further becomes suspicious why you might be here, so out of your way. I believe we're going to need an explanation, as well as to see just what is in that package." She stared the unicorn pony down, convinced she was some kind of thief or terrorist.

    Radiant glanced toward Bonfire, curious as to whether she was performing well before the more experienced guard pony.

  4. I see. I wonder why this is the first anime adaption of the property then. Usually the biggest properties get adapted fairly quickly.

    But I've always thought every anime should be able to stand alone separate of its source material. If it can only achieve "great" on it's own, that's that. Doesn't mean anyone should have to go read anything else. Of course, granted, this could be the entry point into the property. This anime could get me to play the visual novels, like the Fate/Stay Night anime did. I just don't like the idea of having to watch the visual novels to enjoy the anime.

    i MUST say: dont play it to enjoy the anime then, trust me and the >300 people who have rated it over 9 on the vndb on it being fantastically great.

    I'll consider it. I don't have a lot of time to play visual novels though, so I probably won't get to it for a while. All I'm saying is I'm almost definitely going to see the anime first.

    Usagi Drop? Yeah. I'm not quite up to date, but it's really cute and endearing. I doubt it'd ever be something consider best of the season though.
    hmmm.... blame it on a rather bland season then... i guess. and yeah, on it being great (Rin adorability makes Fluttershy seem 'normal' sometimes, this coming from an absolute Fluttertard as me)

    There seem to be a lot of series this season featuring aggressively cute young girls, and I think I'm watching most of them. Might be why it doesn't stand out to me quite as much.

    As for what you're saying about Penguindrum, I get that. I was in the same position last season with Ano Hana; just did not understand all the hype with that show. But PenguinDrum on the other hand, does seem to really click with me; I wasn't even aware it was all that hyped. I suppose it's a matter of personal taste.

    well yeah, like i said it IS enjoyable but some people are going a bit too far:


    The following ragecomic represents my own personal opinion, therefore it must be accepted as universal truth :smug:



    I have absolutely no problem with excessive, repeated transformation sequences. I've just grown used to it. I mean, they're in practically any given traditional magical girl show.

    That comic is great though. I would probably agree that those are my five favorite shows of the year so far (even if I still haven't seen the last few episodes of Gosick for whatever reason).

    But I really pay almost no attention to hype when it comes to anime. I didn't even know people were calling Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko one of the best shows of the year (the other ones on that comic I probably could have guessed on the other hand). I've seen very little of the Penguindrum hype, so I know I'm not being caught up in it. I'm just genuinely impressed by the show.


    *realizes im not watching blood c*


    *starts watching blood c*


    gory... just how i like my vampire/human-devouring-demon stuff.

    I've been watching Blood-C (a given considering I've enjoyed CLAMP works in the past and also love other works in the Blood franchise). This anime doesn't seem very deep, but it's appealingly stylish and fun to watch.

  5. Heh. Well, I did beat FFT without using cheat codes, which I couldn't do with Tactics Ogre back when I was a kid. I did have strategy guides for both games though, so I suppose there's that...

    I didn't actually read many of the reviews, I just saw the scores it was getting. That's kind of stupid though. I love anime art. I might really have to pick up Neptunia someday, if I can ever find it reasonably priced.

    I'll just go ahead and say we disagree strongly on FFVIII then...

  6. FF Tactics, the only issue i had with it was it being BRUTALLY hard, perhaps the hardest game on the PSX that i ever played, not so the light GBA and crappy DS installments.

    the Ar Tonelicos are fun, although a bit lacking on the exploration dept, as most recent rpgs. still have to start qoga

    Hyperdimension Neptunia, (no, really) and its combo system is gold.

    aaaand, FF VIII being my most favoritest (double redundance ftw) game ever.


    Third Person Shooter + branching stories is NOT an rpg *coughmasscougheffectcough*

    I never found Final Fantasy Tactics that hard, especially compared to it's spiritual predecessor Tactics Ogre. Okay, maybe it was a little hard... Still, it was indeed definitely worlds better than those GBA/DS FFT games.

    This is the second time I've heard someone say Neptunia is really good. Consdiering it's professional reviews are abysmal, I'm now quite curious about this game. Too bad last time I checked the asking price for it on the internet was kind of exorbitant.

    As for Final Fantasy VIII... I should probably just be quiet. I've had more than enough arguments over that game since it came out...

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