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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. A rather interesting sounding character. :D It's kind of cool to see how completely different she is from my Midnight Brand, who has a somewhat similar story (as in they're both middle aged, retired military mares). It's always fun for me to see somewhat similar concepts applied in entirely different ways.

  2. I love RPGs. Pretty much all I play aside from a few fighting games and very few other assorted things. And yeah, I've never touched an MMORPG and truly have almost no interest in doing so.

    I've played a huge number of RPGs. Some of my absolute favorites are Valkyrie Profile, Final Fantasy VI, Chrono Trigger, Phantasy Star IV, Tales of the Abyss, Valkyria Chronicles, Fire Emblem, Disgaea, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XIII, Tactics Ogre and Persona 3.

  3. So yeah, since the contest ends tomorrow, I finally decided to finish Prism up with a major edit/overhaul. As well as of course drawing her...

    As I said before, I suck at drawing. To compensate, I had reference pictures close by to pretty much blatantly copy from. Since she was supposed to have hair similar to Twilight's I used a Twilight reference for her head. As a result, yes, I am fully aware that she ended up looking uncannily like Twilight Sparkle... I was too afraid to go too far off model... Though I did try to change her eyes just a little... make them rounder, add some extra lashes. Not sure it really worked...

    I don't have any sort of scanner. This was a photo taken with a cheap camera of a dirty drawing on notebook paper. So yeah, the colors don't look so good, and not just because I colored quickly and messily. Everything was so dark from the photo, so I made some minor adjustments on my computer to brighten it (I also cut out the background for whatever reason... probably to hide all the smudges and eraser marks around the pony..). Now some things just look kind of weird (the orange and red for instance, seem to have sort of blended together).

    But yeah, it is what it is. Knowing I wasn't going to wow anyone with my art skills, I went and touched up the description. Gave it a little more life. I decided to make it from Prism's POV, as I thought it would give some flavor to it and help establish her individual character. I mean I could tell you she's cheerful, precocious and a little full of herself, but I think it's better if I let that shine through on its own.

    I also changed a few details. Most notably, I originally had her with Dash's coat color and now she has Rarity's. I changed this for three important reasons. 1: in my head I realized she didn't look near enough like Rarity. If I would have gone with the original plan she would have looked much more like Twilight and Dash's child instead of Rarity and Dash's child. 2: It made sense to me that her pelt was white. She's named after the light prism. When the colors in the light prism combine it forms white light. 3: I am incredibly lazy. With the change, I could get away with not coloring large parts of my drawing.

    Other than that, mostly personality tweaks, and some slight alterations to her and Dash's relationship to give it more depth. But yeah, Prism is done now and ready to be judged.

  4. Yeah, I can't really blame the media for how they report it. The adult male demographic is by far the most unusual and unexpected aspect of FiM's success, so of course it's what gets the attention. Without the male bronies there wouldn't even really be a news story worth reporting as I see it. If the reporters did a little more research they might realized the fandom is more evenly split, but thinking about it from the reporters perspective, if the story you're covering is the surge in popularity of a cartoon for young girls on the internet, you're probably not going to go in depth, and probably only going to focus on the most unusual or "interesting" parts of it.

  5. Winter Wrap Up wouldn't be near as memorable without the song. It would still be a pretty alright episode. Actually, it's a pretty good Twilight focused episode. It is a little lacking in immediately memorable lines, but Rarity's bits are hilarious, as are a few other scenes. It would definitely be mid-tier without the song, I think, but it would still be a good episode.

    Certainly better than the admittedly bland Owl's Well that Ends Well. For the record however, I don't think that's the worst episode either. Instead, I'd probably go with Call of the Cutie for that.

  6. Suited for Success, Winter Wrap Up and Best Night Ever are the best of these, all because of their amazing, memorable songs.

    Unfortunately I can only pick two. So I look at what they have to offer outside of the songs. When I do, Winter Wrap Up isn't quite as strong to me. So yeah, I'm going with the other two; the episode that made me fall in love with Rarity and the episode that was the ideal way to end the season.

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