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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. ((I see you decided to just skip ahead from where we had been. Probably the best idea. Any idea what I should do in the other thread? I'm kind of not exactly remembering where we were with it.))

    Lady gave a yawn as she lounged lazily about her house. It had been three days since she placed her order with that metal worker Stallion. Lady hadn't really thought about the encounter much since then. She had just been taking it easy, enjoying her time in town. She had even made a decent profit in a game of chance against a couple ponies and a griffin the night before. Though she was already kind of aching to get back on the road, Lady had to admit things had gone quite well since she got back to this town.

    She was content at that moment to just sit around her home and zone out. Her mind wandered a long while, but then flashed to some of the sadder moments of her past as she waited around. She had made a lot of herself since then, but there was a lot in her past that still haunted her. Thinking about it made her mood fall. She snarled with disgust as she remembered her father and the stallions who would always beat her into submission when she defeated them at cards. Remembering that pain, she became increasingly angered.

  2. I wasn't going to apply for any cast characters... But then Gilda became available, and apparently I'm one of the few people who really like this character. I think she'd be fun to play. I decided to do her application in character, as I'd seen some like that before and I thought it'd be fun. Anyway, here goes nothing:

    Name: "It's Gilda. Don't forget it."

    Post colour: 996699

    Sex: "I'm a chick. Don't think that holds me back though."

    Age: "I'm an adult, obviously."

    Species: "Heh. Griffin and proud of it. Half eagle, half lion, all awesome."

    colours: "My body and wings are a sweet shade of brown. The feathers in the front are brilliant white, with ends of the ones at the top highlighted in a wicked purple."

    Tail/Markings: "My tail is typical to a lion: long, frayed at the end. I got these talons in the front too. Believe me when I tell you, they're as sharp as they look."

    Eye colour: "Stunning gold."

    Cutie Mark: "Is this some lame joke? I'm not a stupid pony!"

    Physique: "Gotta say I'm pretty flawless. This body is strong and fit. These wings aren't just for show! I can out fly any griffin, pegasus or whatever else wants to try me. Just you wait and see!"

    Origin: "Talonopolis, home of the Griffins."

    Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Occupation: "Only losers and dweebs spend their whole life working some lame job. I'm a flier. That's all I need to be."

    Motivation: "To be the fastest and coolest griffin in all of Equestria and put all the dweebs and lame-os in their place."

    Likes: "I just love the feel of the wind against my wings as I soar through the sky. I have a serious need for speed. Heh. And there ain't much more fun than pulling a good one over on some dweeb. Basically, if it's cool, I like it, and if not I don't."

    Dislikes: "Dweebs, ponies, flip-floppers, slow-pokes. You know, basically anything lame."

    Character Summary: "So you want to hear my story, huh? I don't blame you. Who wouldn't want to know more about a griffin as cool as this one? Losers, that's who.

    I'm Talonopolis born and raised. My family life was lame. My parents are total squares who just didn't understand anything about being cool. They tried to force me to go to school and pay attention to all that useless **** they try to shove down your throat. Needless to say, I rebelled. I flew that coop first chance I got.

    You see, I understood it all from early on. Nothing in this world cooler than speed. My place was in the skies, putting my wings to the test. Nothing, and I mean nothing, beats pulling off some awesome tricks high in the sky while onlookers watch, jealous they can't be so cool.

    Guess that's the only cool thing my parents ever did, sign me up for the Junior Speedsters. It was hard to get used to being around so many lame ponies, and there was that totally stupid chant they made us do, but I learned a lot about flying there. It pushed me past my limits and made me even more confident in my speed. I came out of there with confidence I was destined to be the best there ever was.

    What? Rainbow Dash? Why are you bringing that loser up? After what happened in Ponyville, I'm so over her. I could out fly her any day. She'd rather hang out with that dork Pinkie Pie and those other pony lame-os than me, so why not let her? I totally just don't care. I'm better than that. I used to think she was cool. Junior Speedsters, she was the coolest pony I had ever seen, but no, apparently she'd rather be just another dweeb! I can't believe I ever considered that lame pony a friend.

    E-emotional? Shut up! I am not becoming emotional. Why would I? It's not like that slow-poke Dash means a **** thing to me anymore! It's over. She chose to be a dweeb with her dweeb friends and I chose to stay cool. That's that. It's dead and buried. I've already forgotten all about her, so just stop asking me about her or I'll make you regret it..

    So yeah... *cough*... My life is in the sky. I'm a trick flier, one of the best in the game. Those overrated Wonderbolts don't have nothing on this griffin. I can out fly them all. You got that? That's about it for this griffin. I suppose it's not a lot, but it's a simple philosophy for me: stay fast and stay cool."

    Just to clarify:

    - Gilda is certainly not over Dash, regardless of what she'll say. In general, Rainbow Dash is a very touchy subject with her. And though she's far too proud to actively pursue reconciliation with Dash, she definitely regrets how things have fallen apart, and does kind of wish they could be friends again.

    - Gilda doesn't have a formal job. She does stunt flying in shows on occasion, but beyond that, her poor work ethic and general bad attitude get in the way of her actually carrying a legitimate job. Of course the resulting lack of income doesn't trouble Gilda, as she has no qualms about stealing what she needs when others aren't looking.


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  3. Radiant gave a firm nod. Bonfire seemed to be doing an excellent job of questioning the pegasus stallion who had appeared. Thinking quickly, she considered what she should do in this situation. She decided immediately that the proper course of action was to keep her focus on the blue unicorn and leave the other to the sergeant. She stepped toward the unicorn as she thought of something appropriate to say, trying her hardest to keep her emotions in check this time.

    "You seem to have taken the opinion that we of the guard have affronted you in some way," said Radiant to the unicorn in a very stern voice. "But had you simply answered my questions I would have been on my way without event. It is only because you refused to cooperate, and furthermore spoke with spite aimed at me and the princess that my suspicions remain." Radiant gave a stern scowl, a jittery excitement coursing through her as she spoke. "If you are truly innocent here as you seem to claim, I ask you only cooperate and you will gladly be released. If you do not, it is my job to take precaution and assume you mean harm."

  4. 1. When you first heard about ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’, how did you feel? What were your reactions (if any) to the title?

    I first heard about it in February from two separate sources at about the same time, my little sister and this internet friend of mine in Japan. Both of them had nice things to say about the show, but it was not unusual for them to like girly things. To my friend I replied word for word: "Heh... I somehow don't see myself watching this." And I didn't. I had absolutely no interest in a My Little Pony anything, and the Friendship is Magic part just made it sound even more unappealingly girly. I wrote the show off then. It wasn't until late May, when another friend of mine posted some sexy pics of humanized Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy and told me he was into this My Little Pony show that I decided to at least try it. It still took a fair amount of courage to jump into something with that title. And at first, even when I started to fall in love with it, I kind of avoided calling it by name, referring to it as "that pony thing" and such.

    2. Though originally meant for young girls, the show has expanded to a wider audience of differing age and gender. Explain, in your own words, why you believe this to be so.

    I think it's the characters and the way they bounce off each other. The mane six are all very well rounded character. Each of them is thoroughly flawed and a little crazy. They're also so different from each other in wonderful ways, which makes seeing them interact just great. No two characters are very alike at all. Beyond that, there is the bright, eye catching animation and the strong sense of humor carried throughout the show.

    3. a) What themes/aspects of the show resonate with you the most?

    The relatable characters, I"d say. I also appreciate the example it sets for the intended, young female audience, presenting these six ponies as sort of role models. I mean, you have a scholar, a farmer, an aspiring athlete, a fashion designer, etc, and they're all presented appealingly. I just think that's kind of cool. Also, everything about the show is just infectiously cute.

    :) What themes/aspects of the show do you dislike?

    I struggle to think of too much. I'm mostly all positive with this show. If I had to say something though, I'd probably go with the CMC. I know they wanted to include characters more relatable to the target audience in terms of age, but it just doesn't work for me really. These three characters just aren't as likable or interesting to watch. I don't hate them, and I know they only get a few episodes, but it still feels like they're over utilized somewhat

    4. a) Which character(s) do you admire the most? Why?

    Applejack. Because she's so cute... I also love how she's tough, hard working and bold yet at the same time kind and just warm. Also, Rarity. I just think she's a cool example for all the young girls out there. She's girly, but boldly assertive, hard working and creative. I don't know if admire is really quite the right word, but I also really love Dash; she's just so cute and cool. There are few characters I don't at least like though.

    B) Which character(s) do you dislike the most? Why?

    The minor characters in the episode Call of the Cutie. Twist is annoying and Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are just bland villains with flat characters and, unlike earlier villains Gilda and Trixie, hardly very appealing designs.

    5. a) How has being a fan of this show changed you? Has it changed your personality/emotions/thoughts?

    I now think about ponies all the time. Other than that, not much.

    B) How has being a fan of this show changed the way others view you?

    My friends don't seem to mind. Most of them are into it too by now.

    6. a) Do you identify more with female lead characters? Would you watch this show if the lead characters were male rather than female?

    I probably actually wouldn't watch it if they were male. Part of the reason I watch is it's about cute girls, even if they're ponies. I tend to gravitate toward shows with female characters as it is. I kind of equate FiM to a moe anime, so yeah, them being female is a huge part of the appeal. It just wouldn't be the same with male characters and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't watch it.

    B) How might the show be affected if the lead characters were male?

    I really just don't think it would work. Not for me at least.

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