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Posts posted by RarityDash

  1. I see. I wonder why this is the first anime adaption of the property then. Usually the biggest properties get adapted fairly quickly.

    But I've always thought every anime should be able to stand alone separate of its source material. If it can only achieve "great" on it's own, that's that. Doesn't mean anyone should have to go read anything else. Of course, granted, this could be the entry point into the property. This anime could get me to play the visual novels, like the Fate/Stay Night anime did. I just don't like the idea of having to watch the visual novels to enjoy the anime.

    Usagi Drop? Yeah. I'm not quite up to date, but it's really cute and endearing. I doubt it'd ever be something consider best of the season though.

    As for what you're saying about Penguindrum, I get that. I was in the same position last season with Ano Hana; just did not understand all the hype with that show. But PenguinDrum on the other hand, does seem to really click with me; I wasn't even aware it was all that hyped. I suppose it's a matter of personal taste.

    Oh, it has mecha? That explains, I suppose. Still, all of Sunrise's best known mecha anime were originals; I can't remember them making a mecha anime that was an adaption of something.

  2. Name: Hopesong (very occasionally shortened to Hope.)

    Post colour: FF3366

    Sex: female

    Age: young filly (12-13 equivalent)

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt colour: light green

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: pinkish red. Mane is mid length and very wavy, almost to the point of curling. Her tail is really vibrant and puffy.

    Eye colour: reddish-brown

    Cutie Mark: none yet

    Physique: fairly average for her age. Maybe just a little underweight.

    Origin: A small home in a quiet corner of the Roughrider Ridge.

    Roleplay Type: Mane RP

    Occupation: none

    Motivation: To do whatever she can to make her mother's life happy.

    Likes: reading, animals, flowers, singing, making her mother happy, sweets

    Dislikes: sadness, violence, letting her mother down

    Character Summary: Hopesong is the only daughter of Midnight Brand, a former soldier who has become a sort of hermit in the Roughrider Ridge. The two of them have lived a solitary life there together, without much interaction with others. As a result, Hopesong has no pony friends outside her own mother.

    Needless to say, Hopesong is a lonely young filly, but that's not to say she's entirely unhappy. She keeps from being sad because she dislikes sadness. Hopesong is instinctively very good at understanding others, and especially her mother, and can easily see just how difficult things are for her, as well as how much she loves her. She learned young that complaining about anything just made her mother sad, she's taught herself to never complain.

    Hopesong is mature for a filly her age. She knows how to cook, clean and is never hesitant to do any work her mother might request of her. She's had to grow up quickly, as her mother is often away for long spells trying to make money. Even when her mother is home, she's constantly trying to do more than her fair share of the work so that her mother will have time to relax.

    Her mother often returns from her ventures with gifts for Hopesong including toys, and as she grown older, lots of books. She's never been to school, so she's learned most all she knows from these books. Hopesong adores exciting books about adventures most. In the past, she's tried to get her mother to tell her stories at well, but doing so makes a sad look appear in her eyes, so Hopesong doesn't do that anymore.

    Hopesong has a strong affinity for animals. She spends a lot of her free time tending to and caring for wild animals. She has her own pet cat that her mother bought her on one of her trips who she particularly loves. Hopesong, as her name might imply, also enjoys singing, and is quite talented.

    Personality wise, Hopesong is a quiet filly, but she's not particularly shy. On the contrary, she is ultimately curious and cheerful, she is just very sensitive and aware when it comes to others' feelings. Having had limited pony interaction in her life, she's a little awkward around other ponies. When there isn't a book in her hooves, an animal to play with, or a song in her head and her mother isn't around, Hopesong does become quite lonesome and sad, but she recovers quickly.

    Hopesong does not have her cutie mark yet.

    Animal Companion: Hopesong has a small, female black cat she has named Sable. Sable is a playful cat with a bit of a mean streak, though she's more quick to show it to Midnight than Hopesong, who she is more affectionate toward.


    Art of Hopesong with her mother Midnight Brand, courtesy of the incredibly talented Buxy.

    And here's some solo art courtesy of the talented EbenLynx:


  3. I voted Show Stoppers. The CMC are just never as compelling as the Mane six to me. I remember being a little annoyed having to watch Show Stoppers immediately after Stare Master first time I watched the show. On it's own though, Show Stoppers might actually be the best CMC episode, so I do feel at least a little bad for voting for it.

    I get why Owl's Well that Ends Well is getting the votes here, but I was really kind of grateful to get a Spike centric episode. It isn't the best episode, but I do think it was needed and I was happy to have it.

    Griffon the Brush Off doesn't deserve to be here. That episode and Gilda are awesome.

  4. I did see it was a side story. Still, it makes no logical sense to me that it would be made inaccessible to people who aren't already fans. It says its a TV anime, which means its not just a product for preexisting fans to buy but something that's going to air on Japanese television in direct competition for ratings with other TV anime. From a productions standpoint, it makes sense for them to make it as easy to jump into things as possible not make it something for fans only; it will make more money that way. If the novel was written without proper exposition for newcomers, I'm going to guess thar the anime adaption will find a way to work it in.

    I really need to watch Kara no Kyoukai someday. I've really been meaning to since I love Type Moon so much, just one of many things I've never gotten around to.

  5. Why do you say that? It's an adaptation of a novel rather than a continuation of one. The anime should be able to make sense on its own, I would hope. I kind of understand the logic in making an anime film where it doesn't make sense unless you've read the source, like the Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works film, but I can't see a studio getting away with making a full length TV series that doesn't try to be accessible to new viewers, especially since this appears to be the first animation project of any sort based on this property.

    And I don't mean to burst your bubble, just saying, really, what have Sunrise made that's excellent that is an adaptations of an existing work? Sunrise, like Gainax, is a studio I always think about for their original creations first.

    I haven't seen too much of ufotable's output yet. I'm eager to see how they handle Fate/Zero.


    now only needs to announce Sunrise as the making studio and im golden.

    Oh yeah, I read that the other day and remembered your recommendation of the visual novel. I'll definitely check out the anime when it shows.

    It doesn't sound like the sort of thing Sunrise would pick up though. As much as I'm a fan of that studio, I honestly kind of think they're at their best with original projects rather than adapting things anyway.

  7. Radiant had to say she was quite impressed by Bonfire's words to the unicorn. He really did seem just like a pegasus guard should be. This unicorn really did get on her nerves with how she twisted Radiant's words. She had never said Princess Luna was a lesser princess only that she had a deeper personal loyalty to Celestia. She still wanted to lash out at the unicorn but stopped herself. She needed to stay still and watch. She could learn so much from seeing firsthand how Bonfire handled all this.

    Then, at the same time as the sergeant, Radiant's sharp senses picked up on the sound of somepony in then nearby bushes. She was not nearly as quick to jump into action as the other guardspony. As the stallion yelled to the hidden pony, Radiant straightened her posture, keeping her eyes on the blue unicorn. She stood alert, ready to fly into action if it was necessary of her.

  8. I'm liking Kamisama no Memo-cho a lot too so far, though I'm only up to episode two or three on everything I'm watching (and I'm watching practically everything). It is just incredibly well done so far.

    It is definitely up there, but I'm not sure it'll end up being the anime of the season for my tastes. Mawaru Penguindrum is just so impressively fun and bizarre, and then there's Yuru Yuri which is one of those shows that just seems to pinpoint my weakness while being a legitimately funny entry in its genre.

    This season isn't nearly as incredibly busy as last, but I'm generally impressed so far.

  9. She was in the military for a long time as I see it, so she definitely was an officer of some variety. I hadn't really thought about the specifics of rank, but I suppose Lieutenant seems about right for her. I'll add that in.

    As for the rest, I really do plan to do a full application for Hopesong in the future as I do plan to RP them separately, and I was planning to go more into detail on Hopesong's side of things there. But the real gist of it is that Midnight misses a lot when it comes to her daughter. She means entirely well and feels its her duty to work hard to provide for Hopesong, but she's never had a normal family life. She didn't really have a strong connection or respect for her parents, and is really kind of misguided raising a filly by herself, having no real guide to go by. In Midnight's head, the proper way to best provide for her daughter is to get her material things, and though she does really value the time spent with the filly above all else, she's willing to sacrifice it to get such things. Hopesong has had to learn to be a fairly mature filly, able to provide for herself when her mother is away for long stretches of time. She is a kind of lonely filly without many pony friends (she might have a pet or two though), and while she does lack a formal education, her mother did teach her to read and often brings her books which she learns from.

    Actually, might as well just add that paragraph I just wrote to her profile...

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