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Status Updates posted by RarityDash

  1. Received confirmation that my story will be on EqD tomorrow. Yay!

  2. Submitted one of my fanfics to EqD for the first time. A little anxious, but optimistic.

  3. Stayed up until 3:30 in the morning writing pony fanfiction; I regret nothing.

  4. *sigh* I really need to stop procrastinating so much when I have work to do...

  5. Won't be on much at all today. Will be back tomorrow.

  6. Whoa... Derpy, Dash, Celestia and Cheerilee all opened up in the RP? I love all those characters... kinda want to be first in line for awesome season 2 characters though... tough decision.

  7. Urgh... really sick today... Not fun.

  8. Darkness and Dawn is underway. I'm thinking this project will be a lot of fun.

  9. Donated ten bucks to Canterlot. Wish I could do more, but I'm sure it will still help out.

    1. Autumn


      You're awesome! Thanks for donating. You can now change your display name (once per month) and you won't see ads on the site for 3 months! Thanks again for supporting canterlot.com and we'll let you know of more perks we add later.

    2. RarityDash


      Oh, awesome! I didn't even know I got any privileges like that for it. That makes it even better.

      Anyway, glad to help out!

  10. Got all my RP posts done. Time for some Darkness and Dawn brainstorming, I think.

  11. Really worn out right now. Probably won't respond to any RPs until tomorrow.

  12. 500 posts!!! No longer a parasprite. Feels good.

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