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About DarkHorizon

  • Birthday 07/22/1998

RP Characters

  • Main Character
    Dark Horizon

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DarkHorizon's Achievements

Rock Farmer

Rock Farmer (1/9)



  1. Third pony it is! Dark splutters out of the water. A lone light house is illuminated by the moon. A group of survivors hurry inside the light house "Wait!" Dark calls, moving his hooves as fast as he can, horse-paddles towards the light house ((Any good?))
  2. Name: Dark Horizon Sex: Male Race: Unicorn Age: Stallion Eye Color: Blue (Sapphire) Mane/Tail Style and Color: Black mane, with golden strips Coat Color: White Physique: Medium, Athletic Cutie Mark: Shield with unicorn horn and magic Occupation: Canterlot/Celestial Military agent History: Born in Canterlot, father was Guard Captain and mother was model. Father died in fight with Griffons when Horizon was young, and mother fell into depression and fled, leaving Horizon in an orphanage. Was discovered to be able to preform perfect telekinesis spells, and was fairly good at healing and personal/small barriers. Was given entry to Celestia's school for Gifted unicorns, and excelled as second in the class. Gained cutie mark when he discovered he could launch beams of directed magic at people and saved a woman. Finished school and joined the Royal Guard, but succeeded enough to be noticed by Celestia and joined her Special Forces. He was sent personally by Celestia to investigate missing sailors in the ocean. Personality: Mostly quiet, but friendly when needed. Mostly keeps to himself, but assumes leadership if needed. Puts others safety above own. Is usually serious, and has an occasionally dark sense of humour. Orientation: Mares Favorite Color?: Black Role: Informant, backup. (Disappears sometimes but then comes to help others in dangerous situations) (Or maybe the "Buck is he still alive pony" )
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