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Posts posted by aFlatmajor

  1. ((Just throwing this out there, but, umm, I think you're getting a little off topic..Allanon, MidnightBlackhorn....This is a just a playful RP in a library with little fillies, colts, and foals...I think you're going a bit to far with...what ever it is you're doing...I mean, yes, this revolves around their imagination and playfulness, but, you're kind of ruining this. I mean, no offense or anything, but it's true..And if you want to RP what ever it is that you're changing this into, create your own separate thread, for this one already has a topic and it appears you're changing it...a lot... ))

    It pointed a bone finger, speaking still in the foreign dialect.

    ((Also, umm...Ponies don't have fingers, they have hooves........Except Lyra, because she is best human....))

  2. Dawn hopped happily through the hallway, and stopped in front of Cloud, who had just asked her a question. The filly knew a great amount, yet she hadn't known what a tenant was.

    [colour=#F62817]"Oh, I- Uhh...."[/colour]

    The filly has been looking down as she thought of a reply. Only to look back up to find a new stallion that stood over her, causing her to become shocked. She jumped slightly and her horn sparked, setting a few small things on fire and scorching others. She smiled sheepishly at Cloud and noticed yet another pony, a mare this time, at the end of the corridor. Who beckoned her to follow to her room. The small flames had burnt themselves out and many parts of the hall were now slightly burned.

    Dawn dashed to stairs and quickly went to the third floor, happy for a change of scenery.

  3. Dawn's smile widened. So far this night was a success. Now, time to see how much more candy they could get. If things keep on the way they're going, much, MUCH candy is going to be earned. Dawn turned to the fallen Misty and smiled sheepishly.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Oh, ha, sorry Misty. Maybe you should hold on tighter next time!! Anyway, I declare our first house a success!! Now, whose going to lead us to our next victory? I already did my part."[/colour]

  4. Dawn sat in back of a pegasus drawn carriage on her way to ahouse outside of Ponyville. Though the ride there was relatively short, it had felt like hours to the little filly. She didn't want to move away from her home in Canterlot, but she was forced to. Due to her being a walking fire hazard.

    The carriage began to slow and lose altitude, for she had reached her destination. The filly exited the carriage with her luggage and slowly advanced to the large grey house that was to be her new home. A small smile formed at her lips and she giggled slightly. She just realized something: New friends to play with!! So with the filly once more excited and happy, she began bouncing towards the house and let herself inside.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Helloooo!! Anypony there!!..."[/colour]

    She winced slightly at the thought of being alone. She bounced around the first floor for a few minutes, examining her new home. Everything was pretty bland and the house needed a serious make over. She bounced up the stairs, hoping somepony was there.

    [colour=#FF0000]"Is there anypony up here?"[/colour]

  5. Dawn bounded towards the house, unaware of Misty who had clinged onto her. A large smile across her face, Dawn approached the door and knocked on it until somepony came and opened it.


    This outburst had causd the pony at the door to freak out slightly. The pony threw a bucket of candy at Dawn and her friends, slamming her door soon after. That experience must have terrified that poor pony.....But the foals had received a bucket of candy!!!

  6. Having been terribly out shined by this so-called sparkle magician, Dawn began to pout and turned away from everypony. She remained like this until Rhapsody mentioned candy. Perking up immediatly, Dawn turned back around and smiled. Nothing was going to get between this filly and the candy that awaited her.

    [colour=#FF0000]"C'mon everypony!!! Let's go get candy!! We can get things like chocolate!! Or taffy!! Or cupcakes!! Or lollipops!! Or ice cream!! Or chocolate moose!!...Moose? Mice? Mooses? Moosen!? Yeah!! CHOCOLATE MOOSEN EVERYPONY!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh!! Or maybe we could get a house made of candy!!!!"[/colour]

    Dawn began bouncing up and down, excited and ready for Nightmare Night to really begin. And yet, not a single rationall thought of what she was in store for. She really expected to recieve a moose...made of chocolate. The filly hopped excitedly infront of the group, leading them towards a random house.

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