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Posts posted by abc

  1. You have really classy friends. My friends, if they knew I was a brony, would just call me "fag" or something. Or, maybe, just maybe, they may try and play me up by saying they're wanted to get in the show, and ask for all these details and whatever, before getting up and leaving. It would be especially effective because I tend to cling on to friends for the one or two attributes we share, before slowly opening the horizons to see more "friendable" aspects, so if I thought one of my acquaintances was a brony, I wouldn't shut up about it to them.

    exactly how most of my friends are, they are too immature to realize that me watching a show that which doesn't effect them at all, makes me not their friend.

    I only tell people I KNOW are good friends and are trustworthy.

    This is also the reason I have no merch.

  2. I really would have punched this kid, like seriously people thar do stuff like that gives a bad name to the brony community, if you don't want your friends to know stay in the stable! But just trolling makes me very very angry

  3. Maybe unicorns have some different more"deadly" spells if the need were to arise.

    Also I like the idea of a weapon maybe strapped to the arm or hoof like a dagger or something....

    This is a very good topic, its something I've really never thought about actually.

  4. Every ship is acceptable. Even the weird ones.

    Especially the weird ones.

    Did I come off as rude or saying its unacceptable, cuz if I offended you I'm sorry :(

    I was saying that I'm not particularly into the "weird ones" but I haven't seen many and I guess I should try and give them a try.

    Again really sorry if I offended anypony.

  5. Ok, I know to the people who hate shipping its kinda weird, but I think its kinda cute....unless it gets OVERLY sexual then I get kinda weirded out.

    (I say overly meaning like sexual intercourse kind of way, kissing or sexual jokes are funny or cute to me :3)

    Aaaannnywho, I just wanted to know everyponys opinion, I like flutterdash its soooo adorable <3

  6. I don't have many haters as my friends, but my best friend todd doesn't like the fact that I LOVE my little pony, he's mature enough to get over it his exact words were "why would I not be mature? What can I call you? Gay? I called you that before you were a brony and you know I'm just jokin wit u" <--- THATS a true friend right there.

    But we do like to troll each other by texting each other and busting out into image macro wars, I told him he can't beat a brony at image macro, but I still beat him even tho he persists ;) you know the anti brony pic countered by the love and tolerance pics or general brony pics.

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