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Posts posted by abc

  1. Hello! Welcome to canterlot! I like xbox, long walks on the- err ponys! And I am the secondary forum derail expert, you will know the official derail expert when u see him.......


    (Haz no pic srry)

  2. I used to LOVE Ed, Edd, n Eddy. I still do. Personally my favorite cartoon of all time, trumping even FiM. So much wit, excellent animation, great voice and music work, and the class it had with everything it did was gorgeous. I wish more shows could be like EEnE

    ...as you can tell, I'm a 90s-kind of kid, :smug:

    I highly agree with this, I was born in 96 but I still LOVE older cartoons especially ed edd n eddy, if it was on Netflix I would poop myself, still such a good cartoon I really miss it, and was better then spongebobs new episodes which have kinda sucked

  3. scooooooootaaaaaaaaloooooooooo ! xD

    NOOOO how could I forget, she's so adorable! <3

    I saw some fanart with her sleeping in a alley under a newspaper and it looked like sisters walking by her, not paying attention.

    It was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen :(

  4. After sleeping with a blanket and pillow without a duvet and pillow sheet for two weeks, I've finally gotten off my flank and bought...guess what?



    How I spent my summer vacation -_- except I didn't get out of bed.....lots of my little pony, ice cream and ramen noodles....and mountain dew

  5. Mane cast - Pinkie Pie. She's Best Pony after all!

    Background - Lyra! You can't NOT "D'aww!" at her cute little face!

    My thoughts exactly she needs more speakin parts, I love the voice actor they gave her

    ...but watching one of the numerous vids on the fanfic "cupcakes" made me scarred for life, still love pinkie tho its just a little harder to.

  6. Title says all

    (Besides fluttershy I feel like lots of people will say her)

    It can be a background pony or a main pony

    Mine are

    Background:Derpy and lyra derpys obvious cuz, well she's adorable and lyra is so cute when she's fantasizing about being human xD

    Mane: Twilight definitely idk why, but she just is

  7. I told him because he saw on his Netflix that my little pony had every episode watched in 2 days and he was like lol whut?

    He pokes fun at me every now and then but he's pretty cool and mature about it, even introduced me to a few bronies via Facecrook

    OH NOES I forgot to say: Welcome fellow gamer! Maybe we should play sometime :D

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