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Status Updates posted by abc

  1. oh boy, my aunt forgot to pay mah phone bill -_- now im cut off from everyone i know D:

  2. Steam summer sale? Tomorrow? Celestias brow! I need money! *scrambles money from couches*

  3. Equestria Girls... Was MUCH better than i anticipated! it made me shed liquid pride! And Human fluttershy is the most adorable thing that i have ever seen!!!1!1 9/10 wasn't the best, but i loved every second of it.

  4. signed up for the elder scrolls online beta, even though my comp would explode trying to run that game XD

  5. Oh mah gawd. Video Games are eating my life away, and im loving every second of it. Also, that's why i haven't been on recently. The combination of Spiral knights and Team fortress 2 is just too time consuming.

  6. ive been playing tf2 wayyyyy too much...

  7. summer vacation t-minus 1 month

  8. "Forgive me im trying to find, my calling im calling at night, i dont mean to be a bother but have you seen this girrll? She's been running through my dreams..and its driving me crazy it seems..im gonna ask her to marry me..." :D

  9. WoOOOOoooo! Dubstep!!

  10. :o i got a 275 out of 613 points in the season 3 quiz on i am brony! "Not bad! You seem to have an eye for details or you watched the show quite attentive."
  11. i dont wanna go to school! D: Im hoping i can stay home for take your child to work day today!

  12. i just went to the greatest mall ever today...it was so beautiful...@_@

  13. i gotta practice the mario theme for piano class, i will be playing it for the class!

  14. *sniff* *sniff* Whats that smell? *looks to feet* Oh, its you guys

  15. *yawn* Im soooo bored :/

  16. omg...the events happening in Maine are crazy....

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