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Posts posted by GX550177

  1. I think I've found that it's best not to make a big deal out of it. I guess it's kinda like if they walk in on you watching porn or something. I guess the following is the best display of your reaction should be to their discovery of it:

    true, recently my mate said he watched ben 10 on the train, my other mate responded by repeating " hey guess what jack watched on the train" i said "what" he replied "ben 10" he expected me to react and make fun of him but i simply responded "he can watch what ever he wants to watch". if anything like that happens i'm just gunna react like that in hope they will react the same way when they find out i'm a brony.

  2. I was thinking that if a Unicorn and a Pegasus had a baby, they could potentially give birth to a unisus. So I was wondering if different types of ponies (Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus) could have babies together. I mean, anatomically, there doesn't seem to be a problem. But is that something that's a taboo in pony society?

    yes they can, use princess celestia as an example as she has both wings and a horn, if a pony has some DNA of a pegasus or unicorn it may pop up later on through the generations even if the parents are earth ponies, as an example you could use pound cake and pumpkin cake whose parents are both earth ponies. dont see that it would be considered a taboo. :D

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