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Everything posted by Bronas

  1. Bronas


    Me too dig in metal and rock, but mostly i go for symphonic metal, you know, Blind Guardian/Rhapsody of Fire Thanks everyone again for the welcomes, didn't expect that in the first place o.O
  2. Bronas


    Curse you! This is going to be stuck in my brain for a while.
  3. Bronas


    Actually? I dunno, seriously, was browsing and not caring much about the text and somewhere in my head stuck the name canterlot.com Typed in and registered Thanks for the warm welcome everypony! ^^
  4. Bronas


    At the beginning I was for a big "No" for MLP, that night we were after a few beers and we were talking bout the day at the con. Suddenly one of them suggested to the third friend that they should watch a new episode of MLP. They both got struck with the idea of indoctrinating me into ponies. I was a bit less strick about it (that's how beer works after all) and I give it a shot. First was the 'yay' gag on youtube. It was funny, so i accepted one episode, the first one. We finished the first one, and hell i liked it. Also it was a two parter, so i had to watch the finish, right? What happened next, I guess you can work out on your own.
  5. Bronas


    About Myself: Polish Roleplayer, Brony, M:tG player and horticulture student How I found Canterlot.com: Equestria Daily, duh. How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Poznan Fantasy convention: Pyrkon. One night in between the con's days, i had to sleep at a friends house. He was a brony. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Miss Rarity Hello Canterlot! I am sorry for my English, since it can go really off sometimes and I hope you will be able to get my message. Esp. I'm sorry for the RP forums, which I want to invade quite soon. Anyway, have a nice day.
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