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Everything posted by MorningDawn

  1. " Its ok, and yes it is normal." David was amazed, shocked, and happy all over his body. He felt the joy run through him like a spring. It just burst. When she kissed him, it was his turn to feel the spark. He started blushing from the thought. He looked into her beautiful eyes and didn't say a word. Just admiring her. He stopped for a moment and then a feeling dawned on him, " How are we going to get back? I would like it if i could bring you with me, if you want to ."
  2. " I feel right around you to, i feel like i need to protect you. I feel much more as well." He slowly let go and stared into her eyes, but not before slowly pulling into a kiss.
  3. David looked at the girl, shocked and a bit scared. He ignored it and picked up the girl and held onto her as most as he could, " You didn't do anything. You see, ponies may do wrong things, but they had a reason to do it. You might have done it because someone did wrong to you. That's understandable. I am not harmed by your magic. I feel as fresh as a rose blossoming from morning dew. I forgive you and i might actually like you."
  4. " Yea, a bit. And yes i did come from Equestria, Ponyville to be exact." David looked into her eyes and waited for her to say something.
  5. " My name is David Masonfield, but everyone calls me David. You can, too." They continued walking and lost sight of their destination, " What's your name? You don't have to tell me it, but it would help me try to flirt with you." He blushed at his failed attempt to flirt with a girl. He is really bad with girls.
  6. David turned to see to women walking toward them, " Uh, Conner. Turn around and take a look at this." David followed Conner, who was walking toward the two. David slowly and cautiously investigated where chrysalis was. He didn't see any sign of her, so he relaxed a bit, " Hello, Nice to finally meet my acquaintance's friend. I can tell that you and Conner must have a thing for each other, it was a long journey here, so we will leave you two alone." And with that he started slowly dragging the other girl away from the two," They probably should be alone, if they are boyfriend and girlfriend." He looked at the women closer not really paying attention to details," You are pretty tall, a little shorter than me. Hmm. You wouldn't happen to know- oh nevermind." The two continued walking toward the house.
  7. ( Nova said that! I never said that! Ugh! I never, ever, ever, ever, said you were my plaything. He said that he wants to be my enemy, i think he regrets actually saying that to you. I am going to make up ok, i am not going to mess things up in my alternate reality. I already messed up in real life. I aways fail.) David gets up and shoots a look at Nova, " Look what you have done. I never said that, why did you do that to me? Are you trying to ruin my life? I just said that we could be friends Nova! But i guess i can't trust you!" Morning gets up and runs out the building trying to hold back. He sprints far across the hills and runs into a small cave. He looks around and looks at his cutiemark. This is very ironic. His cutiemark and him hiding in a cave of emotion. He looked outside and walked slowly into the light. He walked back into the school and saw some people looking at him. He ignored it and walked past them. He walked into the class and sniffled a bit. He slowly walked towards Rainbow's desk, but saw her look of hate and backed off. He sat in the lonely dust-collecting desk in the corner. He sat and wondered more and more about what made Nova say such a thing.
  8. ( everyone knows rainbow hangs to much around fluttershy, not pinkie. So....what goes on when they are off screen?)
  9. David sat in the car all alone, " I will take that as a yes...Wait for me!" David sprinted after Conner and ran as fast as he could. After some while they both stopped at a house. Conner seemed to knock at the door and they were waiting out in the cold of the night. David looked at Conner, " You sure this is the place?"
  10. ( just a question here, Fluttershy isn't dating is she?)
  11. Morning face palms himself, " That is not what i actually said, but....Whatever. None of that is true, i never said brains over brawn, I never said she was my plaything. Some people are smarter than me. You are one of them. You seem to like her, so i decided that i will stay out of your way. Oh, and good luck to you. By the way, i don't stalk her. She was a childhood friend. I hope me and you can be friends, and i hope you can understand. Now i am actually trying to protect her, just don't do anything stupid to harm her. There just might be some consequences."
  12. Morning looked at Nova, he would ruin. His plans to actually ask her out. He actually was trying to during his childhood, but he was to late. Some lovers came and went, but this one seems to have her attention. David gets up moves his books to the desk next to Nova, " Hello there. The name's Morning." Morning looked him over, not very tall. Well not as tall as Morning. Not really built either. Morning had an excuse for that, since he worked shifts at the coal mine. He looked at Nova. He leaned in close and whispered, " I don't think so man, she's mine. I've been working at it for years. I actually race her more often than any pony in Equestria. Always get second, but i get cut slack."
  13. MorningDawn got up to the sound of the bell, he grabbed his books and homework. He slowly walked to math class thinking more about school. When he reached the classroom, he was already late. He walked up to the teacher and apologized. Very sadly, he walked back to his desk. He looks at Rainbow that doesn't sit to far from him. Nobody really knows it, but Morning and her were childhood best friends. Always competing, always finding new ways to get into trouble. He missed those childhood days, but now he has to get ready for school. He doesn't have time to play around. He couldn't help but admit that he had a small crush on her.
  14. David sat in the car and started singing a song. After a while he noticed the radio, he hand was pulled to it. So he turned it on by pushing the button. After 5 seconds a voice starts singing. He had never heard the song before, but he was intrigued. David looked to Connor, " You look worried my friend." He didn't respond so he decided to fall asleep. He skimmed through his life, remembering key facts. 1: He is a coal miner. 2: He has low wages 3: He asked Rainbow out, but she refused. That doesn't really matter but he would like to keep it in check. 4: He doesn't really get out much. Those are the key aspects of his life, he wonders about that special pony waiting for him. He falls asleep looking out the window.
  15. " Celestia, please send this plane into auto pilot. I think i need some rest." He put the chip on the dashbord and saw a hologram of the Princess form. After 2 seconds of walking he collapsed.
  16. David shutters for a second, " Uh...I can't help the feeling that i forgot something. Oh well."
  17. David checked in with his comms again, " On second thought, command says to get us back to HQ. That's where we will be briefed more."
  18. "Connor have i ever told you the truth behind RainbowDash?" David waited for a response and continued talking, " She actually isn't the fastest. I race her after work and i beat her every time. She gets kind of mad about it, but i tell her that lunch is on me. That usually makes her feel better, but i don't know. She is a competitive mare."
  19. " We need to go now! The infected are starting to hop on board as well!" He kicked the plane into flying mode. He started moving west east away from the canyon, but then he heard something from his AI. Celestia: " I just got new orders from HQ. We need to go back and investigate more. " What are you insane?! We almost got killed out there!"
  20. " Something wrong Connor. We should leave now, i will rest on the journey to the house." David walked outside and opened the car door. He took a seat and decided to sleep for a while.
  21. ( me, but i don't think you would want to date a guy.) MorningDawn blacked out what just happened, " What the heck just happened?"
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