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Everything posted by MorningDawn

  1. " Sugar cube-" Jesse coughs a bit, " people watch you all the time." Jesse spoke more before she reacted, " They maybe watching you right now, i can't really explain it, but....Ugh....we need to get you home." Jesse hugs Fluttershy. David- David gets up and exits the room with his t-shirt. On his t-shirt was his cutiemark, " I overheard everything, that is just gross, my cutie is on my shirt right here!" David pulls off his shirt and hands it to Connor, " Just take a picture of it and get it over with." David puts on a hood he just found on the couch, surprisingly is fits him. He pulls up the hood that hides his eyes. " The story behind that cutiemark is amazing, I am a miner and all. My family was rich, they really hated me. So they sent me off to never see my brother MorningDawn ever again. I wasn't that young back then, but....Still its just wrong for them to do that...I lived all alone, my occupation was mining. I did it just for the money, but it turns out i am a pro at mining...." David narrows his eyes and looks around, " Ugh....."
  2. Jesse looks to Seth, " Look what you did now!" Jesse runs down the stairs and sprints to Fluttershy, she grabs hold of her in a hug, " Don't worry, don't worry at all....People love you Fluttershy, you're amazing!"
  3. Your name: MorningDawn Your species: Pegasus Age (In human years) : 27 Gender: Male Height: 6.7 Weight: 160 Description of your pony form: tall with red and black hair, with brown eyes Description of your human form (hair and eye colour will remain the same): Brown eyes, black hair with strips of red in it, tall.. Cutie Mark: Pickaxe MorningDawn is actually David's brother......
  4. " Uh.....I haven't really been up here that much to see an animal, there isn't much animals in the caves. I don't even think there is any bats in the mine i work in......Perhaps you could show me some, maybe?"
  5. On the edits, but now my idea for MorningDawn is completely being distorted. I will do them anyways...
  6. " No its fine, kind of interesting Fluttershy." Morning started eating nibbles now, " What's your favorite animal besides this adorable bunny Angel of yours?"
  7. " Its ok..." Morning pulled his lunch out and started chewing on his sandwhich. " What are your interests, i just...work in the mines. I gather coal so the horse shoe makers have a source of fire, but enough about me...What about you?"
  8. " He is just a friend.....I just helped him a bit..."
  9. " Thank you so much, that dog is all i have left, excluding Seth." Jesse blushed a little, " Sugar Mama don't swallow toys ever again!" Jesse started petting the schnauzer's head. Jesse looked to Fluttershy, " Can i pay you? What would you like?" Jesse probably already knew the answer, Fluttershy wanted her friends and she wanted to be home, " You know what Fluttershy, we need to find a way for you to get home." Jesse surfed the internet and found a site, it read something about finding a pony. She clicked on the profile and sent a message: Hello! I found one of them in the woods, she says she is Fluttershy. We did get a look at her cutiemark and it looked like she had faded wings of some kind. Fluttershy says she want to be home, so if we could meet up we could find a way to get her home. She just saved my dog, so yeah that would be nice. Where do you live? David- David looked at Chrysalis, " I love you because of your personality." David hugged Chrysalis, " I overheard everything about you getting all of us home, but i can't let you stay here. I can't leave without you!"
  10. " I have a dog, where is she..." Jesse waited for the steps of her dog, but she heard nothing. She went downstairs and checked her dogs bed. Jesse screamed, " Sugar Mama you're sick. Get up we need to take you to the-" Jesse wrapped her arms around her dog and she ran upstairs, " Help my dog is sick!"
  11. MorningDawn gathered his things and went to the lunch room, eating area- cafeteria. He waited for Fluttershy, finding entertainment by looking at his fellow students who sat by each-other saying inaudible words.
  12. " Yes, but let me go in first." Jesse opened the door slightly and then allowed Seth in.
  13. " Yes I'm sure its Fluttershy, stop it your breaking my slur out. I already told you that i was behind that stuff, besides speaking with a slur might make a difference in my applications for some work areas."
  14. Jesse opened the door to her house and lead Seth upstairs," Stay quiet, and don't startle her she is fast asleep."
  15. " MorningDawn, its nice to meet you Flash Bomb." He fixed him up, " You're good to go, so you want to hang out or something."
  16. Jesse heard the honk, " Well that must be him." Jesse got out of bed and walked downstairs and put on her boots. She walked outside the door and saw Seth's pickup. She slowly walked over to the car door, " Yes, she is in there. I think we should let her rest though, she wouldn't really be able to handle us cramming so much info into her head like we would be doing."
  17. " Well you could get to know me better...I mean that is if you even would want to know me better...We could have a great time, or.....You can do whatever you like, you don't really have to come if you want to."
  18. " Its ok, don't hurt yourself. Here we can get something to patch that up." MorningDawn lead him into the building and found a first aid kit, he started his operation. " So,where you from?"
  19. MorningDawn walks out the house and sees a pony fall. He watched him get up and walk over to the medical area. He followed him, " You ok?"
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