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Posts posted by Manestream

  1. Actually, you just need to post 5 times in the introduction area, Rainbow. Then, the other boards unlock for you.

    Exactly! Welcome to the boards Rainbow :3

    Once your up to 5+ posts, the rest of the board opens up. To post in the RP section though, you have to have your OC approved before you can post in there.

    There's some handy links to the rules and getting started forums in my signature, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask ;}

    Welcome to the herd!

  2. Hey there, welcome to the Equestria Forums!

    Helpful links- In my signature you can find a link to the super-fabulous rules page, and the character creation guide and resources. If your thinking of RPing, you should take a look at the application process to get yourself started! Another important note, once you reach 5+ posts, you'll be able to post anywhere else in the forums; so take some time and introduce yourself to others in their own threads, or post more here, and you'll be there in no time.

    Glad to have you on board, and welcome to the herd! :)

  3. Welcome to the forums! :)

    Few quick easy directions- right now you stand in the heart of the Equestria forums- the introduction forums! Head any direction from here and you'll find something new and interesting. We've got our creative corner for drawfriends and writefriends, we've got our chatterstables, FiM Discussion boards, our Equestian Character boards, our RP boards, and still yet more.

    Before you dive right in, we ask that you stick around the introduction area until you are 5+ posts; at which point the rest of the boards open up for you to post in. You can hop into other topics and introduce yourself to other bronies and welcome them, or you can continue to tell use more about your hobbies/projects and/or dreams here; that's all up to you.

    Before you can post in any of the RP sections, you have to create an OC character for yourself, and get it approved by our staff. If your interested in some resources or the application format for submitting a character, you can find a link to those boards in my signature; we've got a lot of free resources that might prove helpful.

    Finally, I would highly recommend taking a look through our rules section, which can also be found via link in my signature.

    Once again, welcome to the herd! Its good to have you on board :3

  4. Quick fix on age, since he's male you can get rid of the filly tag; he's just a colt :}

    Secondly, it seems he spends a lot of time in Canterlot, but you have his residence as Ponyville; I was wondering if you could elaborate in your character why he would be living in Ponyville but commuting to Canterlot on a very regular basis. It would be my suggestion to move his home location to Canterlot (we need more ponies in Canterlot!), unless you have a really good reason for him to be based in Ponyville. Don't forget- he can still RP in Ponyville even if his hometown is Canterlot, just come up with a reason for him to travel!

  5. Welcome to the forums!

    As for getting started here, once your up to 5+ posts, the rest of the board will open up for you to post in. Until then, you can search out other new users and welcome them, or tell us more about yourself, your hobbies, or your particular involvements in the fandom; or just how badly waiting for tomorrow's episode is driving you batty- after that you can post in any of our other numerous sections of the board with the exception of RP.

    There are some useful links in my signature below you can use to reach our rules page (a tantalizing read by our Admin, Ashi), and to the Equestrian Characters board, where you can find nifty and thrifty (free!) resources to help you on your way to making your own character to RP.

    If you have any questions, be sure to let me know!

    Welcome to the herd :3

  6. Hey there, welcome to the forums!

    You'll want to get your post count up to 5+, then you can post anywhere else in the forum (except the RP threads- you need to apply an OC character to RP as before you can RP)

    Super easy links in my signature to both the rules and getting started/pony OC making threads. Check 'em out if you havn't!

    Good to have you onboard!

  7. Yeah, but I give her a hard time too.

    And apparently I was trying to type as her, just now. That what we get for sharing this laptop right now.

    But yeah I get her for making fun of me... like making her sing the Winter Wrap-up song while she's trying to go to sleep. : D

    I must try this with my sweetheart x3

  8. It kind of feels like the pies were a sort of demand from the buffalo. The Apple-Loosians give them apples in exchange for them not destroying their town and orchard. Technically, though, since it was the buffalo's land first and no pony consulted them before putting a town there, I feel that the buffalo are kind of entitled to whatever's on the land.

    It might be possible to construe it this way since it pans out from the chief's idea to the actual solution- but the pies weren't a demand necessarily. The assumption I believe we are supposed to be led to is that the chief's idea is appealing to everyone involved in the situation. The compromise was that of trade- if the Buffalo would share their sacred land, then they Apaloosans could share what grew on that land. Its essentially the concept of renting land; except the owners of the land are asking for a share of the fruit, instead of bits. And it still only works if the Buffalo are still able to stampede through the land, preserving their tradition. Its a compromise for the Buffalo too-their tradition does change, because their land ends up changing as the Apaloosans settle in.

    In the end, its still compromise- and both parties still benefit from the compromise, essentially delivering the core message that working together can lead to a win/win situation.

  9. (Do ponies even have forums? Or internet access?)

    If they don't, maybe Oppen's efforts toward scientific progress can lead to an Equestrian internet. =D

    This is the World Wide Meadow! Feel free to graze its contents! Just dont eat the brown apples...

  10. Welcome to the boards!

    I really like your profile pic, is that of your OC? looking forward to you participating in the RP :3

    Lets talk about some basics real quick though: first thing you'll want to do is hop around and get your post count up to 5+, then you can post anywhere else in the forums (except for RP until your OC is approved). To do that, go ahead and welcome a few other users to the board, or tell us more about yourself here; we like to know our bronies, and as many similarities as we share, we have some pretty awesome diversities as well.

    If you happened to miss them before, I have a super-handy link to the rules page in my signature, and just underneath that, a link to the character creation board where you can find nifty tools to help you design/create/whateverify your own OC for the RP, but it looks like you've already got a character in mind. In that case, you might want to take a peek at our OOC discussion board to see what character applications look like. If there are any questions you have, don't be afraid to ask.

    Once again, welcome to the herd, its good to have you on board :3

  11. Welcome to the boards!

    The first thing you'll want to do is hop around and get your post count up to 5+, then you can post anywhere else in the forums (except for RP until your OC is approved). To do that, go ahead and welcome a few other users to the board, or tell us more about yourself here; we like to know our bronies, and as many similarities as we share, we have some pretty awesome diversities as well.

    If you happened to miss them before, I have a super-handy link to the rules page in my signature, and just underneath that, a link to the character creation board where you can find nifty tools to help you design/create/whateverify your own OC for the RP. If there are any questions you have, don't be afraid to ask.

    Once again, welcome to the herd, its good to have you on board :3

  12. It just kind of struck me a little bit like the stuff they used to tell (still do? It's been ages) us in elementary school about pilgrims and indians[sic] all sitting around in harmony at the First Thanksgiving when . . . well, in real life the Native Americans got screwed over pretty badly.

    The reason this episode does not sting me is because it is an effort to show that if two groups work together they can both come out ahead. Both sides have good reasons for needing the land; the buffalo had it first and they were using the land for traditional purposes, but the new settlers could not live without the trees. Through compromise, supposedly, both sides live better lives. Pie is not the solution to the problem- it is the reward brought about by the solution of compromise.

    This of course is not what actually happened historically, but i also think being too sensitive about the issue to ever let it be an example, or an opportunity to teach, would be an awful waste on our part. I'd rather that part of history be so sensitive that no one ever touches it, and then lost.

    I could find any one of hundreds of things to be upset about in this episode if I had a mind to nit-pick it enough, nothing is ever perfect when examined with a large enough microscope. I'm not afflicted with it because I can clearly see that strides were taken to best represent the parties and a positive lesson.

  13. Its looking good to me so far. Only thing that catches my attentions is making plants bloom sever times faster, which seems like a lot, you might just say faster. But its a small detail, and I think the character's bio is written well. I feel a little bit like I already know the character, and what I can expect from her, and thats a good sign to me.

    I like how you've already planned out her cutie mark, and provided the information here even though she doesn't have it yet.

    One thing though- I forgot she was a unicorn throughout this application. To me her talents seem very Earth Pony oriented; and I didnt see you mention anything about her using her magic. While its not necessary to change that, I just wanted to share my impressions. Just because she has a horn doesn't mean she has to be a magic guru- perhaps her horn will be extra helpful in managing the delicate care of so many plants.

    I like it so far, keep it up i say :3

    Made a few adjustments, I think Ponyville's getting a little crowded for one thing! I'd forgotten that I hadn't really gotten into her unicorn aspects, but I think I've resolved that. After all, I've never thought I'd have to -add- power to my characters! She's s'posed to be subtle though, like a warm sunny day. :D

    I like the subtle changes, flows a bit more smoothly; I like that you have her use her unicorn magic to encourage her plants to grow in decorative shapes; reminds me of my lucky bamboo :3 Looking very good to me!

  14. I am intrigued Draggle. I see a lot of yourself in this character, but I think there could be a lot of beautiful potential here; especially in character development. I like that such a strong (in her own way) pony emerges from such a difficult background. She strikes me as the pony everypony might go to to watch their foals.

    I'm interested to see what happens here.

    Oh, there is no denying there is a ton of myself in this character. It's a given, since I greatly identified with the original. Don't worry, I can make up characters that are different from me. I just couldn't resist this chance.

    She absolutely is the type of pony who watches everypony's foals. I was going to add that most of her volunteer work involves teaching foals, but I didn't know how exactly to word that and I felt like I was junking up the "occupation" section. (What would be the pony equivalent of scouting or afternschool programs?) She is a mare of many trades, all trades with the same focus.

    I'm glad you're interested!

    There is nothing wrong with having yourself in a character, I think that is one of the reasons this character is so particularly beautifully flawed, yet strong.

    I'm not sure there *is* a title for something like that as a pony equivalent, so if something sounds good to you, you have a chance to make pony histroy ;} As long as Ashi likes it!

  15. I am intrigued Draggle. I see a lot of yourself in this character, but I think there could be a lot of beautiful potential here; especially in character development. I like that such a strong (in her own way) pony emerges from such a difficult background. She strikes me as the pony everypony might go to to watch their foals.

    I'm interested to see what happens here.

  16. I will bring AJ by every sunday to read him a bed time story x3

    I can imagine these long, eloquent internal dialogues with himself, where he is absolutely mortified that he subjects her to such babying in front of the rest of the orchard when he has been a grown man-tree since before she was even born. All he can do is occasionally drop a leaf or an apple to express his frustration, and Applejack takes it as a gift of gratitude...

    lol; oh I am so amused right now

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