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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. (OOC: Last post before work)

    Amber recoiled away from Potey when he decided she would be a perfect jewel for Discord.

    "Oh No no nooo... Not me!"

    Suddenly Nemisis leapt to her defense, right on her head. "Get him Nemisis!"

    As the fight started heading away from her Nemisis was caught as well "I cant let him be taken to Discord too!"

    Keeping her distance, she rubbed the blanket on herself, readying to send another bolt at him "Help! Dont let us be taken by him! I dont want to become a chaos gemstone!"

  2. Shining with sweat now, Bistro moved to the starting point at Drowsy's instruction, nodding at the words of incentive. "All right, Miss Feather."

    At the whistle, Bistro broke into a gallop and concentrated on readying to jump, she grunted and tucked her forelegs close as she leapt over the first hurdle.

    She landed and worked on keeping her balance as she lined up for the next hurdle, jumping again and hearing a clank as a back hoof caught and shook the hurdle.

    Bistro landed a little roughly and wobbled back into balance and tried not to let it shake her as she put all her effort into jumping the next one. "Ugh, oh Celestia..*pant* "

    She looked ahead to see how many there were to go...

  3. Amber screamed in horror and anger as her wand was destroyed. Her natural talents were half what she could achieve with a wand.

    Now there was no way she could try to restore herself in less than a week unless the princesses were able to repair wands, or one of her new friends could change her back, or unless Discord was imprisoned again. unless.. someone broke her in the meantime! That thought scared her badly.

    With a shriek of rage, she let fly with a powerful arc of static electricity at Potey...

  4. Amber groaned and stood up, hearing Nemisis' voice. the sunlight actually shone through her, showing she wasnt merely covered in amber "I..I'm not actually hurt I dont think... Has anypony seen my wand?! I might be able to restore myself if.."

    Suddenly, Silver returned in quite a specatcauar entrance, as the mask rose from the ground, and brought a very dashing swordspony with him.

    Potey took advantage of the momentary confusion from the failed blast at the chaos gem to razz her. "Oh ha, ha.. Did you think of that yourself?!" She looked around in frustration. "Has anypony seen my wand!"

    Seeing a wool blanket dropped in the evacuation, she snarled at Potey and levitated the blanket to her and began rubbing it on herself at high speed. Blue sparks began to crackle around her... "Get ready for Science 101!!!..."

  5. The twins whinnied and nodded "Lead the way, Miss LaMare. we are ready to land." "Yes, I think our new friends are suitably impressed."

    With that, the pair followed Louise's lead in heading down to land.

    Lightning Horn bellowed happily and raised his hooves as the street came closer and closer. "Woo Hoo!"

    Meanwhile Madam Bistro escourted the tall unicorns to the door while Thorn cleared the table "Thank you Gentlecolts, You have made a wise decision..."

    Flim sighed and clopped back to the SSCS6K with his brother, hoping they had enough material to go around, when he saw the yellow cart coming in for a landing.

    Flim took off his hat and held it to his chest sadly "And not a Bit was made for such an attraction... A deplorable waste..."

  6. Amber quickly grasped what Balance was up to, thinking he was being charming enough to fool her with the insults if she didnt know better.

    She played along with a loud snort "Old mare indeed!"

    Amber was really hoping Balance's deception woud work when Potey suddenly unleashed a blast at her.

    her shield smashed in an instant and sent a wave of pain through her when it struck.

    The mare was sent flying, hitting near Nemisis. Her wand flying off to the side. "Agh! W-where did they go?! Grab them somepony!"

    She suddenly felt dizzy and sick. a crackling sound came from her body as a strange translucence flowed over her body and down her legs before her eyes. a strong piney smell filled the air around her "AHHH! Help! I'm turning into AMBER!"

    She was terrified of becoming an object, but to her surprise, she didnt' freeze into a statue. She could still move, if a little stiffly.

    She was a living piece of amber. Some joke!

  7. Thorn petted the skunk a little more confidently for several minutes as he watched the goings-on in the line.

    "Unless you can convince others to pet you, little one, you might be better off sitting under that tree and I'll give you an apple, okay?"

    As he watched the skunk scamper off, he turned to Metal Maker "Oh, not much, I am on my way to Canterlot to visit my parents. There was an unscheduled layover for a few hours here in Ponyville, and I found these flyers all over the place..."

    He winked "I suddenly decided my parents could do with a bushel or two of the famous Sweet Apple Acres apples. And how often does a donkey get a chance to kiss a pretty mare, much less a famous heroine?"

    Suddenly a new wave of smell hit him, and he turned a bit green. "Oh dear Celestia..."

  8. Amber put a force field around herself and the two items, backing away from the now-frightening unicorn. "W-what? What is that gem? Stay back!"

    She hoped she could get someplace safe to charge the wand back up soon. Even a small force field could slowly drain the wand, and if he launches a powerful attack, the field could drain it very quickly. She really didnt want to throw harmful spells at a pony who's being puppeted by Discord.

  9. (OOC: The mask is currently in Amber's saddlebag, but it would be big enough to be sticking out. so I'll go with that.)

    Amber heard Nemisis report he was damaged, and was about to trot over to see if she could help.

    Before she could, she earperked when Poty suddenly showed up out of nowhere, and asked for her wand, she floated it up higher, seeing an eager gleam in his eyes. "Oh no, I cannot! It's keyed to me alone because I made it..."

    Before she could explain further, the unicorn made a dive for her saddlebag, saying he wanted the mask for Discord.

    Balance jerked the mask from her saddlebag before Poty could grab it, and kept it out of his reach as it floated back to her. She levitated both the mask and wand well out of reach. "Fantastic save, Balance!"

    She was now facing the wayward unicorn, seeing his colors were dimmer, looking greyish. "Whats wrong with you? Did Discord do this when he repaired your horn?"

  10. Thorn felt his heart skip a beat as the jenny winked to him when they began the chase, and really felt energized when she praised his quick thinking in grabbing the canteen.

    "Y-Yes, if he gets to the desert we may need water, and Pickaxe Pete will think donuts sufficient payment."

    Thorn grinned as Gale seemed to be making a race of it, scooting ahead and kicking a barrel the buffalo knocked over out of the way. Thorn brayed in praise "Great hoofwork! See if we can get him shaking that case a bit more..."

    The russet colored jack saw a luggage cart ahead at the train station, and angled toward it, jumping on it to surf on it the length of the train platform. Thorn cheered, his string tie streaming behind him "Huzzah! I'm catching up!"

  11. Amber Wands Gasped in horror as Silver had been caught in an explosion of a Doppleganger he had grappeled with. She scrambled into the crater in time to see the unicorn vanish into thin air. If he was to have any chance of survival, the mask had to be kept safe.

    She whispered "Excuse me, sir mask..." as she picked it up with her horn power and place it in her saddleag for safe keeping.

    Amber turned to the others, relieved to see Balance and the Doctor among them "I think we can save Silver, but the mask needs to be kept safe for now. By the way, where are the Element bearers? Is Discord going for them first?"

  12. (OOC; Ah ok, no need for her to hunt him down though, sounds like he'll be back soon enough. ;) )

    Amber wands yelped when the fist doppleganger she zapped exploded, blowing a tree to bits. "Oh Sweet Celestia! I really hate Discord!"

    She waved at Balance fter he dodged a lightning bolt. "Sorry about that!"

    The amber mare suddenly hit the dirt when Fireheart warned about the explosions and cast the spell to destroy them safely.

    "Well, that was exciting.."

    The mare listened as Balance described what he could divine of the mystery gear made by Discord. And then listened to Firehart's question "You can count on me as well."

    She looked around, suddenly realizing a bunny headed unicorn was not around. "Um what happened to Poty?"

  13. (OOC: oops, forgot about Candy)

    Madam Caramel Bistro giggled happily as she found herself finding her beat in the dancing.

    "Oh my, This is Wild West Dancing? This is a lot of fun! And thank you for saying I fit in so well here, Braeburn."

    The mare panted happily as the dance ended, and the ponies all took a breather before the next one.

    Caramel smiled to Braeburn "So far it's been as lively and fun as any block party back in Manehattan, and the dance teachers are wonderful company too..." she winked.

    She looked up at the moon shining brightly down on the gathering, further well lit by party lanterns "I think I'll make it a point to come to every Hoedown from now on."

    Meanwhile Candy Catch-em giggled softly and poked her wing into Dunder's side teasingly. "You are doing a good job with this dancing as it is. You just need more practice. Perhaps with an amber colored pegasus mare, hm?"

  14. Thanks for the wonderful suggestions, I will pass them along to the farm owner :D

    (Edit! the Farmowner has decided the foal will be named Summer, out of Summer's Breeze, since she was born on the first day of Summer.

    To bad, I was really hoping Oreo would stick... :blah:

  15. Madam Bistro started doing the jumps, her hooves moving quickly "Oh my, this is going to be quite a workout!"

    She was already sweating by the time she did the twentieth jump.

    The mocha mare trotted over to her saddle bag and got out her water bottle. She sat down on her haunches for the moment as she watched Drowsy setting up hurdles.

    She took a long drink as she watched the last hurdle being set up.

    Bistro set the bottle back in her bag "Looks like its time to get back to the exercises." and trotted on over to the pegasus mare.

  16. (OOC, TheBlueMage, what happened with the lightning strike against Strife from behind by Amber wands?)

    Seeing Balance run to safety mad Amber feel a lot better, and was surprised to see Discord heal Poty's horn.

    She manouvered over beside the Doctor to help him if she could "I hope you have a plan, they are using power levels more than my wand could store up."

    Suddenly Discord set loose Dopplegangers. "Oh Celestia! I'd better get a raise and a month's vacation out of this! I hear the Gallopacos Islands are perfect right now.."

    Amber wands started firing lightning bolts at the Dopplegangers from her wand...

  17. Heh, afraid my finding a mate and spawning a human filly will not be a possibility without some precautionary testing first. Both my parents were exposed to some pretty nasty checmicals...

  18. Amber Wands eeeped and tried to form a tube of energy to catch and direct the attack from Strife away from Balance, but was a moment too late. She teleported over to him and helped get him out of the way of the fight so she could heal his hoof. "Just a moment, I'll do what I can for your hoof..." and cast a healing spell on it.

    As she was busy with Balance, She watched in fear as Poty physically jumped on Discord to attack him. "Then again, it probably has the virtue of never having been done before..." Then winced as the unicorn was given a rabbit's head.

    Amber finished helping Balance and moved to attack Strife as he went berserk.

    She lined up on him and sent a lightning blast from her wand at him from behind

  19. It is now June 21, and the 3rd foal (and last of the year) was waiting for us this morning, from Summer Breeze.

    We lost Breeze's mother this past fall, one of the oldest on this farm. This should ease any lingering sorrow she has had. (Yes, she acted withdrawn and listless for days in the first month)

    (Pics are here, here, and here )

    The score is now two fillys and one colt.

    Name suggestions are more than welcome ^_^

  20. Amber wands was quite shaken at the revelation this was one of THE first bearers of the elements, and about 2000 years old. "Oh Celestia! Thank you for revealing yourself at this time of need, Sweet Song!"

    She did a double take as the mask revealed itself as a creation to fight chaos, using chaos' power against itself. "Oh my, I dont think my superior will believe any of this..."

    Her wand started squealing at the same time the powerful beings suddenly looked skyward, and confirmed what her wand was telling her.

    Discord was coming.

    The mare got ready, readying the wand to use her most potent spells stored inside it. She spared a glance at Strife "Silence! You are the cause of all this!"

  21. Amber Wands went wide eyed as Song chided her for trying to shield her, but the reason she was astonished was the statement she was over a thousand years old. No wonder her wand was reading such amazing amounts of power.

    When she turned back to the fight, the minion of chaos was already down and being questioned by the others, so she turned back to Song "Um, y-yes, sorry.. I reacted in a split second. Did you just say you are a thousand years old? Who are you?"

    Her mind picked up Strife's comment about Silver likely being in trouble from absorbing chaos magic. If the mask takes it without a hiccup, that will be some interesting clues about the nature of that strange mask Silver has on...

  22. Candy was amazed and relieved at how fast things were turning around for the Sherrif and Miss LaMare.

    She was trying not to break the moment, but decided to give a little nudge "You are so lucky, I dont know many males who would ask around for advise on the perfect gift for a mare."

    Candy leaned back on the cushion she was on, hoping Louise was nudged into fully being over her anger.

    Meanwhile, Thorn sat quietly for now, not wanting to break the moment for Silverstar and Louise.

  23. Snails sat up, feeling dizzy with a bump on his head.

    "Oh wow! What a dream, we been chasing Diamond Tiara's taira, an nothin' was goin' right, and Tiara offered 50 Bits reward..."

    He shook his head and looked around "Woah, it's not a dream, eh!"

    Snails spotted Zecora way ahead near the woods and waved "Oh! Hay Miz Zecora!"

    Just then, what had seemed a dream he just woke up from turned into a nightmare as SOMETHING came out of the woods behind Zecora.

    Snails shook in fear and waved frantically "Zecora! Behind ya!!"

  24. Hoss tapped his hoof in thought as his fellow bronies brought up some very good points "It may have to do with self identity or something completely incomprehensable. Whoever did this to us might have an answer, or Twilight or the libraries might too. I know if many of my ills translated over I would not be a happy pony. As it is my left ankle.. um, hock would have left me lame here since its been sprained repeatedly and broken at least once and... Look! it seems right as rain. Hopefully that does not mean whoever got us here expects us to run and fight."

    Hoss hmmms and listens to silver's thoughts, then looked to see if Rainy had a preference. oop, she was busy being a foal and playing with the cub. Oh well. Well, Codex, how good is your vision without those? I can try my horn out and see if I can repair those for you if you like. As for direction, Would tossing a coin be acceptable?" He reached back into his saddlebag and pulled out a Bit. it wasnt untill he held up the coin on the flat of his hoof that he blinked, realizing he did that without fingers "Um wait... how did I do that?"

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