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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. (sorry delays I have had limited time the past few days and could only reply to a couple threads at a time. Finaly catching up to here and none too soon it seems)

    (Rats! I need to rewrite, Stife just posted!)

    Amber wands turned from Nemisis in surprise when a unicorn bearing a violin and recoiled in horror when one wearing a cursed mask showed up nearly simultaneously.

    The wand squealed at high readings from both unicorns, each far more powerful than her from stores of magic more than her wand could carry.

    Before she could sort out this information, the suspect she had been chasing made his presence known with a chocolate tornado.

    Hurriedly the gold colored unicorn had prepared to use her wand against the tornado but the new arrivals had lept into action, making the tornado explode into chocolate rain.

    The mare suddenly had to hug the ground, -just in case, as Nemesis fired off his weapons at the source of the magical attack.

    Amber galloped furiously up to the building with the others as the suspect was finally visible.

    Before she could stop him, Silver had already thrown Balance at the perp "Wait I dont think that..." *thud* "...is a good idea... oh dear...."

    As she helped Balance up, they finally captured the suspect pony, freely admitting he did it and somehow managed to get the two powerful unicorns to fight.

    Amber ulped and ducked behind rubble , dragging Balance with her.

    She screamed as Strife was picked up by the transformed Silver and thrown like a ragdoll. "NO! We Need him!"

    The mare used her wand to put a bubble around Strife before he could strike and held him in midair. she fought to pull the bubble toward her. "You have got some explaining to do mister!"

    Suddenly her bubble went off course and into the rubble. Strife was free again and launched a crimson bolt at the white unicorn.

    She could stop Strife again or help Song.

    Amber made a shield ahead of the bolt and hoped it would hold...

  2. Madam Bistro was quite happy and excited with how calm everything was going so far.

    Miss Snowfall was holding up to the slowly rising heat of the morning fairly well so it would seem. Maximillian was subtly flirting to the point of hovering around her and Braeburn was being a mystery about it. He was not visibly reacting to the sight, so either he was restraining himself for Snowfall's sake or..

    She stopped her mental fretting with an effort. She knew better than to let business and her personal life mix! Was there something about this town that let her guard down to romantic feelings? She had gone from no choices to suddenly too many.

    She focused herself on the tour Braeburn was giving, and suddenly had an idea to contribute. "Oh Braeburn, I saw pictures from Japony that might help in orchard expansion, fields marching up the sides of slopes like stair steps. Would the buffalo object to using some of these mesas surrounding us in that manner? Is there anything living in or on those slopes that might object?"

  3. "Oh my! You really work fast!"

    The mocha mare was amazed at how quickly the green pegasus mare moved, even removing her saddlebag and setting it aside before she was aware of it.

    Bistro did the leg stretches after the whistle blew, then started running the lap.

    The motion of her running made her creamy white and caramel appaloosa blanket shine in the morning light. She giggled, wondering if the sight was distracting any passers-by. It was rare for anypony to see her when she was not dressed for work.

    Bistro finished the lap and cantered to a stop. "I'm done with the lap."

  4. Lightning horn was too well strapped in to bounce in his seat, but was clearly excited. "Yes! I would be very happy to see these pictures! And Father will be so amazed that I flew today!"

    The twins looked at each other and smiled, so glad to have introduced young and old alike to flying.


    Flim finished his meal and glanced toward the mare and donkey nearby.

    "Yes my Dear Brother Flam, Let us plan while we work,

    I have no doubt they would inform the sherrif if we shirk..."

    The unicorn set out his share of bits and tip beside his plate.

    "Well, Dear Brother Flam, let us away and build telescopes this day..."

  5. Thorn nodded in agreement "Certainly, Doc Holly Day. While business for the B&B is picking up, we are getting enough new help I can schedule for that. Madam Bistro will certainly enjoy that I am becoming a visible, and vocal, part of the community. "

    Candy stifled a gasp, but nodded to the unicorn when he asked for her help.

    The pegasus mare whispered "I'll do my best to warm her up to being happy and receptive. The best time to get her forgiving will be when her wings are being preened..."

    Candy moved to a closer seating cushion as Dapper Dan started on Louise "It must be amazing good luck for a wild west author to find a town and lawpony just like they stepped out of one of her books. Especially with somepony who cares enough to ask what to get the mare he loves..."

  6. (OOC: this could be really wild RP. Would any of the ponies be tech savvy enough to know how a steam train works? attempts to stop it could get really silly :smirk: )

    Snails ulped when Valen ran in, saying a lever broke on the train and.. wait, what?

    The lanky unicorn did a panic trot in place as he gasped in horror "R-run off a cliff?! Kin trains do that?"

    Remington was now wide awake and being buffeted about by the wind rushing through the door in the side and having trouble making himself heard as well from the wind, untill he yelled for help in shutting the door. Okay, that makes sense and is actually doing something.

    Snails jumped in to help, pushing with the others as his hooves clacked on the flooring. Snails decided to ask while he pushed "Um d-does anypony know anything about trains?"

  7. The light orange pegasus jumped nearly to the ceiling when the tall, lanky stallion charged in, asking about his daughter.

    The mare landed on her hooves and spun around to face Carrot Cake, recognizing him from occasional visits to Ponyville in her work.

    "OH! Carrot Cake! Thank Celestia you are here! We have been trying to arrange getting her home, but she wont sit still for anypony but the Professor."

    She stood aside and swept a hoof grandly toward the sight of the notorious unicorn foal and the green, elderly Professor Krashkop.

    Candy wiped her face in relief with a wingtip. "I was about to arrange sending a yacht to Ponyvile to pick you or your wife up, but I see that's not needed now..."

  8. Madam Bistro decided to take the morning off and see if she could do something about getting in better shape for treks than she had been. Her recent trip to the desert had been a reality check on how unprepared she was and she wanted to get her body ready in case she had to make such a journey again..

    A new place had opened up recently and the mocha mare decided to see what exercise programs were available.

    Bistro soon arrived, wearing only a maroon headband and leg warmers, with a towel and water bottle in her saddlebag. "Good morning, I am Madam Bistro, I am looking for exercise programs to build up my stamina and agility. What would you reccommend?"

  9. ''Thunderhooves, eh?'' he asked, and scoffed loudly. ''Who's that even?'' he asks. ''Boyfriend o' yours?'' he chuckles, grinning slyly. '' Ah.. no worries.. i don't know him, and i dun' respect those buffalo either!'' he said, poking his tongue out of his mouth at the jack before turning around slightly surprised.

    Thorn brayed angrily and turned red in the face at the brashness of the buffalo, even if he was just joking around.

    Belatedly he remembered he had taken off his derby to the jenny and put it back on, and fumed at the buffalo also politely greeting Gale. What nerve!

    He nodded to the jenny "I would be pleased to have your company in chasing this ruffian, Miss Gale."

    Suddenly Honovi started trotting off "And that would be now! Lets capture a thief!" He brayed and started running after the buffalo, hoping to catch him before he left town.

    Just in case though, he grabbed the canteen off Pickaxe Pete as he dozed in the shade on the covered sidewalk, waking the pony up "My apologies Pete, I'll bring it right back. Have donuts on me at Bistros..."

    He ginned and wondered how rough the race was going to be, and if the buffalo had discovered what happens when you shake root beer....

  10. Blizzard hooted happily as she saw Fluttershy and flapped her wings in excitement as she perched on Fluttershy's leg.

    The owl hooted and made motions telling how much she liked Cloudsdale and her new friends there.

    Meanwhile Shanna was blushing deeply as she looked up at Fluttershy, and squeaked out after a moment "Ummm, nnno not really..."

    The bay filly then stood up on tip-toe hooves to whisper in Fluttershy's ear that she was Shanna,

    Shanna then sat down and nodded sadly at the yellow pegasus. Blizzard gave the filly a warm hug and looked at Fluttershy with a sheepish shrug.

  11. (OOC: riverhippo, Jim cannot seem to receive PMs for some reason. I have had to email directly at his request at one point.

    Jim, you are 11th in line, just behind Thorn. Does the (spoiler) tab in each of riverhippo's posts show up for you at all?)

    Thorn watched the doings at the front of the line with amusement, including a blue stallion that was chatting up a storm before being siilenced with a kiss and nudged to the side to pay up and get his apples. Said stallion finally walked off and passed the donkey, apparently heading the wrong way and too dazed from the kiss to hear him as he brayed out to the pony.

    Oh well, he'll wake up eventually...

    He was of course, still amazed to see a Wonderbolt in line. Now that she finally put her goggles back on, he realized it was Starburst. The line for the kiss was turning into an event all it's own!

    Now if only he could ignore the eye-watering smell of the pony near the head of the line. Pigpen suddenly asked the ponies in line to pet the skunk that had showed up to see what the smell was.

    The skunk was looking plaintively to the ponies in line and Thorn figured it would go away or at least be better company than Pigpen if it was petted. "*sigh* Fine, Come here little one."

    The russet donkey gingerly held out a hoof, ready to pet the skunk..

  12. (OOC: Sorry for the delays, i have had some health issues plaguing me for over a month, and only found out the last few days that tylerbon is out of this RP. We will play around Thrylos who has an upcoming move to Washington state around the 22nd. Her pegafilly self and the cub will be following along for now.

    Feel free to PM me if you have anything you want to try, and I will do the same in the OOC thread for this RP if I have any special events in-thread to come together on. And Anypony reading this RP is still free to jump in any time.)

    Hoss finally caught up and sat on his haunches beside the fallen unicorn, trying to check over Codex "Are you hurt badly?"

    Suddenly Silver got his attention.about magic potential starting to work. Hoss scrambled backwards and wowed in awe as magic built up in Silver and was projected over Codex.

    His own horn tingled a bit from the magic in the air while Codex regained consciousness.

    Chuckling, Hoss replied "I would guess our medical histories will vary somewhat. I can see fine now without glasses, and equines have a very robust pancreas since hays and grains are full of starches and sugars. Still, we can check a doctor when we reach civilization. I think we all should. For that matter, should we go ahead on this path to Canterlot, or head the other way to Ponyville?"

  13. (OOC: I'm not sure its my turn, but I'm kicking this can a little further down the road while Quicklime is feeling down.)

    While Shanna was occupied speaking with Miss Chai, Tiny caught Hoss' eye with a glance.

    He hoped there would be time to give the shoe styles a quick look."Excuse me for a moment, ladies..."

    Hoss sidled over to the counter as he waited for a break in Tinys dealings with the famous fasionista.

    Meanwhile, Shanna continued to speak with the energetic earth mare. "Your shop is in the Heights? We simply must stop in sometime. Do you have a business card? "

  14. Okay so I thought the IRC was the problem but it's not it's the entire site. For the past several weeks all my efforts have been ignored, be it in my rps or the event that I am trying to plan that fell flat on it's face I am taking a full break from the site save for replying to my Private Rps and the Rp's that Zecora is in .

    -shakes head-

    I got really tired of writing up nice replies to only have people skim over them and not respond to MOST of what my character said because they'd rather only rp with cast characters.

    Till things turn around this is Lime Signing off.

    Awww, I hope none of my responses were among that number. :sniff: I thought I was doing pretty good. I think Reno's pretty fun to play around with. ^_^

  15. Flim sighed and put on a good natured grin as he played along.

    "Though their love and Shenanigans are better suited for the "Jackass" stage show,

    We get along well enough that for perfume, they give us their dough.

    Our scents are the talk of Canterlot,

    -and Reno, in Bits we make a lot!"

    Flim used his magic to repair Flam's hat and placed it back on his head.

    "Yes, lets go inside the diner, You'll agree the fare is nothing finer!"

    Flim trotted to the door and used his magic to hold it open, bowing Reno inside.

    "After you, Cousin Reno and my Dear Brother Flam."

  16. Amber peered at the sonic screwdriver wielded by the Doctor "So this is a clever device of some sort? interesting!"

    She felt quite relieved as the Doctor followed along to the place the sound of the crash had occured and gasped as the found what apepared to be an armored pegasus. "A power source 6 times that of your device? so this isnt armor, this is a... machine pony?"

    She waves her wand at the mechanical pony "I dont read any of Discord's magic on him. I think he might have been created in this form, Balance."

    She looked at Nemisis "Excuse me, I am Amber Wands. Can you truely track Discord? Will you help us find and defeat him?"

  17. Madam Bistro watched as the mare, Port Sides had a strong reaction to the Princess.

    What got her attention was it had a note of fear to it, like she heard some ponies had meeting Princess Luna after all the stories of Nightmare Moon.

    The mocha mare thought * Odd... maybe she's shy of royalty...?*

    Her mind was brought back to Pigpen as he brought out a platinum crown that was very familiar... "Oh Celestia! The crown of Princess Platinum looks just like in the plays!"

    She was amazed at the selflessness of Pigpen and clopped her front hooves to the floor in applause. "You sir are a true gentlecolt, despite appearances!"

    Bistro looked to the princess "If I may be so bold to suggest, There is a closet of chests over there to choose from to hold this treasure on your journey to Canterlot."

  18. (OOC: D'OH! Forgot it would be my turn after Mojo! >_< )

    Madam Bistro felt relived that Braeburn was making an effort to tone things down for Miss Snowfall.

    Her relief was enough that she felt her stomach rumble at the sight of the apple fritters.

    The mocha mare took one as well and smiled in thanks "Please thank your cousin for me, Braeburn.These smell divine!"

    She stifled a giggle at Sherrif Silverstar's admonition to eat them slowly and nodded politely. These were not treats to wolf down but to savor with each bite.

    Her ears perked with the surprise that Doc Holly Day was from Canterlot. "Oh my! I would never have guessed!"

    As Bistro was processing that information, Maximillian moved near to her. Apparently, Braeburn's constant hints to Max from last evening had its effect as she heard him whisper to her.

    She raised her fan and fluttered it to hide the slight smile and blush. Hopefully she could keep the flirting to a dull roar today as she still felt responsible somehow for the bad feelings last night.. At least Max was off to a good start on keeping it low key.

  19. Flim was about to explain what the machine does when the rain of fruit started.

    He levitated a trash can lid over to act as a shield and put himself between the crowd and Reno.

    "Egad! The whistles were for your safety. You may have noticed nopony pulls our pride and joy!

    Fillystines! Fillystines and Rubes in fair Canterlot! What silliness has befallen Celestia's city?"

    The knot of ponies were finally leaving, hopefully from his words when Flam was hit.

    "Flam!" the unicorn moved to help his brother and take the pumpkin off. "Dear Brother Flam, Speak to me, are you okay?"

  20. Snails was still excited the first couple minutes, then started getting worried as Pathfinder was doing about as well as he would at carving a badge.

    The orange unicorn looked through the glass at his buddy, and at Rainbow Dash and some of the other ponies he had seen around town.

    "Dont worry, ya will get in."

    He sidled over to peer into the booth "Um, 'scuse me Miss Pathfinder, ma'am... D'ya want me ta find.. some extra hooves?"

    At the last second, Snails decided saying "...Find a woodcarving pony...." might make her sad...

  21. (OOC: from the bio, it sounds like Honovi is from a rival herd to Thunderhooves', yes? )

    Thorn was taken aback that the young buffalo seemed to be taunting him with the robbery and practically daring him to chase and catch him. "Chief Thunderhooves will not be pleased at this robbery, ...or are you even from his tribe, thief? He would not allow such shenanigans to endanger the two buffalo that visit our town."

    The russet jack trotted after the brash bull, unable to understand what was said as he approached a house that somepony had moved into recently, but he had not yet met them. "Unhoof that root beer, Ruffian!"

    The dapper donkey stopped in surprise as he saw a small jenny, about his age he guessed. He moved to keep facing the buffalo, but stealing glances to the jenny "Um, Good Afternoon, Miss. Sorry for the disturbance. I am Thorn, from the Bistro B&B, and I heard this thief daring somepony to catch him."

    He suddenly drew himself up boldly, grinning at a thought as he looked at Honovi, moving to try and cut him off "I dont' suppose you have thought your daring plan through?"

  22. Thorn chuckled softly at the sherrifs predicament, now clearly not in any hurry to leave and relieved at Louise having calmed down. "Well, Doc. how often would you see us practicing and performing, by the way? Or shall we see how practice goes first?"

    Meanwhile, Candy fluffed her wings and folded them when Dan finished. "Oh that is a very fair price, sir." She counted out the bits and a couple extra as a tip "Your horn magic has such a soothing touch. I'll make sure I tell any pegasi I find in the area."

    She checked the pocket watch in her saddlebag "I may as well hang around to talk to Louise. It's not time to head back with the supplies."

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