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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Shanna pushed her goggles back from her eyes, under her white, bowl shaped hail helmet that looked like it had been banged on with hammers.

    She smiled brightly "I am glad I didnt' get you in trouble, then."

    Shanna looked at the building again and hmmed "So you have to kick the middle out and run huh? Just like a storm then, just more solid."

    When he asked if she wanted to watch him bring it down and mention being a risk taker, she clopped her forehooves on the ground as Pegasi seemed to thrive on risk as a whole.

    "Oh yes! This is so exciting! I have never seen a building come apart intentionally."

  2. Shanna and Hoss listened carefully and the stallion's face brightened. Shanna nudged her brother "A pegasus course and an earth course? Hay! A chance for you to make up for missing the Running of the Leaves, Bro."

    The stallion nodded and grinned "My hoof is in fine shape now. Look out Hoofington, here I come!"

    Then their friend and the aggressive pegasus mare started arguing again. Stunned, the twins sat there, their heads swinging back and forth like watching a tennis match.

    Hoss blinked "Is it me or are they enjoying this?"

    When the argument was done, Aqua was looking confused and a touch horrified. Shanna smiled "Dont worry, you'll have friends in the race with you. Arguments becoming race challenges happens all the time in Cloudsdale."

  3. Candy nods "Exactly!I would catch it for study if I thought that was safe. While Poison Joke might wear off on it's own, any eggs it lays might not be affected and remain giants."

    She takes a stick and pokes the leaves aside around the web, showing a pony sized funnel set up between two bushes.

    "Okay, these webs arent' sticky. Let me just take a look here. and please keep that spray handy in case it shows up."

    She poked her head and forehooves inside the round opening "Right. Nothing here, especially not any eggs. That is a great relief"

    Candy pulled back out "I know there is a Peryton in these woods who recently rescued Luna. I would wish he was here except I am not sure he could do anything about a giant spider."

    As if on cue, the terrified bleating of a deer sounded from the direction of the gully. "Okay, that's no Peryton, but lets go there quickly! The spider is afoot!"

  4. As Shanna sat on the fence, she squealed as she finally got Bull Dozer's attention.

    She quickly blushed in embarassment as she saw the forman pony stop him from coming to her. "Oh dear! I hope I didnt get him in trouble!"

    When he finally waved her up, she fluttered her wings and landed, figuring to give the worker ponies only 2 dimensions to watch for.

    She trotted over to him quickly, keeping a watch to her left and right so she wouldnt get blindsided by accident.

    With a quick nuzzle in greetings, she sheepishly scuffed a hoof "Sorry, I hope I didnt' get you in trouble. I wanted to see what you do in your work. Oh, is that a "Couches and Quills" shop? How long will that take to knock over?"

  5. (last attempt to post got eaten somehow, trying again...)

    Candy Catch-em sputtered as a leaf hit her in the mouth with the slightly bitter taste of oak leaf.

    She quickly flapped her wings to blow the leaves back away from landing where they started. "There we go.."

    Candy neighed in excitement "Careful! I see Poison Joke now. We must be close... There is the path now!"

    She saw a gleam of web strand as thick as a kite string, leading to a mound of leaves she had thought to be a bush and pointed at it.

    That must be the nest! Be careful!"

  6. Hoss and Shanna sat in their seats listening to the arguing.. Well, Hoss was actually asleep in his seat...

    Shanna winced as she saw the hooves start to fly. "Ouch! That had to hurt!"

    She looked the green pegasus mare over as said peagasus started speaking more civilly to Aqua.

    Shanna's ears suddenly perked as she elbowed her brother awake. She leaned forward eagerly "Race? What race?"

    Hoss yawned and sat up "A race? In Hoofington?"

  7. Shanna flew down the street, looking for the address that huge hunk of pony said he would be working at.

    Hovering for the moment, she checked the address against her map. "Okay... one street north.. Boy will he be surprised I arrived early!"

    The bay mare flew down the street and stopped at the construction fence.

    Daringly she fluttered into a sitting postion on the fence. After a moment to fish around in her saddlebags, she put on her hail helmet and goggles to watch in safety.

    Finally, she spotted Bull Dozer and waved both forehooves when he seemed to have a free moment walking toward the last building. "Yoo Hoo! Bull Dozer! I'm here early!"

  8. Name: (The Amazing and Awesome) Brambleberry

    Sex: female

    Age: Mare

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: bubblegum pink

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Lavender with grape purple highlights, slightly curly with the forelock parted at the horn.

    Eye Color: purple

    Cutie Mark: 3 red berries on a three-way twist of bramble vine.

    Physique: Elegant and fit.

    Origin: Canterlot

    Roleplay Type: Crossover

    Occupation: Performing Magician

    Motivation: Fame and fortune.

    Likes: Fame, attention, money, fans, stallions, winning.

    Dislikes: Being ignored, losing, being broke, competition, strange stalkers.

    Character Summary: "So, a humble scribe like you wants the story of how the Awesome and Amazing Brambleberry got her start? Well I will tell you, dear sir. Would it shock you that Brambleberry is but a wonderful stage name? Pour me another glass of wine, and listen to the tale of little Rareberry..."

    Born to a unicorn couple strong in magic, Rareberry grew up in Canterlot under her parents tutelage, her magic weak and scattered. Her parents assured her it was a phase and she would grow proficient in magic if she worked at it.

    It was a sometimes frustrating fillyhood for her but she was becoming proficient bit by bit, but she wanted it now!.

    In her studies, she found certain herbs and berries would add a boost to magic power. -Particularly a potion made from the rarely seen Brambleberry.

    Perhaps when she could do her magic right, and as strong as her parents, she would get her Cutie Mark!

    One day, while her parents were away for a dangerous trip, she made one of her own, easily escaping her donkey nanny.

    Rareberry made her way through the countryside to the base of Dragon's Peak.

    The climb was daunting but she wanted her magic to be strong and effective. Difficult at first, but growing better with her determination, she levitated rocks, teleported over gaps, made lightning to chase off a mountain cat, and other trials.

    Finally, she found the bushes near a dragon cave.

    She collected the berries after many scratches and bramble stickers in her hide, then heard a bray! Her nanny, Switchtail had found her.

    Anypony that could be spared was searching for her, in fact.

    Unfortunately, the brays suddenly got the attention of a grumpy green dragon who came out to make a light snack of the annoyance.

    The exhausted filly screamed in horror, she couldn’t possibly use her magic to stop such a beast, but she knew she had to try.

    Rareberry frantically tried to teleport but it was farther than she had ever done before. Switchtail screamed in terror and the little filly somehow teleported right in front of the nanny.

    Both expected to be crushed and slashed by the massive paws, but a force field shielded them both for the precious moments needed to get into a steep gully. Before the dragon could dig them out, the searchers arrived and drove the beast away with lightning and pegasus tornados.

    It was a tearful reunion with her parents amid sobs of her being sorry. She then showed them the brambleberries she had come to find and told them why. Her parents and Switchtail smiled and asked her how she had done her magic so well without the berries?

    The filly suddenly realized she had not needed the berries when she was focused on succeeding. Her face lit up with realization; The boost she needed was with her the entire time. Suddenly there was a tingle and flash on her flanks. She got her cutie mark! The brambleberries would always be a reminder her boost would always be within her.

    As she grew up, she gravitated to showing off to others and performing feats of magic to applause and attention, and one day was persuaded to make a traveling act of it by a very clever agent. -Not that she needed much persuasion, mind you. She then took the stage name of her Cutie mark; Brambleberry.

    "*yawn* So, sir scribe, there you have the wonderous, and sometimes embarrassing, account of my beginnings. If you come to my show tomorrow, perhaps I, the Amazing and Awesome Brambleberry, can tell you some more tales of my adventures afterward? Oh and do bring some more wine, that's a good boy..."


    Unbeknownst to her, elsewhere in the multiverse, a toy company made a series of retro-nostalga toys, under the knock-off name, "My Pretty Ponies".

    Unwitting toy desingers made a MPP doll identical to AnA Brambleberry, but as an Earth pony doll. -To be brought to life by a technodaemon as The Wicked, Wicked, Dr. Brambleberry when the warehouse was overrun in the Great Toy War!

    ...But that is another story...

    (This mare is for the crossover section, as the alternate universe version of one of my other characters. She will be in a series of RPs of comic errors with several other crossover characters who know that other character all too well... ;-) )


  9. Candy nodded and lifed off, flying at a casual speed down the leaf covered road.

    She paid close attention to the bends in the road, even swooping close to one tree, only finding it was draped in ivy instead of webs.

    "I never imagined it would be so hard to find the webs. These leaves are like snow drifts!"

    Suddney she saw a long shadow in the woods and a bend in the road just after. she landed "That may be a gully back there. Professor, do you have something to safely move these leaves aside in case there's Poison Joke beneath?"

  10. Candy nickered happily "Perfect! Let's get started then. I also have extra bolas and ropes in my saddelbags! The Game is ON!"

    She flexed her honey colored wings and looked up the road a she readied for lift-off "Have you been that way yet? It must have been at a curve if a pony ran off the path into a web..."

    She looked to the Professor "Will you have any problems with flying about ten feet off the ground, Professor? Mr. Skybright said there was a gully beyond the attack site where he lured the durn thing, and that should let us see both the web and the gully."

  11. Candy dropped her bolas to the ground and sat down, then did a double take. "I apologize Mr... Oh, wait! Now that's a nice coincidence. A Mr. Skybright told me to return this Poison Joke Cure to you or him when I am done with it."

    She tipped her bush hat back and took a quick drink from a water bottle. "Would you like some water? This is my first full day of searching for a humongous spider that terrorized this years Running of the Leaves. I didnt' have a whole lot of day left when I did a quick search yesterday afternoon."

    Candy hmmed and thought for a moment "Well, as for mushrooms, they tend to grow where I am sure spiders live. I would love a meal like that. I can protect you too so it's a win-win."

    She paused a moment, rubbing a hoof to her chin. "Ummm, by the way, have you seen any patches of Poison Joke around this area,with big drifts of web? It might be camoflaged with all the leaves dropped yesterday."

  12. The orange pegasus flew a slow search pattern over the section of the recently run race passing through the Whietail Woods.

    She had been alerted by racers there had been a giant spider sighted, as big as a pony and it had apparently tried to eat a pair of them.

    She had been advised by a fellow pegsus it was a victim of poison joke and had to be cured before it hurt somepony.

    Candy patted her saddlebag, where the cure lay. "Candy Catch-em fears no beast! I'll have it wrapped up in no time!"

    Spotting the webs amid patches of blue flowers, she landed and slowly walked up to inspect the webs, in case it had come back.

    Candy suddenly heard rustling in a nearby bush. Plucking a set of bolas from her vest, she readied to spin the weighted ropes with her mouth, mumbling out "Who t'ere! Sho yer'selh!" around the bola's rope.

  13. Madam Bistro smirks at the wealthy pony "First off, Mr. Rockefilly, I'm a Manehattan mare. I too came here because I see possibilties in Appleoosa. If I wanted to I could run my businesses entirely from Manehattan and play the socialite, or even retire and be a socialite the rest of my life. I prefer the hooves-on touch as apparently you do."

    She flips her mane and continues "No one said anything about Appleoosa remaining a little town, but the edge of survival is finer out here without a weather patrol. Anything big we do must be planned like a chess match, as they learned last year with the buffalo, or the town will indeed go stagnant if it does not simply blow away. -And you never do anything small that I have heard of."

    She slipped closer, looking Max in the eyes and smiled "I have other concerns but those are a start. For now, I'm afraid you must convince my neighbors on your souveneer shop, and inform us specfically how much land is required for a summer home."

    She winks "Dont worry, the land will still be here no matter how long it takes you to negotiate with us, together or.. one on one."

  14. Hoss stays close to Jubilee as he checks his ticket, then neighs eagerly! "I have the 3rd prize ticket." and trots over to Big Time, tail swishing happily. "I know it's a shirt, but how often do I win anything?"

    Shanna giggles happily as he looks right into her eyes and says yes. She takes a moment to sit down as the music pauses, Taking a moment to compose herself without falling over.

    Before the drawing, she plucks a feather from her wing and hoofs it to him, blushing bright red. "I know its sudden, but this is a small token for you to keep. I dont live in this city, so that means I will come as often as I can for a date."

    It takes a moment for her to realize the numbers are about to be called out and checks her ticket. "Well, I guess I only get one prize a day.." she winks at Bull Dozer.

  15. Shanna nodded to Survey and continued smiling comfortingly.

    "Then we are friends, Survey. I'm glad to have met so many nice mares and stallions today. And of course I'll be at the party."

    She suddenly noticed the Apple family handing out free drinks and baked goods.

    "I dont know about you, but I'm thirsty! Lets get something to drink."

    With that, she turned that direction and walked toward the line, whuch semed to be making room for a blue pig running around in terror.

    "What the hay?"

  16. Shanna gave a soft giggle at that gentle barb by the tan pegasus, Mobius, and now she knew the green unicorn was Survey but she poitely waited for him to say so, smiling encouragingly as she saw how shy he was. "Speaking of celebrations, will I see you at the party later, Mr...?"


    Meanwhile, Hoss hovered next to Jubilee as they watched the baconated Saddlesore rampage around "If they are sure they have him in hoof.." He sighed, knowing he couldnt' leave it at that. "But I think there would be less risk to my sore hoof if we were to toss ropes on him from up here..."

    He hmmed and tossed his tail "Welll... maybe if there's a pole to tie the other end to so we arent jerked out of the air?"

  17. (OOC: to help keep Mojo from losing Sherrif Silverstar, and since Hoss is part of his ride, I'm afraid I'll have to pull Hoss from this thread for now. I will return later when Bladerock reappears...)

    Hoss nickered as he looked the setup over , but heard his pocket watch chime in his underwing pouch. He pulled it out and checked the watch after turning the alarm off. "Whups! need some downtime before tonight..."

    "Your fireworks are amazing. Let me know if you come up with damp-proof displays, but I need to return right away."

    He waved at the earth pony "There will be impressive fireworks in the sky, courtesy of nature. The best view of the comet will be on that mesa if you wish to join us and watch."

    Hoss got ready to strap the Sherrif in, then hitched up to the cart once he did so.

    "Ready Sherrif Silverstar, Miss LaMare?"

  18. The twins walked inside, enjoying the wonderful smells of the shop, each carrying a small box between their wings. "Thank you Techno Tealeaf! Happy Foalday!" they chorused and eagerly went downstairs.

    Hoss and Shanna looked around the room as they entered, then Shanna pointed at an empty table "That must be for the gifts."

    Shanna looked back over her shoulder and grabbed her gift by the white ribbons and set it on the table, followed moments later by Hoss, both boxes were blue and spangled in silvery stars.

    They got only a modest amount of cookies and soda to tide them over until the party started in earnest...

  19. Hoss and Shanna both touched down at the door indicated on the invitation. They had stopped in a number of times for spcial blends of tea for their trips, and now was a good chance to repay the favor.

    A final check of their appearance, and Hoss politely knocked on the door...

  20. Hoss smiled at Jubilee as he danced with her, his heart was racing as he kept his eyes locked on hers "yes, as lusterous as that grass last spring when my family had a picnic."

    The music suddenly changed beat and the Dj dedicated it to the couples out there.

    Hoss twitched his ears happily as he looked at Jubilee, thinking * One can only hope.. * as he shook his tail to the music, dancing with the pretty pegasus.

    Meanwhile, across the floor, Shanna's heart was also racing as Bull Dozer replied “…that’s because I have such a lovely teacher,”

    She shivered pleasently as Bull Dozer nuzzled up to her.

    Shanna upped the pace of the dance to the music as she heard the dedication to the couples. He spoke to her ear in a deep tone that sent anoher pleasent shiver through her. “I sure am glad I met you tonight, Ms. Skybright….”

    Her wings snapped open and trembled, making her blush and giggle as she smoothed them back down. She felt like she was melting into a warm puddle listening to that voice by her ear. "Sorry, I feel just like I'm flying, even with my hooves on the ground. I am just as glad to have met you too. Perhaps we should meet more often?..." She asked with a shy smile.

  21. As Shanna waited for a reply from the shy unicorn before her, she spotted the grey pony with the star-carrot cutie mark she saw in the race and waved at him with a wing tip.

    Not having been in the race before, she had not yet realized the judges had posted the results.


    Elsewhere in the herd, her brother nuzzled the white pegasus mare with a blond mane, Jubilee. He smiled a her and brushed his wing against hers. "Yeah, that sounds great. I've heard of their awesome food but havent had any before, so now would be the perfect time to try it out."

    As they got into line, he saw Saddlesore getting rude with Misty Magic and suddenly become a blue pig. He flapped into the air to avoid being run over "WOW! remind me to never get her mad!"

  22. Shanna blinked a few moments then smiled.

    She walked up and gave him a friendly nuzzle "Aw, that's vey sweet of you. I'm Shanna by the way."

    She stretched a leg, and felt the joint pop "Ooof! Honestly, as long as Gilda hasnt' won after cheating like that, I'm just glad to have been in the race with so many friendly ponies. I've actually made friends during the race and am proud so many ponies pitched in to help on that sticky stretch."

    She smiled at Survey "May I count you as a new friend as well?"

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