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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Shanna looked around at a nervous voice in the milling ponies and saw a light green unicorn near her, the one she had run across the line just behind.

    She cocked her head to the side. "Sorry? For what?" She took a moment to stretch her right wing, working some of the sap out of the feathers. "..ow.."


    Meanwhile Hoss found the wash area with canvas screens and wooden barrel showers and baths and got himself more presentable, careful of his bandaged hoof.

    He strode out, feeling much better, and wearing a dress collar and cuffs from his saddlebags.

    Hoss took off and flew to the ballroom to spare his hoof, tucking and diving through the door. Spying Jubilee, he set down before her. His eyes bugged out as he saw how amazing the blond maned mare looked in a matching dress "Oh Wings! You look fantastic! How do I look?"

  2. Sorry I had not answered the Bola question in a timely manner, the application was not visible to me for some reason at that time.

    I was not aware of questions untill it popped up in Accepted Apps. The picture posted by BrainBlackBerry is correct, and pictures of her will be forthcoming now that two major projects are completed and sent to their new home...

  3. Shanna nosed Beach Breaker in thanks for helping. Already regaining her strength as she walks out the sore muscles. "Thanks for the help, and the fun race between us. I want to hear about where you are from later when we arent run ragged."

    She then drags the Diamond Dog safely out of the way until he wakes up.

    Shanna nods at Applejack, hearing how she had been restored. She wondered if that was the pony with the carrot cutie mark made of stars. She made a mental note to ask him at the party later...

    She stopped suddenly, her eyes wide as she realizes how messy she is "Oh dear! Is there any place to wash up after the race?


    Hoss smiled and nuzzles Jubilee after a few test hobbles on his splinted leg. "Thanks Starflower. I cant wait to see you in that dress, Wings" and wing-hugs her again, then smells himself "Ummm is there a place to clean off? I got as messy as a racer it seems..."

    Snails nodded "Ayup! One biiig day, an' more excitin' than last year's race." He yawned a bit as he sat with Misty Magic. "No more magic today..."

    He blinked and looked back as the wings vanished "Awww, an' before Snips could see them..."

    As Misty spoke to him about no more winglss pponies flying, he looked up wide eyed at Granny Smith flying like that grumpy blue stallion ealier...welll better actually.

    Snails stood up and shook his head with a silly grin. "Y'know whut Miz Misty? I think it's time fer my nap before anything else happens... Seeya!"

    With that, he gave her a hug and trotted off to home.

    (Snails is GONE from the thread ;)

    Madam Bistro sighed and shook her head "I wonder how they are going to top this NEXT year..."

  4. As she awaited a response from the Diamond Dog before her, Shanna smiled to Mojo "You are welcome, Mojo." and resumed gently shaking the dog.

    She spared a glance around, seeing him walk over to Applejack. She was still amazed she had been restored to normal so quickly and wonderd how that was done. She called out "Hay Applejack! How did you get big again?"


    Hoss grunted as the unicorn worked on his hoof, the spray feeling refreshingly cold through his hoof somehow. he gratefully accepted the water to wash the large pills down.

    As he nickered "Yes please, splints will be fine.", the lovely filly who admitted her feelings for him just a short while ago flew up and was near panic over his condition. "I'm mostly ok, Jubilee..." Suddenly he was hugged tight, making him smile and blush happily.

    Hoss wrapped his wngs around her and nuzzled one of her tears, then gave her a kiss while their faces were screened by his wings. "I'll be fine for the dance, we'll just have to show the earth ponies how we dance in air, is all." He paused a moment, blushing as he whispered "May...may I call you 'Wings' too?"

    Meanwhie, Madam Bistro was waiting for Swift Breeze to reply. When the Professor got her attention, she nodded and got a foam cup of Hot Chocolate for the elderly pegasus. "Here you go sir, would you like a straw?"

  5. From what we have seen of Dashies behavior all through Season one, I would have to guess that Discord is the one who cheated and not Dash. My theory (that we will have to wait a week to see the results of) is that Dash is so torn on indecision on wether or not to save Cloudsdale or her friends, she's curled up in a ball in front of the wrapped box of wings, a quivering wreck of indecision. and what was seen flying away was an illusion so Discord could claim he won.

  6. Shanna nickered and moved around, seeing the ponies she had met or seen in passing. Some were still crossing the line as she trotted around.

    She called out to Douglas Trotter and Mobeus as they crossed the line, even if she didnt know who they were "Dont forget! Walk for a while or your muscles will get sore and cramp." She also saw Lyra and waved to her as she went along.

    Some of her friends were at the back with Mojo and she waved a wing at them before the herd closed in agan between them. "Mojo! Make sure you walk for a while okay? Dont want you getting cramps."

    Shanna suddenly noticed the Diamond Dog was still there where he lay. She walked up and poked him with a hoof "Hay, you okay there?"


    Hoss was awaiting a reply from Swift Breeze, when Starflower came up to him.

    he nickered "Oh sorry, just a second, Swift Breeze.." He touched down, and favored his right hind for a few steps until he could sit down beside the blue unicorn.

    "I stepped on a nail last night, possibly a horseshoe nail, while I was practicing on the roads nearby. Nurse Red Heart wrapped it with a poltice to draw out any dirt and kill any infection that got in, but I had to remove the bandage to wipe off the Poison Joke. I could not help touching down several times even with my wings going full blast when I was rescuing ponies in that last stretch."

    When she inspects it, his hoof will already be feeling warmer, the sign of a slight infection...

    Madam Bistro neighed from the sidelines and waved a hoof at Swift Breeze "Fancy meeting you here, Swift!"

    Meanwhile, Snails bounced on his hooves, eyes shining brightly as Misty gave him encouragement "I'll do it Miz. Misty! Thank ya' very much!"

  7. Shanna was nudging ponies who had sat down when Klondike came up to her. she smiled and blushed lightly at his praise of her voice. "You should hear it -huff- when I'm not exhausted." She stretched a hind leg with a loud set of pops "OOF! Y-yes, We would love your help." She spoke up a little louder, to reach some of the more steadily standing racers. "We welcome anypony's help -huff- in making ponies do a cool down walk."

    Shanna smiled as she saw the earth pony with the carrot cutie mark made of stars *...Wonder what the significance of the stars is? Does he like stars?...* and the.. celadon?.. pegasus who helped her brother. She smiles and waves a wingtip at each.

    Shanna had yet to remember to even ask who won the race...


    Meanwhile, Hoss was nudging ponies to walk it out, when he spotted the Celadon colored pegaus and fluttered on over."OH! Swift Breeze! I'm So sorry! I forgot! Your blanket is over there at the starting line bleachers! It will need a wash Im afraid, I had to drop it on a giant spider, jet pack and all. and it still didnt stop it." Hoss smacked his head with a hoof "..Oh yeah, I'll have to go back and spray that spider with poison joke cure too.."

  8. Shanna galloped hard, finding herself losing ground steadily as her muscles burned. Her number, 44 was still there, but had run a bit after being doused with that oily stuff earlier. Her wings threatened to drag on the ground as she forced herself to run.

    She wanted to get as close to Gilda as she could before the finish line, or at least catch up to 'Breakah' (Beach Breaker).

    At least Klondike's present was finally dissolved enough for her to talk.

    She neighed excitedly at Savory Delight as she passed her. "Dont'.. give...up..."

    Shanna suddenly noticed everyone was still doing their hardest even after helping each other.

    She yelled at Beach Breaker up ahead "Breaka!' -huff- I'm coming up -huff- behind you! Dont give -huff- up! See you..-huff- at party..."

    Suddenly Lyra just ahead of her made an illusory bugle and sounded the charge as the race baloon soared over their heads ad over the finish line. She took heart at that and gave it her all "Yeah! Go Lyra! We'll see who beats -huff- who!"

    Shanna ran, caught up in the growing excitemnt, watching Big Mac running with Applebloom on his back, and The green pegasus who had been challeneged by Gilda as well. He was much closer to Gilda than she was. Pones were thundering across the line ahead of her.

    The Diamond Dog she had been getting glimpses of since the race began suddenly plowed into one of the poles holding the banner, knocking himself out.

    "That...had -huff- ..to hurt!"

    Closer and closer, Mojo ran across and was caught by a net before he could fall over.

    A grey unicorn covered in leaves and wearing protective goggles wobbled in near her as she got closer "Um hello..."

    She could not see who was first but she was stunned to see someone was obviously wiling to be last for some reason.

    She gave a bewildered look at the brown pegasus with a damaged wing as she passed over the line.

    Shanna staggered a bit, her legs feeling like noodles as she loked around the milling ponies She nosed at some of the ones whohad already sat down, panting "Get...up! Walk for..half hour! Cool down or your muscles will get stiff. Get up! Walk!"

    She bumped her brother as he landed "Help me, keep them walking.. Let their muscles work out loose.."

    Shanna caught up with 'Breakah' "Move, walk, just a little more.. or your muscles will be sore.." nudging him with her nose.

    To her surprise, she spotted the zebra with his cart of jars talking to the officials. She waved a wing at him in thanks.


    Hoss smiled as The last of the ponies was freed from the mess "What now? We fly to the finish, Miss LaMare! We'll get there to see them cross the line."

    With that, Hoss increases his wingbeat from a hover to flight as he drops the vine and zooms at the bleachers, well off the track to avoid confusing the officials.

    There was a flash before they got there as Jubilee and her friends appeared, courtesy of Misty it would seem.

    He landed in time to greet his sister, and nods at her words "My advice exactly!"

    Hoss ouched at his hind hoof touching the ground accidentaly and went back into a hover. He nudged ponies who had sat down, panting "Keep moving, walk those muscles for a bit or you will have cramps. Just a little longer while your body cools off."

    He chuckled at seeing Rose Madder being carted off asleep by.. Umm... Inkwell, he seemed to remember. Her brother, he thought.

    "That's it everypony, walk it off!"

    Snails bounced happily around the group "Thanks Misty! That was a fun ride! I cant' wait 'till I can telyport myself, eh!"

    Madam Bistro shook her head and smiled, moving her cart back to the spectators "No use for hot chocolate with hot, sweaty ponies..." She mused..

  9. Shanna made a loud MMMMPH! as Gilda broke free and tapped her hooves in applause.

    While her mouth was still getting unstuck, at least working her mouth to do so was a taste treat. She nodded at the griffon and broke into a gallop trying to beat Gilda as she broke onto the road at the same time. She gave Gilda a smirk to say "Lets race" even if she was still muffled.


    Hoss stretched his wing as he flew "Maybe you can help me Miss LaMare, there's other ponies stuck besides this thousand foot circle, and I need to find and spray other victims of Poison Joke... Including that blasted spider."

    As he flew down the path in a slow hover so as not to miss anypony, He found Bramble Rose growing a vine and pulling ponies free with it.

    "There you are! I have the cure!"

    Hoss landed quickly and gave the filly a spray, watching as it worked quickly, returning Bramble to Colt status. "Go ahead and race, we can take it from here since we arent' racing. See you at the afterparty!"

    With that, Hoss hauled on the vine to hep break the stuck ponies free.


    Menwhile, back at the bleachers,

    Snails Neighed and bounced on his hooves as he joined in on eating the baked goods. "Mmmph! Chonklet!"

  10. I was reading the topic of why ponies have human tools and where did humans go if Equestria is Earth and it started sparking a memory of something that would apply. I'm reposting here to see if it will spark any Discord based fanfics...


    (reposted from MLP Discussion -> FiM Series -> Ponies + Human Tools = WTF)

    Here's something that may be an interesting twist in light of the revelalation of Discord's existance;

    I will toss this out to see if it sparks any fanfics like it's trying to do with me, but my favorite Creation myth is from the Nez Pierce tribe, which could apply to the absense of humans if Equestria is Earth. :wink:

    This is a loose paraphrase of the legend since Im working from memory...

    In the beginning, before humans there were the First People. All the animals lived in tribes of their kind, and were as big as man would be if not more so. Each lodge (tribe) was led by the god of their race, the best ideals of their tribe in one being, Magic was everywhere and in everything and all was good.

    Except for the trickster god, Coyote.

    He was loath to work hard and so apparently were many in his tribe. When he heard similar complaints at the councel meeting of the other species, he had a wonderful idea.

    He would use his magic to make something with more nimble paws to serve him and all the First People. Something with no fur or fang so as to depend on their masters for food and warmth.

    Without telling anyone what he was up to, he worked great magics to create the worker slaves. He made the first man and woman.

    In retrospect, this was not his brightest idea...

    Something happened that night, magic was scattered, dimmed.

    The lives of the animals turned upside down as many shrank to critter size as they lost their powers or became dumb brutes.

    Coyote fled and was imprisoned on an island hidden in mist off the coast of what is now Washington state

    The legend goes on to state that someday the Trickster God would escape his prison and turn the world upside down again, presumably bringing magic back in full force and bringing the animals to promenance one more.

    Funny, the version I had read years ago mentioned the time of his return was calculated as sometime early this century... :wink:

  11. Here's something that may be an interesting twist on this topic in light of the revelalation of Discord's existance;

    I will toss this out to see if it sparks any fanfics like it's trying to do with me, but my favorite Creation myth is from the Nez Pierce tribe, which could apply to the absense of humans if Equestria is Earth. ;) (I will also repost this in the writing forum here.)

    This is a loose paraphrase of the legend since Im working from memory...

    In the beginning, before humans there were the First People. All the animals lived in tribes of their kind, and were as big as man would be if not more so. Each lodge (tribe) was led by the god of their race, the best ideals of their tribe in one being, Magic was everywhere and in everything and all was good.

    Except for the trickster god, Coyote.

    He was loath to work hard and so apparently were many in his tribe. When he heard similar complaints at the councel meeting of the other species, he had a wonderful idea.

    He would use his magic to make something with more nimble paws to serve him and all the First People. Something with no fur or fang so as to depend on their masters for food.

    Without telling anyone what he was up to, he worked great magics to create the worker slaves. He made the first man and woman.

    In retrospect, this was not his brightest idea... :smirk:

    Something happened that night, magic was scattered, dimmed.

    The lives of the animals turned upside down as many shrank to critter size as they lost their powers or became dumb brutes.

    Coyote fled and was imprisoned on an island hidden in mist off the coast of what is now Washington state

    The legend goes on to state that someday the trickster god would escape his prison and turn the world upside down again, presumably bringing magic back in full force and bringing the animals to promenance one more.

    Funny, the version I had read years ago mentioned the time of his return was calculated as sometime early this century... ;)

  12. Shanna whewed as She got Mojo free, then was instantly gifted with a hoofmade lollipop of fresh maple sap.

    She tried to thank Klondike for the treat, but found herself unable to speak.

    Beach Breaker had stopped but was definitely too winded to help. She looked pleadingly to him as he appeared torn over just standing there. She tried to reasure him it was fine, but her muzzle was stuck tight around the Lollipop.

    Before she could do anything more, Beach Breaker broke into a gallop.

    She looked at her brother who smiled and shrugged. "Your call sis, I think we've got it here."

    Shanna's eyes went wide as the unicorn Hoss was helping looked around with calmer eyes and broke everyone in the pileup free.

    Just then, a strange zebra set up his cart and sprayed everypony as far as she could see on the trail, including herself, with something that had a sharp smell but was melting the sap. She moved to spread her wings to shield herself but found her right wing stuck to her body. She franticaly wiggled her wing until the stuff freed her wing.

    Shanna continued sucking on the lollipop, and bowed her head to Klondike in thanks, then broke into a gallop to catch up with Klondike, and hopefully pass Gilda. Hopping over the dissolving puddles and giggling seeing she was making some of the leaves fall herself. She waved a wing at the zebra as she passed him.

    As she rounded a curve, she did a double take seeing Gilda just off the road, being helped by the green pegasus and the darker stallion with the starry carrot cutie mark, as well as a unicorn she had not seen in the race. *...Oh well, the stuff came down on them too, so she'll be free in moments. *

    Shanna trotted over to motion with her hooves that her mouth was stuck, and asking if she was needed to help too. She hoped her next motions got the point across that it would be dishonorable for her to run until Gilda was free.

    As Shanna waited, she watched as Applejack passed by with an astonished look on her face at seeing ponies help Gilda. Shanna was equally stunned seeing Applejack back to normal size * Hoss must have found her too... *


    Meanwhile, Hoss nodded to Rose Madder, when she asked him not to tell anyone about her behavior. "I promise I wont' tell." He then gasped in awe as she broke everyone out of the pony pile-up.

    He suddenly gasped and sputtered at the sudden downpour of oily liquid, tucking the spray bottle of Poison Joke cure under a wing tomake sure the stuff did not damage it. He did at least notice the sap on his hooves from helping Rose was coming off "Well, that's a relief..."

    He ulped as Mojo was given the bad news and galloped off. He waved at Jubilee as she flew off to comfort Mojo "Yes, Go help him, I have to stay and watch for Poison Joke Victims." He blew a kiss "Take care, Jubilee! I'll catch up with you soon."

    He took off in a hover to see as far up and down the course as he could, calling out "BRAMBLE ROSE! OVER HERE! IF ANYPONY's BEEN POISON JOKED! I CAN HELP!"


    Snails blushed and giggled sheepishly at the hug from Misty "G-golly... My pleasure, Ma'am.."

    Then Madam Bistro heard the Professor trying to get Misty to bring the portal back. While she was just an earth pony, even she did not think it a good idea if Misty's heart was not in it at the moment. She quickly stepped up to her cart and waved to Misty. "Oh Misty, you've brought in enough business to me with this portal today, I'll let you eat on the house. What do you say?"

  13. A new one was just released from a fan, posted for download over on Deviantart. Here is his notice from FurAffinity (hopefully including working links...) ;

    Pony Tales: A Role-Playing Game for Ages Twelve and Older

    Pony Tales is a role-playing game for ages twelve and older based loosely on the Open D6 open-source rules set. Rewritten from the ground up in a straightforward conversational style, the rules have been streamlined for ease of play and heavily customized for a better fit to the unique characters and setting. A chief feature of the game is its differentiation between “literal” games, which take the show’s anachronisms and inconsistencies at face value, and “figurative” games, which assume those elements are exaggerations or simplifications for effect. Where possible the rules make allowances for both kinds of games, offering suggestions and alternatives to suit the different styles of play. Pony Tales is available as a free PDF file for download in two sizes, US letter and A4, and in two formats, twenty loose-leaf pages or a forty-page half-size booklet.

    A companion booklet, The Magical Land, contains background information and educated guesses to suggest ways of filling in certain blanks. It explores pony physiology, useful historical parallels from the real world, and possible technological and societal connections that might not be obvious. The Magical Land is available as a free PDF file for download in two sizes, US letter and A4, and in two formats, twelve loose-leaf pages or a twenty-four-page half-size booklet.

    An eight-panel narrator’s (game-master’s) screen also is available, containing quick-reference tables and a “Pony Form” (character sheet). It is designed to be printed on or glued to four sheets of card stock, then assembled into a foldable screen to shield the narrator’s notes and story-spoilers from the view of the players. It too is a free PDF file for download in two sizes, US letter and A4.

    All materials may be revised periodically as new information becomes available.

    Pony Tales

    US letter loose-leaf pages

    US letter digest booklet

    A4 loose-leaf pages

    A4 digest booklet

    The Magical Land

    US letter loose-leaf pages

    US letter digest booklet

    A4 loose-leaf pages

    A4 digest booklet

    Narrator’s screen

    US letter panels

    If nothing else, here is the direct link to his pony folder; http://catspaw-dtp-services.deviantart.com/gallery/31686509

    or if you have trouble with that, here is the announcement on Furaffinity with al the links; http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/2721800/

  14. Shanna neighed happily as Beach Breaker was just behind her and also stopping to help the stuck pegasus with her "Fantastic! Thank you Breakah!" She blinked and giggled softly as she saw the leaves stuck to his side "Oh my, those match your mane colors nicely."

    She turned back to Swift Breeze just as the rainbow maned unicorn mare stopped to help "Oh Thank you, this is what I love about the Ponyville spirit. I'm Shanna. Now maybe if we.."

    Before she could finish, the unicorn used her horn power to pull the celadon pegasus back and forth, until h finally snapped free and landed atop her. Shanna ran up and looked to be sure they were okay.

    Shanna giggled "Well I guess our work is done, Thank you, Holly Dash."

    She smiled to Beach Breaker "Well, shall we?" and started running again. She rounded a bend and faltered a moment, seeing a pony pileup ahead "Mojo? Lyra?"

    Shanna dashed ahead to help.. "Oh no! Is everyone stuck?

    She stepped in to lend a hoof, starting with Mojo, tugging on his forehooves. "Come on, wiggle that hoof."

    She did not notice at the moment one of her wings getting glued to her side...


    Meanwhile, with nonracer Hoss...

    Hoss neighed happily as Jubilee joined him as he searched for Bramble Rose. "Thanks for joining me, Jubilee!"

    Just then, Louise called to them both about Mojo being stuck.

    He wheeled about in a quick piroette in mid air and flew in Ms. LaMare's direction. "Right away!"

    The stallion passed over Bramble Rose along the way "HAY BRAMBLE! BRAMBLE ROSE! CATCH UP! I GOT THE CURE!"

    Hoss chuckled good naturedly as he saw his sister and a tall, dreadlocked stallion also stopping to help. "HI Sis! Still having your usual luck I see.." as he winks teasingly at her.

    Hoss lightly landed and checked the others, suddenly seeing now all too familar blue dots on a unicorn mare who was also stuck.

    "Dont Worry Miss, I'm Star Skybright, or Hoss to friends. I'll help you get unstuck but first, we need to cure your Poison Joke."

    He lifted up the spray bottle and gave a spray in her direction...


    Back at the bleachers...

    Snails smiled happily as he got out from under cover after watching her close the portal, then bumped Misty Magic with his nose "You did it! On demand even! Ya' must be getting better, even if just a little, eh?

  15. Hoss neighed happily as he dances with Jubilee, keeping his eyes on hers as his tongue stumbled on itself a little. "This is the best party ever, dancing with you. I..um, y-your eyes are as bright as the grass on the shores of the Nimbusgate lakes."

    He only looked away for a moment when the DJ dedicated the song to a late friend. He slowed his dance down a little and asked Jubilee. "Do we keep dancing to show he's still moving ponies? Have you heard of him?"

    Off to the side of the dance floor, Shanna barely heard anything beyond the driving beats echoing her heartbeat, and the stallion before her. She could not have noticed a riot taking place after what he said.

    Shanna blushed a lovely plum across her cheeks at the compliment as she kept looking up into his eyes "T-thank you. Y-your eyes are attractive too."

    She tapped her right hind hoof with the beat, then stepped to that side, leading him with her one step, she swished her hips and tail to the right, then back the other way a step, finding herself getting caught up in moving to the beat and cuing him with her hooves when to move.

    Soon, her ears perked and she smiled at him as she realized she had stopped cuing him and they were still moving. She whispered "You are doing fantastic, Bull Dozer."

  16. (more timely response from my non-racers, trying to catch up to Bramble Rose...)

    Hoss closed her eyes as the Professor sprayed the cure on. There was a strange tingle, then Hoss opened an eye "Am I back to normal yet?"

    He got his answer when Jubilee wrapped her hooves around his neck, He flipped his wings forward to hug her back as his forelegs was supporting them both for the moment.

    Hoss felt lighter than air as the pretty pony hugged him. He blushed and stole a small kiss while his wings were screening them both. "Be my date for the after race party?"

    After a moment to enjoy the bliss, he suddenly remembered the other victim of Poison Joke, maybe more.

    "OH Celestia and Luna! Bramble Rose! He needs the cure too!"

    Gently pulling free, he went to the professor for the spray bottle. "Fantastic job Professor, but there's at least another racer who needs this too. May I?"

    Suddenly, Miss LaMare flies through the scrying window. "Well, that was unexpected!"

    Taking up the spray bottle while Professor Krashkop examined the portal, Hoss smiles at the professor "Now I have a short cut! I'll help Bramble Rose and anypony else I see with the spots! Wish me luck.." as he flies through the portal over Sherrif Silverstar and Louise and over the road.

    He flew in a growing circle over the tapped maple trees. "Bramble Rose! Where are you? I have the cure! Anypony else have Poison Joke problems? Speak up!"

    Meanwhile, Snails clopped up to the.. 'dime shon al' portal? "Woweee! If I can learn ta' do this someday, I can study bugs everywhere in Equestria an' be home for supper! Awesome!"

  17. I have not read it, preferring the various "fan" alternate endings. My fave is the one where "Cupcakes" is actually a prank story written by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash under a hoax name to troll everyone.

    I cannot get around the idea that the Elements of Harmony would not choose someone so evil and dangerous, even if its two seperate personas in one body. I should know, I have RPed a split personality MLP pony much like Pinkamina as a Supervillan well before FiM first aired... :mad: :wink:

    As it was, I recall "Cupcakes" was low on the radar until "A Party of One" aired, then everyone was "OMG! Cupcakes Verified!" :blah:

    And for the hay of it, here is the Wicked, Wicked, Dr. Brambleberry in her first guest shot in a friend's commisioned comic (SFW); http://www.furaffini...t/view/2522093/ Good comparison?

  18. Shanna, still wearing her numbers (44), found herself closer to the middle of the racers, now even caught up with Big Mac again. It was good to be among the ones still shaking down the leaves instead of getting facefulls of leaves behind them.

    She trotted steadily. The dashes in the past couple of stretches were beginning to wear on her, but her steady gain meant the leaders were wearing out faster.

    At this point, she didnt care if she won, so long as she or that green pegasus managed to beat Gilda.

    Shanna waved at Applejack when she saw her "Thanks for the apples earlier. That was just what I needed!" and gave an extra joyful hop to show her appreciation.

    She also waved at Mojo and Lyra, even if it seemed he had more interest in Lyra for the moment.

    Hopefully she could introduce 'Breakah' to him, the tall easygoing stallion seems the type to be great friends with Mojo. She looked back to see if he was still with her since she trailblazed a way off the cliff...

    She suddenly skidded to a stop, almost running into a pale green Pegasus *..celadon green?..* her mind popped up helpfully.

    Shanna looked at the white-maned pegasus and at the puddle she thought had been a mud puddle, just one of many she had been avoiding since entering this stretch. *Good thing I have so far, apparently...* she thought. "Oh! What? Oh dear, you are stuck. May I help?" As she got close she ohhed "Didnt' I see you fly up earlier to help my brother with that silly pony?.."


    Hoss, landed in relief and looked around for the Professor, then heard Starflower's comment. Hoss reached up and self-consiously brushed a hoof through... her now fuller, lush mane. Something stuck behind one ear came loose, falling on the ground. An intact Poison Joke bloom.

    Hoss sighed and smiled sheepishly "It's okay Jubilee. Apparently my mane is still styled differently than Shanna..." (any ideas where the poison joke spots would be in a full body change like that? the mane?)

    Suddenly Misty and Snails arrived with the Professor. Snails bounced happily "That was Amazing! I flew! I flew! Thanks Misty!"

    Hoss was wide-eyed in awe seeing Misty and Snails, resisting an urge to bow to apparent alicorns. "Er, ah I guess you are the mare who put wings on Granny Smith? Um, great job! I havent seen her that excited since she rode in our pegasus cart."

    The temporary mare turned to the Professor as he warned Hoss it may not work right. "I am willing to take a chance, especially before Shanna sees me like this, or somepony hits me up for a date. I'd never hear the end of it..."

  19. Shanna nosed Beach Breaker "Follow me!" and sprinted off toward the barely-there trail past where Gilda had perched knocking down rocks. "She challenged me and that green pegasus personally! I have to try and beat her!"

    Without looking to see if the tall stallion was following, she picked her way down the narrow deer path and back onto the road, just past the rocks.

    She galloped in a sprint, hoping she would not overdo it and conk out in the next section.

    As she rounded a bend, she spotted a path down he mountainside newly carved by a sliding rock shelf, now stopped on the other side of the road, and beside it was Klondike and Lyra. She stopped for a second, panting already. "Klondike! Lyra! Everyone okay?" After they annswer and she sees Klondike is just a little dazed, she pulls a spare bottle of water from her other underwing pouch and psses it to Klondike "Here, this will help! Well, gotta run! Gotta beat that Gilda!"

    She dashed off again, now catching sight of Apple Bloom Mojo, And Big Macentosh, with the maple trees in sight beyond...


    Hoss blushes as Louise calls... her "Hossita".

    "Ummm, well, I guess my formal name, "Star" will be less confusing while I'm like this, Louise."

    Hoss, er Star, Waved at Bramble Rose and Ginger Mint as the trio flew rapidly back toward the start in a straight line.

    She spoke to the pair "That purple unicorn needs the cure too. Hopefully before the race is over..."


    Meanwhile, at their desination...

    Madam Bistro nodded, her attention back on the order "Certainly!" and pulled out a smaller urn for her die hard customers. In a moment, she hoofed a cup over to the unicorn "This will certainly perk you up, dearie."

    Snails on the other hoof, gasped at the sudden odd feeling and looked around behind him. He squealed and jumped up and down in glee! "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! OHMYGOSH! THIS! IS! TOTALLY! AWSOMEEEE!"

    He flapped his teal-colored wings happily "Too bad this is temporary, eh? I kinda' wouldnt' mind bein' a prince or somethin'..." He hoped he could be this good at magic someday...

    Jumping into the air, he did a few loop-the-loops as he followed Misty Magic. "Hay Professor! H-hay!"

  20. (More timely replies with my non-racers, catching up with Bramble Rose)

    Hoss neighed a cheer in relief as the scary leaf monster shook off the leaves and muck in fear when he..she and Jubilee asked if it was a victim of Poison Joke.

    The pony shrieked in fear and frustration "NOT A FILLY!" then settled down when his? Oh! Lusterous purple hide was revealed on a light unicorn frame. there was a fair drift of now-familiar blue leaves among the mound of leaves that came off the unicorn.

    A white and mint mare trotting alongside looked ready to faint.

    * So he must have been Poison Joked before, and from his...her reaction, he has my problem with it... *

    Hoss sighed, still favoring the now unbandaged sore hoof as ..she hovered alongside the unicorn, keeping pace.

    "You too huh? I'm supposed to be a stallion too. I'm Star Skybright, or Hoss to friends. Hmmm... #13... that would make you Bramble Rose."

    Hoss sheepishly waved a hoof at herself "I'm not in the race but was watching my sister in it, and had to help a friend among patches of this stuff... Me and Jubilee are flying back to the start for a cure. If we can find it fast, we'll fly back and help you too."

    Hoss looks up as a shadow come over "OH! Hi Miss LaMare!"

    The bay pegasus looked at Bramble Rose. "We've got to fly now, but if we cant' catch up with you, we'll be waiting at the finish."

    Hoss turned around, at the last moment "Oh yeah, go right at the fork ahead, and good luck to you and...Ginger Mint, is it? I saw the names on the tote board and you are the most minty pony I've seen today." :wink:


    Madam Bistro smiled as she got out the baked goods for Starflower "Would you like anything to drink with that?"

    She then turned in surprise "That is Hoss? Oh my! What is this.. Poison Joke stuff anyway? I'm from Manehattan, I dont know from brambleberries..."

    Snails jumped up like a fawn at being asked to help "Right away Miz Starflower!" and trotted along with Misty.

    He looked up at her as they saw the professor fly away. "Dang, now what do we do, eh?"

  21. Hoss eagerly trotted out on the floor, excited to be with such a great dancer. He smiled "I'll see if I can keep up with you, Jubilee!" as he rose up on his hind legs, fluttering his wings to the beat to make him light on his hooves as he started dancing on the floor.

    Meanwhile Shanna squealed happily "All right! Beastie Colts!" as she got out on the floor.

    As she got ready to dance, she saw Bull Dozer nearly petrified but gamely swaying to the beat. She moved close to him and spoke close to his ear. "Well at least you've got the beat. That's a start. I..um, guess groundside dancing is as new to you as to me... Lets move to the edge of the floor where it's not crowded and we can learn it together."

    She put a wing around his withers so he could not say no, and guided him to the side. Shanna then released the wing from him and reared up before him, with the sweetest smile she could make. "Now put your front hooves to mine, look only at me, and move with me..."

  22. Hoss gazed at the lovely blond maned white pegasus as she turned her eyes at him * Mmm green as grass... *

    "I hope you do get the contract, Jubilee." She suddenly asked him what it was like as a weather pony? bliss!

    He smiled "Well, it can be busy sometimes, especialy with an emergency call to knock out a storm or tornado. Dad is awesome at untwisting one but it takes a lot out of any pony to do so alone. Me and Shanna can undo one with less effort by flying as tight a pattern as the Wonderbolts do."

    Hoss smiled at the next memory "The real fun though is surfing stormfront winds. You can really build up speed off of a big thunderhead and get a warning out faser if you cant take it apart alone. We've almost.. Almost!.. Done a Sonic Rainboom coming off that nasty unscehduled boomer three months ago, the one that was turned aside into the Everfee before it hit Ponyville once the Ponyvlle Weather Patrol was alerted."

    He takes a drink, then continues "We can usually wrap up the daily assignment quickly enough to get sleep or take care of other things before evening, when we spend time doing our Astronomy fieldwork."

    He smiled at the young mare "By the way, how did you get your start?"

    Meanwhile Shanna giggled pleasently as Bull Dozer said he would not get far off the ground, showing off his now full tummy.

    She earperked as he seemes to be getting flustered again, * Ooooh I wonder what he's going to ask? *

    When he popped out asking her to dance, her face seemed to light up "I would love to! I must confess I usually dance while hovering as is common in Cloudsdale so I may not be up to the latest groundside dances. I should have no trouble, though. Just let the music move you, right?"

    Just then, the black unicorn DJ started playing and called out;

    "Hello Everypony! My names beat match, I'm the DJ for this event and I got one question for ya! ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!?!" Just as the drop hit in the song, the party really began.

    Hoss smiled at Jubilee "Wow! She's off to a good start..." He suddenly saw Shanna moving toward the dance floor with Bull Dozer. "...And so is my sister it seems. May I have this dance?"

  23. (OOC: Shanna is still pending with Buxy's reply, but need to reply sooner elsewhere with non-racer Hoss...)

    "...Bramble Rose stumbled down the path (snip)...He was completely unaware, as he ran, that he still was covered in mud and leaves, and that giant mushroom growths were stuck to either side of his head, and one perched atop his horn..."

    Meanwhile, back with Hoss the non-racer...

    When Hoss followed the mares to the Pass, Hoss spotted his sister higher above the pass on the wrong trail arguing with a griffon who seems to have started an avalanch.

    Hoss crouched down behind a bolder the whole time Jubile and Louise assisted Mojo, not yet wanting to face Shanna like this.

    It was with great relief that Hoss followed when Jubilee was asked to lead Hoss back to the Professor, even if he..she.. still had to carry the battered jetpack.

    Hoss suddenly smiled and blushed as Jubilee called his male form handsome. Smiling brightly when she promed to get Hoss back to normal. "Thank you so very much Jubilee!

    Before they could really get going, the leafy thing (Bramble Rose) was trotting right toward the pass, and them, with two pony eyes flanked by mushrooms and one on top of the head.

    Hoss hovered with effort carrying the jetpack "Just a moment, Jubilee... Hay, you! Are you a victim of Poison Joke like me?"


    Meanwhile at the starting line,

    Madam Bistro eagerly went back to her cart "I am afraid I do not have a large selection with me, Miss Starflower. Most of the space is taken by the hot chocolate urn and foam cups and plates. I do have assorted muffins, donuts, 3 eclairs, and as many bagles. I also have flavored spreads too."

    Snails bounced happily, his horn shining and his spiky teal mane flopping. "Ya mean it? Thanks Misty Magic!"

  24. Shanna gasped, seeing which way Gilda left... the way she thought might be the right way.

    She quickly spun about and flew back to Beach Breaker, the tall stallion who still had some leaves stuck in his dreadlocked mane.

    Flaring her wings and skidding to a landing, she pointed back down the slope, where ponies were picking their way around the rocks and a rainow maned unicorn was dissapearing into the treeline. "Breakah! We're going the wrong way! I saw a trail back down over there. its rougher but quicker than heading back to the sign..."

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