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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Shanna glared angrily at the griffon, snorting when she blew off launching an avalanch.

    Then Shanna earperked when the griffon thought she was a friend of THE Rainbow Dash.

    She smirked deviously "Ohhh so YOU are Gilda! I Havent' had the pleasure of being her friend yet. But I am a fan of her stunts!

    I was a year later at that Junior Speedsters camp and you two were all the older students would talk about.

    Funny, I thought the great Gilda was too speedy to need to cheat..."

    Shanna folded her forelegs across her chest as Holly Dash yelled at Gilda too and smacked her wings with unicorn telekenesis.

    Suddenly a rock came sailing up over the edge and bopped Gilda in the head.

    Shanna looked over the edge and waved at Mojo "HA! Good Shot Mojo! See? We're on to you now. We'll give as good as we get. I'm sure we'll let it slide if you run a good race."

    Shanna suddenly decided to try what her brother had done to Dusty recently to make him swim. She gave a mischevious wink to set the hook, now to see if she'll rise to the bait. "..Unless you are too slow to outrun earth ponies..."

    *edit to include Zephyr who posted while I was writing... ^_^ *

    Shanna turned her head to see a green pegasus she thought she recognized as a messenger around Cloudsdale bravely look Gilda in the eyes and issue a direct challenge.

    She clopped her hooves together in applause for the stallion, hoping Gilda takes the challenge....


    Meanwhile, back in the Whitetail Wood with the nonracers...

    Hoss neighed, blushing redder and redder as he..she scuffed a hoof before Ms LaMare and Jubilee. The blush made the Poison Joke bloom stuck in her mane stand out all the more * What will Jubilee think of me now? *

    "I...I'm Hoss... I had to rescue Mojo from a spider as big as we are. The web was among patches of these funny blue flowers. I fell into an entire patch and mashed them all over me... Mojo says I've been Poison Joked...."

    Hoss started to sniffle uncontrollably "I..I've always resented being mistaken for Shanna by the romantically inclined in dimly lit parties, and now its j-just WORSE! Now I'll be hounded by stallions if I cant undo this! Mojo says that local zebra, Zecora has a cure, and that the Professor might have a cure too. C-can you tell me where he is? Or where Zecora is right now?"

    Hoss suddenly gasped and looked back down the leaf covered trail "OH! Back there, I saw a leafy thing in the shape of a pony! I must find out if that is a pony who was Poison Joked as well!"


    Back at the starting line...

    Madam Bistro sat down and fanned herself as she saw granny Smith lose her wings at a most fortunate moment, before she could take off again. "Oh my! If this kind of stuff happens every year, I simply MUST attend each race..."

    Snails grunted, putting more effort into it at Misty's encouragement, more sparks flew off his horn and the starter motor sound more steady, then his horn finally put forth a bright steady glow. "YAYYY! I did it! I did it!"

  2. Shanna had blinked when the strange leaf creature spoke politely about the lovely day. "ummm ok, that means you are a safe creature right? Iyyyy think I'll just catch up with 'Breakah'.." Nervously she ran around the minty and red ponies watching the strange beast.

    She sprinted quickly to catch back up with the tall stallion.. 'in TEN Seconds Flat!' like Rainbow Dash would say. She was entering the more rocky area without as many leaves marked on the race map she had seen before the race as "Mountain Pass".

    She wasnt even sure he had noticed her lagging yet with those bushy dredlocks, so she had missed him hammering the arrow in -the wrong way.

    She neighed to Breakah and anypony in earshot as she remembered something after following a short way toward the left. "Ummm, I was watching from above last year... Didnt' the trail go the other way last year?..."

    Suddenly there was a rumble, and there was that griffon on the trail switchback above rolling rocks down on the road she would have been on had she not followed 'Breakah' "WHAT!? Is she crazy?!"

    She neighed at Beach Breaker "I'll be RIGHT back!" She jumped into flight and in moments circled the crazy griffon well out of clawswipe range. "HAY! Are you nuts? You could hurt somepony! Not even Rainbow Dash did a stunt this dangerous last year!"


    Meanwhile, among the non-racers...

    Hoss thought for a moment "I'll be right there!" and set down the jet pack. He...she quickly wiped any bits of poison joke off her hoofs and tail with the bandages from her leg, and took off again, embarassed he looked even more like Shanna without that bandage on.

    Hoss then flew up to get a view of where they were, spotting a walking mound of leaves in the shape of a pony. "I'll have to see if that's another victim of Poison Joke, but first..." she swung around and flew low above Louise and Jubilee, her sore leg held up out of reach "Jump and grab on!"


    Madam Bistro smiled proudly at seeing the garlic worked right away "Only the finest ingredients."

    Snails gave a goofy grin seeing Misty was cheering up somewhat "I'm sure you'll get it right eventually. That's what Mom says about my magic.."

    To show off, he concentrated on making his horn glow, accompanied by sounds of a starter motor sputtering... "Getting there... almost..."

  3. Shanna listened intently, a smile on her face as she looked at him in fascination. * Hmm and a rugged,handsome stallion he is, and that lovely blond mane, and those beautiful Hazel eyes... *

    She swished her tail as she smiled again, "Too bad you cant' fly, You would be a natural as a weather pony. We're always having to clear out clouds and bust up thunderstorms before they get dangerous."

    She gave her brother a teasing smirk "I bet you could even outdo my brother at cloud bucking..." and stuck her tongue out at Hoss, giggling.

    Said stallion snorted and fluffed his wings, shooting his sister a look. He fumed, then started looking around, wondering if he could get cosy with Jubilee or one of the other young mares to get him out of range of his sister's teasing....

  4. (ooc: just got home a bit ago and I see a few timely replies that must be made before Buxy posts...)

    Trembling, Shanna lands behind Ginger Mint and Mayday as they stared at the monstrous looking Bramble Rose "Y-you can see it too? What is it?!"

    She looked at Mayday as she kept trying to encourage the light colored unicorn with the mint geen mane to run. "I..I think that is a great idea..." She shivered as two of the big eyes suddenly fell off, revealing pony like eyes beneath. "EEEK! What are you?!"

    She looked to see if 'Breakah' had stopped with her... someone big around would be handy if it was dangerous.


    Meanwhile, beside the racecourse...

    Hoss stood in shock for a moment as Mojo momentarily mistook him for his sister, and his voice... "Oh Celestia and Luna!"

    He.. she looked back at the now more lightly lined body and longer pony tail, still stuck all over with crushed blue flowers with a strange sweet-sharp smell.

    She ulped as Mojo called it Poison Joke and advised him to find Zecora or the Professor before dashing off.

    Hoss eeped and looked back at the spider as it finally threw the wrapped-up jetpack off and started scuttling at... um, 'her'...

    "You would be coming at me when I cant' show you I'm a champion cloud bucker to your face, ugly!"

    His..-her first instinct was to fly directly away, but that would lead it to the racers, galloping past just feet away.

    "Think Hoss THINK!"

    Suddenly inspired, Hoss flew right above it, and stamped between it's 8 eyes with hi-her good back hoof in passing.

    The spider hissed and spun around to chase this flying pest as it dodged around the trees, keeping just ahead of it until the spider fell into a gully over a hundred yards away from the trail.

    Hoss whewed and flapped straight up out of the opening in the tree canopy the gully made. "That should keep you busy until the stragglers are past..."

    Hoss zipped back to retreive the jet pack, Struggling to lift off with it now that its starting off from the ground. "OOOF at least no one will recognize me like this, they'll think I'm Shanna... I hope!"

    He..she groaned as the pack was carried in the blanket along the side of the trail, her bandaged leg showing brightly among the falling leaves. * I've got to find Miss LaMare, Jubilee, or the Professor... And Zecora too... *

    Hoss gasped as she saw the first two on the ground ahead, forced by the pressure of the galloping herd to run or be trampled.

    Hoss' wings flapped harder to try and catch up alongside the trail. He..she blushed at having to draw any attention to his -her un-macho predicament, but saw no other way out of it. She yelled loudly to be heard over the thundering hooves. "Louise! Jubilee! Over here! Help! Do you know where the Professor is or does anypony know where Zecora lives!?"

    Anyone looking will see a young mare very much like Shanna but with a longer ponytail in a blue metal ring, and bits of Poison Joke still falling off. An intact Poison Joke bloom is stuck in her mane by one ear as if placed on purpose.


    Snails visibly drooped at Misty's admission, then bumped his nose against her "I'm sorry if I made ya sad, You do stuff that would make Trixie green..."

    He crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue in thought for about minute..."Oh Hay! Maybe if ya talk ta Twilight sometime.. Think she could help? She told us foals what happened when she had her entrance exam test, an' it sounds like what ya did today. Well, last year she done saved Ponyvile from a big scary Ursa, so she had ta have learned how ta beat her magic going crazy, eh?"

    Madam Bistro nodded to Starflower. "I have some minced garlic with me. Some of my customers want garlic on their toast or bagles."

    She dashed away, then came back with the tightly sealed jar, loosening the lid for Starflower "Thats some strong stuff there..."

  5. Shanna giggled pleasently at the wink, then loaded up her plate beside Bull Dozer and trotted back toward the table in his wake.

    Hoss chuckled at Bull Dozer's comment as he loaded up his plate. "I can imagine you eat as much as a pegasus. You look like you could buck a ball out of a ballpark easy."

    Shanna slowed as the larger pony did. "Nervous? Dont be. Mojo will vouch for you..."

    As Shanna sat down to eat, she turned and smiled at Bull Dozer. "Oh Thank you! I would love to tell you. Mother is an Astronomer, and we went with our parents on the long trips for her observations. Mom and Dad both taught us one night to navigate by the stars if we got lost, and use the North Star as our guide. We were so enthusiastic, we wandered off for practice in the evening while our parents were busy and got lost.

    After the clouds parted, we followed the stars back to the camp, where mom and dad were asking the zebras to search for us. The Shaman pointed out our new Cutie Marks, the North Star."

    She nods to Hoss, "Now we are both Weather Patrol for several hours by day, and Astronomers at night."

    Hoss flared out his wings proudly "Yeah! Have telescope, will travel!"

    She smirked and poked Bull Dozer's Cutie Mark with a wingtip "How about yours? What does it mean?"

    Hoss earperked when he saw a very flashy black unicorn boldly trot in and head for Big Time "Ooooh niice..." He ahemed and remembered he was at the same table with Jubilee after Shanna gave him a little kick under the table. "Oh uh, you are so going to smoke her at the talent show, of course, Jubilee. You are MUCH prettier..."

  6. Shanna was caught up in the moment, seeing clouds of leaves coming down, swirling around her almost like snow in flurries of red, orange, gold, and brown. Some of them were getting stuck in the mane of the tall stallion she was running beside.

    Shanna eeped and shook her head out of her revire as she heard Beach Breaker speak teasingly about showing her his heels.

    She giggled "Is that so? I'm no slouch at speed..." as she put a little more effort into it.

    She might pay for this in the last leg of the race, ...or sooner.. But she was used to long endurance hauls and was willing to bet she could make it.

    She giggled an blushed for a moment as he murmured "Beeeyootiful", before she realized he meant the leaves.

    "Y-yes, they go well with your mane an tail.." indicating the leaves on him with her nose.

    Shanna's attention was suddenly caught when she saw an earth pony, with a cutie mark of a carrot made of stars, carrying Mojo's new friend. "Lyra! Oh my! She must have hit a tree!"

    Suddenly, She was bumped by Beach Breaker, making her look down at the path for a moment as she skipped to keep from stumbling.

    Finally on an even keel, she looked over at him as he apologized. "It's all right. I had some close calls earlier myself."

    She neighed as Big Mac suddenly increased his speed "Wow! I didnt' think he could move like that!" as she sped up to keep pace with both stallions.

    Shanna nodded ahead at Lyra. "I hope I dont' end up needing carried like that. I'll ask to check her at the next rest stop. Mojo probably will too."

    Just then, Jubilee and Louise LaMare zipped up overhead to catch up with Granny Smith who was doing an amazing job for her first flight, and flying backwards to boot.

    Shanna looked up "Hay, hi girls! Do you know what happened to Granny Smith here?"

    Before they could answer, somepony ahead suddenly screamed "SNAKES!", drawing away the flying pegasi.

    Granny Smith stopped flying ahead and did something with her face. Sunddenly, a nest of snakes boiled out of the brush heading in all directions, -including toward her!"

    Shanna yeeped and jumped over the snakes as they came at her. She shivered her bay hide. "Just snakes, just snakes, dont be afraid... Juuust snakes, EWWWWW!"

    Shaking her ribboned mane, she concentrated on looking ahead for the moment. In time to see Gilda kick leaves in Mojo's face.

    "Oooh! Did you both see that?! CHEAT!!"

    She was considering flying up and pointing her out to race announcers in the baloon ahead as Gilda was playing even dirtier, when a unicorn with a rainbow mane slammed into her. "WOO HOO! You go girl!!"

    She ahemed and looked to the stallion beside her "Sorry, I hate cheats..."

    Shanna suddenly gasped and stumbled as she saw something like a pile of leaves with bright bug eyes shamble into the road ahead! She squealed and jumped straight up in the air. "OH CELESTIA! WHAT IS THAT?!"

    She was so spooked she missed seeing Mojo going off the road...


    Fortunately for Mojo, Hoss was keeping an eye on Shanna and his friends since the Professor left. His attention was drawn by Miss LaMare and Jubilee zipping ahead and scattering snakes. watching the snakes led his eyes back to Mojo as he was struggling with.. "Oh Luna!"

    Hoss lopped his ear at a thought, lifting the rocket pack wrapped in a blanket in his lap...

    Grinning, Hoss rolled off the cloud and dove straight at the problem.

    The spider got closer, and closer, fangs agleam, when it was suddeny slammed down under the weight of the rocket pack.

    Hoss landed on top of the pack and looked down at the wiggling legs splayed out under him. "Hi Mojo!.. W-what?! ...Oh come on! That should have squished it!"

    He went into a fluttering hover and grabbed Mojo by the forehooves, and pulled hard, his wings buzzing like chainsaws. "Hurry! It's getting out from under that pack!"

    Suddenyl Mojo spang free, sending hoss flying away in a tumble through a patch of strange blue flowers. "AGH! OWWW My sore hoof!"

    Hoss sneezed a few times and hobbed out of the patch on three hooves, covered in crushed blue flowers. Something seemed strange about Hoss... Then Hoss spoke, in a very feminine voice... "Hurry Mojo!... I...uh, What's wrong with my voice?!"


    Madam Bistro nodded to "All right I have some hay rolls, oat cakes, muffins, and donuts. I'll go get them."

    Meanwhile, Snails returned with a smoothie, proudly trotting up to Misty "Here' ya go, Misty Magic! Nice an' cold! I... umm.. Are ya feeling okay, ma'am?"

  7. (oops, better reply to Mojo pony before she paces ahead with Breaker for a short race...)

    A scattering of leaves fell across Shanna as she trotted along, eager to race the bold dreadlocked pony.

    Before Shanna races ahead, Mojo calls out to her that Saddlesore was rescued. "Is that who that was? I'll have to ask Hoss about it.. No, he'll be telling me all about it for a week if he had a hoof in the rescue..."

    She smiled at Mojo "I'll catch back up with you soon, or the other way around. I'll keep pace with Big Mac and Breakah for a bit."

    She looks back between her wings for a moment "Shoot, still no sign of her on me, Mojo. I'll stay close to them in case Applejack needs a way out.."

    As she speeds up alongside the dredlocked pony and Big Mac, Granny Smith zoomed over her and replied to her. She giggled "Well, be careful Granny Smith! The branches can catch you if you arent' careful."

    As she mentioned Applebloom, Shanna mentally kicked herself * Of course! That had to be Applebloom I saw! *

    Just then, she saw a yellow streak off in the trees...

    She shook her head, hoping it was just a bird. Several ponies were already running into trees, safely cushioned by mounds of leaves, and she didnt' want to do join them. "Eyes forward Shanna, and race!"

    However, her gaze did keep sneaking over to see how she was doing against the big, exotic pony, and back to Big Mac to see how Apple..tini was doing..

    A thought kept sneaking in to wonder if she should have teased that griffon like that...


    Far above, Hoss moved to comfort the elderly stallion.

    "Oh no Professor, You are doing wonderful things, as amazing as the unicorns of Canterlot. After seeing the things the griffons are building, I think the ponies you inspire are going to be the ones to keep Equestria on a par with the griffons."

    He pulled up a cloud "I dont know about you, but I think we both need a rest. Lets watch the race until the girls come back. Here, let me hold that for you."

    He gasped as he looked down to see Klondike ram a tree and get covered in leaves. the stallion seemed okay if stunned.

    "There's that repair shopkeeper! I think we'd better keep an eye on him. If he's not up in a few minutes, I'll go check on him."

    As he watched, he saw a little yellow steak zip from place to place just off the path "How is she doing that without wings?"


    Madam Bistro trotted over to Starflower as she tended Saddlesore "Is there anything I can do to help?"

    She ulped when the unicorn sent the pegasi mares back out to watch Granny Smith "Oh my! I hope they keep close to her..."

    Meanwhile Snails jumped up in the air as Misty Magic spoke to him. "Apple smoothie? Yes m'am! Right away Ma'am!" and galloped off to the smoothie stand he had seen earlier....

  8. Shanna giggled happily at the compliment. "Why thank you, Bull Dozer." and moved alongside him. "Lead on, big guy..."

    Hoss shook his mane with a good natured sigh as he headed for the buffet table. Now if he had a filly at his side, the night would be fantastic...

    The bay pegasus stallion chuckled and nodded as the larger stallion commented on the way being clear to eat.

    "Oh yeah! Great suggestion! We pegasi eat like theres no tomorrow since we burn up so much energy flying." He nodded to the laid back earth pony "Come on Mojo, tie on a feed bag with us."

  9. Hoss stepped up, continuing his smile. He looked at his sister, who looked back at him with huge, pleading eyes just out of Bull Dozer's view.

    He nodded and took the offered hoof in a firm shake "Yeah, we're twins, even down to practically identical Cutie Marks. I am Star Skybright, and called Hoss by friends."

    The stallion maintained eye contact in the shake as he had been taught by his parents to help ease meetings in their long travels. "Would you care to eat with us? we were going to hit the buffet table when Shanna here got back."

    As he released the hoof, he took a moment to peek around at the larger pony's flank. "That's an interesting mark..." Hoss' stomach chose that moment to interrupt with a growl. Shanna giggled and poked her brother with a wing "You too huh? What are we waiting for?"

    He chuckled and shook his head "Sorry, I think we can save telling what we all do for while we eat, if you dont mind."

  10. Shanna whewed and got out of the water after noticing everypony else getting back out.

    She giggled as Mojo was lifted out of the water by a larger grey pony with multicolor dredlocks.

    Finding it was safe, she was about to head off herself when she saw the purple unicorn colt she had jumped over in the orchard arrive at the brook.

    She was about to come over and help him across as an apology when his horn glowed and giant lilly pads appeared in the water. "WOW!"

    Seeing things were well in hoof for him, she sprinted up the bank and put her numbers back on from her underwing pouch.

    Smirking, Shanna passed the griffon as she fought off the last of the hornets. Unable to resist, Shanna giggled "Seeya speedy!", wiggled her tail at the griffon, then sprinted to catch up with Mojo and that blue unicorn mare.

    She hoped she would see Savory in the race. she heard the restauraunt owner would be racing too.

    As she got caught up, she saw that strange pony with the dredlocks again "I wonder where he's from?..." she thought out loud to herself.

  11. Quickly, Shanna galloped the rest of the way out of Sweet Apple Acres.

    She passed a growing number of ponies over the next few miles, then came around a bend to find she could have saved her energy, seeing the massive logjam of ponies at the narrow bridge.

    Since it was somewhat downhill anyway, she kept up the gallop until just short of the herd, finding she had caught up with the ponies she knew

    "Hi Mojo!.. oh drat, he's already crossing..."

    She clopped on down to the edge of the brook, already finding other ponies had the same idea, making a jump to dodge that screaming pony wearing a zoomy thing. She called after him "Hay you! That looks dangerous! Go land somewhere!"

    "Hey Klodike! Gonna cool off too huh?.." as she pulled her numbers off and stuck them in her underwing pouch for the moment.

    When she looked up, she saw Klondike rip his numbers off, held on with silvery ductape.

    Shanna's tail and mane flew up in horror as she saw the spectacle. "Oh my! That had to hurt!"

    Pausing for a moment, she looked around for the yellow foal she spotted earlier to see if she needed help coming across, then trotted into the water, cooling off her body quckly.

    Just as she reached the shore, a shadow passed over her. Looking up, she saw that griffon set down and fold up her wings as if nothing happened "Grrr, Cheater!"

    She broke into a trot to catch up with the griffon "Hay! I saw that! Cheat!"

    Before she could break into a gallop to show up the griffon, she saw Mojo coming right at her!

    She dodged aside, then saw why he was running.

    Her blue eyes bugged out and she wheeled in place and sprinted back the way she came. "HORNETS!! BACK INTO THE WATER!!"

    She made a spectacular leap from the bank and splashed right into the middle of the water, holding her breath...


    Hoss neighed, nodding his black maned, reddish-brown head and pointed toward the elder green pegasus. "Apparently he made the device and talked somepony named Saddlesore into trying it. It is powered by the light of Celestia's sun. I'm betting if we can cover it, it will turn off but we'll all have to work... OH CELESTIA! DUCK!"

    Blue eyes wide, the stallion dove off his cloud just as the screaming runaway flier hit it and poofed it to vapor. A moment later the runaway made the others scatter behnd him.

    Hoss shook his mane as he righted himself, looking more worried. "Is everyone okay! Professor! We need to talk! We all have to do this together to catch him when we get that.. that THING! turned off! Which of us is fastest and most nimble? That pony will have to catch up and cover the thing with a blanket! If it works, the rest will have to catch saddesore or he is doomed!"

    Suddenly his eyes bugged out as he watched the jetpack swoop at the racers below, passing over his sister among others. A unicorn in the race must have had enough as something appeared in it's path. "Someone else has the right idea! I really, REALLY hope that catches it like a net..."

    Hoss gasped as the "net" stretched, then sprang back, flinging the runaway right back at them.



    Meanwhile, back at the start...

    Madam Bistro gasped in horror as she watched the runaway flier. "Oh My!"

    Moments later, he noticed a familiar lime green mare come up beside her and speak to the others.

    The mocha mare smiled and nodded to her pleasently "Good morning, Granny Smith. So nice to run into you again since Appleoosa. How have you been?"

    Bistro was suddeny nudged in the flank. She looked back to see an orange pelted unicorn colt with a teal mane.

    Snails bounced on his hooves "Yum! That hot chonklet smells awesome! May I have one, eh?"

    Bistro nodded "Oh yes, right away!"

    As he waited for the drink, Snails suddenly noticed the action and bounced even more "WOW! A scrying screen! Awesome! Whoever did this is a cool magician!"

  12. (ooc; thoughts are marked in * * )

    Shanna smiled at Klondike and pointed up at her brother directly overhead. "No danger of that kind of mix-up this year, I'm afraid. He stepped on a nail while practicing last night. He's off his hooves for 3 days. At least he can sit on a cloud when he's not flying. He's a little peeved at missing out on racing though..."

    She smiled when Aj muttered something about "light blue.." when speaking to her, probably sweat in her eyes. She thought *Good, every little bit of advantage helps... *

    Shanna then gasped in surprise when a rushed Applejack bucked a treefull of freebies! "WOW! Thank you Applejack!"

    She quickly trotted over to kick a few out of the road so she could gobble three down without anypony falling over her.

    Suddenly, a little yellow foal with red hair trotted by, as elegant as you please. A number proudly displayed on her flank as she zipped by. She racked her brains to remember if that was one of the Apple family. * Oooh if only that number was not in her way, the Cutie Mark might jog my memory!.. *

    Shanna shook her head "I'll remember later. I'll kep an eye on her when I can, she must've been in the back of the line up..."

    She trotted alongside the foal for a moment and waved a wingtip "Good luck! Keep a good pace and do your best!"

    The bay mare then broke into a good trot, trying to catch up with a pair of green pegasus stallions to *ahem* check out the competition... :wink:

    Suddenly one slipped ropes off his wings and took off. She wondered if she was seeing a cheat, but he flew straight up. Shanna spared glances up, seeing him heading up toward a knot of pegasi in the sky, including her brother...

    She had to take a look every few trees or risk crashing, making for a confusing picture of the sky;


    * Was that the Professor and Jubilee? *


    * That could be.. It is! Miss LaMare from Apploosa! *


    * The pegasus is whipping out a.. banket? *

    Shanna squealed and had to jump over a small purple unicorn filly with a green mane... * whoops! make that a colt! * as she noted when she looked back "Sorry! My fault!"

    She muttered to herself "Okay Shan, get your game on! Ask Hoss what was up -At the afterparty!"

    With that, she bore down and broke into a full gallop for the remander of Sweet Apple Acres to make up lost time...


    Hoss waved "Miss LaMare! You too? Oh this is going to be a fun afterparty! All our pegafriends are here!"

    He buzzed his wings to fly closer to the group "Let me know how I can help! If it runs on light, can you block the light to the jetpack?"

    Hoss catches movement and looks down, seeing a pegasus coming up with a blanket "Looks like someone is thinking on his hooves today... Hay! Over Here! We all need to plan!"

  13. As shanna galloped through the orchards, she finally realized she had lost sight of the huge train puller and eased her pace a bit, taking a deep breath and a moment to see the ponies around her.

    Yes, he was indeed out of sight, whether he stopped to eat apples or had raced on ahead she did not know, but at least she did not feel the presure to dodge a sudden kiss.

    She did a double take as she saw some ponies she knew as she went along. She giggled and did a quick wave at Mojo "OH! HI Mojo! Glad to see you again!"

    Rounding a bend, Shanna nearly stopped in surprise seeing a griffon with an intense scowl on her face, muttering about beating somepony named Pinkie Pie.

    She thought that sounded familiar. * ..Isnt' that one of the six heroines that stopped the Nightmare? What's her problem with a bona-fide heroine!?.. * She thought.

    Shanna made a mental note to ask the griffon what the deal was with that in she got the chance. The griffon lands would have been just as doomed without the sun as the areas populated with pony-kind.

    She rounded another bend, and scanned around the enourmous red barn. The first rest stop should be around here somewhere..

    Shanna skidded to a stop in all four hooves, with the comical sound of screeching brakes.

    An entire stand selling apple juice!

    A number of other racers had already stopped and were taking advantage of it... or rather, one of the racers was taking advantage of them.

    Shaking her ribboned mane, she trotted up to the stand, waving at Klondike "OH! Hello Klondike! Thanks again for the amazing job you did on our telescope!"

    Shanna then turned to Applejack with a sly smirk "Oooh clever idea! Miss...Applejack, is it? Well, we will find out if you are right about catching up. I'll take an applejuice please!"

    As she was fishing in her under-wing pouch for bits, she had a thought "Um, any apples for sale right here? Those still on the trees looked awfully tempting..."


    Meanwhile, Hoss looked around for what was zooming around and spotted Jubilee, the Professor and another pegasus and waved "Hey! Watch out! There is something really fast and noisy buzzing around here! It almost got me a minute ago!"

    His nail-sore, bandaged hoof should be clearly visible to them as he sits on a puff of cloud...


    Meanwhile, back at the start, among the spectators...

    Madam Bistro pressed closer to Misty Magic, working her way closer throuhg the growing bunch of ponies watching the scrying window, asking again "Oh my! *ahem* May I please watch with you?"

    She then gasped and looked again "Is she actually selling drinks at the first rest stop? Isnt' she one of the racers? OOooh Why didnt' I think of that?!"

  14. Hoss looked over and saw Shanna was coming closer. He also noticed the brawny stallion was coming with her. He thought to himself * Hoo boy! Play it cool. Remember, a quick intro is to prevent mix-ups, like that time I got pinched last year when some colt thought my rump was hers... *

    He put on the most pleasent, sincere smile he could "Well Mojo, here's your chance to meet Shanna. Here she comes, with somepony in tow..."

    Shanna smiled brightly as she trotted up to her brother, hoofing him his ticket "Heeere you are, bro!"

    She looked back at Bull Dozer, seeing the expression on his face, and went up to him in concern. "Are you all right? Is something the matter?"

  15. Around the nearest building walked Snails.

    A long, lanky unicorn foal, now notorious in Ponyville with his best bud, Snips since the Ursa Minor incident walked a little unsteadily but with determination to the schoolyard.

    His teal and lavender colored mother walked beside him, smiling as Snails came over to Cheerilee with a note. The mare leaned in and whispered to the teacher. "Oh Yah, I'm sorry he missed the first couple' days dere, Miss Cheerilee. The doctor just cleared him to be with other ponies, but the little dear is still tired so just a quick visit today. That note will explain it all..."

    Snail passes over the note, with pink dots of Calamine lotion showing clearly on his orangey hide. His eyes usually look droopy, but appear a bit moreso today.

    "From: Dr. Trot

    Please excuse Snails for his recent absence, owing to being diagnosed and quarantined with Pony Pox.

    I have examined him this day and have cleared him to be around other ponies. He may return to class at his parents' discretion.

    -Dr. Trot, DPM"

    Snails looks up with his shining black eyes and smiles, then looks back at the pink dots on his body "Miss Cheerilee? C-can I bring myself for Show an' Tell while I'm here, eh?"

    Distracted for a moment, he waves at Snips "Hay Snips! Miss me?"

  16. I'm not even sure I know what all of the options on that list do. Some of them look like things that wouldn't be used very often. You could probably find a list of BBCode tags through Google if you're really curious about them though. :smile: And if you're curious about why the stuff in your spoiler box isn't working, the code you're using there is html rather than BBCode. :geek: Images are easy though; hit the image button on the toolbar and just paste your url into the popup that appears and it should do it for you (snip).

    Which is strange since that is exactly what I did. The pic appeared after pasting into the pic pop-up, then I tried to put a spoiler on it and it seems to have unraveled in the process into HTML... Wierd.

  17. (ooc; oops, a PM slipped by me, giving me permission to do a quick in-between post... here we goooo...)

    Hoss smiled and rubbed his forehooves together as he finally got the shop owner attention. He nodded as the pony said he would be back in a moment and waited for him to return.

    Hoss blinked as the stallion trotted up to his sister who looked at Klondike, then at him with a blush and a perplexed smirk as she was hoofed the form and a number of compliments.

    Oh it was so rare for this mix-up to happen, it was comedy gold! He wondered how long this would go on.

    They watched as the strange stallion went behind the counter and came up on his end with pencils, then tried not to collapse in laughter as Klondike was flustered all over again.

    Hoss was turning blue in the face trying not to laugh as he pointed at Shanna. "Um, she h-has the form..."

    He turned partway so Klondike could see his flank was a mirror of hers. "T-twins..."

  18. My roomie who moved out last year has tapped me to create a Derpy Hooves mailbox. It's a rush project since he's moving out of state so photos will be coming soon.

    This project request is because Derpy is THE best known mailpony and he wants everyone to know he and his wife are Bronies.

    Incidentally, I have also noticed something; The patterns I made look like they will work for a Rainbow Dash mailbox sometime... :20:

  19. Her heart pounding as hard as her hooves, Shanna galloped along with the extra spur of Dusty being around.

    She tried not to look at the racers around her, sure Dusty was still near. Did he have his snake with him?

    * Don't look, don't look, don't look...*

    Shanna looked anyway, seeing him right there. She then quickly looked back forward with a blush, angry at herself "Why did I look?!"

    It hardly helped that her occasional nightmares of him sounded like the opening of a cheesy romance novel.

    *Well... maybe if I kiss him, I can stop worrying about him walking out of the shadows of my room... Wait! No! Never! Do not weaken! He's an outlaw! *

    Shanna shook her mane at her foalishness, then gasped as everyone began to slow down ahead of her at a hill crest.

    She quickly bobbed to the side to dodge one pony, then leapt over a random pony that had tripped, awestruck at the sight ahead. Maybe she can lose him in this jam-up?

    Gasping, Shanna nearly stumbled herself, seeing Sweet Apple Acres from this angle. Strange that the farm looked so different, so.. beautiful from down here compared to seeing it from above. All the apples shone brightly, temptingly... Suddenly her tummy growed, making her blush.

    Another mare ahead had been so surprised by the view, she had leapt halfway down the hill ahead of Shanna. "Amazing! Pretty good jump for no wings! Ohh! there's that Pinkie pony up front! Maybe she'll have treats at the rest stop..."

    Shanna fought the temptation to slow down and enjoy the view, but instead kept up the pace, hoping to make up time and get ahead of Dusty.

    She blinked as she saw one of the owners of the farm racing too, and apparently enjoying himself greatly, Big Mac himself. "Wow! He's faster than he looks!"

    A little bit more, and she can take a rest at the first break station...


    Hoss buzzed along, following the balloon and keeping an eye on his sister, when he heard a roar behind him.

    He instantly rolled off the puff of cloud, in time to see it scattered to vapor by a blue and silvery streak that sounded like it was screaming in terror. "YIPES! What was that?!"

    Hoss zoomed up and away to grab a replacement cloud to sit on and take a look at whatever that was...


    Meanwhile, back in the spectators ground-side, Madam Bistro pushed her hot chocolate cart up behind a growing stream of ponies watching a scrying screen of the race "Oh my! Is that what's happening now? Would you mind if I watch too?"

  20. Shanna giggled and put the tickets away. "Thank you! I certainly will!" sending a glance to Bull Dozer as she moved aside for him.

    She cocked her head curiously at the stunned look on Bull Dozer's face, then turned back to look when she heard Big Time speak his name.

    Before she could wonder what that could mean, she saw an angry uncorn charging from behind. She started to shout "LOOK Ou.... oh!" as she stepped back, seeing Big Time go straight up!

    Shanna stood in amazement as Big Time crashed down and blew his top, sending the now-pale unicorn out of the building, not seeing Bull Dozer grab a ticket.

    She fluffed her wings a moment "Oh dear, will he be all right, do you think? That might end the party if he's hurt..."

    After a moment, she thought over how they acted. Not wanting to push the situation between them until she knew more, she smoothed her feathers down, then looked to Bull Dozer "Ah well, might as well head over to Hoss now..."

    Meanwhile, Hoss chatted happily with Mojo and Jubilee "Well I hope you get your chance. Have you signed up for the talent show he mentioned?"

    Just then there was a yell and the host nearly hitting the ceiling, and a pair of sunglasses bonked Hoss in the head. He watched as Destiny was ejected "Too bad... -That it didn't happen sooner."

    He hoofed the sunglasses to Jubilee with a wink. "Now might be a good time for you to take these to him. Will he need Starflower's help?"

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