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Posts posted by Boss_Hoss1

  1. Name: Candy Catch-em

    Sex: female

    Age: mare

    Species: pegasus

    Pelt Color: light orange

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: coppery red with blond steaks, tied in a thick ponytail a foot long, her mane kept neat under a bush hat.

    Eye Color: turquoise

    Cutie Mark: a set of bolas

    Physique: well built and working-class muscle like Applejack.

    Origin: Northern Solstice Heights

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: Critter Wrangler

    Motivation: To bring the wonders of the natural world to the ponies where they can appreciate it, give critters a

    chance at a cosy life, and to remove the critters who move in where they are not wanted. -And do it all without killing if

    she can help it.

    Likes: Wildlife, the wild, taking care of injured critters, finding new creatures, a good fight, her hat, MONEY.

    Dislikes: Griffons, animal or creature owners/keepers who mistreat their charges, destructive pests (esp. Parasprites...), killing anything (But she will if she must).

    Character Summary: Candy is like a "Tough Love" version of Fluttershy.

    She was born to proud parents who were hoping she would follow their hoofsteps as animal wranglers.

    Their hopes were not misplaced as she got her cutie mark catching a muskrat for show-and-tell, giving it a STARE without realizing it and promising he would go free if he behaved for class.

    The filly picked up the nickname "catch-em" from that day on.

    She has gone on to help work with Canterlot zoologists as protection and in the catch, tag, and release phase of their jobs, and sweet talk exotic critters into joining Canterlot's Garden fauna and smaller Canterlot public displays.

    These jobs pay very well, but the manticore's share of her business is emergency calls to handle or rescue wayward critters. Her barn on the outskirts of Northern Solstice Heights is fairy large and the ones that cant' be set free in their habitats immediately are kept there to convalese. Her neighh-bors tend to be nervous in the times she has a manticore healing up in there...

    Her grudge with griffons began early in her career when she was called for a mystery feral beast that had injured ponies and livestock out toward Roughrider Ridge, and a pony had disappeared shortly before she got there. It turned out to be a griffon who had gone mad and had nearly killed her when it ambushed her, her stare having no effect on the insane. She tracked it as far as the edge of Griffon territory.

    Unable to fly when her injured wing gave out, she had no choice but to use her bolas in a special way when the bloody-feathered beast tried to dive on her, pinning its wings in a death dive...

    A griffon patrol happened upon her just afterward, capturing her in as painful a manner as they could. The commander wanted to try her on the spot for the death of a griffon and was taunting her with inviting her to a BBQ afterward and wondering how she tastes.

    Only her stare and the timely arrival of a REA patrol saved her life that day, with the stern promise from the dead-black griffon commander that she will regret it if she's EVER caught in Griffon lands...

    Sometimes, certain nobles and rich business ponies also feel they MUST have exotic pets or Garden Fauna of their own, and this pays VERY well indeed, but tends to be rare and unsteady work as she must trust that the pony can take care of the beastie before she goes on a hunt for such a beast. She is not above giving her cusomers the STARE now that she knows how to use it.

  2. I assume by clickable links you mean links like this, where it displays some other text instead of the url? Well, with the site upgrade it's become pretty simple. :smile: All you do is type the text you want the link to display, then just highlight that text. After that find the link button on the post toolbar (two buttons to the left of the image button) and click that. Enter your url in the pop up window that appears and just click okay (snip)

    I assume this is how the (spoiler) text-hiding thing is done too?

  3. (OOC; since we can do more than one post, and Shanna just HAS to react to something that just happened... :wink: Thoughts are marked with * * )

    Shanna was thundering along at a steady pace, amazed at the tingly thrum of.. magic? among the vibration of hooves. * Is it generated by the herd of runners? It almost feels like what we pegasi do when we shape the weather. Can it be the earth ponies make the leaves fall with magic? *

    She was suddenly shaken from her thoughts as something huge and white galloped up alongside her, bulling ponies aside, and then pulled up ahead of her. His tail practically tickling her nose.

    * Oh No! It cant' be! *

    She peered around the jiggling rump at it's owner and her face turned pale when it was confirmed. She yelped "DUSTY!?!"

    Shanna nearly stumbled but got back in step as her mind raced faster in worry * ...Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!Ohmygosh!... *

    As she fought to control her heartbeat and keep her wings closed, she suddenly noticed she was not getting *ahem* the best view in the world due to his greater height. She blushed a bright red and zipped off to the side "Errr, ahh e-excuse me!..."

    Shanna hoped Dusty would get more interested in the race as she put on a little more speed, only managing to pull up even. Drat! Her only hope now was to lose herself in the herd...


    Up above, her spectator brother looked down. His face turned white, then an angry red as his wings buzzed steadily, pushing his puff of cloud around. "Oh Luna! How did HE get in there? Oh yeah, train pullers are endurance runners! Why wouldn't they try this race? Well, at least I'm here to make sure he don't try anything funny..."

  4. Hoss nickered pleasently and put his mind back on the ponies he was with, keeping a "weather ear" out for his sis. "So, have any of you been in a big city party before? At most, Me and Shanna attended parties and functions during our Astronomy studies in Canterlot, so a full out "party" party was rare except in the student quarter."

    She managed not to giggle at the look on Bull Dozer's face when she said "brother". She smiled encouragingly "I want you to meet him right away so there's no... ahhh "misunderstandings" like in one of those silly romance comedy plays. You'll see why when you see him." She winked mysteriously.

    She suddenly looked around at the line, her wings flaring out part way, showing her cutie mark of a four pointed silver star in an oval on a blue field. "Oh ponyfeathers, It's our turn for tickets already! Time flies with handsome company..."

    Shanna turns and trots up to Big Time "Two please, one is for my brother..."

  5. Hoss nickers, glad she kept it safe overnight as he puts it in his saddlebag.

    Shanna smiles and gives Aqua a quick winghug "Thanks, I will."

    After paying their bill, the twins quickly flew straight home and gave their parents most of the story, minus the part about the owed kiss.

    As expected, the necklace eased the way with their mother in getting leave to go to Hoofington, with their father also helping in letting them have a few days off.

    The next morning saw them landing right on time for the train, their father dropping off their telescope in it's oaken case as part of their luggage.

    The pair jumped up in a high-hoof as Aqua and Starflower met up with them.

    "ROAD TRIP!"

  6. Hoss quivered, trying not to bounce on his hooves like a foal as Jubilee said he and Shanna could hang with them. "Oh Thank you!"

    He waved to Mojo "Hello Mojo! My sis has been watching for your wagon. She wants a lava lamp sometime."

    The young stallion did a double take as he saw who the oher friend was "OH! We traveled to Hoofington with Starflower recently after she helped us save a unicorn mare. By Lu.. Celestia and Luna, what a small world huh?"

    He did another double take as he saw his sister deeply engrossed with a burly earth pony stallion as they waited in line for tickets. he mutterd half to himself "I'll have to trust her judgement on this one. I really dont' want to have to defend her honor with that bruser..."

    Meanwhile, Shanna flicked her ears in surprise, seeing the stallion was just as flustered as she was. "H-hello Bull Dozer. Would you like to sit and eat with me after we get our raffle tickets? I'm sure my brother would be pleased to meet you."

  7. Hmmm, the past few responses brought another thought to mind. How long could a griffon live on a diet that would keep ponies from freaking out before they have to head off on a hunting trip or go fishing? I have to wonder if they are cat enough to go blind without any of that specific protein in their diet...

  8. Shanna pranced eagerly into line, one of the pegasi entering the race since last year's effort by Rainbow Dash had brought many from Cloudsdale to see the event.

    Some had entered because "What? a ground race? I want to try that!"

    Others because they wanted to prove pegasi can run a clean race after Dash's poor sportsmanship last year.

    Shanna's reason's were some of both, and now she had another reason; her brother was scratched from the race. The night before, he stepped on a nail practicing for today. She was now racing for her family as the only representative.

    She stretched carefully, loosening up for the race. Last year's 5th place winner looking fresh as a daisy after the event proved it's more of an endurance race than a sprint. Well, who has more endurance than pegasi that pull a flying cart all over Equestria?

    "On your marks!"

    Shanna quickly got into position, leaning forward. She spared a glance at her brother, floating on a chair sized cloud with a bandaged right hind hoof and waving a small Cloudsdale flag.

    "Get set!"

    The bay mare trembled in excitement, fighting to keep her wings closed as she dug her hooves in. She made sure her number, "44" was stuck firmly to her flanks.


    Shanna neighed and galloped in a quick sprint, using her toned muscles to good effect as the ground shook underhoof from several hundred other hooves all thundering along with her. The closer she got to the front in the starting charge, the easier to pull ahead later!

    "For Cloudsdale!..AKK..Cough!"

    Eyes streaming tears she took a swig from the water bottle hanging around her neck. okay, no talking during a dust cloud! Got it!


    Hoss neighed and waved his flag, yelling "GO SHANNA!" and fluttered his wings to follow along behind the balloon, moving the tiny cloud around like a scooter. Their parents cheered with the croud from one of the larger spectator-seating clouds their father had made for the Cloudsdale cheering section. That cloud also followed at a slower pace with all the pegasi riding it.

    The pegasus sighed and cursed his luck keeping him from the race. someone's lost nail made sure of that! He winced as his hoof twinged in pain. Two or three days off his hooves... DRAT!


    Meanwhile, Madam Bistro cheered in the croud of ponies on the ground, beside a cart set up as her "Madam Bistro's Hot Chocolate" stand.

    Mixing business AND pleasure watching the fun! She smiled, sure her Appleoosa location was in safe hooves with Thorn. She wondered if Maximillian Rockefilly could even conceive of her having fun doing this...

  9. Hoss and Shanna quickly finished and trotted up to their rooms to retrieve their saddlebags, returning downstairs and heading to the front desk to settle up with the Innkeeper

    Shanna turned to Aqua "Soon we will need to return to Cloudsdale to get things set up for our absense. We may be bringing our telescope with us folded down to a 4' box."

    Hoss grinned "It will help things greatly we have that sapphire necklace as a gift for mother. We shall accompany you to your wagon before we do anything else, though."

    Shanna whispered to Starflower "Umm, should I tell my mother... about my worries about seeing that scary unicorn stallion again?"

  10. Weellll.... It seems this new network was airing commercials that it was starting up soon and showing momentary blips of what their line up was... wait what? did I just see ponies? Quick rewind on the DVR and Oh-ho-ho-hooo. THIS I gotta see. I was waiting wth baited breath when Ep1 aired... I was pleasently surprised it was written for HS/College level like the PPG, And their villan was an actual menace!

    .(pinkie appears behind Hoss)

    "...And that's how Equestria was Created!" :smirk:

    Wait what? Pinkieee!

  11. (Hmmm, btw Mojo, think this is before or after Hoss and Shana meet Starflower in "A Simple Wagon"? :) )

    Hoss chuckled and shook his mane, making his ponytail ring jingle. "I think you will find out soon enough when she comes back. She seems to be like a boomerang... Derpy Hooves tried all day to get rid of one and everyone on the block turned out to watch."

    He smiled and looked at the autograph, his tail flicking happily before he slipped the notebook into a pouch under his wing. "Did you come here with a lot of friends? Would they mind if me and my sis hung out with your bunch? If there's any life at this party it's got to be near you and your friends."

    Meanwhile, Shanna looked back to comment some more on the crazy mare and noticed the big stallion was looking at her when he said that. Her mind raced for a moment, thinking *Wait, "Like a trainwreck"? ..He cant' stop watching...? Oh my! *

    She blushed and giggled, fanning out a black-banded bay wing to belatedly cover her blushing muzzle as she flicked her ribboned tail almost casually. "Oh, I-I'm Shanna, Shanna Skybright. Pleased to meet you..."

  12. Shanna and Hoss smiled good naturedly as they saw how much Starflower was eating, though they were not far behind themselves. Shanna smiled "Wow! You must have used up a lot of energy last night."

    Hoss drank some milk and chuckled "I think we all did." He winked to Aqua and Starflower "You should see how much we eat after a long distance flight or helping smash a major storm."

    The twins gasped as Aqua fell "Oh! Are you all right?"

  13. The twins sat down on haybale seats at the table and waved for the waiter, seeing that Starflower had Aqua well in hoof.

    Hoss neighed "We'll have what she's having! They smell fantastic!"

    Shanna giggled "Yes! With extra syrup please!"

    The bay pegasus mare looked at Aqua "I am still amazed at how fast a recovery you made, Aqua. Starflower, you must be simply amazing!"

    (OOC; do we want to end the thread with the twins flying off to Cloudsdale before starting the thread heading to Hoofington? That would give a few posts to get things rolling before they go.)

  14. gallery_530_24_54341.jpg

    I have absolutely no idea what a tabs menu is, but I right clicked on the image after I opened it in the gallery and found "view direct link" and got the code that way while I was away in the gallery. I'm testing with Thorn this time.


    Yay! It worked! Sorry I'm being such a slly pony here, but I think I'm doing good for never having been part of a forum like this before a month ago. ^_^

  15. Yes, I'm trying to figure out how it's done with the new version... Oh! I just finally found the photo icon buried down by the youtube and twitter icons. Trying it just brought up an error that that extension is not allwed to be used within this community (Wha?)


    Hmmm doing a "quote" on the successful post says it's linked to rarity.com... (heads off to the gallery to investigate)

  16. Hoss yawned and stretched a wing, before folding it back in place. "I was about to come and get you, and Shanna was about to follow her down."

    Shanna nodded "Yes, She woke up before we did and played a prank on us with water to get us up. She's very hungry and just ran downstairs. Aqua has invited us to come to her home town of Hoofington for a visit and she will likely ask you too."

    Smiling Hoss headed for the door. "She wants to leave tomorrow, so we'll have to fly back to Cloudsdale and get a little help from our parents on a quick leave of absense from Weather patrol and possibly Astronomy fieldwork."

    Shanna headed for the door as well "Actually, I dont see why we cant do the field work from Hoofington..." as she left the room...

    In moments the pair were entering the dining room

  17. Hoss was about to ask for an autograph when Jubilee was rudely shoved aside by a unicorn with a big foofy mane. Stunned for a moment at the rude behavior, he ahemed "Well this is flattering but I was talking to her, ma'am..."

    Before she could react to this, Jubilee returned the favor and sent the mystery mare sliding away into a grumpy blue earth pony.

    hoss chuckled as she argued with the stallion and turned to Jubilee, his chest puffing out over seeing that mares would fight over him. Granted one was just likely fighting back, but it was Jubilee!

    "Er, yes, I saw you play at the last street party in Cloudsdale. If it's no trouble, could.. could I get an autograph?"

    He spared a glance and frowned at how Destiny was now letting everyone know who she was at her loudest. "What's her problem?"

    Meanwhile Shanna grunted as she was shoved aside. "Rude much!?"

    She turned back to the.. ooh Big! as he asked a question. She smiled at him "Off-hoof, she's probably been taking manners lessons from a griffon.. "

    Shanna turned back to watch the mare fawn all over the host "Wow! It's like a trainwreck, you cant look away!" and giggled.

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