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Posts posted by Needlemouse

  1. Just gonna point out that the punishment for copyright infringement is undoubtedly more harsh than most other punishments out there - primarily due to the fact that the will of the law isn't being enforced by those seeking punishment, but the will of the billionaire media owner's wallet. [Case in point.] And then there's the subject matter of 'not everyone has access the same as you do'. I've seen quite a few authors, for example, who were happy to hear that their books were being pirated in countries that did not distribute them, or had strict informationary censorship laws that prevented them from being imported into the country (similar censorship laws are, last I was aware, currently in place in the U.S. due to the nation being under effective martial law - had V for Vendetta, for example, not been an American product but a wholly British one, it'd be illegal to import and/or order a DVD of the movie because its content would be considered 'incitement to defy the government and its laws'). Not to say that all piracy is good - just pointing out that such things as circumstances do exist, and that it's easy to condemn from a position where one has nothing to want for and it's easy to purchase whatever you please.

  2. Good news, everyone! We're actually back in business! Now, while we're still open for people opting for Cast characters, again, that isn't integral to this roleplay. Feel free to bring in whomsoever ya please, provided they were approved of for the main RP, or are pretty much designed to function for the main RP, but didn't make the cut for some minute reason (canon-smiting characters are a no-go!).

    So without any further ado, I henceforth re-declare the Crossover, once again, [colour=#00ff00][ACTIVE][/colour]

  3. The pony's inquiries and curiosity would be met with little more than a sore groaning, followed by another

    from the party horn left straggled in the corner of the hedgehog's mouth. As if somehow suspended in the air, the long legs of the spiky, blue creature remained pointed upwards, with upside-down visage of the stranger caked in cake, and frosted with frosting whilst laying head-first atop the completely trashed-up surface of the party table which, through some small wonder, had managed to survive the impact with his head, in spite of that same spiky noggin having torn right through the roof and the floor beneath to get down to the ground floor in the first place.

    The hedgehog wobbled and wavered, all of a sudden, as the party horn rolled from his mouth to make way for an unconscious murmuring of, [colour=#0000cd]"..don't wanna.. ride the Choco-Coaster.. ngh.."[/colour] before he toppled over to the side, splattering further cake about him, leaving the blue-quilled fellow almost covered head-to-toe in cakes at this point. Further still, as if finally giving up under the latest little shift in weight, the table let out a creaking, cracking sound, before it collapsed in on itself, bringing the tablecloth and the rest of the pastry goodies down on the stranger that fell from above.


    It'd be hard to believe that this big of a mess was made within a mere few seconds, but there it was.. a new 'skylight' for the bakery, party treats scattered all over the place - the same with baked goods as well! - and at the center of it all that.. strange.. blue.. 'thing'. Even outside the dull thuds and clangs of the last of the debris was sounding out, met with a few shrieks of surprise and confusion from the various local pony that found themselves, or their homes, barely avoiding harm's way.

  4. Jung Test Results

    Introverted (I) 61.11% Extroverted (E) 38.89%

    Intuitive (N) 63.89% Sensing (S) 36.11%

    Thinking (T) 52.78% Feeling (F) 47.22%

    Perceiving (P) 62.5% Judging (J) 37.5%

    Your type is: INTP

    [colour=black]INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population. [/colour]

  5. Another thing to consider is that, as an embodiment of Chaos itself, Discord isn't 'evil' but 'contrary'. He intentionally brings discord and chaos to what others believe to be the 'norm'. This goes a whole lot of ways than you'd suspect. Take note of the fact that Discord actually LIKES Pinkie Pie, for example. He finds her enjoyment of fun and laughter to be something he has a lot in common with; but he doesn't hesitate to twist her into a backwards reversal of herself. Why? Because it's chaotic to do so, and therefor fun. If Discord were to encounter an EVIL individual - someone cruel, aggressive and foul-natured - he'd do the same thing to them, i.e. make them benevolent, kind and caring. Why? Because it's chaotic to do so. He's contrary to whatever is the norm. Up is down, left is right, black is white, good is bad, bad is good. Heck, if Nightmare Moon was still an issue, he'd have turned her into a giggling schoolgirl.

  6. I still find it incidental that this board is primarily [colour=#ff0000]dragon apologistic[/colour]. The implication that all dragons are not savage, greed-driven brutes and that Spike is not the one and only exception due to effectively being raised to be as undraconic as possible, but rather that all dragons are capable of growing up and maturing with age - despite the very show itself stating that greed and hording is the dragon maturity process - is nonsense. It is in the nature of dragons to be vicious, selfish and greedy; Spike has just been housebroken.

    To that same extent, one cannot fault the changelings for their own natures. It is their nature to feed on love, just as it is draconic nature to be greedy, aggressive and to horde.

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