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Posts posted by MidnightBlackhorn

  1. Thanks Alison! On my mobile ATM but next time im on a computer, ill take care of it. :D

    EDIT: Stated what the story was about. Also added that he wants to meet the Elements of harmony (and get a muffin) :razz:

    EDIT: Added a reason as to why he is afraid of doctors

    EDIT: Added a full fledged story for his mark

  2. Favorite racing games... GO!

    Do you have a wheel? I have a wheel and it is AWESOME! If you don't have one you should consider getting one.

    I saw you made a Forza thread. I unfortunately don't play that due to lack of a 360... I do rather want a 360 if just for that game, but I don't have the money for it. I have to stick with NFS and GT5 (along with some PC games) for now. I might get the next gen MS system, and continue from there.

    Welcome to Canterlot. Hope you enjoy it here!

    Oh right, and in case you couldn't tell...Luna is indeed best pony. Good choice ;)

    Fixed. :D

  3. Amazing song, I guess I will listen to them then.

    Have you heard of Sleeping with Sirens?

    Yes. My favorite song by them is Do it Now, Remember it Later

    Do you know A Day To Remember?

  4. Black Veil Brides a re now my fave band. And did you know A7X have a new song 'Carry On' which is gonna be on Black ops 2 zombies? It was on facebook, heres a [colour=#0000CD] [/colour][colour=#0000cd]


    Epic. Simply epic. If you like BVB you should look up Fit For Rivals.

    Here's their song Damage-

  5. Welcome midnight!! Wow we sure are getting a lot more users lately, you will find that this community is awesome and....

    That I have the opposite of no time on my hands :razz:

    I apologize for the slight necro here but

    I lol'ed

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