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Posts posted by cuteycindyhoney

  1. You should check. Maybe its the portal to Equestria xD

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

    [colour=#800080]Wow! If that's true, maybe Celestia hired Sherlock Holmes to solve mysteries for her! [/colour]

    [colour=#800080]In my long association with Mr. Sherlock Holmes, no case challanged his powers as did that of the missing Harmonious Elements. [/colour]

    [colour=#800080]The singular happenings started with the ring of a bell.[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]As the silvery tinkling died away, Holmes lifted his head, and carefully placed his violin on the seat beside him. [/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"My dear Watson, that is the summons!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Holmes, you can't mean?"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Yes! The Royal house of Canterlot once more is in need of aid." His angular form rose from the basket chair. "I would most appreciate if my chronicler should accompany me."[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"My practice has been slow of late due to the fine weather. I shall be delighted to assist in any way I can."[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Than it is settled! Equestra awaits!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]Slipping my revolver into my pocket, I followed him around to out neighbor at 221A. Hot on his heels, I stepped through the vortex. Once more we found ourselves in that strange and magical land. A small purple pony rushed to greet us.[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]"Mr. Holmes! Dr. Watson! Thank goodness you have come!"[/colour]

    [colour=#800080]Holmes, in that manner of his which so often calmed woman, either human or equine, gently stroked her neck. "My dear Miss Sparkle. When I see a pony of such exacting habits greet me with coat uncurried, and mane in such disarray, I can not help to know that things are grave indeed. Prey, give me the facts of the case."[/colour]

  2. On "Heart's Warming eve", seen that canterlot had a mid-line train station but on "A Canterlot Wedding" it had a full fledged terminal.

    [colour=#0000ff]It's quite possible for even a small city to have two or more train stations. The mid-line station is near the theater district, while the full terminal is close to the palace. [/colour]

  3. On second though, maybe I'll go set up a blog section. I do have a much longer story I'm working on, but have no idea when I'll actually have the time to finish. I usually just write my own original works. Fanfics are a rarity for me.

    (Like how I worked that in?)


    It's actually a very odd crossover with Kim Possible! She gets ponified when Doctor Drakken's malfunctioning machine sends her and Ron to Equestria.


  4. http://www.canterlot...250-creativity/

    However many mods and admins will suggest that in lieu of creating topics you create a Blog for your creative writing efforts so that you can consolidate everything in one easy to find place.

    I don't actually know what happened to the fanfic section... perhaps it was eased out in favour of just using Writing Discussion. Mind pointing me to where you saw the rules about that section? :)

    [colour=#0000ff]This is how I found the rules for FanFiction submissions...[/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff]01: On the site home page, on the right hand side, I clicked on "RULES Guides F.A.Q.S. Info"

    02: Under Canterlot.com, I clicked "FanFiction".

    03: I finally clicked Fan Fiction Submission Rules

    04: That lead me to this:[/colour]


    [colour=#0000ff]Since I only have one very short fanfic (It was for a contest for 500 word pony stories!) I'll probably just shove it in over at "Writing Discussion". [/colour]

    [colour=#0000ff](See? People do read the rules when joining a new forum!)[/colour]

  5. [colour=#0000ff]If I had a tablet, I'd like to give it a try. As I only use desktops laptops and my trusty netbook, I have no need of 8 and will stick with seven. Hopefully as others have mentioned, if 8 flopd MS will offer an extention pack for 7 users. [/colour]

  6. [colour=#800080]I still cry every time I think about Rainbow Dash's noble sacrifice. A rainboom detonation outside of the atmosphere just wouldn't have been powerful enough. If only she had waited. I knew Discord would decide to help, and lend his power to the gestalt. He had no real choice. Joining Celastia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and Trixie in shifting the asteroid's orbital path was the only way he could ever hope to have ponies to inflict his chaos on in the future.[/colour]

  7. I was watching American Dad just an hour ago, and in one scene as a kid, Steve is riding in a wooden cart in a derby race that oddly is a CYAN-COLORED PONY WITH WINGS AND THE SEAT IS RAINBOW-COLORED....

    I swear, that's absolutely a reference. After all, Seth McFarlane would HAVE to be aware of Bronies by now...

    Pics or it didn't happen. lol

    Not it's fine.

    I'm just worried that Seth McFarlane will ruin it somehow. Even if it is as a joke.

    Just look at Family Guy since they left it in his care. Ugh.

    [colour=#0000ff]I'm new here, but I just had to bump this thread back to these two posts. I just happened to have taken a screen capture of that image a while back. Here ya go![/colour]


  8. Yeah, sometimes the voices they use on the background or one shot characters can be pretty bad. Like some of the background kid voices in "Ponyville Confidential". Shudder.

    Almost forgot Twist. NOPONY LIKES YOU! Scram!


    [colour=#0000ff]Hey, I love Twist! She is so me with that mane and oversize glasses. (Had a minor lisp when I was little, too!)[/colour]

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