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Everything posted by Dessa

  1. Oh, "wiggle" stereoscopy. Yeah, I kinda stumbled on this by accident, and the images I grabbed weren't grabbed for the purpose of 3d viewing. They are taken from further apart than a person's eyes actually are, so the "wiggle" is too much. And if you're viewing stereoscopically, then you're seeing more depth than the picture should have. Which makes sense. You look at how near the buildings in front are to those one row back and they look near in 2d (as you can best estimate), but really far in 3d. I'll see if I can post some more if people find this cool enough (I've got a love affair with 3d viewing)
  2. You'll notice "advance mode" picture is not only wider, but larger. THose of you who can do the diverge eyed method should totes learn the cross-eyed. You can see much larger images this way. You can cross your eyes far more than you can diverge them, unless you're derpy-eyed. As for how the above images were made, I just took snapshots of a screen-pan. So this can't be done except when the camera pans. So no 3d images of Twilight Sparkle unless/until they do a matrix-cam sequence with her, like this: Super-Advanced, impossible mode image -- easier to make sense of from a small distance away, like 4 feet:
  3. Those of you who are unfamilar with stereoscopic viewing techniques, keep reading. Those of you who have done this before, here are the images Easy view, diverge OR cross-eyed method (Columns alternate -- If the image looks inverted, move a column over) Advanced mode, cross-eyed only: "But Dessa, I don't know how to do it!" Okay, there are two ways to do this. Let's try the cross eyed method first. Do you know how to cross your eyes? Look at the first image and cross your eyes at it until adjacent frames overlap. For most people, once you do this, your eyes will "snap" to position and everything will look all funny-dizzy-like. Well, that "snap" is your eyes being tricked into seeing that image as though it's nearer to you than it is. But that's not necessary to know to do this. Just cross your eyes until frames overlap, and "snap." Then look at the pictures. Every other row will look 3d. The rows that dont will look weird, with the far object near and the near far. If you dont know how to cross your eyes, put your thumb right in front of your nose and look at it. When you do this, you're crossing your eyes. If you move your thumb toward and away from the screen, you might notice the image behind it "snaps" at various points. Every other "snap" will cross the images over so you can see them in 3d. This isn't so easy, but it's one way to do it, if you practice enough. Just pull your thumb out and try to keep your eyes in position. The other method is "diverge eyed." This is where you relax your eyes as though you're looking far away. The first thing you can try is to try to look THROUGH the top image. Or act like you're just "zoning out" and looking into space. This doesn't work for most people on their first try. The next thing to try is, if you've got a shiny screen and a bright light (like the sun) behind you, look at an image reflected on your monitor, and you might just notice that the image ON your monitor "crossed over" and looks all funny. Try to hold your eyes like that, and you've got it. Also not terribly easy for newbs. The one that seems to work best for newbs, is the put your nose right up on the screen, right on that MIDDLE black line in the top image, and relax your eyes. Because the screen is so close, your brain naturally "gives up" on trying to focus on it. Most eyes just dont cross far enough to see things that close up without major effort. This is a good thing, because it means your eyes have diverged. That's the first part. Now, while continuing to stare off into space, SLOWLY pull back from the monitor, and dont try to look at it. Just relax your eyes and pull back. I just did this and noticed that these images are incidentally spaced really well for this. What happens is that it'll look like everything's normal, but if you try to focus on the image, the image will look normal, but everything outside of it will be all doubled. THe image should also be in 3d. This isn't easy for most people to get (although I suspect the cross-eyed method might be easier for those who have given up on stereoscopy), but you CAN do it. Some people just need to practice at it. Some need to practice a LOT. There are guides online for this too if my advice doesn't make any sense.
  4. C'mon, ladies, we need to WIN this. We need to win the stenretni!
  5. The tally: Owners of black: 6 Owners of white: 7 Wannabe owners of black: 1 Wannabe owners of white: 1
  6. Heh. Much of my Pokiman time has been replaced with tiny-icon-tinkering. On the plus side, searching for good reference images is another excuse to watch the episodes for the billionth time. Edit: Oh, and I got Pokémon black. Friend code forthcoming.
  7. Argh, I can't really pick. I chose "Art of the Dress" because the episode was so good. Also, I'm glad to see "We are the CMC" got a vote. It gets too much hate for such a great song.
  8. Aww man, all my griping did was erase the female lead
  9. E À =
  10. Nice poll, but where's the check box for "other?"
  11. She really steals every scene she's in. She's the Joan Rivers of the troupe. Funny, yes, but often the center of attention. She's also bright pink, squealy, and talking a lot is part of her character. She's one of my faves, but I can see why she would annoy people.
  12. I really think this one is as simple as what Twilight says, verbatim: "Just because somepony is ladylike doesn't make her weak." They'd still come to, say Rainbow Dash's rescue, but their daydream sequences would probably show her bucking and struggling and making a mess, rather than fainting. It's not that Rarity was more in need of a rescue than the others, it's that they assumed the experience was somehow more trying or more difficult for her because she's ladylike. True, they didn't expect her to handle it how she did, but they didn't expect her to handle it at all. Given how commonly people do this RL, it's worth an episode.
  13. I think this episodes meaning was stated pretty clearly "Don't underestimate somepony just because's she's a filly." If I was going to look deeper into it, Twilight's a filly, as are Dash and AJ, and the other ponies wouldn't have expected them to be useless if they were kidnapped, but they're all tomboys. What made the gang underestimate Rarity is her femininity. Femininity is often associated with weakness, but Rarity proves this isn't the case. Twilight realizes in the end that the "girly girl" can take care of herself pretty well after all.
  14. This is the closest we've gotten to a Spike episode. <3 "An Hero" version of Spike!
  15. Pinkie Pie has been shown in fewer episodes than any of the other Six, according to IMDB.com
  16. Some people just like villains, and of all the villains, Trixie was given the least positive portrayal. She didn't do anything likable at all. I probably like Fluttershy the least of the main gang, but I love Fluttershy. Of everyone, I probably hate Celestia the most. Her voice is just a bit too sweet for my liking. But I can't say I hate her, I'm just lukewarm. There really isn't anything about this show that I hate.
  17. Dessa


    I see this as in its own category. There hasn't really been a cartoon quite like this one. I think that's part of the excitement around FiM.
  18. Dessa


    If this board is full of furries, I've got to say I rather enjoy the company of furries.
  19. And god, does this cartoon have gorgeous backgrounds... Visually interesting, but not scene-stealing. Staged well so the action reads. Those backgrounds are old-school in the best possible way.
  20. "Hi!" I like the vibe of this place. All serious looking and stuff, with size limits on sigs. I do worry about the actual english only rule though. Not that that's difficult to do, but sometimes a joke's just funnier in allcaps, knaamean (I hope the occasional ebonic is alright as well )
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