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Posts posted by Cadabra

  1. Part of what makes Friendship is Magic the show that it is is partially due to the horse puns we have all come to know and love. I thought this topic might be helpful for any of us writers to draw inspiration from and ask questions about, especially since sometimes it can get a little tricky. So here's what I have to list for the time being:


    -the towns (ie: Canterlot, Phillydelphia, etc.)

    -Hearts and Hooves Day

    I'm sure we can come up with a good list. Help!

  2. So I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a pony. Hasbro can have my $5, I got me a desk pony for work now. Seeing as how I have a coworker who has about 20 plush sock monkies on her desk (no kidding, it's like a sock monkey zoo) I figured seeing Rarity smiling up at me from next to my monitor would be a good thing. She is after all my favorite pony, so why not.

    So while she is super cute, I am kind of disappointed in the mane and tail. I was wondering if any of you have styled the mane and tail on your ponies, and what you did to get the desired effect. Rarity is fabulous, so I want to make her look as good as I can.

  3. A lot of times for a TV show it will be near it's end of life whhen a movie is made. Reason being, they want to go out with a bang, grab tbose last few bucks based solely on familiarity, and possibly get lucky enough to continue with the show for another season or two. In some cases a movie helps draw in another demographic, ie the South Park movie, that can help keep the series going.

  4. Turns out there are more spoilers than we realized! Twilight Sparkle isn't just becoming an alicorn, she's becoming... a toaster!


    Shocking. But I for one look forward to this reboot of the "Brave Little Toaster" series. If they remake the sequel, "The Brave Little Toaster Goes to the Mars", we could at least expect Luna to make a cameo as the main cast shoots off past the moon.

    But can she make toaster waffles? They are after all everypony's favorite vehicle for butter and syrup.

    • Like 1
  5. Meh, the channel has some good shows I guess. Just don't watch the news! It will end you!

    Ripper Street

    Mrs Browns Boys

    It Crowd

    Top Gear

    About all I watch from it :P

    I haven't checked their news before. That bad?

    Glad to know there's another Top Gear fan. Their news segments are a riot. I've tried watching Top Gear America and Australia, but they don't have the same chemistry as Jeremy, James, and Richard.

    • Like 2
  6. Anyone else watch anything from the BBC? I sure do, because there is some seriously funny stuff feom across the pond. Here's what I watch:

    Top Gear


    Monty Python's Flying Circus

    Father Ted

    The IT Crowd

    Dr. Who


    Absolutely Fabulous

    Shawn the Sheep

    Wallace and Gromit

    Red Dwarf

    Who else watches BBC?

  7. Miss American or not, I can't figure out why the Hub feels the need to drag these C or D level celebrities out to do these little little bits. Even if they didn't use the awesome and well spoken folks who work or have worked on the show like your Lauren Fausts or Jayson Thiessen, Andrea Libman, Nicole Oliver or ANYONE that works on the show..They could find interesting celebrities who either like the show or at least know it exists...Like Simon Pegg..Imagine a bit with him and Nick Frost going on about the show. I'd pay to see that! ;)

    This needs to happen! I adore Simon Pegg. He and Nick Frost have the best chemistry ever, but seeing as how they are real life BFFs that would work so well having them discuss My Little Pony together. My favorite pairing they did was Hot Fuzz, one of my favorite movies ever. Then again I love director Edgar Wright who directed it. The man should be directing the new Star Wars movies if you ask me instead of JJ Abrams.

  8. [colour=#000000]Whew! After reporting the news to the Bronies Australia forums early this morning and the news finally beginning to settle in, I thought I throw in my two cents on the whole situation.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]First off, my reaction to the news is a bit of a mixed bag. On a positive note, I'm actually proud for Twilight going to the "next level" and becoming a princess. She has come a long way from being a character that some people love to hate due to being annoying and all in season one to becoming a fan favourite today. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]But, on the other side of the coin, there are fans (not naming anyone) who are going a bit hysterical and running around in circles like crazy by the announcement.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]Although I am a bit concerned about the future of the franchise although a fourth season has been confirmed in the works by DHX. Although the worst that could probably happen is that Hasbro retires the "Friendship is Magic" generation after the season three finale and begin a new 5th generation of the franchise, which in turn marks the 30th anniversary this year. [/colour]

    [colour=#000000]This latest development and the announcement has some similarities to another situation that happened but with a different show. [/colour][colour=#000000]Many Australian bronies may know of a TV game show that was popular back in the mid to late 80's and early 90's called Sale of the Century with the legendary Tony Barber at the hosting helm for many years. In 1991, Tony left the show and was replaced with Glenn Ridge, a television personality who worked for several regional television stations in Victoria (Australian state) including BCV-8 and GMV-6 in the 80's.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]When Glenn first began hosting Sale, there were a few people who hated the host change and boycotted the show from that point onwards. However, as time went on, Glenn began to become accepted more and more as the years passed until the show finally ended it's run in the early part of the 2000's.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]This latest development and the announcement has some similarities to the whole "Sale" saga all those years ago.[/colour]

    [colour=#000000]With this example, it goes to show that some people will actually welcome the change, while others won't. So in summary, there isn't much to worry about.[/colour]

    This also reminds me of when the Care Bears went through a reboot recently, only to reboot again in CGI for The Hub. They haven't been the same since Nelvana had them. :(

  9. If Discord's abilities are indeed limited, I think this would be the best explanation. We don't know anything about this spell or the mechanics of it just that it somehow stops Discord from taking the elements. Perhaps his ability to move around is hindered by this? There's no real demonstration of how it works (Discord never actually tries to physically take the elements; he just knows that he can't), so it's hard to say.

    He does try to take Twilight's crown at the beginning of the dinner party by saying "May I take your hat?"

  10. I've been thinking more about the Spike dragon fire breath theory that has been so popular lately, and I think I have an idea as to why he did not use it: Animal Cruelty. Can you imagine that King Timberwolf going up in flames? How would you animate that in a way that won't scare the living daylights out of a kid? Can you imagine the death wail it would make? Or the PETA outrage? Can you imagine it running into the Everfree Forest to escape the flames and end up accidentally lighting the place on fire? I don't know about the rest of you, but it kind of sends shivers up my spine just thinking about how the death by fire scene could have turned out.

  11. Yeah that is a real Vat19 video! Sorry for the late response I've been a little busy~ But yeah I love that specific commercial. Vat19 is pretty awesome.

    I think so too, and I can not wait for my interview with them on Wednesday. I have been filming weddings for the past four years, and filming is my life. To do it full time will be a dream come true. And their videos are pretry awesome, so to be a part of their team will be really fun! Challenging, but fun!

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