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Posts posted by Trombone2525

  1. Spit Fire watched the events on the runway from her office. Despite the thermometer in her mouth and the ice bag on her head, she still wore her uniform. No illness was going to keep her from doing her duties, even if she couldnt fly with the cadets. After she finished sifting through Soarin's fan mail (she wondered how she got stuck with that job to begin with), she began thinking about possible team pairings...

  2. Spit Fire stood. "Hey!" She quickly flew between the two fighting ponies. "You two, cut it out!" She turned to Flashbomb. "You, recruit, arent in a good position to be starting trouble." She turned to Lightning Dusk. "And you already caused enough of a fuss last year. I'm being nice by letting you come back this year. Dont make me regret it." She looked hard at the mare, then flew back to her table, the entire mess hall watching.

  3. (Hey guys, I'm sorry for my slow post times, I'm only able to get on the computer a few times a day.)

    "YOU CALL THAT ATTENTION CADET?! I STAND STRAIGHTER IN MY SLEEP!" Spitfire yelled at one particularly lazy pony. She always kind of enjoyed the yelling. It was a great stress reliever. She looked over at the next pony and realized that it was the one she had told Angel to keep an eye on. "Ah, who do we have here? Cadet Flashbomb! Front and Center!" She called to him. She looked over him as he stepped out of line. She noticed how crisp his movements were. "Very nice. I heard you pushed a cloud house into a mountain by yourself. colour me impressed. Fall back in cadet." She smiled at him slyly as he fell back into line. She got to Marble. "Ah, a nice tall pegasus. It's been a while since we've gotten somepony as tall as you. Strong forelimbs, I see. I wouldnt be surprised if you made leadpony." She walked down the line, yelling at some, complimenting others. Once she finished the line of pegasi, she called in a loud clear voice. "Cadets! Dissmissed!!" She smiled as the cadets in the room called simultaniously "MA'AM, YES MA'AM!"

  4. "CADETS! FALL IN!" Somepony called from the staff table. As the cadets fell into a squad, Spit Fire began walking down the line, examining the pegasi, occasionally making comments, testing them, trying to get a bead on which ones will make it, and which ones wont.

  5. Spit Fire took off her sunglasses and looked over to Angel Snapp. "There's a specific pegasus i want you to keep an eye on. He looks promising. One 'Flashbomb.' Do you know anything about him?" She asked, looking at the new instructor.

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