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Posts posted by Trombone2525

  1. She held him for a while longer, reliving happy memories that were brought back by the smell of his mane. She had not thought of these memories in years. Eventually, though, she pulled away. This was not her Broad Sword, no matter how much she wanted it to be. But it was nice to see those eyes... How had Dopple gotten the look of those eyes, the apparent love that Broad Sword had for her, right? She guessed that they must be good at changing... "Thank you.. I..." She wiped her eye. "I needed that."

  2. Dusk Fade turned her head slowly, starting to apologize for shoving him. "Im sorry, I just-" She was cut off when she looked at him. "Oh my..." She was silent for a long while, looking into eyes she had not seen in so long... She then burst into tears once again, but tears of joy. She threw herself around the stallions neck, hugging him tightly, smelling that dark mane, the scent still so familiar after all these years. She held him smiling, tears dampening the green coat.

  3. She looked over at the same picture. She had forgotten that she kept that in here.. She had only moved to ponyville a few weeks ago. It was a picture from Broad Swords first day in the royal guard. He was a tall green stallion, very muscular, a unicorn. He had his prized sword attached to the flank of his armor. And a younger Dusk Fade gazing up at him, smiling brightly. That... That was the last time she had been that happy. The wedding had been the next day. Funny how things work out like that, huh? A tear rolled down her cheek. A single tear. "I... I just want to see him one more time... See him one last time, not drenched in changeling blood, not drenched in his blood... Not..." Her voice cracked as she relived that day. "Not shoved into one of those slime pods..." She squeezed her eyes shut, then, her anger reborn for a moment, she shoved Dopple with her forehooves and cried in the corner of the room.

  4. "Oh wow..." Dusk Fade was shocked. Had there really been a time when changelings and ponies lived in peace? Maybe...

    Dusk Fade was suddenly overcome by a sense of exaustion. It had been a long day, and so much had happened. Following some protests, and some encouraging, Dusk put the colts to bed. She lead Dopple to the spare room. Before she closed the door, she turned to him. "Changelings can take the form of anypony, right?"

  5. The three ponies and the changeling went inside. Dusk Fade, despite protests and advice to sit, made everypony hot drinks. Hot chocolate for the colts, and coffee for her and Dopple. After they settled in their respective seats, Dusk turned to Dopple. In a solem voice, she asked "Please. Tell us what happened..."

  6. The deep violet mare sat in silence, tears running down her face. She hadnt thought about him, hadnt allowed herself to think about him, for so long... And here was this reminder, slamming her back into the past. She looked around to the colt, the alicorn who seemed to be more, and the changeling who may have single hoofedly ruined her life. "Dont go." she said quietly. "Come. Lets go inside..."

  7. She stared at the changeling, reveling in the chance to finally confront those who had torn her life apart. But then she started to think about... Him... She couldnt be angry thinking of him. Despite all the years, despite the distance. [colour=#4b0082]"We were supposed to be together forever... We were going to get married the week after the Royal wedding... He died defending me. From..." [/colour]She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold back the flood of tears. [colour=#4b0082]"He died protecting me from you!"[/colour]

  8. Dusk Fade stared at Morning Dawn. She hadent even known the colt for a day, yet the thought of loosing him, especially to a changeling, hurt her. A tear started streaming down her cheek [colour=#4b0082]"If you knew what his kind has done... His kind has killed ponies!" [/colour]She said in a sudden outburst of anger. [colour=#4b0082] "His kind has murdered innocent ponies, and for what? What did the killing get them? They are still in exile, abandoned by the rest of Equestria to the arctic north, far north of the Crystal Empire. They took lives, beautiful lives..." [/colour]She broke down in tears.

  9. Anger began to swell in her. "Thats all you've been to us! Whenever we see you, you try and feed off us. It is sick! And no matter what your history, attempting to destroy and enslave a population is never the answer! So try and justify yourself. Tell me why I shouldnt just blast you on the spot." Dusk was surprised at herself. She had learned defensive spells, but she never had to actually use them... She shook her head subtly. This wasnt a pony in front of her. This was a monster and a terrorist, no matter what he claims.

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