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Posts posted by Trombone2525

  1. Forte looked up at him, rage in his eyes. [colour=#008000]"You think that I can let that go that easily? You know what that instrument ment to me. That was my first trombone. It was the one I was playing when.. When the changelings took my parents... It was the instrument I played when I got my cutie mark. That instrument meant the world to me!"[/colour]

  2. Forte looked at Saxon, those moments suddenly brought back. He hadnt thought of those times since Saxon left. Forte and Saxon almost decided to go on the road with their duets, but then, that one night, after the auditions... Forte and Saxon were sitting on a park bench. It was night. Luna had just raised the moon. It was full that night. Forte liked when Luna filled the moon. It gave everything an ethereal quality. They were discussing the possibility of going on the road when... Forte shuddered and looked down, repulsed by the memory of what Saxon had done that night.

  3. Forte stared after White Feather, a smile on his face. He jumped slightly when Saxton came up to him. Saxton and Forte had been musical rivals since they were foals, but Forte was always the one ahead. Forte hadent seen Saxton for about a year now, since they had both tried out for the Canterlot Royal Orchestra. Neither of them had made it into the band, but Forte had made it through to the second round of auditions, whereas Saxton had been denied after his first audition.

    [colour=#008000]"What?"[/colour] Forte looked slightly confused, then his face hardened subtly when he saw the violinist. [colour=#008000]"Hey Saxton. Havent seen you in a while. Where you been? Oh, her? Yeah..." [/colour]He stares of in the direction she went for a moment, then looks back. [colour=#008000]"She's a catch. There's something about her... Oh well. So what have you been up to?"[/colour]

  4. Forte couldnt believe it. Not only that nopony had gone on a date with her, but that she had said yes. And he found her shyness somewhat endearing. He reached into his case and pulled out a slip of paper.

    [colour=#008000]"This is a front row ticket for the Canterlot Brass Band's concert tonight. I'll see you there, okay?"[/colour]

  5. Equestria has changed. Technology corporations have taken over politics, the economy, everything. The Princess is just figurehead for the CEO's who actually run the land. And nopony seems to mind. They go about their lives, and they enjoy the new advances. But some ponies feel that something is missing...

    One thing that has become the norm is giving your children genetic modifications, or genemods, before birth. These range from better eyesight, stronger wings, specific coat colour, magical ability (though this one is not very popular), and a whole range of other things. This is where you are now.

    "Alright, so you have selected genemods for intellegence, a green coat, brown mane, and curiosity. Before we fill out all the paperwork, I would like to present you an opportunity. There is a new genemod, but it is still in its testing phase. If you allow us, you would be the first parents with a child that does not require sleep. In lab tests, this has brought about no negative side effects, but we wont know for sure until the birth. Are you interested?"

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