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Posts posted by Trombone2525

  1. Applejack sobbed for a moment. She thought back. She heard the voices from her past...

    "AJ? Can I talk to you?" Big Mac knocked on the filly Applejacks door.

    Applejack jumped up, excited. Her brother told the best stories. But tonight wasnt story night. "Big Mac? Is something wrong?"

    Big Mac sighed, then sat on the edge of his sisters bed. How was he going to tell her? She hadent even gotten her cutie mark... "Applejack, mum and dad are dead." He decided to be direct. He wasnt the kind of pony to beat around the bush. Applejack fell silent and stopped jumping around.


    "They're gone. They... They went to the same place that Scarlet, Granny Smiths dog went."

    "When are they coming back?" the sweet young filly asked.

    "Thats the thing... They're not coming back..." Applejack was quiet for a moment. Then she remembered what Granny Smith had told her when she had asked about her dog, what she hadtold her about death... Applejack cried for the next three days...


  2. Spit Fire walked back to her office, thinking about her pairings of the ponies she was most interested in. Flashbomb and Marble had been an obvious pair. They would work together well. Lightning Dust and Sun Ray was somewhat of an experiment. Spit Fire hoped that Sun Ray would hold Lightning Dust back. Not that she thought Sun Ray was incapable of preforming admirably. But Lightning Dust would definately have to slow down. Sun Ray was no Rainbow Dash. Lyria and Forte was an interesting development, but she paired them due to their similar Dizzytron scores. Forte was a trombonist in Canterlot, and Spit Fire had gone to a couple of his preformances. He was very good, but ever since he had arrived at the Academy, he had become something of an enigma.

  3. Spit Fire called off the day of training, due to the horrid weather. But she was still going to give out the pairings. She called everypony to the main hall and had the cadets line up. She began calling them up one by one...

    "... Flashbomb. Lead pony. Marble wing pony." The two friends came up and accepted their badges.

    "Lightning Dust. Lead Pony. Sun Ray, wing pony." The two unlikely partners accepted their badges.

    "Lyria. Lead Pony. Forte Fermata. Wing pony." Lyria walked up, looking to see who this 'Forte Fermata' was. A green pegasus with a short brown mane walked up and took his badge, pinning it to his uniform. Then he silently walked back and stood next to his new partner, not bothering to introduce himself. He seemed to have a hard edge about him, but maybe it was just an act. Maybe... Nopony could be sure...

    "Alright," Spit Fire called after the assignments are done. "Everypony back to the barracks. All cadets are confined to quarters until this weather lifts. Lunch will be brought to you in two hours. Dissmissed!" She yelled as the cadets began filing out.

  4. "Well, it's all years of practice. Ah remember when Big Mac first brought me out here. Ah couldnt kick out with hind-legs a single tree. He would stand behind the tree, and when Ah kicked it, he would kick out with hind-legs it to make it look like Ah was doin it. He's such a good big brother..." She thought for a moment. "Ah'm sorry he gave you a hard time earlier. He's just protectin me."

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