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Posts posted by Trombone2525

  1. "Yeah. This year should be interesting.". Spit fire responded to Angel. She walked down the line of ponies. "Now, I'm sure you all know how the Dizzytron works, but I'll go over it for anypony who doesn't know. We'll strap you in and spin you round. You will then be flung into the air, and you will be timed on how long it takes you to land. Note I said land, not crash. Now, remember the order Im about to tell you, because I will not go over it again.". She began listing off names. "Lightning Dust. Flashbomb. Marble. Lyria. Sunray.".

    (Post in that order how you do! I'm doing it this way to kind of organize it a bit more. I'm still thinking about pairings ;))

  2. Spit Fire sat at the head of the staff table, watching all the pegasi eating and conversating. She made sure to keep an eye on the table in the corner. She then looked around the room for Lightning Dust. Probably off on her own again. Spit Fire understood where Lightning was coming from. She had been like that once, back when she was a filly. Oh, such a long time ago... She remembered how she had looked up to the Wonderbolts from her fillyhood. Hard Charger, who's specialty was cloud busting, Sky Swan, the flight maneuver specialist, and the leader, Sky Slash. Oh how she idolized Sky Slash. She tried so hard to be just like him, to the point of driving most of her friends away if they couldnt keep up with her. Funny how it took a shy little colt to make her realize what a Wonderbolt really was...

    (Spit Fire backstory! Yay! Haha)

  3. Spit Fire was feeling much better. It usually didnt take long to get well. She had her preliminary pairings finished. She needed to wait for the dizzytron tests to finalize a few of them, but for the four ponies showing the most promise, she was already confident of her pairings...

    As the stallions made their way back to the barracks, they found letters on their bunks. Some got mail from family and friends, while others recieved special messages from their special someponies. Flashbomb found a letter from Ponyville.

    Dear Flashbomb

    Ah miss you. We all do. Rainbow Dash has been working on some new tricks to show you when you get back. Big Mac has been working with Applebloom on her "cider making" cutie mark. Dont worry, hes not showing her the alchohol recipe. They're making filly friendly cider, but its so cute to watch her and her friends pretend to get drunk. Ah hope you're havin a great time, and Ah caint wait to hear all about it.

    Love Applejack.

  4. .(Cameo time!)

    In Ponyvile, Applejack was missing Flashbomb. She remembered when Rainbow Dash went to the Wonderbolts Academy. Pinkie Pie was obsessed with writing Rainbow a letter, so Applejack decided to do just that. She got out a quill and some paper and started writing...

  5. Spit Fire watched the new pegasus land and talk to Angel Snapp. Looks like Derpy made another late delivery. Spit Fire facehooved. She couldnt be mad at the mare, though. She went back to her team ideas. She was toying with the idea of pairing Flashbomb with Lightning Dust, with Flashbomb as lead pony. They were certainly a match for eachother physically. And maybe Flashbomb could whip the troublesome mare into shape...

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