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Posts posted by Ironwing

  1. Hello Trilobite!

    Pet question: Oh, ok. If you are not sure, i´ll add the pet now. Would be letdown if i cannot add a pet after the application is accepted.

    Speed question: Well, i´ve read speeds of Mach 4 and higher in some rps. But i am not sure about this velocity at all.

    Name question: What? My name is a problem? Aww.... I thought alot about the name. Can´t be helped, i will change that. But is it ok to have a nick name? Then i would delete the family name and change the "middle name" into a "nick name".

    Thanks for your hard work Trilobite. I´ll edit the app after i got your answer on this post.

    Edit: Added a pet, changed the names.

  2. Hi SilverWisp!

    The answer to that question is simple: talent. Iron Wing has problems with concentrating on the possible magic abilities to manipulate the clouds. If you think about it, other ponys within MLP have problems too. Flutter Shy can fly, but not very good. As you can see in the episode "Hurricane Fluttershy" she is only able to get 2,3 wing power. Thats more within her physique though, but the average pegasus pony should be able to get to 7-8 wing power. Or compare Twilight Sparkles magical power with The Great and Powerful Trixie within the the episode "Boast Busters". Trixie just hasn´t the knowledge and talent of Twilight.

    So i thought about Iron Wing. Of course she can fly, sleep or stand on clouds, perhaps moving them a bit. But she lacks the talent of creating tornados, manipulating clouds to burst out thunders or rain and stuff like that.

  3. Hello there!

    If you want to help me with the grammar and spelling stuff i would be happy! Thank you very much for the offer! Yes, i am still working on Iron Wing but there is not much to do. Just patching some descriptions and stuff like that. I also wanted to create a family picture if thats ok within an application. I think i´ll finish Iron within this day.

    Edit: Hey, i tweaked some details and created a new topic "Personality/Impression:" Now i have marked the app as FINAL.

  4. Hi there!

    I am not an RP-Helper and i am not that experienced with critique. I´ve read your app and since you asked for a reply, i shall be the first one. I am not a native English speaker, hope that is ok for you.

    First of all, i like your character. But i think some details are missing or should get a better description.

    1. describe your motivation with more detail. Why exactly does Lonely Shadow want to hear the tunes of Mr. Colt-trane? What is his dream? Is there something else he wants to achieve? If he wants to hear the music of Mr. Colt-trane again, why won´t he go back to Fillydalphia?
    2. What is your characters relationship to Mr. Colt-trane? Was he like a friend? Or a father? How many years did your character spend on his side? If his motivation is to hear tunes from him why did he leave him?
    3. What does your character like or dislike? Is there something your character is very good at, or does he have any flaws?
    4. I read your story now, but i have not found anything that would describe your characters personality. Whats your character like? Is he friendly, hasty, social, couraged? How does your character react to something new or unexpected? If another pony would meet your character for the first time, what would be the first impression?
    5. If you don´t have a character picture, just go here and have fun: Pony Creator

    I hope that i could help you with some ideas. I don´t know how long it will take that a real rp-helper shows up because i´m waiting for one like you. ^^

    Iron Wing

  5. Welcome to the great city of Canterlot! The names Lovin' Moonlight or LM for short. I hope you enjoy yourself around here. We have an awesome RP section that you would definitely have fun with. If you ever need anything just let me know, I'll be happy to help.

    Do you have any real life friends that are MLP fans?

    Thank you, hope to see a lot more interesting rp´s than on other sides.

    No, i don´t have a single friend that likes MLP.

    Hi, welcome to Canterlot. :)

    What did you Google to find us?

    Um, i guess it was something like "awesome community"... ^^

    Na, i googled "my little pony forum roleplay".

    • Like 2
  6. Well, hello there. I am Iron Wing!

    I am just a little MLP fan that decided to do a bit roleplaying. Because i come from germany i don´t speak englisch that good, but i hope you will overlook that. I joined this side to have nice roleplaying experience, finding some friends and have a good time. I already wrote the application and hope everything is ok with that.

    Hope to see ya all around!

    Iron Wing

  7. 4639dca518a2ad488123db8074117d47.jpg

    Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP

    Name: Iron Wing

    Nickname: Celes

    Sex: female

    Age: mare

    Species: Pegasus

    Eye colour: Violet

    Coat colour: Dark blue

    Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Blue and azure


    Darkblue with a blue and azure mane and tail and Magenta coloured eyes. She always wears a very heavy armor made of triple layered wolframite. The weigth is immense and Iron Wing would be the only pegasus strong enough to wear it and even fly with it. Both, her light and her heavy armor are equiped with wing blades, a special designed wing armor part that covers the edge of her wing and contains a sharp retractable broad sword. She is armed all the time like a former Nightwatch and guardian of Equestria should.

    Iron Wing is a very strongly built pegasus, her body and wings especially trained to fly with armor or big weights or lifting big things. She is not the fastest flier but has great acceleration. Because of her training she has great stamina and can fly very long distances and height. Her mane has a short but stylish cut like her tail. Iron Wing cannot control weather like other pegasi that easy. The only thing she can do is standing or sleeping on clouds or free the skies from clouds.


    Born in Cloudsdale as the daughter of Herald Grayhoove and Minia Dreamglide, Iron Wing grew up in Cloudsdale. She attended flying school, making her parents proud. But because of the lack in weather magic / weather control, flying was the only real thing she could do as a pegasus pony. Her parents searched for many schools and possibilties to make their child happy. Because her father was a Canterlot guard, Iron Wing wanted be a guard too. But she was too young and too weak to join. Because she loved to help others she was sent to Canterlot, learning and helping on the construction sites to gain strength. In her free time she trained a lot with weights so that she could get stronger, strong enough to wear an armor. She learned to use her wings as a tool to help earth ponies with their hard work. Of course she grew bigger and stronger with time and with her training. After she got her cutie mark, she was accepted at the canterlot garrison. She was trained by the guards and military to make her dream come true: Defending and helping civilians. After she finished her training and gaining her own armor, she moved back to Cloudsdale. She was transferred to an old watchtower with an unique job she loves. Scouting and patroling the villages within the country and helping on construction sides as a job. Who said the military wouldn´t help?

    Since she entered the military she has been assigned to many patroling and scouting missions, after 2 years she was promoted to be part of the Nightwatch, the guardians that were standing for Luna. Within the time of another 2 years, she was flying the nightpatrols and even having a lower rank it didn´t matter. She loved the time at the Nightwatch. Her former commander thought that she needed more experience with different situations. She was sent into the north to the borderlines at a watchtower. Often she had contact with beasts, monsters and changelings since then, always in sight of possible enemies. Finally, after several promotions and years of experience, she was transfered again to Ponyville to be near her family as a commander of a watchtower for domestic security. Iron Wing may be a friendly pony, but don´t underestimate her fighting and military training and experience.

    Occupation: Military scouting and patroling. Helping on construction sites and transportations. Sometimes she also works as a courier.

    Full Name: Iron Wing "Celes" Grayhoove

    Personality/Impression: Ponies that see Iron Wing for the first time would think that she is a guardian from canterlot. She looks proud, strong and determined. She cares about her style and her appearance, her mane and her tail. She also maintains and polish her armor and hoof protectors. She can be heard from great distances because of the iron protectors. Of course she looks strong, but she is gentle, protective, helpful, courteous and thoughtful. She loves to learn and get to know new ponies. However she hates to be forced into anything... even friendship. She wants to learn about the ponies before she just "makes" a friend. She is also stubborn and would never let other ponys know that she is injured, mentally or physically and she has problems with apologizing. But if she does realize her error she will do everything to correct it. If she ever makes good friends she will protect them at all costs. She will always keep her promises, she is organized and never late... usually. If somepony doesn´t believe in her strength she tends to proove her abilities. She also does not like to be in the spotlight, she likes to be in the background. If she would meet one or all of the mane 6 , she would try to avoid them, especially Pinky.


    - Herald Grayhoove, Father of Iron Wing. As a pegasus pony Herald is a guardian in Canterlot securing the city and maintain law and order. On the weekend he is at home in Cloudsdale as a loving husband and father. Iron loves her daddy who has shown her everything in the world she wanted to know about. Herald is a friendly but strict stallion, loves to tell old storys and show photos of his beloved daughters. He sometimes comes to false conclusions, reacting to hastily. His wife Minia usually calms him down. He likes to call Iron Wing by her middle name "Celes".

    - Minia Dreamglide, Mother of Iron Wing. She is also a pegasus pony and is a caring mother and wife. She pays much attention to her daughters in teaching them morals, courage and basic knowledge of Equestria. She likes to bake her special cloud-cake, a traditional family cake that is served a the yearly familiy reunion. She is very intelligent even teaches her husband some lessons and calming him down. She also enjoys calling the kids with their nicknames.

    - Dazzling Wing (nickname: Dazzi) is Iron´s little sister and a pegasus pony. She adores her big sister but often argues with her. The filly loves to play tricks while gliding through the sky. She isn´t a highly-trained flier so she just can fly short distances. Dazzling is hyperactive and her sister may the only one who can keep up with her. Because of that Dazzling often thinks that Iron understands her feelings. Like a big sister should! Since Iron left Cloudsdale for guard training and missions the filly hasn´t seen her big sister Iron. She misses her...

    Cutie Mark:


    Cutie Mark Story:

    Iron Wing got her cutie mark in Canterlot in the time she worked on the construction sides. Her daddy Herald Greyhoove who works as a city guard often visited her at her work places. She loved her father and they often spend the time of their breaks together. Because it was a very warm and sunny day, her father took off his armor. Iron Wing sliped in the armor, just for fun. They laughed together like every day they met. But then a scream was heard. Iron Wing, without thinking and with the armor of her father on, dashed to the source of the scream. A pony had fallen from some scaffolding and could not move. Some of the planks and tools were falling down on the poor stalion. Iron Wing rushed at the scene and protected the stalion with her body. The tools and planks bounced off the armor.

    The guards and her father watched the scene and were impressed by her defensive character. Also she was already strong enough to wear armor and move freely withoug straining herself. Iron did not even think about wearing the huge armor, but she realized what she had done. She nearly didn´t even feel the armor because of her daily work. A cutie mark appeared on her flank that symbolized a winged shield. She had found her specialty! After that incident Iron spent most of her time training with just more huge weights and wearing and own armor. Watching this developement her father tried to bring her to the training grounds of the guards. The commanding pony agreed to train her like all the other guards.


    Defending and helping others like a hero was always the dream of Iron Wing. She loved her time at the construction sites in Canterlot, knowing that strong help is needed fast most of the time. Her combination of strength and her flying ability makes her very unique. And she wants to show all the other laughing pegasus ponys that there is no weather control needed to be useful.

    Likes: The sky, stories from old ponies, ice cream, cookies, helping ponys in need and hard work. Also singing and playing instruments and listening to music.

    Dislikes: Loneliness, ponies laughing at her, dangerous situations, poison and snakes.

    Flaws: Iron thinks that she can handle most situations without help and charges in without thinking of consequenses. She usually gets hurt in delicate situations. She is a social character but doesn´t like to be forced to something. She won´t be friends with everypony just like that. Because she is very stubborn she won´t admit that she has made a mistake and she has difficulties with apologizing. She is very proud of her capabilities and likes to prove herself to everypony.

    Character Picture:


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