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Everything posted by NoGiantRobots1983

  1. BUMP! Guys, I'm working on a new chapter and was wondering if anyone would mind beta-reading it for me? The new chapter is here if any kind soul would like to take a look. Be as critical as necessary--I'm pretty open-minded and thick-skinned.
  2. I wouldn't say Pinkie was one-noted at first. She had a mischevious streak, and clearly was a little more intelligent than she let on (she understood the basics of stealth, after all), and I got the impression she was dense in some ways but not in others (she might not know how to stop a war, but she does know the importance of keeping a friend's trust!) That's about four or five notes right there. Then "A Friend in Deed" is all about her being an obsessive psycho stalker.... You know what? I take it back. I love Pinkie Pie.
  3. Daring Do should totally pull out that Super Bomb she's got hidden and blow a hole in the wall, escaping into the next room!
  4. "Applebuck Season" was the episode that totally sold me on the show. Before that I was just like "the next episode will be my last" and then...
  5. It depends on the width of the question. If we're limited to just the mane six... well, I used to love Pinkie Pie, but the second season turned me against her some. I just hate how over-the-top she is now. I liked her better when she was just peppy and quirky and not a full-blown Animaniac. Ponies in general... well... for a really heretical one, I feel like Princess Celestia is kind of bland. Like she doesn't have much personality. Though I guess that's the point. I can't really say I "hate" any pony. I define "hate" as "their mere presence ruins the entire episode for me" and there simply is no pony like that. Although Pinkie comes close when she's the *focus* of the episode, particularly in the second season.
  6. Aren't you a G1 Pony? What's your special talent?
  7. My powers are being a robot and firing lasers from my eyes and having a hard drive for a brain which has complete knowledge of science, literature, eastern mysticism and John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies. My plan would be to make Twilight Sparkle mai waifu. Not sure if that's really evil.
  8. I'd rather "mature" stuff strictly be the realm of fan-works personally. The way I see it, the show is a basic framework for the fans to build off of. So it doesn't really matter what the movie does, as long as it presents an idea I can crib for a fanfic.
  9. I've only watched some videos online, but personally I'm not interested. To me the Resident Evil series died with RE4 and was getting a little stale well before that, and RE6 looks like... well, a zombie,
  10. From the NES to the Dreamcast. Ummm... I'd have to probably say BGM and J-Pop. Thanks! *Oils his joints, now he moves smoothly.*
  11. I hope you all bought FIM a fabulous present! I'm giving it this awesome cookie I baked!
  12. I'm not sure which Prefix is appropriate. These stories concern Surprise and an OC human, but they're usually actually about characters from MLP: Friendship is Magic. So is this Story:Cast or Story:OC? So yeah, I'm doing a series called Surprise Days. Here's the Fimfiction link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/31132/Surprise-Days Basically, the stories are about Surprise and her pet human (... yeah) coming to Ponyville and getting involved with things. Each chapter is its own story, though I am going to start an arc soon. Also, I didn't know about the Ask Surprise tumblr or things like that when I started, so my interpretation is a lot different. Anyway, I just want to know what you think, and if you have any ideas for things that should appear in future stories, or questions you want answered. Coming up with ideas is always the hardest part, and input is very welcome. Thank you all in advance.
  13. An MLP:FIM movie huh? You know what I think would be a good idea for a FIM movie? Okay, so there are these three witches, and they invent this gunk called "Smooze"... nah just kidding. Although I think a lot of G1 stories, retold with the Mane Six in the lead, could probably be seriously improved upon. I think what dooms a lot of movies of TV Series is high expectations. People think the movie is gonna be ten times better, and most of the time what they get is just an extended standard episode. So I think it would help going in to expect this to be just an episode of MLP in long format, and not something that'll set our world on fire. Of course, they could always surprise us by animating Cupcakes or something. And then cats will grow wings and fly us into space.
  14. You're new here too, huh? Maybe we'll get along real well! How do you get to be a Wonderbolt? I'm stuck in this robot suit...
  15. About Myself: I'm a classic gamer who does anime. I live in the southern USA. How I found Canterlot.com: Google How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: I read a bunch of hype about it at a forum I used to go to, so I watched out of curiosity. At first I wasn't impressed, but the more I watched, the more it grew on me. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Twilight Sparkle *NoGiantRobots walks into the chat with slow, stiff, robotic steps. Then he stops moving, and seems to be stuck. Finally, he manages to reach around and press the button, which releases him from the robot suit... which just kinda disappears or something* Hey everypony. I'm NoGiantRobots1983. I'm not sure how much of the info I put in earlier appears in the actual post, so apologies if any of this is redundant. I live in the southern USA, and I'm a fan of old-school gaming, anime, and classic (like from the eighties) cartoons, all of which influence my writing. Three of you (if I'm lucky) will recognize me as the author of the "Surprise Days" series on Fimfiction. Am I allowed to link to that in introductory posts? I basically came here because, well, I just felt like I needed to be part of a better community than the one I used to be at (which I will let go unnamed, but it was not a dedicated MLP board--more like a general site that happened to have some MLP fans). You guys look like it. Greetings all, and does anyone have oil for my robot suit?
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