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Everything posted by Almace

  1. Banshi looked up at the pegasi red-brown pegasus and rolled her eyes. "Excuse me! What's your name?" She imitated him in a high pitched voice before sticking her tongue out at him. "Oh very funny! Have you come to make fun of me like the rest of them?" She said, turning her head to the side and sticking her nose up before letting out a little huff of disapproval. "I'll let you know now that you will get no reaction out of me." That was a lie, she always cried after ponies made fun of her; Infact, she even teared up just from thinking about it. Banshi sniffled, wiped her tears away then rubbed her eyes. "I never did anything to deserve such treatment..." She sighed and turned her head to face the pegasus pony infront of her.
  2. Just over head, among all the snow white clouds was a single dark grey cloud floating out like a sore hoof. On top of the cloud was a pile of pillow shaped clouds and a pegasi named Banshi laid atop of it. The pegasi's coat was as grey as the cloud she layed upon and her main was an even lighter shade; The only hint of colour were the dark red anklets she wore just above her hooves. The pegasi had been crying blood curling cries for quite sometime now and if somepony came close enough, that pony would have probably gone deaf. The other pegasi and the citizens of ponyville had warned Banshi about her disruptive cries but she couldn't help herself. It seemed as if no one cared and just assumed she cried because of her name and cutie mark and sometimes, even she wondered if that were true but somehow, she always convinced herself that it wasnt. Banshi had disregarded the warnings from Ponyville, continuing to toss and turn upon her pile of pillow clouds, crying her blood curdling cries.
  3. Sid nodded at the boy and gave him a small, tired smile. She took a sip of her water before replying to him. "I spend my nights star gazing. I don't get much sleep when the sun is out, either... Even with the curtains closed." She yawned once again, stretching her arms and rubbing her tired eyes. "There's so much that needs to be done during the daytime as well as the nightime." She rested her arms back on the table and lifted her head up, hoping to see the waiter bring her food but sadly, he was taking other orders at the moment.
  4. It was a surprise to Sid that someone was sitting near her. Most people would keep away from her after seeing her dark heavy circles under her eyes, pale skin and abnormal figure. But, Sid was too tired to make anything of it. "Oh, Hello" She said casually then stretched her arms out and let out a yawn before resting her arms back on the table. A waiter came up to take her order. After ordering and giving Sid a glass of water, the waiter left. Sid took a few sips of the water and turned her eyes back to the boy that had greeted her, wondering what they're conversation would consist of.
  5. Sidereum's House: Sidereum twisted the knob that lead to reality. She closed her eyes, braced herself for the brightness and opened the door. The evening sun shined down on her pale face. Sid stepped outside and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. She had some trouble opening her eyes but she managed. She stretched her arms out and yawned. "Evening already?" Sid whispered under her breath; She had been up all night viewing the stars from her window and hadn't even begun to unpack. Sid drove her hands into her pockets to count the bits she had scavanged from around the house. A loud noise came from a few blocks down and Sid rolled her eyes, going back to counting her bits. After counting the bits and realizing she had enough bits to go eat some dinner; She headed to a small cafe where she thought she had enough bits to pay for the food. After taking a seat at a table on the inside of the cafe, Sid brushed her hands through her hair and watched the people walk the streets of Canterlot through the window.
  6. Okay, thank you, I'm just a tad bit confused x.x I'm a bit of noob here, sorry!
  7. Alrighty! Thank you very much! (Assuming you mean me?) ///// Sidereum twisted the knob that lead to reality. She closed her eyes, braced herself for the brightness and opened the door. The morning sun shined down on her pale face. Sid stepped outside and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. She had some trouble opening her eyes but she managed. She stretched her arms out and yawned. "I can already tell... Its gonna be a long day..." Sid whispered under her breath. Sid drove her hands into her pockets to count the bits she had scavanged from around the house. After counting the bits and realizing she had enough bits to go eat breakfast, she headed to a small cafe where she thought she had enough bits to pay for the food. After taking a seat at a table on the inside of the cafe, Sid brushed her hair with her hands and watched the people walk the streets of Canterlot through the window.
  8. Name: Sidereum "Sid" Sky Gender: Female Race: A Humanized Pegasi Brief History: Sidereum originated from Cloudsdale like most Pegasi and lived there for many years. After her father recieved a job down in Canterlot, they left Cloudsdale and have resided in Canterlot ever since. Although Sid adores the big city of Canterlot, she hopes to one day live the rest of her life in Cloudsdale, where she can be closer to the stars in the night sky. She recently moved into this Canterlot Neighborhood and still has some unpacking to do. Looks: Sidereum has dark blue eyes, her body type is just a bit more slender and curvy then the average body type for girls her age (It's somewhat abnormal). She has short white hair with bangs that are swept to the left side of her face. Sid is very pale due to all the time she spends at night; She also has a few pale freckles along the bridge of her nose. Lastly, she has very dark circles under her eyes from the lack of sleep she has been getting yet there is something so very charming about her. Cutie Mark: The Pegasus constellation, showing her love and talent for astronomy. The Pegasus constellation was the first constellation Sid learned. Personality: Sid likes to think of herself as a very average person with nothing special about her (besides her cutiemark). She can be pretty shy at first and won't speak unless spoken to but when you get her to open up, she often to speaks her mind. Sid is a bit of a boy, hence her nickname, Sid and will keep anything remotely girly a secret. She is more of an observer but will speak out if she feels the need to. Sometimes, she feels like a "lapdog" kind of person and often puts herself down because of it. Likes and dislikes: Well, Sid obviously loves the sky but mostly the night time. (Thats when all the stars come out!) She secretly loves dressing up and pretending she was dancing with some fancy fellow at a ball before they fall in love with each other and live happily ever after, wishing that it was more then just a silly, girly fantasy. She hates her girly interests yet loves them at the same time. Sid also loves sweet drinks, especially hot cocoa! She dislikes Character flaws: She tends to dig herself a whole she can't get out of when it comes to her work. She hates standing aside when she feels the need to stand up or speak out but is afraid of what other people might think if she did. Family: Sidereum's Mother passed away and her father is always away doing business, leaving her with rarely any family to visit. Sid has no siblings. Random fact: Sid knows every constellation in the night sky. Before going back to Cloudsdale, she hopes to work in the castle as the kingdoms personal astronomer.
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