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Posts posted by BlankestofFlanks

  1. No, not yet. A Senior RP Staff member will have to analyze your app, approve it and then a Moderator will have to move your app to it's proper folder and set your RP permissions.

    Alrighty. And thank you for the compliment about him being very original by the way.

  2. Hi BlankestofFlanks!

    Looking at this app, all seems to be in order. All of the fields are filled out, and this looks like a very original take on a griffin character!

    I'm not sure if the Senior RP Staff will approve of a character with 'no residence' but we can certainly try it.

    Well done!



    So I'm guessing I need to wait for a senior rp staff member? Or am I good to go?

  3. Welcome to Canterlot! Hope you have tons of fun here! :D

    Thank you! I hope so too.

    I don't mind if you tell me their names, just as long as you don't tell me anything else.

    I heard there's this person who ate a volt-volt fruit, really evil and thinks they're god-like just because they can control lightning.

    That reminds me of another question, who do you think is the best Sea Lord? Hawk-eye is awesome as well!

    Well in that case my favorites are Brook and Franky. You'll meet them much later. And as for the sea lords, I have to say Hawk-eye is the best.

    • Like 1
  4. Haldo! Those blasted thumbtacks!


    They'll sneak up on you!

    Welcome to Canterlot! :D

    Thank you!

    I know! The last Doctor Who episode mad me feel a little sad :sad: and I rarely ever feel like that.

    Amy and Rory were the best companions.

    I only became a fan of One Piece a few (or just 2) weeks ago. I watch it online, but I have a certain amount of time on the laptop (since theres only one in the house) so I'm on episode 74.

    Which character do you think is best? I think Zoro is best :20:

    Hmm... well the two I like the best are kind of spoilers for were you are right now. So I won't spoil their names for you. But Zoro is probably in my top three.

    Welcome to canterlot, hope you like it here :)

    So far I do.

  5. its self contained unless the OP says other wise

    There is not really a set timeline here. All threads are independently occurring. There ARE sometimes joining threads, such as those that occur along a journey that require the characters to move through different forums. This fashion show stretch through a few different topics.

    But normally, yes, every thread occurs independently of the others. Many threads in the World of Equestria RP are very slice-of-life, like the show, and often are simply just talking and getting to know another pony. The Free Roleplay area is welcome to do that style of RP also, though the rules are a lot more lenient, and the original poster of the topic tends to determine what that particular RP will entail.

    When YOU make a thread, you're welcome to set the basic rules down in the first post, or in an OOC topic. This can include the type of character's allowed to join, post length, what the RP will be about, etc.

    Alrighty then. Thank you. That clears it up nicely. I've got a application in for the world of Equestria, waiting to see how it goes. Thank you for the speedy answers.

  6. Alright, so I'm pretty new here still and am looking to get in on some of the FFA rp going on. I've got a question or two. Is there any kind of overarching canon going on at large? Or is each thread self contained?

    And if it's the latter are their often threads that are simply aimed at a setting meant to give characters a place to relax and just chit chat with each other?

  7. RoleplayType:World of Equestria.





    Eye colour:Green.

    Coat: Varying shades of blue and white.

    Mane/Tail:Mane: n/a Tail, same as coat.

    Physique:Well built, rather large, at least to a pony. Slightly larger then Gilda for reference.

    Residence:Drifter, he moves from area to area as he sees fit, usually not staying in one town for too long.

    Occupation:Odd Jobs and street musician. He takes what work he can get and is always happy to help out when asked.

    CutieMark: n/a

    History: Gregory was born in Rockwington, and it was where he spent the majority of his youth. He stood out from other young griffons as he was a bit more timid and not as aggressive. It lead to him getting ridiculed by some other young males who thought he was stupid for not being more aggressive. Rather then pursuing work in one of the local smiths like other males his age, he picked up the flute, which in of itself was a bit of a feat given his lack of lips. It took a bit of modification by one of the local smiths to get a flute to fit his beak. Once he hit adolescence he knew he wanted to go to Equestria. His mother supported him while his father did not agree with his choices. He didn't act to impede Gregory, but he did not and still does not approve of his choice to leave his homeland. Once he hit adulthood Gregory left for Equestria with nothing but a pack filled with his flute, some food and a map of the ponylands.

    CharacterSummary:Gregory is timid around other Griffons, but finds himself more at ease around ponies. He has an innate fear of his own kind due to early childhood bullying. He is usually a kind and outgoing individual, almost always willing to help as best he can. He enjoys sleeping under the stars more then staying inside. He finds himself often drawn to bodies of water as he does miss living near the river back home. He has yet to decide on a goal in life, just knowing now that he wants to explore Equestria and make as many friends as he can.

    He's not one to pick a fight, but he also won't run from one when it's to protect those who need it. For all his timidness he is an apex predator and he knows this. For that reason he doesn't fear much but other griffons or other large, powerful creatures. Even then if someone he cares about he is ready to stand and do what needs to be done to help. Gregory does not regret anything in his life, he instead chooses to learn from his mistakes and move on rather than letting them bog him down.

    He would like to start a family at some point, but he's in no rush to do so. He figures love will find him when it finds him and that will be time to settle down. But until such a time he plans to continuing his travels. He's still fairly young and as such has much left to see and learn about the world around him that he calls home. He tends to hide his hunting habits when he's around ponies for fear they might be shocked or scared of him for it. Gregory enjoys pony food sometimes, but for the most part he prefers meat.

    ​ He tends to undermine himself on a regular basis, always doubting his abilities, even when it's clear he is just like other griffons when it comes to strength, he acts weak. His self doubt can get to him sometimes unless he has someone around to keep him from eating away at himself for too long. He also fears ponies might fear him and as such usually slouches and uses poor posture to hide his size. He hates being feared and just wants ponies to like him and accept him.


  8. Doctor Who, but at the mo the next episode isn't till christmas.

    Supernatural, but I usually watch it when its on.

    I love One Piece as well, at the mo I'm watching it on a website so I can watch ALL episodes :D

    I aslo like to watch Miranda, sometime Pointless.

    Oooo, Doctor Who too. It had slipped my mind because of the long break. and probably because my heart wanted some time to mend after that last episode....

    And One Piece too if I could ever find the time to catch up, I'm like 100 episodes behind or something.

    Welcome! Did you draw your avatar? It's hilarious!

    I did not actually, I'm not on that level yet. A good friend of mine did actually. He's done a few pieces for that Oc.

  9. I've heard of Arrow during a break while watching a show, and I've definitely heard of The Walking Dead.

    Arrow's been pretty good so far, though I need to catch up on it. And Walking Dead is amazing. How about you? What kind's of shows do you watch?

  10. My nickname is Cat (even though no-one calls me that irl), so you can call me Cat :)

    Welcome to Canterlot, what do ya like to watch? besides mlp

    Well... recently I haven't been watching much TV. But Adventure Time, Young Justice, Arrow and The Walking Dead top the list I'd say.

    Welcome to Canterlot, It's nice!

    It seems like it so far! Thank you.

  11. About Myself: About me? Well I'm a pony fan, duh, and a lover of roleplaying. I'm new to the site but not to rp. I'm pretty open about rp and fancy myself at least half way decent at ti.

    How I found Canterlot.com: A friend linked me here.

    How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: Saw a few videos of it on Youtube, decided to watch it on Tv, fell in love. Been a fan ever since.

    My favourite main cast pony/s: Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie
    Well, hello there everyone. I'm new to this site, obviously since I'm posting an introduction. I'm hoping to branch out from my usual rp site. I'd love to make some new friends and get to know more people who are interested in rping.

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