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Everything posted by Kanarina

  1. Kanarina

    MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    Art for the real cast of MLP:FiM
  2. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    If MLP:FIM was under the ocean...
  3. I love her hair, so cute! And that shade of dark red is gorgeous
  4. Not really horn (it's a halo) and not really wings, but kinda (the shoulders that are in the priest tier 3 gear gives a glowing wing effect) So...technically she would still be an earth pony, lets just say it was a magical effect, like Rarity's wings in the sonic rainboom episode
  5. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    I saw a picture of a foal trying to itch it's nose the other day and totally thought of Derpy when I saw it...so I've ponyfied my vision I had my own derp moment and forgot her wings! *fixed that*
  6. From the album: WoW Ponies

    This is made after a guildmate - Cheyenna http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/alleria/Cheyenna/advanced
  7. Kanarina

    WoW Ponies

    I'm working on creating a pony version of every race/class combination in WoW. Yes...I have a handful!
  8. it is, pumpkin cake is a girl and pound cake is a boy.
  9. On my facebook, when I uploaded this...I tagged me as pumpkin and my brother as pound cake...It definitely fit us when we were in that stage of our lives
  10. Kanarina

    Worgen Mage

    This took a lot of playing around until I was happy with how it showed as a "wolf" in "pony" form
  11. From the album: WoW Ponies

    Worgen mage in Tier 6
  12. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    Pumpkin and Pound Cake got caught in the kitchen having a flour fight and are now grounded for the evening. Looks like Pumpkin Cake is about to get the last laugh!
  13. Kanarina

    League of Legend Ponies

    Champions that have been created into Ponies!
  14. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    I couldn't resist...Big Mac in a Smarty Pants costume
  15. LoL after I had the lineart done and I started the coloring process, I looked over at my husband and said, "How would a pony wear a turtleneck and still have their mane out?". All I got out of the question was a wierd look and a shrug. So I understand about the neck thing, It was kind of bothering me too, but everything I did to "fix" it made it worse, so I just left it as best I could make it look.
  16. Kanarina

    OC and Reference Sheets

    Place for my random characters and reference sheets for role playing ponies.
  17. From the album: OC and Reference Sheets

    An Arabian inspired pony in full Arabian Traditional Garb. This might be my favorite pony made so far!
  18. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    Rarity as Opal, Pinky Pie as Gummy, and Fluttershy as Angel. All dressed up for an upcomming halloween costume party! Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle (and Spike) will be joining them soon.
  19. If they would just put Speedy in the FiM series...I was thinking about Applejack as Winona and Twilight as Owlowiscious, but I think they would be a little more obscure and unknown. The others are in the thinktank atm, and I had something planned for Twilight and Spike, so I didn't want to do a Spike version of Twilight.
  20. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    I decided to take the ponies with pets and put them in costumes of those pets.
  21. From the album: MLP:FiM Cast Fanart

    I decided to take the ponies with pets and put them in costumes of those pets.
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