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Posts posted by Haiku

  1. Some of these I'll never use, but I watch Ashi on FA, and she's got me hooked, so consider this a purge of all my pony related doodles that I don't want to clutter my FA account with. :D


    My character Whisper


    Lucky Tide






    Started off as a normal donkey, then I started wondering what a pony/donkey mule would look like :)


    Calypso Breeze. Because I have pirate ponies on the brain. I imagine he's from the island, laidback to the max. I wouldn't be opposed to someone taking and using the character so long as credit was given and it was not used off site!


    Sweet Slumber, I started out using her cutiemark for Lullaby ages ago, but the fireflies made me happy where the sheep could not! In my mind, this character is TOTALLY the opposite of her name might suggest. Hyper, loud, and full of ceaseless energy! I wouldn't be opposed to someone taking and using the character so long as credit was given and it was not used off site!


    Windsong, old OC, unsure if she'll make it to this forum as an RP character. Lion/Eagle gryphs bore me, I've done so many variants over the years it isn't even funny, but this random mostly monochrome scheme has always been my fave :)


    Medley (yes, I realize there's a Medley from the 80's, and there actually was a Medley featured on FiM already, but I've had her kicking around for awhile) and baby ADD. No, her name won't really be baby ADD. More like ADHD really....but that still won't be her name. Its just that she's all oooooo shiny things, I like shiny things, and its also 3am, and I've been drinking a lot of caffeine, and watching a lot of cartoons and its raining like whoa which makes me happy. But yeah. I need sleep. *keels over*


    Lotus Blossom, yoga unicorn pony. I have a few doodles done up of her in contortionaist poses as well, but I wanted to get a base done up first :)


    Albino pony idea. She's got a nasty attitude, or at least I imagined so the entire time I drew her. Needless to say, I haven't slept yet.

  2. Name:Lucky Tide (goes by Lucky)

    Gender: Male

    Age: Stallion

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Rusty orange

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: White, both short

    Eye Color: Green

    Cutie Mark: a shamrock ribbon, hard to explainwhat it looks like, but I should have his picture up later tonight and that will help...

    Physique: Rather stocky, as he's a work horse (literally!), his fetlocks are feathered

    Residence: Originally from Horseshoe Heights (a coastal town along the cliffs at the foot of [some mountain range by the sea] **Made up, but I'd like to integrate with the map at some point when things are fleshed out a bit more!**), Lucky travels from town to town bringing items from HH to the rest of Equestria, and is at home wherever he goes. HH is known for jewelry made of iridescent shells, mats of colorful sea grasses, and fabric dyed with clay from the mountain's foothills (vibrant reds and oranges and a dusky teal color that can only be found in the clay from one particular area on his family's land) :)

    Occupation: Traveling saleshorse of sorts. See above. (Also, anyone that would like to pick up RP as if they already have met Lucky, feel free, as his background is supposed to be that he's been doing this for some time, just shoot me a message if there's anything specific I need to know when jumping into rp with you!) :)

    Motivation: Its as much to bring bits of the world back to his small hometown as it is to bring his small hometown to the rest of the world.

    Likes: Salty sea breezes, chilly mornings, strong coffee, walking the pony paths throughout Equestria.

    Dislikes: Broken cart wheels, walking on ice, bubblegum

    Character Summary:

    Lucky is an very amiable pony, and always has time for a good conversation. With his years of traveling the pony path, he has gotten to know many ponies, and enjoys their stories like most foals would fairy tales. He can be stern with the younger generations when need be, but mostly he just likes comfortable conversation and advice.


  3. Name: Whisper

    Gender: Female

    Age: Filly

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Pale Grey/white

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Off-white with a single pink streak, mane worn in a braid, and tail has a section of it braided as well

    Eye Color: Pink

    Cutie Mark: bubbles, though they look more like dapples, and she is teased quite a bit about it being a "fake" cutie mark, called blank flank and such.

    Physique: A bit small now, but once shes grown her oddly gangly appearance will even out.

    Residence: Lives on the very edge of Ponyville and White Tail Wood (nearer to Sweet Apple Acres than Canterlot) with her mother Hush-A-Bye, and twin (older) brothers Morning Frost and Silver Snow.

    Occupation: Whisper is just beginning to learn how to use her magic. So far she's just clumsy, but has promise when it comes to various water magic. She is sometimes given the task of window washer for the town shoppes.

    Motivation: Whisper will need to learn to speak up, but ultimately she will bring a sense of understanding to those around her. (Especially when it comes to having compassion for others)

    Likes: Thunderstorms, coffee, cinnamon anything, the color orange

    Dislikes: Things that are too sweet, bullies, messes.

    Character Summary:

    Whisper is just coming into her own. A young unicorn with plenty of promise, if only she can find her voice. Navigating Ponyville can be tough, especially when you're an awkward young filly no one pays much mind to, and being tormented by siblings and peers can really get a filly down. Whisper will need to learn to stand up for herself before her sour mood becomes her reputation for good.


  4. Name: Lullaby

    Gender: Female

    Age: Young Adult

    Species: Pegasus (Flutterpony in all reality, but unsure as to if they're going to be incorporated into FiM, so broad spectrum "pegasus" works.)

    Pelt Color: A dusky sort of blue/purple (think twilight)

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Pale golden, a few streaks of near white. Both are long, her tail is loose curls, her hair is usually tied off into a loose ponytail.

    Eye Color: Golden yellow

    Cutie Mark: An open mason jar and three fireflies

    Physique: A bit on the thin side, but long legged, giving her an air of delicacy without seeming fragile

    Residence: Originally from Cloudsdale, she spent a short time in Canterlot before finding her way to Ponyville, and now lives not far past Sweet Apple Acres (nearer to the Ever Free Forest). Her home is essentially a treehouse, built into a sleepy old willow tree.

    Occupation: Lullaby's job changes with the seasons. In summer she organizes the crickets to sing in the evening and fireflies to dance, as the colder months come along, she helps some of the other tiny creatures prepare for hibernation, and leads flocks south for winter. She's best known for lulling the smaller creatures to sleep with her namesake, but is very self conscious about other ponies hearing her sing.

    Motivation: To help others enjoy the peace and relaxation that night brings as much as she does.

    Dislikes: Bullfrogs ruining her night songs with their off-key croaking, jumpropes (was never any good), blueberry flavor, the smell of lavender.

    Character Summary:

    Lullaby was raised by her grandfather (Moonshine [why, yes, I do envision and old redneck pony]) in Cloudsdale, and when he passed, was taken in by another little-known relative in Canterlot to study weather patterns. This job bored her to tears, and she relished what little time she got alone as the sun started to set. She decided not long ago to relocate to Ponyville, giving up her student status to try something she loved instead of something she was good at (though she is rather good at wrangling stray rainclouds).

    In swapping all my old OCs to FiM style, I didn't take into account that there haven't been flutterponies so far in the series! For now you'll have to pardon her wings :)


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