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Posts posted by Dubstep

  1. Dark's attention wasn't taken from Cat either, while he wasn't used to the emotions he was feeling, he did know that they were very distracting. Which wasn't so bad really. But the only problem Dark found was...what was he supposed to do, now that he and Cat were dating? Was there some set of rules he was supposed to follow? A code? Did he have to say certain things a certain way at certain times? Deciding it was too confusing to think about right now, Dark pushed that to the back of mind, deciding to focus on the now. Glancing over slightly, Dark too spotted Rose absconding from the scene; he was thankful for that. "Friends? I never had use for them. Friends are friends to your face and nothing but trouble behind your back. The one 'friend' I had turned out to...Well that's not important right now. You on the other hoof, you're the exception that proves the rule. But then again, you're not a friend, you're something else." he said with a smile. The dark dyed colt sure was an odd one, but he did seem to mean what he said.

    Dark's composure wasn't held very long as Cat brushed her wing against his side, "HRK! Pffthaha, hehe-hey q-quit that! No fair! Foul play!" he said flailing lightly, tickling, his one...or well...in his mind his one weakness; but of course the colt had many weaknesses, though he would never admit it, even if faced with said weakness! Attempting to 'escape', Dark tried to curl up under his cape as a form of defense, "Ahahah! Can't get me now can you?" he said jokingly.

  2. Roleplay Type: Mane

    Name: Cydonia

    Sex: Female

    Age: 'Mare' (32)

    Species: Hippogriff

    Eye Color:French Rose (F64A8A) Left eye damaged and permanently dialated so appears off colour.

    Coat Color: Pale Aqua (BCD4E6)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Long rather scruffy mane, kept in a ponytail Caribbean Green (00CC99) colour. Tail same colour as Coat, more pony esque but griffon length. Wings have one white feather each. Deep claw mark scar (3 lines) across left eye.

    Physique: Fit and muscular.

    Cutie Mark: A Maul and a few nails

    Origin/Residence:Bareback Gulch/Canterlot

    Occupation: Woodworker/Carpenter. Former Sellsword

    Motivation: To relax finally, and enjoy her hobby.

    Likes: Lemon tea, rainy nights, misty mornings, The Princesses.

    Dislikes: Fighting, deserts, splinters, warping.

    Character Summary: Many years ago, in the hot desert town of Bareback Gulch, Cydonia was born. Prior to her birth, Cydonia's mother, a griffon by the name of Alaston Whitequill resided further north, in the industrial hot spot called Beakbreak City. A dark and smoke covered city, filled with traders and airships, but the even darker side of the city held worse, smugglers, thiefs and swindlers. This was her mothers home though. One night, after walking home from her job at the ship-breaking yard, Alaston was attacked out of nowhere by a group of muggers, after whatever money she may have had on her. Thankfully for Alaston, a stallion nearby overheard the ruckus, and rushed to her aid. After the ordeal was over the stallion checked on her, introducing himself and making sure she was well. The pony's name was Gold Rush, the owner of a small bar, just around the corner. Helping the griffonness to her feet, Gold took her to his bar, which doubled as his abode. After this act of kindness, the two became fast friends, and inevitably much more. Before long, the two were happily wed, and not long after, they were with foal!

    As much as Alaston rejoiced at this news, she couldn't help but to recall the attack, and others like it that happened to the citizens of that area of the city, and worry. And so, the lovers left behind their city, where they had met and fell in love, for the safety of Bareback Gulch, a small quiet mining town, where they could raise their coming child in peace.

    Growing up in a small mining town, Cydonia had very few friends, partly because of the small amount of children in the town, but also partly because of her halfbreeding. Ponies often dislike things away from the norm, and that's just what little Cyd was. Despite this, she took it all in stride with her head held high. Her mother always taught her to treat other as she wished to be treated, and she did just that. Kind words in the face of hate and help in the face of hindrance. As she went through school, she, like many children, tried all she could to find her special talent, everything from dancing to singing and drink mixing to sewing. Nothing seemed to work for her and she had nearly given up. Until one particularly hot summer day, Cydonia met one of the towns eldest members. A stallion who had been around since well near the founding of the mines. The old pony sat on his porch, whittling away and carving the pieces of a small bird house. Surprised at how a older pony, whose hooves were so shaky, could carve such delicate designs into wood, Cydonia sat down under the shade of the porch and watched. For hours she watched the stallion chip away and carve ivy like designs into it, before finally nailing it together.

    With a smile the old stallion greeted Cyd, apologizing for being so enthralled in his work that he forgot to say hello. Shaking her head excitedly, she dismissed this, telling the elder just how fascinating she found the process and much to the pony's surprise, asked if he could teach her how to do it. So before long, every afternoon, after school, Cydonia would arrive at the old stallion's home and practice. And practice. And practice. Having returned home after one of her lessons, her mother gasped in surprise and happiness; for in Cydonia's own work enthralled state, the young Hippogriff had failed to notice her new cutie mark, a maul and some ten bit nails, symbolizing her talent in carpentry.

    Using her new found talent, Cydonia spent her evenings and mornings making toys and gewgaws for her classmates and teachers, giving them out as signs of friendship and goodwill, even to the ones who shunned and disliked her.

    Though as she grew into adulthood, Cydonia soon learned that kindness and helpfullness and trinkets of wood wouldn't pay for things alone, and that the world turned to the sound of money. Having no interest in the mining business of the town, and lacking the skill of a bartender to help her father in his bar, the Hippogriff looked into alternate ways of income, before finally settling on a particular job of interest. Becoming a sellsword. Cydonia had became skilled in combat, having very little else to do and no interest in the girly things. A few years of this went by and Cydonia had grown used to the day in day out fighting, feeling like little more than a machine. That is until one fateful day, an expedition to the Everfree Forest with a shady group of characters. This of course, was not out of the norm. But the reason for the expedition was. The group consisted of nothing more than cutthroats and shysters, who in the night stole away with Cydonia's equipment, leaving her to fend alone in the Everfree.

    After a couple days of wandering, Cydonia had nearly found her way out. The only thing that stood between her and a safe trip home was the one who had hired her for the job in the first place. It had seemed the large griffon had returned to make sure that there wouldn't BE an escape, after having learned of how resourceful she could be. Before long a fight ensued, Cyd tried her best to fight back, and held her own for the most part, until her attacker her slashed her across her left eye, temporarily blinding her and kicked her to the ground before drawing her own stolen sword on her. Scared for her life and in pain, Cyd got her footing once more, vowing that if she made it out of this alive, she was done with the life of a blade. Thinking quickly, Cyd glanced around, taking note of a large branch with a crack just above her enemy. Swiftly she flew up, kicking the branch, causing the heavy limb to land with a thud on the griffon. Without so much as a look back, Cydonia made her escape.

    Not long later, Cydonia kept true to her promise. Her wound having healed, she bid her family goodbye, and moved on to a better city, Canterlot; where she used what money she had to set up shop. A small wood crafting and carpentry store by the name of Burin Woodworks, in honour of her old mentor. And to this day, Cydonia has kept true to her vow, having pushed past the old rebellious ways she learned to make money, and back to the cheerful wood crafter she was always meant to be.

    Overall, Cydonia's personality is kindhearted, sweet, and patient. Never one to hold a grudge against someone, she'll always help those in need, should they need food or shelter for the night, or a repair to their roof. Although behind the kindness, the young Hippogriff has a different side, a lonesome and hurt side, because no matter how much you forgive the taunting, it still hurts in the end. Her self worth has taken massive blows over the years, causing her bouts with sorrow and self pity. Arguments and fights tend to bring out another side in her, one of quiet fury, for as much as she wants to forget her old ways, now and again she feels the urge to step in and fight, where she has none, often becoming quite defensive if the subject involves her in the least. Her work on the other hoof, quells this, the small detailed designs give her a calm output for her nervous or angry energy. When the rains come, there's nothing Cydonia loves more than sitting out on her porch with a nice warm cup of lemon tea, just like her mother used to make. Despite loathing the heat of the desert, Cydonia does often miss her family, and plans to at least visit now and again, when she has the time.

    Additional Status:

    Poison Joke Reaction: Becomes jittery and impatient, causing her to be unable to work on delicate or intricate pieces.

  3. Dark looked down at the carrots he had pulled from the ground. Yup, they were carrots alright. But apparently not the 'right' carrots. So with a nod, Dark returned them back to their holes. So much for the task being simple, but still at least it was rather easy, "Alright, that sounds fine." levitating the bucket, Dark carefully followed along with the farmer pony as he tossed in carrots that, to Dark, looked basically the same as the ones he had just had to put back.

    This was simple enough, albeit a bit boring, walk slowly behind Carrot and catch the stuff in the bucket. At the very least, the small talk made it more bearable, "Yeah. World domAH!" Dark was about to respond when he saw the orange vegetable projectiles plummet towards his face. Thinking fast, the villainous colt caught them, not in the bucket, but in a bubble of clear white magic, "Phew...that was close..." he said as he rubbed his brow, smearing a bit more of his already smudged dye before tossing the carrots into the bucket, "Ahem, as I was saying, right now I guess you could say I'm studying World History. Taking bits and pieces at a time you see, focusing on one subject at a time can make it a lot easier, so you can be ready for bigger things. Like how a conqueror could start in a small town, and then build up, before taking over everything."he explained, glad he was interrupted before saying something that would have gotten QUITE the odd look.

  4. Dark cleared his throat with a small cough, though no cough right now could clear his racing mind, he thought it'd calm by now. After all, he got the hardest part out of the way, with no consequences! With a bit of a chuckle the villain shrugged, "I heh...I don't really know. I mean, I shouldn't be scared of anything. I know of no villain who fears anything!" he replied. As Cat stared deeply into his eyes, he couldn't help but stare back, even as a crimson blush spread across his face. Grey. Most ponies would think it wasn't a very interesting colour, rather dull. But Dark on the other hoof found them deeply endearing, soothing pools of mercury tinted beauty. He could look at them all day he thought, if it wouldn't interfere with his eloquently elaborate epitome of evil escapades.

    As his new found fillyfriend leaned herself on him, Dark squeaked lightly, and smiled, leaning back against her, "Maybe that's why...If it were anypony else, there would have no fear, because there'd be nothing to say. No words to find. No heartbeat running away. No butterflies in my stomach...No fun." he said, nuzzling the filly with a happy chuckle, "I...well of course it does! I mean...should anything change? I mean, we can hang out more if you want right. That's something! Maybe we can work on evil plans together."

  5. Dark nodded, he really dodged a bull this time, quietly he thanked Nightmare Moon, wherever she may be after her defeat, for that. Jumping slightly as Carrot wrapped a foreleg around him and pulled him close, all buddy buddy like, "Eep! Erhm..." he said, clearing his throat after the squeak that escaped him, "AHEM, right, eheh." rubbing his shoulder after the punch Dark made a mental note to never get into a game of 'Mercy' with the farming stallion, lest he end up with broken bones or something along those lines. Even that 'soft' of a punch left Dark's shoulder stinging, the colt hadn't even noticed that a portion of the dye from around his neck was smeared by the earlier grab.

    "AH, uhm, yeah, of course, s'nothing to it right?" he said, putting on a confident smile as he popped his head into the workshop, glancing around for a moment before spotting a second bucket and levitating it to his side as he followed along behind Carrot. The fields were the carrots rested were expertly tilled and everything. Dark though couldn't tell the difference between a ripe carrot and one still growing, so he sat his own bucket down next to the farmer's and begin to pull some out and tossing them in, "Oh, I'm a vi....Well I guess you could say, uhm, a student? Of sorts." phew, that was close, he almost let that slip, "So I....take it that the farm's a nice source of income?" he said, making an attempt at small talk.

  6. Dark gulped and shook his head in fear, "N-no I didn't mean that, I'm sure she's nice! I mean, I just met her! I don't mind being her f...friend." he said before muttering under his breath, "Ugh that word..." it was probably the hardest word for the villain to say, next to 'Thank You', 'Love', 'Nice', 'Sorry', and any other goody two hooves words that a villain of his position should never even have to mutter! Let alone say, and MEAN!

    Jumping lightly as Carrot patted him on the shoulder, Dark let out a sigh of relief, "Oh thank Discord..."

    'That was a close one.' he thought to himself, 'But of course, another death defying event is nothing to me, oh Dark, how did you get SO good at being SOOOO bad?' the colt silently pondered for a moment, "Oh, right, right, dinner sounds right tasty right about now." he replied with a grin, at least he was able to shake off that fear of being mauled and turned into mulch for now. Just so long as nothing goes wrong, Dark was in the clear, smooth sailing and clear skies from here on out.

  7. Dark grumbled, doing his best to ignore the chiding and, in his opinion, stupid, remarks spouting from both Malediction and Rose, 'What do THEY know about being evil? Not a THING!' Dark thought to himself, 'Oh but they'll get theirs, yesssss, they'll get theirs all in due time! But for now I...' the thoughts in his head where cut short as his friend, or, now he guessed, fillyfriend, walked over and gently nuzzled him, melting away most of his angry thoughts, at least enough to where he could smile a little more.

    "Well uhm..." he stammered in response as Cat walked over to her tree, with a gulp and a sigh, Dark followed her over, chuckling lightly at her silliness. A genuine laugh, not just a maniacal laugh in an attempt to induce fear, or a forced chuckle, but it seemed like he was actually, well, happy! With a smile, the colt plopped down next to Cat Napper and nodded, "Y-yeah, I suppose we do huh? Well....The reason I know you come here is, well, I've been watching for a while, just ahh....Never got up the courage to say anything." he replied, blushing brightly, doing his best to hide it.

  8. Dark Core did his very best not to cower, though his very best was little more than only shaking in fear, rather than dropping to his knees and begging for his life or running away as fast as he could. The latter did seem like a good idea really, though Carrot here looked like he'd be able to close a gap between himself and a colt in no time flat. So rather than tear out of the barn like a bat out of the Everfree, he stood there, shaking like a leaf on a tree as the rather perturbed looking stallion neared.

    'Oh no...' he thought as Carrot fell silent, 'Either he's so angry his mind broke and he can't speak, or he's plotting where to hide my body....I hope it's the former...' nearly jumping out of his pelt, Dark gulped as Carrot got eye to eye with him, causing him to shake even more. After a bit of stammering though, Dark was able to speak, "I-I was just standing there, minding my own business!" Dark began to explain, "She said she was wanting to experiment, that you were always going for the 'scientific method' and that she'd be nice to me and told me to be evil to her and see who wins, then she did THAT! I-I mean d-don't get me wrong, uhm, sir. It was ni...I mean she's nice. But there's this filly that I met at the Gala when I snuck in, but....I do want to be f...f...friends with Purple, though....pleasedon'tkillme..." he said, struggling to get the word friend out. Wait, did he just say that last bit outloud? It seems his mental to verbal filter decided to take a vaction.

  9. 'This is it' Glitzen thought, 'This is the first step towards the dream! Oh this is so divine! Who could be there I wonder? Oh I hope some big names are there, it's always good to make a grand first impression before the show!~' the fashionista silently pondered to himself as the carriage went along. It was a bit of a trip from the Hotel to the Luau. But that didn't bother him, not at all.

    What had bothered him was the chance that Bramble might back out, his, or rather HER, reaction earlier was, well, less than lack luster, to say the least. A part of Glitzen had wanted to break down begging, pleading with the stallion to do this for him. But he had to hold himself together, grace, tact, dignity. If he let this get to him so easily, he would NEVER be able to hold it together at the show, so calmly, but with a fearful waiver in his voice, GG stated just how much this meant to him and his business. Which, thankfully worked. Glitzen mentally gave himself a pat on the back, and thanked Bramble profusely as he grabbed hold of the Joke beyond the guard line.

    After all of that though, here they were, in the carriage on their way to what would SURELY be a fabulous Luau! Bramble, no, Silk Scarf, dressed in a fabulous outfit that Glitzen pieced together, a grand dress indeed, but it paled in comparison to what he had in store for the show! That would knock their horseshoes off! Glitz himself was dressed in a gorgeous mint green tunic style dress with fine vine shaped dark green accents and a snug wine coloured sash adorning his waist. Simple, yet elegant, as was his accessories, an olive branch wreath sat upon his lovely mane, as gold hoop earrings dangled from his ears, shining in the light.

    "There there darling, you'll be just fine." he reassured his friend, or at least tried to, as they pulled up to the location of the party. Slowly the door swung open, and Glitzen could hear it, the murmur of the crowds, the snaps of cameras, he could see it, the flash of lights and the red of the carpet, he could even smell it, the wafting scents of the meal being prepared along with the magnificent smell of the flowers placed around.

    With a smile, Glitzen shortly followed his friend out from the carriage, into the snapping maelstrom of the paparazzi. While Glitzen loved it, taking time to smile and pose for the camera, trying his best not to ham it up, but still make sure they got his good side, which, he had no bad side clearly, he knew that Bramble, while still in the guise of Silk, wasn't too fond of it, so confidently he made his way towards the party, with his model following suit, "Oh yes dear, this is going to be spectacular, do remember to mingle and enjoy yourself darling, is a party, after all." he said with a slight giggle, glancing around to see if he could spot any of the big players in the fashion industry.

  10. Gideon glanced over as a large puffball of a Diamond Dog strolled up to his cart. He hadn't seen this one before, and most Diamond Dogs around these parts had thinner, more practical coats, ones that wouldn't possibly cause them heat stroke on the harsh summer days in the desert, but thick enough to keep them warm in the cold cold nights. This one though was quite different, looking more suited to the icy lands up north, near Stalliongrad and the like, the fuzzy glanced over Giddy's wears. Ahh the sound of clinking coins, this might be Gray's day after all. Sitting in his chair Gideon watched as other mooks decided to just pass by, not even taking a second glance at his cart.

    This was, however, lucky for Gideon, as what Powder did next made his eye twitch, good heavens above he hoped no one else heard that, it seemed like they didn't at least. Glancing around Gideon leaned over to the other Diamond Dog, "Shhhsh kid, I know that but they don't. Can't go around letting the rubes in on the secrets eh?" he said, keeping his voice down, but still holding a firm tone. He wasn't about to let some savant come in and potentially wreck his business, not today, not on such a nice day

  11. Trying his best not to just bolt for his life after leaving, Dark's hungry and fear of being chased were all that kept him following Carrot. Glancing around at the farm, the colt wasn't really all that impressed, 'Yup. That's a farm alright. Dirt. Grass. Stuff. Barn.' he thought to himself as the two entered into the barn. Dark was a little more impressed at this, loads of tools, equipment and, 'Hello...' Dark stopped for a second to get a good look at the pinups. At the very least, it seemed Carrot had good tastes. Dark wasn't so much of a fan of the Wonderbolts, but being who he was, he at least knew when a mare was smoking. Almost forgetting for a moment that he was possibly in mortal danger, Dark made a note to try to find some of these pinups sometime.

    Suddenly snapped out of it by Carrot addressing him, Dark remembered that he could die at any moment. Or so he thought anyway, "Aheh, it's uhm, very nice. Sir." he said, trying not to shake in his cape. 'Calm down Dark, he's not going to hurt you. You're perfectly fine. No one would lay a hoof on a villain of your prowess. Yeah. You're golden.' he thought, of course, Carrot didn't KNOW Dark was a villain, and well, it would probably just be worse if he did. Hiccuping slightly, Dark stammered at Carrot's sudden odd question, "W-what? Wait what are you t-talking about? I, what? I was just. And then she. Was just standing there and she. Gah."

  12. Dark's thoughts were stopped as he jumped in surprise, being snapped out from his own little world upon Carrot addressing him, "Ah, uhm, ye-yes sir. Right away sir. Heh. I'll uh, yeah, do that real fast." he said nervously, 'Just stay calm Dark...' he thought to himself as he took his cape to the other room, 'Nothing bad's going to happen, just a little walk around the farm, a small chat, helping him get some more food, everything's going to be just fine. It's not like YOU did anything wrong, after all, she's the one who did that...Not you. You're in the clear. Right?' folding up his cloak carefully, he sits the silken purple cape onto a table in the other room before returning.

    Having missed any talk of him, Dark nervously coughed, "Ahem, there we a-are. Should be ah, good to go." he said walking over to Carrot. Trying his best to not look intimidated. After all, villains can't show fear in situations like this, it's highly unvillain like after all. Stiff upper lip was it? Wait, no don't want to look smug, that could be very bad, just, play it cool. Hopefully Dark would be able to not only keep his cool, but his temper too. For his sake more than anyone else's. Cause no one really would want to see a colt bloodied and bruised from flipping out.

  13. The sun was shining bright in the Appleloosian sky this morning, a crisp breeze rolling through the air made the normally hot desert town a much cooler place, which was JUST fine by a certain blue tinted Diamond Dog. It was that time of the week again, time for Gideon to pull his cart into Appleloosa and see what kind of suckers...Or customers rather, he could wrangle in today. Now Gideon wasn't like most Diamond Dogs, or at least not like what most Ponies ASSUMED them to be. Gideon wouldn't come to town to steal away ponies or anything so drastic. No, Gideon was a business dog of sorts, or as some would call him, a shyster. Good old Gideon would bring in gems. All sorts of gems, though, these weren't as precious as one would think. But good luck getting Gideon to tell you that.

    With a sigh, Gideon pulled his cart, an old refurbished 'carpetbagger' style thing as it were, into the market area and parked it, the bipedal canine had a sly grin on his face as he set up, 'Oh Gideon you devil you, you're just too good for you own good sometimes you know that?' he thought to himself as he polished up some gems, sitting them on display, 'Buy em low sell em high, money makes the world go round after all, and I plan on keeping my world spinnin.' flipping his sign to open, the Diamond Dog stepped behind the counter inside and barked, in the salesman sense, "Step right up everyone! No need to be shy, I don't bite! Got some gems once more to sell at a wonderful discount to you charming ponies! Diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires! You'll find em all here! If I don't have em you don't need em! Need a special gift for that equally special someone? Get them a nice ring or necklace! Perfect for any occasion!" Gideon was good at the talk if anything, a gift that got him to where he was today, "Your someone not into gems? Not a problem, I've gold and silver too! And if you're in luck, I may have some Platinum left! Someone you know a touch on the superstitious side? All sorts of 'lucky' crystal and charms! Don't miss you chance!" now all Giddy had to do was wait for a good ol' sucker to take the bait.

  14. Roleplay Type: Mane

    Name: Starbuck

    Nicknames: Starby

    Sex: Male

    Age: Indeterminant. Seems to be Young Adult-Adult Range

    Species: Peryton (White Fallow)

    Eye Color: Mocha (493D26)

    Coat Color: Vanilla Cream (FCFBE3)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Vanilla Cream (FCFBE3), No real 'style' really, more just tufting on his head.

    Physique: Average, but slightly taller.

    Origin/Residence: Whitetail Wood/Solstice Heights

    Occupation: Barista/Cafe Owner

    Motivation: To create a wonderful environment for everyone to just relax and enjoy a nice cup of coffee.

    Likes: Espresso, the scent of vanilla, oranges and cream, calm quiet nights.

    Dislikes: Bright lights, rude creatures, bears, fire.

    Character Summary: A long time ago when the earth was gre...Wait wrong story. Quite a long time ago, but not so long for the long lived Perytons, Starbuck was born. A bright eyed bushy tailed fawn, Starbuck was raised as most Perytons were and enjoyed a peaceful calm life in Whitetail Woods. As he grew though, he experienced what few Perytons did, a wanderlust of sorts, the urge, the need to explore beyond the borders of the safe haven of their woodland home. Being young and having a bit of a mischievous streak, Starbuck snuck out from Whitetail one cool evening, just as the sun was being set. Wandering out and about the outskirts of the woods before taking his first tentative steps out, Starbuck felt rather confident, this was easy, he had thought to himself as he walked about, gazing at the wildlife bounding around.

    With a smile on his face, the young Starbuck began roaming further away from the Woods than he had meant to, entierly unaware of what, if any, dangers lurked so far out. Stopping for but a moment to graze on some wild clover, the Peryton soon heard a loud roar, startling him greatly. Turning about, Starbuck came eye to eye with a large black bear, and a very angry looking one at that! With a loud squeal, Starby bolted away, running as fast as his little hooves could take him, all the while the angry beast giving chase. Thinking as fast as he could, Starbuck dove into a small alcove near a hill and crawled as far in as he could fit, the bear swatting in at him in an attempt to get to the scared Peryton. Bleating as loud as his little lungs could, Starbuck only hoped someone would hear his cries.

    After what seemed like hours, the bear stopped swinging. Taking a cautious peek out of the cave, thinking it was safe, the peryton was nearly met with a large swipe from the beast, but ducked back into the cave. Crying softly, Starbuck had nearly resigned himself to his terrible fate when suddenly a large flash was seen from outside the cave, followed by the bear running off back from whence it came. Shaking like a leaf on a tree, little Starbuck peeked out once more, this time met with the friendly face of a small band of ponies, whom had been exploring the area. Their leader of sorts greeted the scared Peryton kindly, explaining that they had heard his cries for help, and rushed to the scene as soon as they could. The kind ponies then offered shelter for Starbuck for the night at their camp. Where they sat and enjoyed their evening, recanting tales of their previous adventures, who they were, how they got their marks and all sorts of grand stories of the outside world, with which Starbuck had became so enamoured.

    After a wonderful night full of stories and tales, Starbuck was stirred from his slumber by a lovely scent. Stumbling to his feet, the young Peryton followed the scent out of the little tent, where the leader of the group was brewing something; something that he called coffee. Taking a small sip of the warm drink, Starbuck smiled, it was so smooth and delicious and invigorating. The lead pony smiled and talked with Starbuck about different kinds of coffees, his cutie mark being related to coffee making, though his true passion was exploration. Soon though, the group and Starbuck had to part ways, but not before they escorted their new friend back to the woods. With a heartfelt goodbye, the leader placed his favourite hat, a raspberry coloured beret, on Starby's head, telling him to be sure to follow his dreams. With a nod, Starbuck waved farewell to his friends and returned to the woods.

    A few years later and a few years wiser, Starbuck once more left the woods, this time, not out of rebellious wanderlust, but to follow his friend words and chase his dream. After having tasted the drink that his friend brewed, and feeling how good it made him feel, the Peryton decided to spread that joy and try his luck at setting up a small shop, a cafe, in the Solstice Heights, north of Canterlot, south of the Starswirl River.

    Starbuck overall is a sweet helpful Peryton, a lot less self reserved than some of his kin, but still shy at times. After the attack, Starbuck has a rather bad fear of bears, shuddering at the mention and cowering at the site of them. Never seen without his treasured beret, Starbuck is most at home serving up a nice latte or cappuccino.

    Additional Status: Wears his beret near everywhere he goes.

    Poison Joke Reaction: TBD

  15. Dark snorted, who was this mare to tell HIM he wasn't good at villainy? She knows nothing about him! Why if he wasn't in such a nice, good, not blow ponies up mood, he'd have to think of just how to slowly torture her for her outright disrespect for a villainous mastermind! "Hrmph. I'm perfectly capable thank you very much, villainy is my life after all, and you've no business butting in your opinion on what should or shouldn't be construed as evil! I know what I'm doing, and by Nightmare Moon's mane, I'll be dead and buried before I let ANYONE, tell me how to be a villain!" he stated defensively to Rose; though being entirely nonthreatening as he looked, it held little to nothing backing it up.

    Sputtering upon being called harmless, Dark stomped feeling rather insulted, "Harmless? BAH! Someday you'll see, you'll all see. You'll rue the day you thought Dark Core was harmless!" he said, ranting once more; why did near everypony decide to try and rile him up today? Couldn't it have been some other time, one where he wasn't already a bundle of nerves that felt like they were on fire? With a sigh Dark took a few deep breaths, finally letting everything sink in. He was able to do it, he was able to tell Cat how he felt, and best of all she felt the same. As far as he was concerned, nothing could ruin today; even the two attitudinal ponies, Mal and Rainbow Dash, weren't really able to bring Dark's mood down. Just make him snippy...Er. Snippier, that is.

    Walking over to Cat, and doing his best to ignore Malediction's presence, Dark kicked a hoof across the ground lightly, "So uhm. Yeah, sorry for, messin up your quiet spot, I know you come out here to relax heh. If I hadn't shown up, maybe it would have at least been a bit more peaceful."

  16. Dark stood there, locked up in a combination of confusion and fear; his heart skipping beats with how fast it was going, thoughts flashing through his head at a thousand miles an hour, 'What just happened, why did she, oh Discord he looks mad, I'm going to die here aren't I, I just wanted a meal, that's all. Is this punishment for trying to steal books? By Nightmare Moon's mane I swear if I survive this day unscathed I'll only steal once every two weeks.' the colt thought to himself as he broke out into a cold sweat, 'Okay Dark, calm thoughts, think about...reading poetry, mom's cooking, throwing water balloons at ponies, world domination, Cat N...Cat Napper....' a small smile broke out onto Dark's face at the thought of the pegasus he had met not long ago at the Gala, it was so strange, thoughts of her soothed him more than anything.

    Gulping and shaking his head to clear his head, the villain stood silent, staring at the ground, too terrified still to say a word. Lightly his stomach rumbled, the smell of the food growing stronger, as did his hunger. He quietly prayed to the evils that be that he'd be able to eat, and then get out of there as fast as he can, before Carrot decided there was a hole out back with Dark's name on it.

  17. Dark snorted, "The name is Dark Core! And you'd do well to remember it. DeMasque was but an alias. Sneaking into the Gala and giving out my real name would be foalish." he said returning the glare, who was SHE to judge him of all ponies. He'd remember this that's for sure, she moved from one list to the other in the shortest amount of time ever, that Dark can recall. So much for being able to keep a dance partner after all of this. Maybe Cat can dance well? If not, Dark was sure he could teach her to be as good as...no! BETTER THAN Mal! That'll show her, he thought.

    Glancing at the chromatic maned pony, Dark rolled his emerald eyes, "Of course I have a problem with the Princess. Both of them really. They're in my way. What self respecting villain trying to take over the world, WOULDN'T have a problem with the current regime? Of course I'd be a fool to try and get rid of them right now. One step at a time after all, the slow and steady process of corrupting the masses against them. It could take month, years, who knows? But it's a start. And a wonderful one at that!" he said with a malicious grin. The 'evil' colt really had NO idea who he was talking to. Not that it mattered nor did he or would he care if he knew, "And if you've a problem with that, well just take a number, you wouldn't be the first, and I'm sure you won't be the last. All will be dealt with eventually."

  18. Brushing his mane to the sides in a more orderly way, Mesmeric nodded, "It c-can be rather distracting, simple tasks can lead to long arguments about, things like, what's the easiest way to do it, or the fastest, then that leads to a who's right who's wrong scenario..." he said rubbing his head; inside the two others were still bickering slightly, but better mentally that verbally, he head enough of a headache as was, "That sounds pleasant yes, we can put the jog on hold for a little while, no real destination in mind after all..." he said with a smile. Coffee sounded delightful, to all three of them, it wasn't very often that they had the chance or the nerve to stop by, well, any place, let alone somewhere to get coffee. The arguments he had with himselves were 'bad for business' he was told.

  19. Dark squirmed in Pinkie's grasp, the pink party professional sure had a heck of a grip on her, "Buh, hrrngh...What?...Mustache...Why would I want a mustache? Not only are they horribly cliche, they look like they would itch something awful...all bristly and bluh..." the villain said shaking his head; though he always DID think about a goatee perhaps...Where those over done? Not that he could recall at least, "And my laugh is just fine, it....hrk...." his rambling however was cut off as Pinkie let out a, what to most would be, terrifying laugh; to Dark on the other hand, it was the most awesome thing he had heard all day, "Wh...that....how...whoa...."

    Awestruck by the laugh, Dark was easily drug along, as he tried to process just HOW someone so...unevil, unmaniacal, and un...un...unsomething else that has to do with evil, could pull of such a chilling and perfect laughter; one that could make Nightmare Moon get goosebumps even. Shaking his head to snap out of it, the colt noticed they had finally entered the building, "Erk! Oh looks like no one's here, such a shame, oh well, let's go!" he said trying to escape, getting nowhere fast.

  20. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything, I know you probably like that one guy and I'm just an annoying pest and I should learn to keep my mouth shut andMMPH!" Dark's eyes flew open in shock as Cat kissed him, 'Did she just, did that just, does that mean that?...' the villain's mind started running at a mile a minute in the short amount of time that the kiss lasted; a bright blush spreading across his face, as well as a happy dopey smile, "Eheheh...W-wow...I uhm...w...y-yeah I suppose they do..." he said with a chuckle; nothing could ruin the moment right now, nothing in the...scratch that, one thing could.

    Ducking down as the flames shot into the air, Dark gulped and stammered lightly, "Heh...uh...h-hi Malediction...Uhm...long time no see eh?" he said slowly standing back up, brushing his mane out from his face. What the temperamental unicorn said next though made Dark twitch in anger, "THING?! How DARE you call her a thing! You...You're just bitter because you're a no account, addle brained, hotheaded, cyclops! Amazing dance skills do NOT make up for you insulting her!" he said snorting; inside he felt bad for having turned Cat's relaxation area into, what's possibly about to become a small battleground, but he wasn't about to let Male talk bad about her; he didn't WANT to lose a good dance partner, but no matter HOW good of a dancer she was, Dark wouldn't let that stand, "And for YOUR information, I've not ONCE planed regicide. Simply usurping someday is all. Nothing wrong with that." brushing off his cape, Dark took an arrogant pose; he wasn't about to let himself lose his swagger in front of the girl he cared for, not a chance.

  21. "W-well I mean, I snuck in, ran up some roofs then up the wall to get in...So...that's kind of evil, right?" Dark said rubbing the back of his head, "Villains do look cool though, and...I mean I've been called a nuisance before...plus other things I probably shouldn't mention...But I'm not a bully or anything...Nightmare Moon was AWESOME! Eternal Night sounds like it would be a blast. Always quiet, soothing, I'd love it." Dark always enjoyed the night more, mostly cause that was when the beasts of the Everfree slept, and aside from the Hydra in the bog snoring, Dark could get some peaceful quiet reading done.

    "An experiment?" Dark said, gulping slightly as Purple neared, "Well, what do you mean exacMMPH!" Dark's question was cut short however as the filly pressed her lips to his; locking up Dark stood there in shock, sweating due to both nervousness and the warmth of the kitchen, which started his pelt dye running. The villain's mind was locked down, no thoughts running at all; the only other time he was kissed was back 4 years ago in Stalliongrad, when a girl was dared to 'Pick a loser and kiss him' by one of their friends; so this assuredly came as quite the shock.

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