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Posts posted by Dubstep

  1. 'Of course it's dreary...' Dark thought to himself, 'It's supposed to be, I mean, villains aren't supposed to be looking all...bright and colourful or something!' with a nod, the colt faked agreement, "Yes, I suppose it is a tad...gloomy." not that the villain minded it, no, far from it, to him the doom and gloom and drear was perfect; to him, it was who he was, added a mysteriousness to him, one that would leave the 'heroes' wondering, just who that vile fiend was.

    "What what what?!" Dark stammered, "No no, I-I don't think that'll work I mean...It's not Poison Joke after all...thank goodness..." he said, flailing a bit as he was drug along, 'Oh bother this isn't good, what do I do what do I do?' Dark thought, there wasn't any sort of escape from this it seemed. It looks like the malevolent colt was at the mercy the preposterously pink poofy pony, 'With any luck it won't get rid of the blue and I'll get to keep myself a secret heheh...I hope.'

  2. "What?! Wait no no it's f...Heh, hey Cat..." Dark say; practically his whole face was bright red through his pitch dyed pelt; his heart beating a mile a minute; so many ponies were around, not to mention one of them he knew. Having met Malediction at the Gala a while back, Dark knew that she would be the type to mercilessly taunt anything that could be construed as weakness, such as signs of affection or, well, anything really...But Dark had come too far now to just let that get to him now. After all, it would be weak to let the opinions of a minion; no matter HOW good of a dancer they were; get in the way of his goals.

    Taking a few deep calming breaths as Cat took a couple moments to gauge the other's situation, Dark reassured himself, 'You can do this Dark, you're an evil overlord. If you can tell this filly you l...ll....don't hate her, you'll never be able to rule the world. It's so simple!', shaking his head to snap himself out of it Dark stammered, "N-no...I MEAN YES! I mean...well...I uhm....Cat, err...well that is to say..." sweating a little, Dark didn't take notice his pelt dye began to run slightly, "Uhm...I was doing a little, th-thinking about...see it's like....I don't hate you...You're...the farthest from hate, by that I mean....I l....o....I lo.....I uhm...." Dark's ear twitched in annoyance, "BLAST IT WHY IS IT SO HARD TO SAY I THINK I LOVE YOU CAT?!....Erk!" slamming his hooves over his mouth, Dark's eyes went wide as he realized what he had just done.

  3. "Well...I guess you're right...but well..." Dark pondered quietly to himself, trying to think of counters to the filly's reasoning, sound as it was, "I mean...well, villains are cool right? They never get the respect they deserve in comics, heroes always stompin over em; maybe their like me, maybe there's a reason they do what they do...I....I don't know..." he said rubbing his head; somewhere inside Dark KNEW she was right but, he had quite a lot of thinking to do. Evil WAS so much fun after all. He couldn't very well just up and all of a sudden give everything up that made him THE single most evil pony in Equestria could he?

    "Hehe, still, I don't wanna wind up on his bad side..." Dark said, sniffing at the air as the food cooked, "Mmmm, smelling amazing Purple; you really know your stuff." it did smell really good; not to mention Dark was exceedingly hungry, having not eaten all day. A good home cooked meal could do the colt some good, "S..something that turned out for the best?...Well there was...no that didn't work....Well that one....no I wound up blue.....W...no made her cry....OH! At the Gala, I snuck in and wound up meeting a couple ponies. Made a dance partner and a f...ahem, pony I don't hate, there. That counts right?"

  4. "W...Well I guess that sort of makes sense...But being a villain makes everything easier...Heroes are too good for their own good usually; always, following rules and doing the 'right and socially acceptable thing'." Dark said, rolling his eyes lightly, "I mean, a little evil can do a lot of good, if done in the right way. That's why I want to take over the world! If I'm always following the rules of society, I'll be stuck where I am, as I've always been...A nopony...And I don't want that anymore. I do these things for the greater good, I know I do..." he said, though he DID sound rather unsure of himself now.

    "I just, am not cut out for being a hero. Evil to the core and all that you see. But you're right I suppose heh, I guess it can't hurt to have, a couple f...fri....ponies I don't hate heh." Dark said with a nod, still finding it hard to accept that he, the greatest villain in all of Equestria, would have, friends. So in his mind, he called them minions, it made it easier. If minions let you down, you can just be upset at them. If friends let you down...it hurts...

    "Hehe, if there's one thing I can do, is defend myself...s'about all I'm good at besides messing around with Joke...Though I've been told I'm good target practice by one pony who threw apples at me. But that's a story for another day I suppose! And don't worry...To be honest your brother kinda scares me, like he wants to skin me alive..." Dark said shivering a bit, just the thought gave him the willies.

  5. "Mmm cookies!" Dark said with a smile; maybe his original plan of wreaking havoc wasn't going so well, and maybe he may have ended up turning blue as a blueberry, but the cookies made it all worth the while, "I must say, I was rather displeased with being tied up, but, those cookies by far make up for that. Thanks very much." Dark tried his best to NOT sound pained by saying thanks, but, as a villain, it was rather difficult to do; what self respecting villain said that? Oh well, at least he had cookies.

    Following Pinkie out back, Dark glanced around, seemed that the crowd had dispersed alongside the weather ponies, "Good the coast is clear..." he said with a sigh of relief, that means little to nopony would be able to see him in his current state of bluedom, "Uhh, well, I'm not sure, I've never turned blue before...Well what are the opposite of blueberries? Maybe that'll work. Because I doubt this would just wash away." he said, mostly because he didn't want to end up losing his dye for when the blue DID wear off, "Any other ideas?"

  6. It didn't take long at all to dislodge all the mess from the ceiling; piece after piece dislodging and falling into the pot that Pinkie Pie held; who knew that making candies and pastries could get THIS messy, or dangerous for that matter! But as Dark was getting ready to comment on those facts, Pinkie was suddenly pulled right into the pot of, well, whatever that stuff was! "WHAT?! How! And she just....into the....with...but...huh?!" the villain stammered; she just got sucked into that pot! That's NOT normal, well, not normal in most places to Dark's knowledge.

    The stammering went on as Dark paced around the pot, surely there must be some sort of explanation, he thought. Though as he leaned down to peer into the pot, with a flash of light, the filly was suddenly back! In surprise, Dark fell backwards onto his flank, "GAH! You're back! Where did...and how did you...what's....weird pony and? You disappear and then act like nothin...bah I just....OH my poor aching head..." he said as he rubbed his temples, this day went from bad, to worse, to OH DEAR DISCORD, to okay, to just plain freaky in the matter of around an hour; just WHO or WHAT was this pony? "N-never mind...The dishes are all in the sink, so now what?"

  7. "Hrmph, yeah yeah..." Dark grumbled to himself, he couldn't believe he fell for that trick again, it just wasn't fair. A bit huffy, Dark carefully began levitating pots, pans, dishes, and everything else that needed to be washed over into the sink; magic always did make life easier, 'Ahh the wonderful part of being a unicorn!', Dark thought to himself as he continued, not even noticing he was singing along with the Coltplay song that just came, "♪Lights go out and I can't be save, tides that I try to swim against have brought me down upon my knees, oh I beg, I beg and plead, singing, come out of things unsaid, shoot an apple off my head. And a trouble that can't be named, a tiger's waiting to be tamed, singing, yoooou are....yooooou are...♫"

    Snapping back to reality as Pinkie rambled on, Dark shook his head, 'Was I just....bluh, hope nopony heard that...' he thought, gathering the last of the dishes and placing them in the sink, "Hmm, if you've got something to catch the gunk in, I could chip away at it with magic perhaps? Or we could poke at it with a broom until it falls down." the villain suggested, glancing up and the hardened mess on the ceiling.

  8. Well, it's not so much that they DID leave him to die, more so that, that's what he thought in his mind; they DID mean to put him in danger though. And I assume that, even though it IS a world of friendship and magic, there's bound to be a little bit of a darker side; but that's also why I didn't go into any large details about what happened during the battle or what his siblings did. And it's not quite so much that they're enslaved really, it's more meant as a punishment. Wasn't really sure how to word it. But if need be, I most certainly can go back, edit a few things and see where it goes from there, if need be =) But otherwise, it's a finished app. Thanks for the feedback Fredward =D

  9. "Bluh thanks!" Dark said as he grabbed the glass of water, chugging it down, not even noticing that some had drizzled from the corners of his mouth, causing some of the dye on his pelt to begin to run; through with the current state of blueification, it's not as though anyone would be able to tell anything more than the blue looked more prominent. As he drank, Pinkie grasped his head, trying his best not to spurt out the water he had in his mouth, Dark just stared back as she did, until she finally let go, "Ahhh, thanks for the water, oogh, so much salt..." he said shaking his body, trying to get the taste out of his mouth.

    "Help you?! Why sho...oh don't do the face...t...that's not fair!...Hrrrngh...." Dark grumbled, trying his best to resist; why was it that EVERY single pony, no matter where he would go, knew how to do the face? With a sigh, the villain slumped slightly in defeat, "Alright, alright, I'll help, just, please, enough with the face..." he said, sitting his empty glass down and taking his cape off, folding it up and placing it out of harms way; if he was going to be helping, he wasn't about to let anything happen to his cape, "Alright, where do we start?"

  10. Dark watched chuckling as Pinkie Pie struggled with the nefarious confection she had just concocted, the chewy menace gumming up her mouth and preventing her from getting a word in edgewise, "Heheh, I know a few ponies who could stand to eat those gummies all the time!" he said laughing, and by a few, he meant most of the ponies who knew, the fools could never keep their mouths shut, always yammering on about how he should be 'good' or that his cape was 'lame' or setting a tail on fire is not a good first impression.

    Watching as the pony attempted her solution, Dark winced. Salt. SO MUCH SALT! More salt that would be needed on near ANYTHING for ANY REASON! "Blergh! That's gotta be horrible..." he said shaking his head as Pinkie spat out the horrid wad of goop, before offering the box as a solution to his problem, "Errm...I don't think that'll work...but I'll give it a try..." he said as he picked up the box, tilting it back and pouring a copious amount of salt into his maw and swallowing it....Immediately he started coughing, "HACK! BLECH! UGH! Horrible! Water, something, anything please!" the villain winced out, feeling like his whole body was dehydrated from that much salt, gagging at the taste in his mouth.

  11. "This so isn't fair....The ONE time I get the chance, the ONE time I work up the courage, the ONE time I muster all the powers of evil to back me up, there has to be a crowd!" Dark said to himself with a sigh as he listened on to the conversations, Malediction, the mare with whom he had danced with at the Gala, was arguing with somepony who was called Rainbow Dash, the name rang a bell, but he couldn't place it, or more, he didn't care to place it. To him she was just another goody two hooves pony who'd probably get in his way on his quest for domination. Malediction however, wasn't SO bad, and the villain doubted she'd care if he tried to take over or not, which was just fine by him.

    Gasping slightly, Dark thought his cover blown as a red pelted mare had walked by, but with a sigh of relief, she said nothing to him, but instead continued on and conversed with Mal, inquiring about the reason for her missing eye, always an interesting conversation starter indeed, albeit a bit, morbid for diner parties though. Quietly Dark mumbled to himself, wondering when and if this crowd would ever disperse long enough for him to even say hello to Cat, let alone give him time to confess his 'Not Hate'. "C'mon c'mon go away all of you go away!" he said to himself, slightly flailing in the brush, causing a slight rustle through the barley, "I just want to talk to her...."

  12. Name: Gideon Gabriel Gray

    Nicknames: Ice, G, Giddy

    Sex: Male

    Age: Adult (30)

    Species: Diamond Dog (Czechoslovakian Wolfdog)

    Pelt Color: White, with a VERY light tinge of blue

    Hair/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Medium length spiked icy blue (#74BBFB) 'mane', coming down into sideburns half way on his cheeks, icy blue soul patch

    Eye Color: Luminous Gold (#FFDF00)

    Physique: Sleek and toned, a bit skinnier than normal

    Origin: Appleloosian Outskirts

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: Gem Merchant by Trade; Deals with rather...Shady business behind the scenes.

    Motivation: As with a lot of Diamond Dogs, his motivation is MONEY. While greedy, he doesn't stoop so low as to ponynap like some OTHER Diamond Dogs, who shall remain nameless.

    Likes: Money, gems, singing, rhutabaga pie

    Dislikes: Cats, smoke, trains

    Character Summary: Gideon was born a while ago, underground near the outskirts of what's now known as the pony town of Appleloosa. As a pup, Gideon was never much for the hard labour that most Diamond Dogs had to do, he was the runt of his litter after all, small, scrawny, not a 'proper' Diamond Dog, one better left to the harsh desert heat and roaming Buffalo herds, rather than hunting for gems and crystals with the rest of the pack. His siblings weren't any different, pushing him aside during feeding and were always the quicker ones to the gems. Even going so far as to taking the pup out into the desert as he slept, and leaving him there to die. Obviously this didn't dissuade the pup from his goals, greed, after all, was a part of the Diamond Dog life.

    By the time the pup grew to the age of a young adult, it all changed, his siblings, whom had grown complacent with their small claims, soon found them snatched out from underneath them as Gideon gathered his group, others like him who were 'too small' to be 'proper' Diamond Dogs, ones that weren't all muscle, ones that knew of things beyond JUST their precious gem tunnels, ones who held the tenacity to take what they wanted, but not the power...Not by themselves anyway.

    In one of the more rage filled battles his home had seen, Gideon and the other runts had pushed back the stronger groups, backing them into a corner and finally gaining what none of them could on their own. The tunnels themselves. In a rare event for Diamond Dogs, the 'weak' had inherited the glory, and the strong became the labour alone. Furious with what their brother had done, Gideon's two brothers and sisters attempted to take out the young upstart, but to little effect. Acting as defacto leader of the tunnel system, Gideon happily banished the four from the tunnels, into the same deserts they had left him to die in before.

    Ten years have passed since then and Gideon is living the life! Gems, gems and more gems, the tunnles hadn't thrived this much since before even his parents were born! Which gave Gideon a brilliant idea, why just horde the majority of the gems, if they have so many? Why not SELL them? Money would go farther in the long run rather than just keeping the gems, that risked dragons coming. Adult Dragons seemed to be the ONLY thing greedier than a Diamond Dog, which often led to a lot of altercations. Gathering his advisers, the ones with whom he fought alongside with back ten years ago, Gideon was able to convince them and the rest of the pack, to set up a trade route, leading to to the outer cities, and the new recently established pony town of Appleloosa.

    Gideon as a Diamond Dog is, well, a bit of a sleaze, silver tongued and sneaky. Not at all above cutting a pony a bum deal, often selling common gems off disguised as rarer ones, with the right mook, Giddy could sell off a well cut Quartz as a Diamond! His hatred and fear of smoke stems from a puphood experience his siblings tied the pup down in his room and lit a small bonfire outside his door, flooding the room with thick smoke, and being unable to escape or even move scarred him rather deeply. The hate of trains, on the other paw, is his own fault, a well timed nap is a wonderful thing, a well timed nap next to train tracks, however, is not. Having his tail run over made him rather distrusting of the hulking monstrosities. Overall, Gideon's not bad, just, well, a Diamond Dog

    Additional Information: Black trench coat with gold coloured trim with the tail of the jacket frayed and torn off sleeves, various gemstone rings adorning his fingers, diamond stud tongue piercing, three gold rings pierced down the sides of his ears. Crooked tail due to being run over by a train.

    Poison Joke Reaction: Becomes unable to lie, therefor cutting GOOD deals on gems, rather than bum deals.

  13. Dark shuddered for a couple moments after Pinkie tossed the needle back into the box before calming himself and crawling out, "Phew....I can see why.." at this point the colour change had fully taken over the colt, though the dye distorted the blue, "At least one good thing come from all of this then, one success can often outweigh any failures that darken the doorstep of science!" he said with a nod, and those cookies by far were worth the failures, "Indeed, I'd rather not risk becoming more of a mess than I already am." watching Pinkie set about her work, Dark smacked his lips, the taste of blueberries was still there, odd, he could smell blueberries too, "Hmm, odd..." he said to himself, "Hmm? Heheh that's pretty neat there." Dark said, watching the pink pony's mouth become gummed and stuck up with the odd gummi candy, "Now the real trick'll be getting that out huh? Heheheh." he said laughing. "Gah, why do I still taste that berry? Everything smells like blueberries too! Blargh!" Dark flailed, perhaps today wasn't the best day to sneak into the bakery after all.

  14. Dark scratched the back of his head as he tried to think of a good explanation, "Well....it's hard to explain...I mean, I'm trying to take over the world after all! Global domination and all that and...sometimes you gotta be a little, well, mean to get there, nice colts never get what they want. The masses live on like nothing's wrong with the current rule and are blind to the troubles that are just beyond their sight! I for one am not so blinded, hence why I want to rule! I could make it a better place, and nicer world! But...being good doesn't get that does it? It gets you picked on and knocked to the ground...or chased with baseball bats..." the villain said with a shudder, thinking about his time back in Stalliongrad, "B-but no more! Heh...No more....I'll take over and everything will get better...for everyone..." staring at the ground, Dark did his best to make himself believe that, that everything WOULD be better, but it was difficult.

    "As...uhm...for school? I...don't go to school cause one, my parents aren't around to enroll me and, two, I prefer studying in the quiet solitude of my lair, the less distractions the better. So I just come by now and then and nab a few books. Usually about once a week, I hadn't gotten caught until you found me heh..."

  15. Mesmeric took a few moments to breath, relaxing his mind and breathing softly, "Mmmf....I uhm...a...apologize for that, we tend to argue a lot...it's not something we...well not something Levi and I enjoy...I cannot speak for Athian..." he said with a sigh, "I'll keep that in mind, thank you very much for the offer, it's not often that anypony speaks with me anymore, let alone offering me a job. It means a lot to me." the hypnotist said, dipping his head in thanks, it was true though, not very many ponies DID talk to him, or the others in his mind either, though he couldn't really blame them, he was a...freak nowadays, "Ahh, uhm....yes, coffee sounds wonderful, yes." Mes replied with a soft smile, "Coffee could probably do us all some good."

  16. "C'mon Dark, you can do this! You're going to rule the world someday after all! How hard can it be?" a certain caped villain said to himself as he paced outside his lair, "Today's the day you tell her! That you llll...looo....lo...liii...lik....lllliii...don't hate her in the least....." Dark Core, master of evil said to himself, psyching himself up for what would probably be one of the hardest things he had ever done. He had met the particular pegasus at the Grand Galloping Gala not that long ago, and since then, the young villain couldn't seem to get her out of his mind for anything; every turn she was there, no matter what he did, she was there, and he didn't know why. Until a couple days ago; he kept seeing happy couples smiling, enjoying themselves and in, that word....Maybe that's what it was. All the signs seemed to be there, she brought a smile to his face, gave him butterflies in his stomach, seemed to know how to calm him down. All that mushy stuff. "I can do this I can do this I can do this." he kept repeating to himself like a mantra as he headed out in search of the pegasus.

    Dark sat out from his villainous abode in Froggy Bottom Bog, towards a lovely clearing where he had spied the pegasus before, only watching her, unable to come out and form any words to say or anything, he would stay there and watch her with a smile on his face for hours until she left, taking another piece of him with her each time. A small sigh escaped the villain as he continued his trek, when suddenly, his ears pricked, hearing a familiar yell coming from the clearing, "Cat? Good she's here! I can finally tell her!" he said as he trotted to the sound of her voice, stopping a few feet from being seen as he heard another voice, a familiar laughter, followed shortly by two other voices that he didn't recognize, "W-wha?...B-blast....so many ponies...." he said hunkering down in the barley, "I...I can't do this....not with all these ponies here....But I was so close....I was ready this time!" the villain said as he pounding on his head in disappointment, all they psyching up, all that planning, for nothing at this rate.

    Staying hunkered down out of sight, at least to his knowledge, Dark sighed once more, this time in anxiety, "Maybe if I wait long enough...they'll leave before she does! Yeah....I hope so...." he said, his spirits waning as time went on, not that much had passed.

  17. "Not that bad? I've enough purple with my cape! Too much purple and ponies will start thinking I'm a grape! I mean really! How am I supposed to be taken seriously like that?" Dark said, once more implying that he was EVER taken seriously; as much as the villain loathed to admit it, he was about as threatening as a small case of food poisoning, annoying, but you get over it. "Well as long as you think it can....er...right, cookies! That'd be a good idea heh." noticing the crowd of angry Pegasi, he knew it'd be best to wait until they had at least finished their job before attempting to abscond from the shop.

    "Worse?! Oh wonderful, just what I wanted to hear, ugh...Alright..." Dark paced around the kitchen, not even bothering to attempt to cause havoc while Pinkie was away, too much on his mind, what with the turning purple, giant haze of smoke outside, AND the smell of those cookies distracting him. Glancing over as she returned, Dark glanced at the odd box, 'Wait....acupuncture?...' he thought to himself, "Well, I guess it can't be too bad, I mean it's not likeOH DEAR SWEET DISCORD KEEP THAT NEEDLE AWAY!" he said diving under a counter at the sight of the massive needle, "Nuh uh, no way, nope, nah!"

  18. "Hrk, what? Oh great, just what I need a....mirror...really helpful when all you can see is tints of blue already." Dark said rolling his eye, "Because I can TOTALLY tell a difOUCH! Hey watch the mane that dye's...err...wait purple?...It, wait it's getting in my SKIN?! Oh wonderful, just what I need, to be a walking blueberry, bluh..." he said facehoofing, this was NOT his day, not by any means, first he gets found and hogtied, then those horrid cupcakes, not being able to get ANYTHING evil done today, and now this! Who could take a blueberry villain seriously? Implying that he was ever taken seriously that is.

    "More round? Errrm?" Dark looked over his body, other than hints of where the blue colours was starting to overtake his dye and natural colour, he didn't seem to notice any expansion of himself. Hooves? Check, but turning blue from the bottom up, tail check, but also turning, well with the dye, purple, "Ugh, this is NOT what I need today, can't something go right for me for once? I mean really! Or at least not go wrong? Maybe just have a neutral day where at LEAST nothing BAD happens to me! I dare not ask for a good day knowing my luck." the colt said rubbing his temple, "If it's not one thing it's another..."

  19. "Heh, parties? I'm not a 'party pony'. I've never been to one, never plan on it." Dark said, not counting the weddings his mother had drug him to as parties, he yawned lightly as Pinkie suggested pancakes, "Hmm, yeah, it would be best to avoid that then, disgusting, billowing, horrid cupcakes of doom were bad enough, don't need pancakes added on top of all of that." he said shaking a dismissive hoof, the thought alone was enough to turn the pony's stomach, who could ruin perfect berries like that? He thought. Waiting patiently as the chef dug into the fridge, Dark leaned on the nearby counter and watched her, having pretty much given up o trying to find out WHAT the secret ingredient was.

    Dark's jaw dropped open as the blueberries suddenly grew, massive compared to their normal petite size; upon seeing Pinkie stab at it, the colt was relieved to see that nothing horrible or terrifying leaked from the swollen berry, "Hmm, don't mind if I do!" he said grasping the berry, sniff sniff, it smelled like a blueberry, lick, seemed to taste like a blueberry...Chomp! Upon biting into the berry, Dark's eyes opened wide, looking rather surprised for a moment before tossing the rest of the berry into his maw! "Oh my goodness that...WOW, it tasted like the BEST blueberry ever, such a strong but not overbearing flavour and..." Dark cut himself off as he started looking around, "Well now....that's different...everything is....blue....it's like looking through a blue tinted window! Wow..."

  20. Dark shrugged, dusting his cape off once more, "I was just picking something I was actually familiar with, most of those artists I've not heard of. I don't...listen to much music." he said, not that he wouldn't given that he wouldn't. The only thing standing in the way of that, besides his 'work', was having nothing to actually play it one, "Plus I've never been a huge fan of, upbeat music really. In fact, that's more upbeat than most things I listen to heheh." he said with a slight chuckle.

    As Pinkie baked on, the dyed colt did his best to peer over her shoulder as she added that mysterious ingredient, to no avail. Stopping his spying after she began to turn around to place the cookies into the oven, Dark went back to sitting there, as though he had done nothing, "Hmm? Ahh wonderful!...Something else...something else....Well how about something with blueberries?" Dark chimed, one of his favourite foods were blueberries, and nothing could get his mouth watering like some blueberry candy, "That'd be really interesting."

  21. Dark squeaked and flailed as he was drug in, by his cape no less, "ACK! OW HEY! Watch the cape! Watch the cape!" he shouted as he kicked and squirmed, rather unvillainous behaviour coming from the dark lord. Snorting lightly as he was released, Dark brushed himself off and checked his cape for any damages or tears, the colt let out a sigh of relief upon seeing it was fine.

    Thinking on Pinkie's question for a moment, Dark scratched his chin in pondering, "Hmm, music eh? Sure I can't see why not." he replied, he never listened to much music really, too busy for it, what with plotting world domination and his messing with Poison Joke, he had very little 'free time' to pursue anything outside of his glorious works of pure unadulterated evil! "Let's see what all you've got." walking over, Dark began flipping through the selection of records, mostly of artists he had never heard of really. Finally coming across someone he had heard of, Dark pulled out the Coltplay album, "How about this one, Pinkie?"

  22. Dark eeped slightly at the sudden glare, man this pony sure could be moody; regaining his composure as Pinkie ran back in for yet another time, Dark fidgeted around, so many ponies around now, the temptation to just dig up those cupcakes and lob them at everyone was growing more and more, but if he did, that'd just mean he wouldn't be able to get any of those cookies, evil or cookies? Evil or cookies? One of life's greatest questions taunted the villain more and more until the curly maned pony returned with a container and stuffed the heinous baked bads into it, "Ahah, well then, problem solved it seems eh?" Dark said with a nod, walking over and poking the container, causing it to rumble slightly, "Hrk, by Nightmare Moon's mane, those are some mean cupcakes...." he said, glaring at the cantankerous confection, "Now with that problem solved, at least for the time being. What about that next batch of cookies?" Dark asked with a hopeful smile, silently hoping she'd forget all about the whole, punishment for failing a prank, thing.

  23. "Fine fine, sheesh, no need to be snippy." Dark said rolling his eyes at the ponies comment, looks like he wasn't getting evil cupcake added to his arsenal anytime soon, "True true, this is an odd reaction indeed. I dread the thought that they'd have to be EATEN to get rid of! With that smell, phew, one can only imagine the taste, blech." he said shuddering a bit at the thought of it. The smell could nearly take the paint off a house, the taste could only be worse.

    Watching as Pinkie Pie ran once more inside and returned with a shovel; upon her covering the cupcakes up in a hole, Dark clapped, "Well congratulations, you got...it.....oooor not..." he said as he saw the smoke floating up out of the ground, "It's like a bad movie...ATTACK OF THE KILLER CUPCAKES!" Dark said flailing dramatically as he laughed a bit, "Oh man, I'd actually pay to see that. That would be an awesome movie..."

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