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Posts posted by Dubstep

  1. With a bit of a surprised nod, Dub chuckled and walked over with a grin of his own, "Heheh, not since I left Filly-D, nah." the stripe maned DJ replied as he neared; truth be told, he hadn't seen that many Diamond Dogs, even IN Fillydelphia, but that wasn't gonna let him lose his swagger, can't go showing any weakness around your competition, that'd make them think you're an easy target, and Dubstep was far from easy, "Plus, it's not every day you get to see Miss Vinyl Scratch chillin in the same local as you." he said with a grin, pushing his shuttershades down and glancing over them to get a better look at the famous filly; Dubstep was truly ecstatic to meet THE DJ P0N-3, but he didn't want to flip out, 'Play it cool, he thought to himself, 'she's just another pony, and a fellow DJ, no need to get starstruck...right? But it's THE Vinyl Scratch, oh man, stay cool Dub, stay cool.' with a bit of a chuckle, Dub pushed his shades back up and shook his head, "Oh, jeeze, where are my manners, the name's Dubstep, s'groovy to meet you both."

  2. Stalking through the shadows as he pondered to himself, Dark remained unaware of his winged stalker flying nearby; not being of the flighted variety of pony, Dark wasn't want to check the sky for wind patterns or cloud cover, instead, his eyes darted to and fro across the landscape, doing his best to make certain he wasn't being followed. Darting over to a bush, the villain dived in and peeked his eyes out cautiously "It's quiet tonight...some would say TOO quiet muwhehehehe, I say it's just right for a little EVIL!!" he monologued to himself, "The Quill and Sofa shop could always use a new, hehehe, paint job..." reaching into his cloak, Dark pulled out a couple filled balloons and lobbed them at the shop, with a small splat, one of the balloons hit, causing a sickly green paint to smear down its walls, while the other one happened through an open window, possibly causing QUITE the ugly mess over a nice sofa, "Bullseye heheheh."

  3. With the sound of muffled bass thumping through his headphones, Dubstep rolled up to the castle gates, where a large crowd had already gathered; hefting his travel deck around on his back, Dub glanced over his shuttershades at all the ponies and sorts that had come to battle, 'Man, lots of rad folks here...this is gonna be a tough one, dang...near every race representin, that's groovy and...is that....whoa it is, even Vinyl Scratch showed! I really don't stand a chance now...bah, no no, gotta think positive, there's a chance, maybe, plus, it's all for fun, right? Right, so I'ma just like, do my best and have some fun, win or lose....but hopefully win hehe' the crowd of musicians waiting outside was nothing compared to the crowd that was gathered inside, waiting to hear everyone lay down their sick beats for the night.

    For a moment, Dub had thought of walking over to say hey to Vinyl; because really, how often do you get the chance to even be near one of your idols, let alone a shot at battling them! But, his tossed this notion aside when he noticed she was busy conversing with another contestant, a Diamond Dog; he was a little on the scrawny looking side, but the way he carried himself showed that he was far from being an amateur. This night was gonna be interesting, that was for certain.

  4. Glitzen smiled as he listened to the young boy, he couldn't help but giggle lightly at the 'ma'am' comment, he got that so often, that there was little point in even bothering to correct anyone anymore, "Heheh, it's a pleasure to meet you, Buckwheat." the fashionista said with a polite nod, "My name is Glitzen Glamour; I'm glad you like it darling, it's my newest outfit! I made it last night." stepping over to the silken garment, GG ran a hoof across the smooth fabric with a smile, the dress had turned out better than he had hoped, the seams were nigh invisible and the fabric laid so well, "Ahh, yes, Calico's order, indeed, it's paid for and wrapped up to go!" he said flitting over to the counter and ducking underneath for a moment.

    After a bit of waiting, GG flitted back over, carrying a bag with a stylized version of his initials on, as were all bags for the higher end purchases; inside was a gorgeous black satin saddle, adorned with a brilliant golden vine trim around it, "Here you go dear, I do hope your grandmother enjoys wearing it as much as I enjoyed making it!"

  5. Mesmeric gave a soft smile and started on jogging with his new found conversation partner "Aheh, I know how that feels, quite a few times I've had sleepless nights...or outright woke up somewhere I didn't go to sleep at..." he said with a bit of a chuckle; the two others in his head weren't always that much trouble, but now and then, he'd find himself out side, or various other areas with no recollection of how he got there or why he even was there, "How about you? Stress? General insomnia?" he asked Klondike; it was a force of habit for him to ask these kinds of things, when he wasn't doing shows, he used hypnosis to help ponies with their stress and ailments and the like.

  6. Dark Core, master of all things sinister and evil, crept across the darkening landscape of Ponyville at night"Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand....I love that saying ehheheh" he said to himself; staying low to the ground, the dyed villain crept for building to building, hiding, peeking his head around the corners as he slunk throughout the burg; the cool night air rolled through the alleyways, giving off an almost ominous vibe, as the weather team brought in a large cloud over, letting only a mere shimmer of moonlight escape, "Now...what sort of villainy shall we do tonight?...Perhaps a little vandalism? Or maybe some theft...but what stores would be left unlocked tonight?...Sugarcube Corner perhaps...but no...not after what happened last time...bluh..." the mastermind grumbled to himself as he glanced around. Surely there was SOMETHING he could do that would further his conquest of the town!

  7. "I don't care if you were a whole platoon by yourself, tubby. First you fly into the side of my lair like a blind pony, then you start waving a sword around and laughing at me! Now why don't you take your time addled brain and washed up blubber gut out of my lair before I get angry." Dark said bruxing his teeth angrily; who was this shmuck? Some washed up former military dog that was going through some pathetic midlife crisis and wanted to get a last hurrah by taking in a villain or something? Or just some escapee from an old folks home? Either way, Dark had just about enough of this, "This is just, gah, foolishness upon one hundred thousand prior, equally unsolicited foolishness and, grah, just go, you flabby, faltering, freak!" he said, glaring at the old pony; once more Dark fell back on his alliteration skills; with a snort he walked huffily back over to his work table, not even glancing at the other two ponies in the room.

    Sitting back down at his work bench, thoughts crept into his mind, perhaps that wasn't the best way to handle things, what would Cat over there think? But why did he care, it's not like she didn't know he was a villain or something, she should expect this sort of thing...Still...he thought he'd best apologize to her....after this foal of a former flier left. Of course.

  8. "Peabee, Peabee! YOU GOTTA ASK THE FOR THE PASS...word...oh fer the love'a crimminy....Spend all that time thinkin up a password, and what do we do? Let ev'ryone in all willy nilly! Consarnit..." Macadamia said as he got up to follow Peabee out to see who the arrival was; much to his surprise, it was their old friend Purple Haze, it had been a while since he saw her, but the mane and accent were a dead giveaway; walking over with a smile Macadamia gave Peabee a pat on the head, "Now now cuz, don't bombard her with so many questions right away! She just got here, there'll be plenty of time fer answers; let'er breathe now." turning to Purple, Macky nodded into the club house, "S'good seein ya Hazey, c'mon inside, the drinks are gettin hot and yer the first one here sides us."

  9. Glitzen roamed about the back room of his shop, sorting out various garments and accessories; boxing up ones out of season or fashion and digging out the in and fabulous designs of now as he sang and hummed to himself quietly "♪Thread by thread, stitching it together~ Hmm hmm hmm~♫" when after a moment, he heard the entry bell ring; peaking out of the back room, GG spied a little mule admiring a lovely purple silk dress; smiling to himself as the boy wandered the shop in mild awe, Glizen giggled before chiming in, "Be with you and just a moment darling; I've just got to finish packing this box and I'll be right out!" popping back into the back room for a few more moments, Glitzen folded and sorted away the last stack he was sorting and flitted back out, landing next to the lad with a smile, "Alright dear, how may I help you today?"

  10. "I, uhm, well I s-suppose that would be rather pleasant, I'm so used to just, ponies avoiding me heheh..." Mesmeric said with a halfhearted smile, "Oh uhm, my name's, err, Mesmeric and they're, Levi and uh, Athian; uhm, Levi's, alright and, Athian on the other hoof, he can be a, uhm....Jerk is the word. Right, right, he can be a bit of a jerk at times, but uhm, he's relatively harmless, most of the, uhm, times..." he said, rubbing his temple with a hoof; it seemed to him that his headache would get better and worse at times, almost never ceasing though; brushing his mane back out of his face from the most recent outburst, Mesmeric took another calming breath and spoke up again, "I uhm, was just out for my morning jog, if you'd care to join me."

  11. Mesmeric was just about to begin back onto his jog, when a voice broke his concentration, "Bluh? Huh? Oh, uhm, hi t-there, what can I do for you?" he asked, brushing his purple mane out of his eyes; he hadn't bothered combing it again this morning, so it looked rather frizzy and unkempts. "Oh yeah, it's always 'what we can do for them', never what they can do for US, think Mes, you should silence Athian, you're the reason we scare so many ponies off." the other two voices had came back, "Me?! What about you? Mr. Holier Than Thou? You and your morals are what keep us from a good meal! My morals have nothing to do with it and you knSTOP STOP STOP LET ME TALK!....Gah....S-s-sorry about that....they tend to speak out of turn at times" the frazzled hypnotist said, rubbing his temple with a forehoof, "They can be such a headache sometimes....N-now uhm, how may I help you this morning?"

  12. "Hrk! Well, would ya look at that? Seems the password changed, just now, ta that, come on in! Heh..." Macadamia said, sweating a little bit before opening the makeshift door; man his cousin could be scary when she wanted to be, "So what's yer excuse this time Peabee? The password only changes once a week after all, cane't be all that hard ta memorize can it? Then again, this'n was kinda silly after all...Maybe somethin simpler next time huh?" standing aside to let Peabee in, Macadamia began pondering on what to make next week's password, maybe some kind of rhyme 'Open the door and let me in or....hmm...no...This door, this door it keeps me out, let me in or I shall pout?...No no....bah I'll think of somethin.' he thought to himself as he walked into the clubhouse; strewn about the club were the obvious things one would come to expect from children, comic books, toys, and the like, over in Macky's corner, however, were odds and ends of tools and unfinished projects, along with different doodled out schematics and a big beanbag chair. Plopping himself down in said beanbag, Macadamia gathered up a half done schematic and began to work on it, "May s'well get comfy and such, the others should be here shortly ah reckon."

  13. Dark stood there for a moment, his ear flicking in annoyance as the laughter rung in it, "Hrrrrngh, STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" he demanded before smacking the sword wielding Pegasus upside the head; snorting a bit, Dark regained his composure, "Ahrrm, now where was I? Ah, yes. No, see I've done JUST fine for the past, hmm." Dark paused for a moment to think, how long had he been out here in the bog, "Four or so months I'd say?"

    "Oh, pssh, I'm not going to die I, hrk!" Dark's speech was cut off by the sudden nuzzle from Cat; flushing bright red and shaking a bit, the villain stood there speechless for a few moment, which was odd from him, to say the least; shaking his head and snapping out of his stupor; but still flushed red, Dark spoke up, stammering a bit, "Well, I...that it, uhm, n-noon, gotcha, s-s-sounds g-great! Uhm...yeah...." a little smile forming on his face, "Err...ahrm...and as for YOU!" the villain said, pointing at Czar once more, but not looking in his direction, "Who the HAY do you think you are trying to dent my home and then waving a sword around at me when I so kindly bring you in to save you huh? I should have left you to be hydra food! Or better yet feed you to it myself!"

  14. The sun was high in the Fillydelphian sky, as Mesmeric headed out for his morning jog, an activity that he had once long ago enjoyed with his fiancee, but one that now had become more of a hassle than a joy, "I don't...see why you insist we continue to do this, no one acknowledges me anymore...at least not like they used to..." the hypnotist murmured to himself, before responding in a different tone, "It's to help keep your spirits up lad, not everything is as doom and gloom as it seems! The sun rising in the morning it proof that every day is a new start in life! One that's full of opportunity and blah blah blah, he gets it, you go on the same rant every morning and frankly? It's getting old, ya windbag!" a third voice chimed into his self conversation; this one more gruff sounding than the others, "If you wanna live life, grab it by the horns! Jogging is nothing but boring exercise! Time that could be spent doing other things, like, hypnotizing a few folks outta some change so we can get something to EAT! I for one am STARVING!"

    "Now now, we all know that stealing isn't the answer; perhaps we could look for a job that Oh, yeah, right, 'How many positions are you applying for?' 'Oh just three, one for me, myself and I!' Yeah that'd go over really well...IN THE CIRCUS!" the two different voices argued on for several minutes before Mesmeric himself chimed back in "Enough enough enough! Stop arguing it's g..giving me a headache...I just want a few moments to myself, can you both just STOP bickering and shut up for a few minutes, please?!" he snapped at himself; to passersby, this was surely a strange sight, though lately, it had become the norm when seeing the poor hypnotist.

    Taking a few calm breaths and seeing if Levi and Athian shut up, Mesmeric breathed a sigh of relief before starting back on his jog; he had no destination in mind, but even though he thought it pointless, running seemed to ease his mind, if only for a little while.

  15. Well, seeing as how music is his focal point, and the fact Like/Dislikes are optional, I decided to have them focus more on that x3 As for who he is, it's more of a 'Find out' kinda thing y'know? He is one'a the laid back dudes everyone chills with, kinda like Dubstep lol

  16. Name: Power Chord

    Nicknames: PC, Power

    Sex: Male

    Age: Stallion (20)

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: White with Coral Red (#FF4040) Fetlocks that come half way up his legs in a flame looking pattern

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane/Tail Color & Style: Long Coral Red (#FF4040) with a Black streak through the mane; solid Coral Red (#FF4040) tail; a long rainbow coloured braided beard

    Eye Color: Electric Indigo (#6F00FF)

    Cutie Mark: A Guitar and a Mic with Stand, crossed with flames behind them.

    Physique: Well Built

    Origin: Trottingham

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: Guitarist and Lead Singer for the band Thunder Horse/Music Store Worker

    Motivation: To rock the world with his band's music, and maybe meet some killer babes along the way.

    Likes: Music of all kinds (Classical and Opera to a lesser extent), The ladies, DJ P0N-3, Pyrotechnics, A good hard driving guitar solo

    Dislikes: Opera and Classical music (to an extent), Loud Reverb, shows getting cancled, his parents trying to force him to be something he's not

    Character Summary: Born to two exceedingly wealthy parents, Power Chord was raised from a young age on how to be a proper gentlecolt, alongside his brother, Thrasher, whom was a year older than him. Raised on caviar and classical music, Power and Thrasher grew into outstanding young colts, versed in the most prim and proper etiquette out there.

    Years down the line, Thrasher, however, started sneaking out at night; curious as to where his older brother was going every night, Power Chord decided to follow him. He followed him through the winding back alleys of Trottingham until finally, he happened upon him entering a little music shop down a back street. Following his brother in, his ears were met with their first taste of music other than opera and classical. Thrasher, upon spotting his younger brother, begged him not to tell his parents; in response, Power asked why on Equestria he would do that? The music that he was hearing in this little shop was like nothing he had heard before. He wanted to listen to it more, no, he wanted to MAKE it.

    A few weeks later, after much planing, Power and Thrasher snuck out once more, but this time, to somewhere else. Taking the long walk up to Uptown Trottingham, PC and Thrasher came to the Instrument store. Trotting on in with a sack full of bits, he and his brother bought up some music books, a Guitar, a Mic, a Mic Stand and a set of Drums; and began lugging them back home. After getting the instruments home and setting everything up in their room and reading over the music, the boys nodded at each other. Thrasher counted out 'One, two, one, two, three, four!' and began a heavy drum beat as Power Chord started shredding on the guitar; they were doing an amazing cover of Blackened....At three in the morning. Needless to say, their parents burst in on them to see what the ruckus was. Upon entering they were just in time to catch their boys gain their cutie marks. Power's was a Guitar and a Mic with Stand, crossed with flames behind them.

    Much to their parents dismay, the boys continually practiced their music, day in and day out for years, perfecting it and fine tuning it, making it their own, and eventually naming themselves 'Thunder Horse'.

    Current times, Power is working at the little shop that started it all for him; despite the fact he doesn't need the money, he does it because he enjoys the music and the chance to meet lovers of music, young and old.

    Personality wise, Power is rather laid back most of the time, but when you get him excited about something, expect him to be a hurricane of a pony, everything he does with that drive is to the extreme. The ladies, he's not a womanizer by any means, but he does love the ladies, so expect to see him batting those eyes at a mare or two at parties and shows.

    Poison Joke Reaction: Hearing becomes super sensitive.

    Posting Colour: Electric Indigo (#6F00FF0)


    Art by Buxy

  17. Name: Macadamia Nut

    Nicknames: Macky

    Sex: Male

    Age: Foal (10)

    Species: Earth Pony (Half Zebra)

    Pelt Color: Chestnut (#CD5C5C)

    Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Short spikey mane and medium length tail Chocolate (#7B3F00) coloured mane and tail with Cream (#FFFDD0) colored stripes

    Eye Color: Prussian Blue (#003153)

    Cutie Mark: A Wrench Twisting A Macadamia Nut

    Physique: Sturdy

    Origin: Manehatten, living on the Nut Family Farm.

    Roleplay Type: Mane

    Occupation: Student/Worker

    Motivation: To become the worlds strongest pony! Wait no, too much exercise...to become an astrophysicist! No, too complex...OH! To make the worlds first nut powered airship! That's it!...But uhhh, well I guess for right now? Just having fun. OH! And Tinkering too! OH and maybe making a fort!

    Likes: Tinkering, Helping On The Fields, Occasional Rhyming

    Dislikes: Explosions, Rust, Being Forced To Stop Working On Something

    Character Summary: Many years ago, Macadamia's father headed out to try his fortune in the big city of Manehatten, as many often do at that age. For years he struggled in the city, trying to make ends meet, but was barely scraping by. Later on down the line, he met a lovely Zebra, with whom he became enamoured with. A few years later, the two would be wed and have a son, that son was, of course, little Macky. His parents both decided, Manehatten was no place to try to raise a family on their budget, so his father decided, it was time to go home.

    Skip a few years along, young Macadamia, the age of 5, is now a bright eyed foal, eager to explore the world. He tried many things, as foals often do, to try and gain his cutie mark; from trying to till all the fields by himself, gather up an entire harvest alone, or take down a manticore; which was really just some hay bails stacked on top of each other and other bits and pieces added to make it look like the beast. It wasn't until two years later, when his parents brought home a model carriage kit from town; Macadamia spent hours working on the little toy carriage, taking it a part and putting it back together, finding out how each piece worked and moved. After spending a few hours more on the toy, Macky though, why not try with the real thing? Sneaking out late at night and taking his father's tool kit and jack, he began work on taking apart the family's carriage.

    In the morning, when his parents came out, they found the child sitting there with the carriage dismantled; now of course his parents began to scold him, he had taken apart their only fast transportation! But Macadamia explained, this was the third time he took the vehicle apart! Turning around, Macky picked up his tools and got to work as his parents watched on in awe; after a few hours, Macky had not only pieced back together the ride, but also gained his cutie mark in the process! It was a wrench twisting a macadamia nut, to symbolize not only his prowess of tinkering and building, but also a symbol of his family and how no matter how far apart they are, they'll always be family.

    Further down the road, Macky is now a young lad, the age of 10, helping his family on the farm, playing with his friends and cousins as children often do. After seeing a large airship pass over the farm one day, Macadamia was struck with an idea, what if something like that could be built to run on nuts? An odd idea yes, but an interesting one! With his dream in mind, Macadamia begins sketching out ideas when his time is free.

    Personality wise, Macadamia is a happy child, with a penchant for getting distracted by different ideas for new things to build or take apart. One moment he'll want to build a potato cannon and the next he'll want to figure out how to build a tower out of nut shells. He's a bit goofy at times, but is a hard worker when his mind is set to it and a good friend to the end.

    Poison Joke Reaction: Everything he tries to build either falls apart, or explodes.


    Peanut Butter: "Cousin Peabee! Y'all may not go to tha trouble of memorizin the password each week to get in ta the clubhouse, but ah still love ya."
    Purple Haze: "It's good seein ya again after such along time Hazey, hope yew'll be able to remember the passwords better than Peabee can I tell ya what."

  18. It was a dark night in Whitetail Woods, Riven Poultice had just settled into her cabin for the night; taking down her long braid, letting her lovely mane flow freely and shutting off the light, she curled up into bed and closed her eyes, but was unable to fall to sleep. Restless, Riven laid there, tossing and turning, staring out the window up at the stars; it wasn't long ago that she had been imprisoned, seeing the same stars behind iron barred windows; with a sigh and one last toss and turn, Riven rolled out of bed and walked outside for some fresh air.

    "Ahh, ah don't do this enough, feels good ta be outta that cell...no locked doors, no windows barred....just me and nature once more! Ah love it!" the mare said to herself as she walked among the trees; stopping now and then to gather some herbs to place in her satchel. The night was filled with the soothing sounds of crickets and other creatures of the Woods, such a serene place to live. After a few hours of walking, Riven came to a tree and laid down, "Wellp, ah suppose a little rest wouldn't hurt too bad, not like this is the Everfree after all." she said to herself as she laid down, humming a

    to herself.
  19. "That sounds splendid, Purple, thanks! I'd be happy to taste test for you." he said with a nod, smiling lightly from the sudden nuzzle, "I guess I'm sorta newish around town too heheh...I don't come by very often really...tend to stay home most of the time and" as Dark was talking, his sentence was cut off by another voice, one that the tone of he was used to, one of disdain or annoyance; looking over, Dark gulped lightly, "I uh....guess that's your brother huh?" he asked Purple while thinking to himself, 'Oh geeze...this guy looks like he could snap me in half...don't run...running would make you suspicious you foal, just stay calm, you didn't do anything other than try to break into the school....but he doesn't know that....oh geeze am I gonna die here?' taking a deep breath Dark's ear flicked, "I should ah...probably go, don't want him getting mad at you or something."

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