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Posts posted by Dubstep

  1. Dark smiled as he levitated over a piece; taking a bite of the snack he nodded, "Mmm, these are really good!" he said smacking his lips a little bit, "Tis a great change of pace from all the apples I've eaten as of late; in fact really anything would be a good change of pace heheh." the dyed colt said with a chuckle before getting another bite.

    Dark flinched lightly as the filly ambled off his first name unwittingly and bit his lip when she called it girly, "Guh, Dawn's not, too girly of a name...Right? I mean, I'm sure there's plenty of Dawns out there that are pretty strong and such..." he said, trying not to sound too suspicious; after all, villains NEVER reveal their true identity right off the bat, "I like that name." he said referring to Purple's name with a smile, "Err, uhm, you said your brother's supposed to come get you eh? If you want I can, ah, hang out with you til he gets here."

  2. "Oh thanks much Rose, that's very nice of you!" Ignus said with a smile as he took a bite out of the cake, as Rose said, it was really delicious and light; setting the cake on his plate, the dragon glanced down at his friend to see if he was enjoying the food as well, before returning his gaze to Rose, "Oh, I'm having a wonderful evening myself, I've gotten to talk with some highbrows and meet you, oh uhm and plus it's a night away from my job, so that's always a great thing heheh. How about you? I hope you're having a good night as well." he said with a chuckle, before taking another bite out of the tiramisu.

  3. Dark blushed a bit as Mal pulled him closer and smiled when she tucked her address into his pocket, "Heh, I will most certainly have to take you up on that gracious offer." he said with a grin; it wasn't very often he got to talk to lovely ladies, let alone get their addresses on the first meeting, "Don't worry, I don't plan on getting rid of this mask any time soon, I've grown fond of it heh. Take care Malediction, see you around I'm sure." Dark said as he watched her walk off for a moment, before turning to go himself; this time he was off to cause mischief, just as he had came to do...but where to start? "Hmm....Back to the gardens sounds like a good plan." he said as he wandered through the crowd once more, taking his leave from his grand scene.

  4. Right, while she still harbours SOME ill feelings toward what happened, and she may still be a jerk at times, she'll be using the herbs and such for good; the 'thoughts of going back to how she was', was more so to add flavour to the story of Riven herself.

  5. Dark lays still catching his breath as the artist walks over to check on him, he glanced at her surprised that she sounded so stern for such a pipsqueak, "Gah....Hmph....I'm perfectly fine! It would take more than a little fall to stop me!" he said standing up and dusting himself off; checking his tux to make sure there were no rips or tears, he was glad to see it was still intact, "As for you SECOND question! What's wrong with me having fun hmm? Isn't that what this Gala is about? Coming somewhere grand and doing things you've never gotten to do before? That's what I did! I've never hit a kangaroo with a slingshot before and I finally got to do it!" the young villain said with a smug grin.

  6. Dark laughed quietly to himself as the target bolted off into the gardens, the startled sounds it made was almost as funny to him as the angry sounds that the artist was making, the sounds of frustration were like music to the colt's ears, causing havoc was one of his joys in life.

    But when the filly called out to his hiding spot, the villain knew it was time to abscond; turning to run, Dark didn't notice his collar got snagged on a low hanging branch, so when he started to bolt off, "GACK! UGH!" he was jerked back and fell to the ground with a thud, "Ohh...gah...that hurt..."

  7. Glitzen smiled and enjoyed the short ride as Honeywing pushed the pillowy cloud higher and higher "I don't know if I'd want to work weather team heheh, their job seems rather difficult if the clouds are so fragile!" he said as he watched the other pegasus finely tune the delicate cloud into position, "You've got such a gentle touch dear~" Glitzen said with a sigh; the cool night air blew through the area, causing his dress to flow in the breeze once more; judging by the time, the show would be starting soon, awaiting Honeywing's return to his side, Glitzen said a silent thank you to the stars above for blessing him with the best night ever.

  8. Dark smiled, normally he wouldn't have been one to draw this much attention to himself, or go this long without doing anything evil; he would just have to make up for it later when this was over; but for now, he was having a blast showing off all the stuck up, drag down ponies of Canterlot, "No worries Malediction my dear, I'm stronger than I look." he said, continuing on the dance while keeping his magic in tempo with hers as he awaited the big finish.

    As said finish came around, Dark grinned and flipped his dance partner into the air adding a bit of a twirl to is as well; while she was in the air, he places a translucent white shield around her that sparkled in the light, adding just that much more flair to the maneuver. Shattering the shield as he did with the smaller ones as she came down, causing a brilliant cascade of magic shards to rain down, Dark reached out and caught her just in time as the song ended.

  9. "Uhh, yeah, a pet, it's like, a companion that lives with you and you feed and it gives you company, know what I mean?" Ignus said, doing his best to explain what a pet was to his young friend; having grown up in town, all the information Ignus knew seemed so simple, but for a wild dragon like Tourmaline, it must have been so foreign.

    Ignus smiled when he noticed the lovely mare from earlier coming over and blushed when she spoke to him, "Oh uhm err, yeah I am, th-thanks for asking!" he said with a nod, feeling a bit embarrassed that he was called handsome, "Uhm, OH! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ignus; this is my friend Tourmaline; it's wonderful to meet you madame!" the white dragon said, bowing to the mare.

  10. Dusting himself off and readjusting his cape, Dark brushed his mane out of his face to get a better look at his rescuer, he smiled when he noticed she was about his age, normally it would have been a smile that meant that if something went wrong, at least they're around his age and he could get away easier...But this was different, his stomach felt like it was doing flips and his heart skipped a beat.

    Blushing a bit when the filly smiled at him, Dark shuffled his hooves a bit, "Well uhm, I'm not from around town actually, I uhh, live out a ways heh..." he said nervously before noticing the girl's smashed snack, "Ooh...Oh jeez, I'm so sorry..." Dark apologized as his head hung low; glancing at the snack his stomach grumbled a little bit "They look and smell so good too...Oh I forgot to introduce myself, my name's, uhm, Dark Core, it's heh, nice to meet you." the 'villain' said as he smiled shyly at the filly.

  11. Popping his head back in for a moment, Dubstep grabbed his neon green pair of shuttershades and slipped them on before stepping out from his tent with a smile, "So what brings you to my little corner of Ponyville eh?" he asked as he brushed his mane out of his face, "Or do you live nearby and I just don't know it? I still haven't gotten the layout of this place figured out...took me forever to find the post office the other day...and then took forever to find my way back here heheh." Dub's sense of direction, well not to say it was horrible, but when you need a map of your hometown to not get lost, it's pretty bad.

  12. Dark sputtered and flailed as he was coated with the flour, "Gah pfff ack! Blast it all bluh!" he stated as he was drug along by the persistent pink pest, "I didn't sneak my way in to taste test your sickeningly sweet slurries I GAH!" the villain was rambling before bouncing blue blob shot out of a pan and began bolting across the room; covering his head with his hooves to avoid getting a face full of stuff he meeped when it slammed next to his head before it wooshed out the window, "Gah...So much for what I thought would be an easy day..." he mumbled to himself

    Dark Core laid on the floor watching as his captor messed around with her various concoctions with a disdainful look on his face, who was she to tie him up and then try to force him to ingest Luna knows what kinds of failed flavours of frivolous treats, "MY preference would be for you to let me go, you....you....BAH I can't think of any alliterations!" he said with a scowl before blowing a raspberry at the other pony when his villainous diatribe failed.

  13. "Heheh, well I'd say that your show there adds a nice flare hmm? But if we're stealing the show we may as well go for the whole thing." Dark said returning the look before his horn started to glow white, causing different coloured shield to form in the air, black and blue and orange, all different colours spun around through the air before he caused them to shatter like magical glass; their shards fell around the flames, causing them to dramatically reflect and refract the light across the ballroom, "How's that hmm?" he asked with a grin as he continued.

  14. "The red would have done fine as well if you went for the redwood or cherry wood like I suggested...." Ignus remarked, even though he knew it would get dismissed to, he was used to it by now, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't TRY to get some sense into her. "Hey! I work hard to get these 'munchies', if you want to take the time to head out and sniff down gems, be my guest. Tell you right now it's not as easy I make it look~" he retorted in a singsong voice, if there was one thing Ignus knew, it was how to sniff out a good snack, and he wasn't about to let a tasty treat like this slip from his claws. "No one noti...That thing is bigger than me! And probably cost more too! We've been open a whole, what 15 minuets at the most, give them time. Remember what they say, 'If you build it they will pay'...or something like that, I could be paraphrasing." Ignus said taking a bite out of the emerald Royal had her eyes set on.

  15. [ Pony Related Character ]

    Name: Riven Poultice

    Sex: Female

    Age: Mare (25)

    Species: Earth Pony

    Pelt Color: Electric Green (#00FF00)

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Forest Green (#014421) with the mane kept in a braid and the tail kept mid-length

    Eye Color: Outer Space (#414A4C)

    Cutie Mark: A Poultice satchel with a snare trap around it.

    Physique: Fit

    Residence: Currently Roughing It In Whitetail Woods

    Occupation: Mare for hire; Former poison and traps supplier

    Motivation: To live day by day, though lately, thoughts of rebuilding her 'Empire of Poison' has come to mind, as have reversing the knowledge to make antidotes to redeem herself.

    Likes: Pranking, Poisons, Traps, Camping, Hunting

    Dislikes: Authority, The Royal Guard, Hoofington, Damaging Nature

    Character Summary: Riven was born to a young couple in the woods far on the outskirts of Ponyville; a simple family that lived off nature and respected it, even when they hunted; and while they were loving and everything, they weren't the brightest and often too gullible. Riven herself was a rambunctious child, always running here and there, getting into trouble one way or another, be it a simple joy buzzer, a net trap or a pitfall, and even then, to get out of trouble with her parents, all she had to do is simply say, 'It wasn't me.' or 'They were like that when I got here.' and they were none the wiser. As she grew, she showed more and more interest in perfecting her traps, but also in her family's profession, Herbalism, but not for the healing tinctures, oh no, the exact opposite, little Riven was enamoured by the hundreds of poisons and venoms that could be made.

    One day, while hunting in the woods with her family, Riven decided to test her new snare trap, it had tiny barbs on it doused in a paralytic poison. After placing the bait, she laid in wait, for what seemed like hours, but finally, Riven heard the tell tale squeak of a trapped rabbit! With a big grin on her face, she carried her bounty back to her family, just as her cutie mark finally appeared, a poultice satchel, surrounded by a snare trap.

    A few years down the road, Riven grew bored of just simply useing her poisons to trap game, and thought, 'Hey, I bet I could make a killing sellin this stuff to ponies!', and set off on her way to town to sell her poisons as pesticides. While she did make a decent amount of bits, it wasn't near as much as she expected; feeling rather defeated, she started on her way back home; when suddenly, she was stopped by a mysterious pony in an a dark trench coat. The stallion stated he was willing to buy all of Riven's stock of poison, and for DOUBLE what she was asking, so long as she didn't ask any questions. She agreed wholeheartedly. With a spring in her step, she headed back home and put away her money and continued her daily jaunt into town to sell her wears; and just as before, the mysterious pony would show up to buy the rest. Soon enough, she found out, the stallion was buying the poisons for a series of heists in the area. Without a second thought Riven decided, 'Hey, if he's making this much money from a small town like Ponyville....what could I get in somewhere like Hoofington?', and with that, she left home and started her path towards becoming one of the best poison merchants in Equestria.

    Later still, Riven was SET, Hoofington made for such an easy target; there were little witnesses when she'd trap someone, and those who did see, were too scared to say anything for fear of being poisoned. With her Grand Empire of Poison's foundation set before her, Riven grew complacent, and also, grew less careful by the day.

    One day though it all came crashing down. Her Empire had caught the attention of not only bounty hunters, but the Royal Knights as well. As fate would have it, a female bounty hunter by the name of Angelcake and a Royal Knight by the name of SIr Knightly, finally caught the Empress of Poison in her own domain, The Hoofington Bar. At her sentencing in Canterlot, there was little pleading she could do, she found it quite ironic, how, long ago, she could just say 'It wasn't me.' and get off scot free, but now, it was too far gone. At the bang of the gavel, Riven was sentenced to ten years in prison.

    Three years later. Three years can really change a pony in a place like the Canterlot Prison, Riven is no exception; given time to think on her crimes and the troubles she caused to the nation, she soon became the prison's nicest and most reformed inmate. The warden saw this too, and, within a few weeks, had Riven pardoned on good behaviour. Now, Riven is a free mare once more, but without a real home to go to anymore, there was little she could do but take a tent and set up in Whitetail Woods. Her old profession was too risky to take back up, so instead, she became a simple mare for hire, doing odd jobs here and there for ponies in town, everything from bucking apples to moving sofas. Life was good. But in her mind, there's still nagging thoughts, begging her to get the kind of money she used to have or to get revenge on the ones who stuck her in that prison to begin with. Only time will tell what Riven will do with her life, but for now, her life is simple.

    Personality wise, Riven is a hard working, determined individual when she sets her mind to it. When she's not working she can often be seen relaxing in her tent in the Whitetail Woods or making potions and tinctures out of the herbs that grow there. Around her friends, or rather, the few associates she used to have, she is a rather happy and nice pony; but when angered, she has a tendency to flip out on whoever happens to be closest.

    Poison Joke Reaction: Become shaky and unable to mix potions or set traps correctly.

    Text Colour: Electric Green (#00FF00)


    Art by Cheese Canan

  16. Dubstep couldn't help but chuckle, a hobo? Though from the way he lived in a tent and chilled most of the time, ponies would probably think that, "Hahah, no not quite a hobo, though I sorta am I guess eh? And no significant other heh. Naw, I'm a musician; I just got to town like, the other day or so, and been crashing in my tent here." he said with a smile, nodding into his tent where one could see various instruments and stacks of sheet music and records strew about the inside of the rather large tent, "Oh snap, 'bout forgot to introduce myself, the name's Dubstep, or Dub for short; it's groovy to meet you!"

  17. Dark hung their in the window, somewhat patiently, as the filly walked around him, scouting out the situation at hoof, "Right right, sorry...I'm not worried about bullies since I wasn't sneaking out..." the colt confessed as he felt a grab at the base of his tail; bracing himself as the girl said, Dark was soon yanked out from his windowy prison and sent toppling onto, what he expected to be the hard ground, but instead it was rather soft; looking down he saw what he had landed on and quickly jumped off, "Oh jeez! Hey are you okay? I'm so sorry!" he stated as he helped his rescuer up and dusted her off, "I, uhm...sorry heh...Thanks for the save though; you alright?"

  18. Dubstep lay slumbering in his bright orange tent, now most campers would want a tent that blends in to the surroundings, but when you can get as easily lost as Dub, it pays to be able to spot the tent from a mile away.

    As he slept though he didn't hear anypony coming until they 'knocked'; waking up Dub poked his head out of the entrance only to be greeted by a blue pony with a curly mane, "Oh hey, good mornin there, sup?" the DJ asked, rubbing the sleep out of his dual coloured eyes.

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