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Posts posted by Dubstep

  1. Stalking around Ponyville, the great master of all things evil, Dark Core, spotted an interesting site "Hmm, that's that odd pony that lives in that haunted house, wonder where she's headed?" he pondered, slinking carefully as to not reveal his location, he followed Willow Wisp up to a house where two strangely dressed fillies stood, "Hmm, could it be an idiot convention? Heheheheheh!" he chucked to himself while ducking behind a nearby tree to eavesdrop, overhearing talk of a party, a devious plan entered the colt's mind "Ahhhahahahahah, a party hmm, well we can't have a party with out a few pranks now can we? Mufufufufufufufu!" he cackled rather loudly, "Ooop! That was close" Dark thought to himself, cupping his mouth with his hoof quickly, hoping he hadn't been heard, "I really need to work on my evil monologue! Better wait to see if more victims show up heheheh." he laughed, pulling out a blue print from his cloak Dark began to sketch down various pranks and tricks that will befall the poor unfortunate souls.

  2. "Thanks again for the coffee Mocha!" Dubstep shouted as he headed out of the cafe, he had made the place his regular stop, the environment was great, plus he got to seem some pretty fillies go by or come in to get a drink or two. Heading off to the post office Dub smiled, hoping he got a letter from that Raspberry girl, sure enough he did, borrowing a pad and paper from the postman Dub began to write.

    Dear Raspberry,

    Hey, good to hear from you again! It's seems Ponyville's becoming a rather hip place to be, which is real groovy cause it means I get to play for all sorts of ponies. A singer eh? That must be Neon, I've chatted with her, she's pretty cool! Oh, I wanted to thank you by the way, when I found your letter I was trying to find a good beat for my next couple remixes and sure enough your letter broke me out of my funk, I'll include a copy of the first song, 'Telepony (Down In The Blue Remix)', it's actually a remix of Neon Pop's newest song.

    I loved dancing to the drums when my dad played them, I might have to have him mail them to me. Adventuring sounds like a blast, most adventure I get is from getting lost heheh. I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction, I remember one time I was in the Pony Scouts and we went to the forest, I went out to refill my canteen and ended up getting lost for 3 days! The funny thing is, the lake where we got that water was about 30 yards in the opposite direction of where I headed, luckily I was used to getting lost, so I found plenty of shelter and had plenty of emergency food. I could get lost walking to the store, but thankfully Ponyville isn't too big.

    I remember my mom showing me pictures of some of the fish there, really groovy colours, and some of the flowers there are breathtaking. If I get a chance to visit someday you'll have to give me a guided tour!

    I hope you enjoy the song, send your family my warmest regards!

    Yours truly,


    Finishing up his letter and sliding in the disk with his song on it, Dub passed the postmaster the letter and some bits to cover the shiping, "Thanks for letting me use the quill eh, take care." he said with a smile as he headed out, the day was just beginning and Dubstep was in the mood to party after writing to such a cool friend.

  3. Taking another swig of his drink Dub let out a sigh, "Mmm, good stuff." he chuckled, "Wel,l I do enjoy her music, haven't gotten around to making an mixes though, not sure why, they're really good, I might have to put one or two of em in my next remix!" Dub nodded smiling as the song finished, soon a rather large Pegasus came into the cafe, trying his best not to stare Dub turned back to his coffee to try to think on how to best remix Neon's song, should it be mash-up with another song or should it just be a solid remix, he pondered to himself, looking over to where Neon Pop was talking with a fan, he couldn't help but wonder if he had any fans out there yet, not thinking on how many clubs he's played in back in Fillydelphia.

  4. A nice breeze blew into the cafe as another pony walked in, this one was rather muddy and looked like she had been working for hours, her hooves were covered in dirt and grass, Dub couldn't help but chuckle a bit, since it reminded him of helping his mom in her flower shop.

    Finishing off his muffin, Dub began flipping through the stations on his radio, coming to the pop station, he stopped to see what would be on next, sure enough it was one of Neon Pop's songs, the beat in her songs were always nice, 'Hmm, maybe I should make a remix of this~' he thought to him self, while listening to the song, he couldn't help but subconsciously bob his head, Neon's songs were always so catchy, the rhythm and tones blended so well, Dub didn't even notice that he began to sing along, he was a good singer, but always found more joy in remixing other ponies songs, now and then he'd throw in his voice, but more often than not it was only a line or two.

  5. Steam name's Eklyx, there's two, mine's the one with the same avatar as I have on here

    Normally I play TF2, been a while though

    Hmm, probably TF2 since I haven't really played a lot of other Steam games xD

    I'm in several groups, though I haven't DONE much, the one I show on my profile is MLP:FiM =D

    Windows Vista *waits for the boos and hisses xD*

  6. For a few hours now Dubstep had been pacing up and down the banks of one of the little rivers near Ponyville, mumbling different tunes and beats to himself, "Dum daddi doo dum daddi doo di dum....hmm feels like it's been done" he said to himself, "ARGH! The beats just won't come! So uncool..." Dub sighed plopping down on the damp grass, "What I wouldn't do for some inspiration right now." as if on queue a mail Pegasus flew over head and a single letter fell out landing on Dub's head "Oi? What's this?" he said grabbing the paper, "Hmm, a letter with no target address on it eh?" opening up the letter Dub read it to himself, "Ooooh, pen pals, groovy!" reaching into his backpack Dubstep dug out a pad and a pen and began to write.

    Dear Raspberry,

    Hey there, how's it goin? It's nice to see kids taking an interest in learning about the world and such. Well, my name's Dubstep, feel free to call me Dub or Dubby, I'm a Unicorn and I'm a DJ originally from Fillydelphia, but I just recently move to Ponyville, my stage name is DJ Neighsay. Ponyville's a nice little town, lots of cool ponies and an amazing cafe that serves some of the BEST Blueberry Muffins.

    My parents went to the Gallopocous Islands for their honeymoon, they said it was a real pretty island with some real groovy music, I want to visit someday, maybe we'll get the chance to hang out then! My dad gave me some neat drums from there one time, they have these really cool designs on them, real groovy colours on it. Oh, sorry about that, I tend to ramble when I start on music, it's a passion of mine. What kinds of things do you enjoy doing? I'll enclose Ponyville's post office's address in the letter, since I'm living in my own little tent at the moment, can't wait to get your letters!

    -Yours truly,


    "Oh! I GOT IT! Man this is just what I needed!" Dub smiled to himself, as new beats, based on tropical island, music came to mind, "I better get this mailed out first though~" he laughed as he headed off towards the Post Office, wondering when the next letter would arrive.

  7. As Dub walked back to the counter Knightly payed for his order, "Hey thanks man, you didn't have to do that." he said smiling to his friend who was taking the extra muffin over to Bramble, who had a few moments later, cast a spell that made the flowers of shop burst with renewed vigor, the smell of the flowers along with the coffees and teas and muffins was divine, Dubstep smiled to himself, the magic had reminded him of his mother's flower shop, "Ahh, the coffee smells groovy, thanks much." he said nodding to the owner with a smile as he levitated it and his muffin over to the nearby table to enjoy, 'Mmm this is real good' Dub thought to him self as he took a bite of the muffin, overhearing a conversation a few tables away, Dub glanced over to see what was up, 'Huh, well whaddya know, it IS Neon Pop, how groovy!' he smiled to himself, watching the one called Kat getting her album, 'Wonder what she's up to in Ponyville' Dub pondered as he turned back to his coffee, "Ahhhh" he sighed after taking a good swig of the delightfully aromatic blend, 'Mmm, I'll have to remember this place.' Dub smiled to himself, watching all the ponies pass by outside on their way to work or school or play, pulling his headphones out of his pack Dub decided to listen to the radio to see if he could catch any new songs that he'd like to remix.

  8. "Ahh I see." Dub said smiling as the Mayor explained "Alright groovy, I'll have to do that, thanks so much for your time, I'll let you get back to your tea now, have a great day!" he said with a polite bow before he started back over to Knightly, as he was walking over to his friend, out of the corner of his eye he saw a Unicorn with teal and pink hair, 'Is that?....Nah couldn't be...could it?' he thought to him self as he made his way back to the counter to pay for his order.

  9. "Huh, oh that's right!" Dub said snapping out of his thoughts of delicious blueberries, "Thanks for reminding me, I almost forgot heh." he laughed to himself, walking politely over to the table where the Mayor had sat herself, enjoying her tea, Dub came over and spoke to her, "Excuse me madame, I hate to bother you while you're relaxing, but my name is Dubstep, I just got to town a little bit ago from Fillydelphia and I thought you'd be the best pony to ask about what kind of concerts and musical events happen around town." he said with a smile, "See, I'm a DJ and I was hoping to find out what kind of work there would be around here for me and if there were and houses for sale."

  10. As thing started to finally calm down, the owner came over to tell Dub and Knightly the specials, looking over the chalk board that Mocha had motioned to, "Mmm blueberries" Dub's mother had always made some of the best blueberry waffles, so he knew that blueberry muffins HAD to be good, as Dub thought about the waffles, Mocha had came back to take their orders, "The special sounds groovy~" he said with a smile, "I'll have a special, what about you Knightly?" he said looking over to his friend, who was still debating on what to get.

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