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Posts posted by Dutchmouse

  1. I was unaware of this convention...

    I doubt I'd be able to go anyway as I have other commitments, besides, I'm in the Midwest, and that's in NYC of all places.

    But why NYC? Why not some place more naturesque like Charlton, West Virginia? ;) I'm just curious considering the traffic and obvious lack of nature and ponies, save for the horses the street cops ride sometimes. :)

  2. Currently re-reading The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury.

    I love all his books except Fahrenheit 451, which is ironic as that's the only one anyone else has heard of.

    Not me, pal! I LOVE Ray Bradbury's stuff. I even got his autograph once and gave him some art at a book signing once. :D

    Illustrated Man was great. So was Martian Chronicles, R is for Rocket, S is for Space, etc, etc. :)

  3. So is this an actual essay for school? :) If so, that's kinda neat.

    And here are my answers:

    1. I do not. But I do speak very little Spanish...

    2. If people did, I am unaware of such things.

    3. I don't speak the "Brony" language, I just watch the show and continue to speak as I always have, so it has no affect one way or the other. :)

    4. What is the Ponify app? :) Most I ever did was use some art I did as a background on my computer. :D

  4. So I was taking my 10-minute break at work, and we're allowed to surf the net, check emails so long as whatever we're surfing is work-safe.

    Well, I got on to youtube.com to watch episode 3 of season 2 and it was around the part where Rarity was lounging on the couch whining about something or other, when my supervisor comes up and says, with a very serious tone, "I know you're on break, but you know we're not supposed to watch any streaming at work."

    I said, "Not even the Ponies?!" (Yes, I really asked this. hehe.)

    She said we're not supposed to stream ANY videos at all and reminded me of the acceptable use policy our company had implemented. She said this was my official verbal warning.

    Was it worth it?

    Hell, yeah!

    But still, the Ponies got me in trouble! :(


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  5. With John De Lancie voicing, and even the mannerisms and character traits of Discord are all... Q.

    This isn't to say I didn't like it. I'm assuming it's simply perhaps another nod to the more mature/nerdier audience member.

    Oh, you know it is. It's a blatant nod to the Q from Star Trek! :D And this what makes the show even more awesome. I hope to see even more cultural references more adults will get.

    I'm still waiting for them to do the Manticore/Tarkus battle as the season finale. >:) (I dream way too much.)

  6. And by what do you want to see, I mean, what do you want to see a character do, say, encounter.

    Personally, I want to hear Apple Jack say the words, "Fixin' to". Oh, I pray that she will say those words when she is about to do something. LORD, please let AJ say , "Well, y'all, I'm fixin' to go down and pick s'more apples" or something to that regard. That will, in my mind, complete her Southerern-ness. :D

    I don't ask for much.

    How about y'all? What do you want to hear/see happen? :)

  7. Gosh, that is a hard question to answer.

    I don't think I can name off the very first video game I played, but I did have an Atari 2600 as a kid and I played a lot of Space Invaders on it, Combat, Warlords, Maze Craze (remember Maze Craze??), Pitfall...

    Arcade games, I think my first was Battlezone, Asteroids, Missile Command, Tempest, Berserk, Pac-man, then Krazy Kong, which was a rip-off of Donkey Kong, and I found Donkey Kong was much harder. :/

    Anyone remember Popeye Pac-man? :o


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